Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Obama set this stage, planted the seeds of division,enjoy 4 more years

I actually agree with you from the standpoint Republicans started their vitriol as soon as Obama won the Democratic nomination......from Trump and the birther BS to McConnell's vow to wreck each and every proposal he made before he even took office. Someone other than a white man as "Leader of the Free World"? The hatred has continued to grow.
You think 8 years can be undone in 3

Yes, I do . . . in more ways than one too . . . not only with regard race relations, but also in a whole host of other areas like climate change, our relationships with our allies, a leadership role in world public health, and on an on. This is why another term of Trump is dangerous. It can and WILL set this country back in so many ways. There's a reason why this is the most important election in a lifetime. Another 4 years of Trump can and WILL cause tremendous damage to American democracy and world prosperity.
I actually agree with you from the standpoint Republicans started their vitriol as soon as Obama won the Democratic nomination......from Trump and the birther BS to McConnell's vow to wreck each and every proposal he made before he even took office. Someone other than a white man as "Leader of the Free World"? The hatred has continued to grow.

What I was thinking too, but only going to engage a Trumptard but so much . . . this is the most I've done directly in a while . . . complete waste of time really. But I have some this morning. I can produce plenty of articles showing how the overwhelming majority of people believe that Trump has not handled things well with respect to race relations, and that he's only throwing fuel on the fire. Maybe that's why nobody in key, high-level Wisconsin state government positions want him to come . . . .

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POLL Most Americans Say Trump Racist & Below Average/Failure
Jun 13, 2020 · A stunning new poll finds that significant majorities believe President Donald Trump as racist, and rate him as “below average” or a “failure” as President. Trump has gotten a lot of bad polling...

Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist | HuffPost

Most Americans Think Trump Is a Racist
Jul 30, 2019 · A new Quinnipiac poll finds that American voters think President Trump is a racist by a 51% to 45% margin.. Said pollster Mary Snow: “While half of voters think President Trump is racist, religion shows an even bigger divide. Only 21% of white Evangelicals believe the President is racist.

Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 - Vox
Jul 25, 2016 · Regardless of how one labels it, Trump’s racism or bigotry was a big part of his campaign — by giving a candidate to the many white Americans who harbor racial resentment.

Trump Is Most Racist President Since Andrew Johnson, Says ...


Jul 16, 2019 · The historian Jon Meacham described Donald Trump as the most racist president in American history alongside slavery-era Andrew Johnson. Meacham, who has written several presidential biographies,...
  • Author: Shane Croucher ...36&sk=&cvid=E80F881B8B7547A6AC71DEE5FEA91382#
Poll: Republican National Convention Did Nothing for Trump’s Favorability Rating

President Donald Trump was hoping for a nice bump from the Republican National Convention. So far at least, it doesn’t seem he got one, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll. After the convention, only 31 percent of Americans said they had a favorable view of the president, that is one percentage point less than the previous poll, when it stood at 32 percent. That difference is well within the poll’s margin of error.

Guess we’ll find out soon enough if the never ending flood of Dem propaganda displayed constantly on the DNC’s Main Street media division can win an election - personally - I think America is on to ya :}
Go President Trump, your on top and people can talk like a bunch of spoiled brats, but they still have to defeat the current champion. Racist ? Maybe to those who make up the rules of what it is, they are able to fit anyone into their false views. Trump is not a racist.

The true definition is believing that one race is superior to all others. Hatred without reason of another race. ETC.
SADLY today that has changed.
In today's world this is what makes you racist:
Mentioning race in any way
Not being totally politically correct
Supporting your race
Being white
Telling a racist joke
Judging by hair color
Disliking something someone likes
As you can see this word is grossly over-used and miss-used. It's truly pathetic. I pity the world. The truth is racism is ignorance and is bad. But not everything is racism and not everything has to be about race.
These are the gun-waving idiots who said during the RNC convention that Joe Biden wants to get rid of the suburbs . . . how incredibly ignorant and just plain stupid . . . it never ceases to amaze me what can come out of the mouths of people who call themselves educated:

These are the gun-waving idiots who said during the RNC convention that Joe Biden wants to get rid of the suburbs . . . how incredibly ignorant and just plain stupid . . . it never ceases to amaze me what can come out of the mouths of people who call themselves educated:

Let me see, trouble makers on private property, that means you are not allowed there legally! Legal to own guns in their state, legal to have them in their possession, they go outside to show the invaders that they would protect their and I imagine that they told the trespassers to leave the private driveway, which they had every right to do. They waved the guns around to make it clear that they were serious, but shot not one protester. They should sue that city and win.