Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I laughed at your sharing of the rant of Ignorance by a moron who obviously cannot read Financial statements of the Chamber of commerce. Or reports from the Government accounting office, Or the accounting of National Trade Figures published monthly, or follow the trade charts as shown in Financial trade papers monthly. At least he got his name right Mac N nuts.

My contribution to reality, not propaganda of opinions.

Dems - all NEGATIVES and constant WHINE

The Right - POSITIVE and HOPEFUL forward looking in general

What does the average American prefer - seems clear to me :}

maybe....but you are fucking blind so that is not saying anything.....and what you can barely see...kind of blurry with all the tears and sobs and sniffles......face are a fucking wreck supporting a fucking crook!

I would bet if you stepped outside your door and said you were a trump supporter.....they would make you move! the neighbors a bad name.....and your *******...….bet they just tell people you are a boarder rather than a relative.....and your wife....has you in the basement so she doesn't have to hear you cry....but needs you to pay the in the "chump" lane
Outside Boston ma is red
Nothing but garbage replies, name calling nothing true or with any substance. The Democrats are a angry bunch of people. Pompeo gave congress a couple of hours to grill him on President Trumps foreign policies, bitter questions and finger pointing on the left, they didn't ask him real questions, all they wanted to do was criticize and hear themselves run their mouths. You could take the whole democratic congress and throw them out of the people's service and we wouldn't miss one of them.
I posted new and previous so you could see differences I text on phone so look for your self. Middle class tax cut is scheduled soon I posted that to . the corona virus blew down one of my greenhouse last night . I have to start fixing after work . I'll try to dig up links again but no promises
Well, screw you, you're the one making the comments, how 'bout backing them up. I'm not going to validate your posts for you. Talk about arrogance. Gesh! Just shows what subhub continues to say 'bout you folks ... in fact the entire Republican party. No facts just opinions meant to be taken as facts. You people are a lost cause.
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nothing true or with any substance

jesus….you just described your every post...…..nothing true...and nothing of any substance...…...try reading a fucking paper instead of letting someone tell what to think!

you really are completely out of touch with reality and have no idea what you are talking about.....come to think of never have.....would name call here but have already used most on you....and I really think you don't understand them anyway

you are a good example of why some animals eat their young.....they know they will never grow up and be able to survive on their own
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jesus….you just described your every post...…..nothing true...and nothing of any substance...…...try reading a fucking paper instead of letting someone tell what to think!

you really are completely out of touch with reality and have no idea what you are talking about.....come to think of never have.....would name call here but have already used most on you....and I really think you don't understand them anyway

you are a good example of why some animals eat their young.....they know they will never grow up and be able to survive on their own
Everything you post is complete garbage, I have never called you names, Democrats have lost there minds, wake up, your ignorance shows that being stubborn, closed minded makes you blind and ignorant. I have shared a great deal of substance, no I am not out of touch, everything I post is truth. President Trump will win his second term in November. That will show you who is out of touch.
Everything you post is complete garbage, I have never called you names, Democrats have lost there minds, wake up, your ignorance shows that being stubborn, closed minded makes you blind and ignorant. I have shared a great deal of substance, no I am not out of touch, everything I post is truth. President Trump will win his second term in November. That will show you who is out of touch.

you always accuse me of calling you names...…….outside of saying/implying you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer because of some of stupid statements you make...……..point out the thread where I called you a name!....excluding stupid....because that is a description not a name

trump win huh....better have the ******* clean out a spare bedroom for you
you always accuse me of calling you names...…….outside of saying/implying you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer because of some of stupid statements you make...……..point out the thread where I called you a name!....excluding stupid....because that is a description not a name

trump win huh....better have the ******* clean out a spare bedroom for you
Exactly what have I typed out that you consider stupid statements.

This name-calling is usually done in front of others and is meant to encourage others to view the person as “stupid” as well. If the name-calling is repeated, over time others, including the target, may begin to associate the word “stupid” with that person. And eventually, that hurtful label can become part of who that person is.