Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Exactly what have I typed out that you consider stupid statements.

This name-calling is usually done in front of others and is meant to encourage others to view the person as “stupid” as well. If the name-calling is repeated, over time others, including the target, may begin to associate the word “stupid” with that person. And eventually, that hurtful label can become part of who that person is.

well....ever hear of stupid is as stupid does?
when you make your stupid pro right wing statements that any 10 year old can look up and see is false....and you make them make some that even history teaches that you are wrong......and insist on them to be true.....and your wishful thinking about the left because of...……(another completely wrong and stupid statement)… would have to think judging by what you say...………….………….like I said stupid is as stupid does!

just like a couple days ago you start off making a reasonable comment and so I started to answer with the same....then you finished your post with probably one of your dumbest comments to date! I answered that also....with a comment I know you didn't want to hear...…..but after all you gave me one I didn't want to hear...and yours was completely wrong...AGAIN!

you may not understand how things work in the tit for tat world...… make a false and misleading or a flat lie type is answered in kind!
flat destroying the constitution …….and the right letting him do it......and now the judges that he has appointed are backing him up...….doesn't the right realize that by changing the constitution it could come back to get them some day...…...they have flat put him above the law!

Trump wins appeal to block McGahn testimony - POLITICO
11 hours ago · legal. Trump wins appeal to block McGahn testimony. The ruling is a blow to House Democrats’ attempts to talk to former White House counsel Don McGahn

Trump attacks Don McGahn over Mueller testimony - CNN Video
Jun 14, 2019 · President Donald Trump again attacked former White House counsel Don McGahn for talking to special counsel Robert Mueller, claiming he thinks McGahn may have lied under oath.

Appeals court weighs subpoenas for Mueller evidence ...
Jan 03, 2020 · Megan Barbero, House associate general counsel, told the panel in the McGahn case that his testimony could bolster the obstruction charge, which deals with Trump
Written by a great friend in the 1%, This is what is known as a real fact, no propaganda here, right from the source who typed it.

We wealthy do more for all the people of the world, Than anyone in Government will ever approach. If the people of the United States think Socialism is so wonderful Then elect any of the Democrats running for President Then you won't have to worry about the wealthy, They will Leave America and Jobs will leave with them.And America will discover what third world countries are.

My contribution to reality, not propaganda of opinions.

Unreal, just plain unreal foolishness.

that is just the past few days.....would take a few minutes to gather up some of your real crazy ones.....but they are on here.....PROOF you are just what I say you are

there was several others....but my cut n paste must have screwed are loaded with whacko statements.....requiring a similar response
I love his rallies. Massive crowds time after time, who in the democratic party can match just one rally?
WTF? You like his fucking rallies, which by the way most of the people that attend his rallies are PAID anyway! That has been DOCUMENTED! Look that ******* up, @Hottobe cucked! You sitting your old gray ass in your lazy chair loving a Racist rallies whereas his administration cannot handle the coronavirus! Now, you may believe that BULLSHIT that Trump says, which are ALL lies, but the coronavirus isn't going to "miraculously" leave! Trump and his BITCH ASS ******* just need to admit it that THEY are in OVER their heads and if they don't do something quick instead of trying to POLITICIZE the coronavirus, ALOT of Americans will die no thanks to Trump's ARROGANCE and his SELFISH ways!
Exactly what have I typed out that you consider stupid statements.

This name-calling is usually done in front of others and is meant to encourage others to view the person as “stupid” as well. If the name-calling is repeated, over time others, including the target, may begin to associate the word “stupid” with that person. And eventually, that hurtful label can become part of who that person is.
You don't say *******, @Hottobe cucked, when Trump is name-calling on Twitter though! I have learned over the years though that Republicans don't CARE about COUNTRY! They talk those LIES claiming that they do, but it all comes back to the PARTY! As long as Trump is a Republican, Republicans DON'T give a FUCK what he does! Like I stated over and over and over again, Republicans CARE ONLY about PARTY, FUCK the COUNTRY! Each Republican IS LIKE THAT, period, as well as their CULT FOLLOWERS!
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You don't say *******, @Hottobe cucked, when Trump is name-calling on Twitter though! I have learned over the years though that Republicans don't CARE about COUNTRY! They talk those LIES claiming that they do, but it all comes back to the PARTY! As long as Trump is a Republican, Republicans DON'T give a FUCK what he does! Like I stated over and over and over again, Republicans CARE ONLY about PARTY, FUCK the COUNTRY! Each Republican IS LIKE THAT, period, as well as their CULT FOLLOWERS!
The governments role is not to do things for you but to maintain an environment for you to take care of yourself.
You like his rallies, which by the way most of the people that attend his rallies are PAID anyway! That has been DOCUMENTED! Look that up, @Hottobe cucked! You sitting your in your lazy chair loving a Racist rallies whereas his administration cannot handle the coronavirus! Now, you may believe what Trump says, which are ALL lies, but the coronavirus isn't going to "miraculously" leave! Trump and his ******* just need to admit it that THEY are in OVER their heads and if they don't do something quick instead of trying to POLITICIZE the coronavirus, ALOT of Americans will die no thanks to Trump's ARROGANCE and his SELFISH ways!
Anyone that types out vulgarity to the degree you do is not the maturest human being in this world. You definitely have failed to reach an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. Plus what miracle do you expect Trump to do about the coronavirus then what is being done? You know it started in China which has the Chinese Communist Party making a bit more difficult for America to treat the virus in that country and around the world.

You don't say nothing @Hottobe cucked, when Trump is name-calling on Twitter though! I have learned over the years though that Republicans don't CARE about COUNTRY! They talk those LIES claiming that they do, but it all comes back to the PARTY! As long as Trump is a Republican, Republicans DON'T care what he does! Like I stated over and over and over again, Republicans CARE ONLY about PARTY, not the COUNTRY! Each Republican IS LIKE THAT, period, as well as their CULT FOLLOWERS!
I don't follow Twitter but his name calling isn't vulgar, Trump say a lot of things I wish he wouldn't I keep stating that I am not a republican and I beg to differ with you the democratic party has been the ones that don't care about America. They have never cared about our country, they give all these handouts to minorities , immigrants and other poor people to make them all to rely on the government. Control of the masses.
I don't follow Twitter but his name calling isn't vulgar, Trump say a lot of things I wish he wouldn't I keep stating that I am not a republican and I beg to differ with you the democratic party has been the ones that don't care about America. They have never cared about our country, they give all these handouts to minorities , immigrants and other poor people to make them all to rely on the government. Control of the masses.

there we go again with the trump stupidity...… calling is vulgar...…...but trump says is just something I wouldn't say.....guess you missed most of the 2016 republican primary....where trump had name and was name calling every debate and speech.....but that was ok
Kind of funny....I like most was worried about all this stock market dropping.....I thought had to do with fear of what was going to or what could happen here...…….NOT SO...……...a lot of big corps were projecting 6% profit off their china made products they ship to the US....but with China shutting so much down over there...….these big corps are just hoping to not lose money.....THAT IS why the stock market going crazy.....the American companies in china having production issues...……………………..Awww my fucking heart *******!
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What the coronavirus is doing and will do to China ...
Non-Chinese businesses and economies will be adversely affected to the degree they are dependent on China. Many business leaders outside China have been sitting on the fence, trying to decide on …

China promises companies aid, global virus cases rise
Feb 24, 2020 · China’s government promised tax cuts and other aid Monday to help companies recover from its virus outbreak while a spike in new cases in Iran, Italy and South Korea raised the …

Commerce secretary: China virus could bring jobs back to US
Jan 31, 2020 · The new virus, from the coronavirus family, has paralyzed business in China. The industrial hub of Wuhan and other Chinese cities are on lockdown. China has reported more than 7,700 cases and 170 deaths.

Wilbur Ross says Coronavirus could boost US jobs - BBC News
Jan 31, 2020 · The new virus has now been declared a global emergency by the World Health Organization, as it continues to spread outside China. At least 213 people have died from the virus in China, and it has ...

more of your right wing flat bullshit far you....but with all your "bot" training didn't they teach you to not be to obvious...

they are sick of the "hottobe" type language he constantly uses.....that is why he is sucking up for the black vote
Poll: Donald Trump Has a Woman Problem | America 2020 | US ...
Oct 24, 2019 · Donald Trump Has a Woman Problem The president is losing support among working class women, a group that voted for him by a 27-point margin in 2016.

Lack of Support From Women Could Cost Trump the 2020 ...
Dec 17, 2019 · But according to the Fox poll, Trump – who took 41% of the women's vote to Clinton's 54% in 2016 – would lose female voters by bigger margins to Biden (who would get 51% of female voters

Women voters spell trouble for Trump in 2020 | TheHill
Polls show that President Trump is losing women voters by huge margins, presenting his reelection campaign with a massive hurdle to overcome.

New Poll Shows Donald Trump Is In Trouble With Women Voters
Though a Pew Research Center post-2016 analysis of voter preferences found that Trump eked out a narrow victory among white women—47 percent to Clinton's 45 percent—a new poll has reiterated .

Blue-collar white women are turning on Trump - The ...
Jul 29, 2019 · The poll finds that among overall registered voters, 54 percent say they will “definitely not” vote for Trump in 2020, vs. 32 percent who definitely will, and 12 percent who will consider ...

White women helped elect Trump. Now he’s losing their ...
Jan 22, 2018 · White women helped elect Trump. Now he’s losing their support. ... according to the most recent Washington Post-ABC poll. ... women tend to vote
not a chance. am not big on politics just try to learn enough to make a somewhat informed vote. was leaning towards trump till last night, help wanted signs everywhere i go, we are trying to wind down the one war we are in. after watching 40 minutes of the debate count me solidly in the Trump voters camp.
i'm a first year fifth grade teacher and when my ******* come in from a different class or recess they often begin putting hands up and yelling, each one trying to get my attention, just like the democratic candidates. cant vote for a party that produces fools and complete morons. the only reason i lasted 40 minutes is i was fantasizing about how much fun it would be to play "whack a mole" with those brain dead children on stage.
so go Trump
Well said young lady. Be careful though, there is one on here who likes to pm people and tell them they are racists, borderline creepy. Let me know if that happens to you.
flat destroying the constitution …….and the right letting him do it......and now the judges that he has appointed are backing him up...….doesn't the right realize that by changing the constitution it could come back to get them some day...…...they have flat put him above the law!

Trump wins appeal to block McGahn testimony - POLITICO
11 hours ago · legal. Trump wins appeal to block McGahn testimony. The ruling is a blow to House Democrats’ attempts to talk to former White House counsel Don McGahn

Trump attacks Don McGahn over Mueller testimony - CNN Video
Jun 14, 2019 · President Donald Trump again attacked former White House counsel Don McGahn for talking to special counsel Robert Mueller, claiming he thinks McGahn may have lied under oath.

Appeals court weighs subpoenas for Mueller evidence ...
Jan 03, 2020 · Megan Barbero, House associate general counsel, told the panel in the McGahn case that his testimony could bolster the obstruction charge, which deals with Trump
So what you just prove is that he is is following the word of the law and the court argrees
more of your right wing flat bullshit far you....but with all your "bot" training didn't they teach you to not be to obvious...

they are sick of the "hottobe" type language he constantly uses.....that is why he is sucking up for the black vote
Poll: Donald Trump Has a Woman Problem | America 2020 | US ...
Oct 24, 2019 · Donald Trump Has a Woman Problem The president is losing support among working class women, a group that voted for him by a 27-point margin in 2016.

Lack of Support From Women Could Cost Trump the 2020 ...
Dec 17, 2019 · But according to the Fox poll, Trump – who took 41% of the women's vote to Clinton's 54% in 2016 – would lose female voters by bigger margins to Biden (who would get 51% of female voters

Women voters spell trouble for Trump in 2020 | TheHill
Polls show that President Trump is losing women voters by huge margins, presenting his reelection campaign with a massive hurdle to overcome.

New Poll Shows Donald Trump Is In Trouble With Women Voters
Though a Pew Research Center post-2016 analysis of voter preferences found that Trump eked out a narrow victory among white women—47 percent to Clinton's 45 percent—a new poll has reiterated .

Blue-collar white women are turning on Trump - The ...
Jul 29, 2019 · The poll finds that among overall registered voters, 54 percent say they will “definitely not” vote for Trump in 2020, vs. 32 percent who definitely will, and 12 percent who will consider ...

White women helped elect Trump. Now he’s losing their ...
Jan 22, 2018 · White women helped elect Trump. Now he’s losing their support. ... according to the most recent Washington Post-ABC poll. ... women tend to vote
First 4 articles are the same junk poll results