Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I am NOT Racist towards any ETHNICITY AT ALL! Only thing that I ask for, which for some reason seems to be difficult IN THIS COUNTRY, is to be TREATED EQUALLY! Is that REALLY too much to ask? Main reason why there are so many CIVIL RIGHTS groups in this country for Black people! It's all about being TREATED fairly, and MOST Black people as well as Black Women KNOW THAT regarding Trump!

To be fair to Trump, I don't think he should be categorized as purely racist. Trump is good at sensing what the lowest common denominator wants, and he is good at appealing to people's base instincts in order to gain power and wealth for himself. He's lived his entire life like this. Being racist isn't Trump's main characteristic. Being opportunistic and having no principles is probably more important.

If African countries were all Wakandas, I'm pretty sure Trump would be more than happy to kick out all white people from his properties to kiss African asses.
To be fair to Trump, I don't think he should be categorized as purely racist. Trump is good at sensing what the lowest common denominator wants, and he is good at appealing to people's base instincts in order to gain power and wealth for himself. He's lived his entire life like this. Being racist isn't Trump's main characteristic. Being opportunistic and having no principles is probably more important.

If African countries were all Wakandas, I'm pretty sure Trump would be more than happy to kick out all white people from his properties to kiss African asses.
I respect your opinion, @Angelyn, but from what I have seen from Trump, he is a Racist! By the way, Trump isn't as wealthy as MOST would want to think or assume! I ALSO thought that he was wealthy until a journalist proved him WRONG in court, after Trump decided to sue him which Trump lost! To most in the Black community, a large percentage think that he is Racist including myself and Black Women feel the exact same way! You just had to bring up the Wakandas, huh? Smh, so naughty of you!
This is interesting. I don't know what to make of it. The Democratic Socialist party has definitely been in place ever since F.D.R. , If we want a truly free country again we need to reduce government down to bear necessity. It is a situation that would take time to accomplish, Socialism is so wide spread in our country today I am afraid that it can't be reversed.
If we want a truly free country again we need to reduce government down to bear necessity.
stupid is as stupid does

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest

The Democratic Socialist party has definitely been in place ever since F.D.R.

more productive...better standard of living...better living wage... better education...…... and on and the blue states...poorest in the nation lowest wages...

The unteachable ignorance of the red states.
Progressives have only one course of action now: React quickly to every outrage—red state types love to cheat and intimidate, so we have to assume the worst and call them on it every time.

'Red States' Rank Low On U.S. Human Development Index
Jun 19, 2013 · On the low end of the scale it's Mississippi. They rank just 3.81 out of 10 with an average life expectancy of 75, 76% of the student aged population (3-24) are in school and only 12% with a bachelor's degree. Just 7% of the state have advanced degrees and 19% have less than a …

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?
For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states: 1. Owsley County, Ky. 2. Jefferson County, Miss. 3.

Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach
Nov 18, 2017 · This underinvestment leaves red states poorer and less educated — and thus prone to a fraying of the social fabric. So let’s drop the wars over family values.

Are the 10 Poorest U.S. States Really Republican?
Jun 07, 2012 · If Republican policies have led to the economic stagnation of entire states, whereas Democrats are only responsible for ruining cities, then the Dems might have

do you have some kind of book full of stupid statements or are these supposed to be some kind of right wing humor...…...surely one can be dumb enough to think any of what you say is factual
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stupid is as stupid does

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest

more productive...better standard of living...better living wage... better education...…... and on and the blue states...poorest in the nation lowest wages...

The unteachable ignorance of the red states.
Progressives have only one course of action now: React quickly to every outrage—red state types love to cheat and intimidate, so we have to assume the worst and call them on it every time.

'Red States' Rank Low On U.S. Human Development Index
Jun 19, 2013 · On the low end of the scale it's Mississippi. They rank just 3.81 out of 10 with an average life expectancy of 75, 76% of the student aged population (3-24) are in school and only 12% with a bachelor's degree. Just 7% of the state have advanced degrees and 19% have less than a …

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?
For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states: 1. Owsley County, Ky. 2. Jefferson County, Miss. 3.

Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach
Nov 18, 2017 · This underinvestment leaves red states poorer and less educated — and thus prone to a fraying of the social fabric. So let’s drop the wars over family values.

Are the 10 Poorest U.S. States Really Republican?
Jun 07, 2012 · If Republican policies have led to the economic stagnation of entire states, whereas Democrats are only responsible for ruining cities, then the Dems might have

do you have some kind of book full of stupid statements or are these supposed to be some kind of right wing humor...…...surely one can be dumb enough to think any of what you say is factual

I directly quote your source listed above

"The most fundamental difference between the data that conservatives prefer—that the 10 poorest cities are longtime Democratic strongholds—and the data that liberals will be more inclined to cite—that the 10 poorest states are predominantly Republican,--- is that conservatives can point to actual policies that Democrats implemented that contributed to the impoverishment of the cities, while the liberals cannot point to specific GOP policies that have caused the poorer states to lag behind.

The Democratic case is illusory and circumstantial; the Republican case is solid and substantial. However, in a country where so many people are economically and historically illiterate, combined with the human proclivity whereby “a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest” (Paul Simon, “The Boxer”), the Democrats may be able to score some points with a hollow argument. The Republicans, though, have the facts are on their side.

The good thing, we have your ego and lacking intellect to supply all the articles we need to dismantle your assertions in the same post.
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No we have you to supply all the stupid statements and articles you don't read that in actuality prove you wrong.

I directly quote your source listed above

"The most fundamental difference between the data that conservatives prefer—that the 10 poorest cities are longtime Democratic strongholds—and the data that liberals will be more inclined to cite—that the 10 poorest states are predominantly Republican,--- is that conservatives can point to actual policies that Democrats implemented that contributed to the impoverishment of the cities, while the liberals cannot point to specific GOP policies that have caused the poorer states to lag behind.

The Democratic case is illusory and circumstantial; the Republican case is solid and substantial. However, in a country where so many people are economically and historically illiterate, combined with the human proclivity whereby “a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest” (Paul Simon, “The Boxer”), the Democrats may be able to score some points with a hollow argument. The Republicans, though, have the facts on their side

There you go again, posting articles that make you look the fool. The best part you thought this was instulting Repbulicans.

foolish is trying to argue posted facts that can be looked up by any 10 year old......but you just like to show what a fool you are time and again.....without saying anything...…...I will admit this is one of your dumbest replies....hard to put them in some kind of order...but this one is up there.....think maybe you have been drinking to much of that yellow spring water......and just your posts seem to show the live in a red state....and one of the dumbest guys I have ever heard of....well except for hottobe…….but then I don't think he is dumb...just full of stupid statements.....where as try to argue facts for no other reason than to show your are a complete fucking idiot!
stupid is as stupid does

Republicans and Big Government | Mises Institute
Contrary to popular myth, every Republican president since and including Herbert Hoover has increased the federal government's size, scope, or power--and usually all three. Over the last one hundred years, of the five presidents who presided over the largest

more productive...better standard of living...better living wage... better education...…... and on and the blue states...poorest in the nation lowest wages...

The unteachable ignorance of the red states.
Progressives have only one course of action now: React quickly to every outrage—red state types love to cheat and intimidate, so we have to assume the worst and call them on it every time.

'Red States' Rank Low On U.S. Human Development Index
Jun 19, 2013 · On the low end of the scale it's Mississippi. They rank just 3.81 out of 10 with an average life expectancy of 75, 76% of the student aged population (3-24) are in school and only 12% with a bachelor's degree. Just 7% of the state have advanced degrees and 19% have less than a …

Are 97 of the nation's 100 poorest counties in red states?
For median income, we found that 95 of the 100 poorest counties were located in red states. Here are the 10 poorest, all of them in red states: 1. Owsley County, Ky. 2. Jefferson County, Miss. 3.

Blue States Practice the Family Values Red States Preach
Nov 18, 2017 · This underinvestment leaves red states poorer and less educated — and thus prone to a fraying of the social fabric. So let’s drop the wars over family values.

Are the 10 Poorest U.S. States Really Republican?
Jun 07, 2012 · If Republican policies have led to the economic stagnation of entire states, whereas Democrats are only responsible for ruining cities, then the Dems might have

do you have some kind of book full of stupid statements or are these supposed to be some kind of right wing humor...…...surely one can be dumb enough to think any of what you say is factual
Hey again I am not a republican, I have vision, thoughts, dreams a sense of reality, if one man thinks that is stupid, so be it. The Constitution of the United States was Factual and Good. it is all the later amendments that are Questionable.
Hey again I am not a republican, I have vision, thoughts, dreams a sense of reality, if one man thinks that is stupid, so be it. The Constitution of the United States was Factual and Good. it is all the later amendments that are Questionable.

if it walks like a duck....quacks like a duck....chances are it is a duck...…..just like Angelyn and all her anti left posts...but is not a trumpie
foolish is trying to argue posted facts that can be looked up by any 10 year old......but you just like to show what a fool you are time and again.....without saying anything...…...I will admit this is one of your dumbest replies....hard to put them in some kind of order...but this one is up there.....think maybe you have been drinking to much of that yellow spring water......and just your posts seem to show the live in a red state....and one of the dumbest guys I have ever heard of....well except for hottobe…….but then I don't think he is dumb...just full of stupid statements.....where as try to argue facts for no other reason than to show your are a complete fucking idiot!

The post, except the very first and last lines, was a full direct copy and paste quote from YOUR ARTICLE.

If that is the dumbest post you have seen and you posted the source for the quote that would mean you are the dumbest guy you have heard of. You said it.

Oh and I live in a blue state. Man you can't get anything right.
To be fair to Trump, I don't think he should be categorized as purely racist. Trump is good at sensing what the lowest common denominator wants, and he is good at appealing to people's base instincts in order to gain power and wealth for himself. He's lived his entire life like this. Being racist isn't Trump's main characteristic. Being opportunistic and having no principles is probably more important.

If African countries were all Wakandas, I'm pretty sure Trump would be more than happy to kick out all white people from his properties to kiss African asses.
Being an orange imbecile is trump's main characteristic.
you can lead an ass to water but you can't make him think!

It’s a Fact: Republican Run Red States Have America’s Highest Poverty Rates

During the protests against America’s involvement in the Viet Nam war, it became very popular for warmongers and so-called patriots to tell young men facing losing their lives in a worthless war and those protesting to save them that this is “America, love it or leave it.” The implication was that since Congress adhered to the Constitution in waging war, regardless the devastating consequences, the American people were obliged to either show their love of country and support the war or get out. There is a segment of the population today that hates America, its people, and the nation’s founding document, but instead of packing up and leaving the country, they have tasked Republicans to punish the entire population by legislating that all Americans suffer their lifestyle founded on poverty, bigotry, ill-health, and religious ignorance. Although there are Americans who hate this nation across the country, it is the former Confederacy that is punishing the people because they failed in their attempt to destroy America of their rejection of the United States Constitution they claim to love.

Southern states are still resentful they were unable to rip America apart because the Constitution forbade them from keeping dark-skinned human beings as livestock, so they spent the past 149 years punishing different groups of Americans based on their religion’s instruction manual (Christian bible). Over the past thirty years, angry southerners began electing Republicans to strip everything from the people until they relented to a government by bible that drove their attempt to restrict other Americans from their Constitutional freedoms. Republicans have happily accommodated southerners to bring down the rest of the nation to their level of poverty and distress that southern red state voters embrace so long as they have imaginary enemies who believe Americans deserve more than slave wages, sickness, dire poverty, prayer, and firearms.

It is fairly common knowledge the former Confederacy considered owning human beings a biblically-supported and constitutional right according to their interpretation of the 10th Amendment. But even after losing the Civil War they persisted in targeting other groups for discrimination with biblical justification. Since their war against America, southern states opposed interracial marriage, women’s right to vote, civil rights, voting rights, women’s right to choose their reproductive health, and recently gay rights. The impetus for their opposition to those rights guaranteed in the Constitution is founded in their religion and since they were prohibited by the Constitution from depriving those groups of their rights, they have taken out their anger on the rest of the population by electing Republicans to Congress who promise to subject every American to conditions red southern state residents live under including poverty, slave wages, sickness and disease, and no hope of ever escaping their chosen lifestyle.

It is difficult for reasonable Americans to comprehend why voters in the South continue electing Republicans that campaign on perpetuating living conditions most Americans consider unacceptable.
It is not because they believe all Americans live in poverty and love it, or that they are unaware their miserable plight is unavoidable. Most likely they are willing to live in poverty and ill-health with no chance of escaping because they are angry the rest of the nation will not tolerate their bigotry and hate; their only recourse is electing Republicans to legislate America into one big red state mired in bigotry, religion, guns, and deep poverty.

According to The Department of Agriculture’s measure of poverty, every red state from Arizona to South Carolina has the highest poverty rates in America; between 17.9% and 22.8%. The so-called bible belt is America’s poverty belt including Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina. According to the Children’s Defense Fund, nearly one in four children trapped in Southern red states live in dire poverty and parents of those children elect Republicans to make those despicable statistics uniform across America. Part and parcel of conditions driving the South’s poverty is low wages that voters elect Republicans to perpetuate across America.

Southern states are hostile to organized labor, five states have no state minimum wage, most are “right to work for less” states, and the 10 states with the lowest average incomes are in the former Confederacy including Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, New Mexico, Tennessee, Louisiana, South Carolina and Oklahoma according to the Equality of Economic Opportunity Project. Republicans in Congress promote policies that create poverty across the South and red state voters elect them anyway to subject the entire nation to low wages and the poverty they engender.

The depth of Southern voters’ hatred for other Americans and their own families is evident in their support for Republicans that rejected expanding Medicaid in most of the South. According to a map by the Urban Institute, counties with the most people without healthcare insurance are in the Southern United States and it defies comprehension why voters support Republicans who prevent their children, parents, brothers and sisters from access to healthcare that does not cost states one cent for the first few years and only 10% (at most) thereafter. The same voters avidly oppose the Affordable Care Act that reveals they want tens-of-millions of Americans to suffer the same ill-health and disease they choose for their families.

It is unfathomable that residents in southern red states reject attempts to help them climb out of poverty and sickness, but religion and guns are powerful motivators for people still holding a grudge over being prevented from owning slaves, restricting women’s rights, and discriminating against Americans according to their religious beliefs. It is no coincidence that the poorest Southern states are also the most religious and have the most firearm violence. In fact, the poorest states have the highest incidence of gun violence to go along with some of the highest gun ownership rates that Republicans take advantage of by joining the National Rifle Association fear mongering that President Obama is coming after their guns as fervently as he is coming after their religious liberty.

Many pundits assert the conditions in southern red states are the fault of Republican-dominated legislatures, but without voters electing Republicans and teabaggers to preserve the deplorable conditions southern states would not lead the nation in poverty. Unfortunately, the same people electing Republicans at the state level vote for Republicans in Congress because they promise to oppose Democrats and President Obama’s campaign to disarm Southern state residents’ of their guns and bibles. It is certain that if President Obama and Democrats supported religious-driven bigotry and gun fanaticism, red southern state voters would reciprocate and support policies giving them decent wages, healthcare, and domestic programs to combat poverty. However, since that will never happen they will vote to elect Republicans to Congress to impose their deplorable living conditions on the entire population and spread their real America to every state in the Union.

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A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

By now only comatose Americans or fools dependent on Fox News for their information, are aware that states that consistently vote Republican and against their own best interest suck more money from the federal government than Democratic states. It leads one to marvel at the relevance of George Carlin’s saying “never underestimate the power, or danger, of stupid people in large groups.” Residents in red states across the nation are already suffering from Republican policies that are ******* the economic life out of the people, and in most cases the only thing keeping the people, particularly the poor people, from starvation and ill-health is the federal government; the entity they hate with religious fervor and elect Republicans to eviscerate.

Now, yet another report reveals that those same red state Republican voters who want the federal government cut to shreds are leeching substantially more assets from the federal government they want destroyed at the expense of blue states that are supporting them. This time the report is not from a liberal-leaning think tank, or any government agency; it is from a commercial organization with no political or economic stake in the study’s results. If this were the first report of its kind showing red state economies would wither and die, and the people would starve, without leaching federal funding from blue states, one may be inclined to dismiss it as an aberration.

However, study after study has consistently exposed anti-federal government Republican states as being incredibly dependent on the federal government they hate with religious passion and just voted for Republicans to fulfill their wishes and decimate it.

Never, never ever, underestimate the power of stupid Republican voters in red states who are a Presidential veto away from seeing their evil dream reach fruition.

The new report is courtesy of WalletHub; a commercial personal financial web site that rated all 50 states on the basis of their dependence on the federal government to support their economies and keep poor people alive. The report was compiled from data and condensed into “four metrics” not unlike other studies, but without a political motivation for conducting the research. The categories were; the return in federal dollars on taxpayer investment, or how many federal dollars a state receives as opposed to what the residents pay in. The percentage of state revenue from federal funding that keeps the state from declaring bankruptcy and its residents from starving or dying from lack of medical care. The number of non-defense (civilian) federal employees in a state, as opposed to states supported by large military installations. And last, the per capita federal employee rate in the state such as federal marshals, park rangers, federal highway workers, and federal regulators keeping air, water, and food safe.

Obviously, the two most important metrics in the study were the return on taxpayer investment, and the percentage of federal dollars a state depends on to prop up its economy and provide for the people’s general welfare from federal programs. Republican states have benefitted greatly from federal healthcare such as Medicaid, Medicare, and the Affordable Care Act, and it is relatively common knowledge that the largest percentage of SNAP (food stamp) recipients are poor white Republicans in red states; likely because red state legislators enacted Draconian ‘right to work’ laws keeping wages at or below poverty levels. What informs the epic stupidity of red state Republican voters is that they are the morons who consistently send Republicans to Washington to rein in the federal budget and cut the federal government down to size.

True to their word, and according to their base’s wishes, the Republican congressional representatives their mindless supporters just handed control of Congress to just passed a seriously Draconian budget that does precisely what red state voters yearned for; ended “federal interference” in their lives. If the Republican budget stands, red state voters will get their wish and can finally stop bemoaning the horrid ‘federal interference’ in their lives; the interference that kept food on their tables, their families in relatively decent health, and their state economies from going bankrupt. It is likely that the same morons and racists are too stupid to comprehend that the damage their state legislatures have been wreaking on them is about to be magnified a hundred fold due to less federal interference (funding) in their poverty-stricken lives. In fact, it may seem inhumane, but one almost wishes President Obama was not inclined to veto the Republican budget proposals just to let the real Americans, those patriotic “rugged individuals” comprehend just how much worse their pathetic existence would be without the federal government, blue states’ largesse, and humanitarian Democrats unwilling to allow their fellow citizens, no matter how stupid, suffer so the rich get richer.

One also wonders exactly how red state legislatures will fund their wealthy residents’ tax cuts when their already fragile economies’ revenue streams completely dry up due to budget cuts congressional Republicans voted for to ‘balance the budget and rein in the federal government. It is no secret that, for instance, every dollar spent on SNAP (food stamps) returns $1.70 back in red states’ floundering economies that in turn creates jobs. Obviously, Republicans in Congress could not care less that crucial federal dollars keeping their home state economies from disaster is being transferred directly to the wealthy and the military industrial complex instead of sustaining their idiotic constituency. Some of the poorest states, all red states, are dependent on federal funding for 30 to 45% of their total revenue and the GOP’s budget will slash that revenue and make dire revenue shortfalls already decimating red states seem like an economic bonanza.

There is no accounting for stupid people who, as equally stupid Sarah Palin claims, are the real Americans sitting on their porches holding their guns, their god, and their Constitution while supporting Republicans who promised to ravage the federal government they are convinced is stealing their liberty.

It has always been a mystery where those dunces who receive federal assistance in food and healthcare think their government assistance originates. Maybe if they would lose that assistance for a while they would get a clue that the federal
government they sent Republicans to Washington to demolish is all that prevents them from starving, working for a dollar an hour seven days a week, or going without lifesaving medical care, but even that eventuality is debatable.

What is noteworthy is that the blue states that receive 20, 30, or 40 cents in return for every dollar they invest in the federal government are not revolting and threatening to secede. But that is the difference between blue state residents and hateful red state Republicans; they accept that Americans assist their fellow citizens no matter how stupid they are for voting against their own best interests and the federal government that is likely all that stands between their demise and survival. Unfortunately their stupidity is a threat to the rest of the population and it is beginning to appear that they comprehend exactly what they are doing; if that is the case they are not just stupid, they are evil.

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