Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

how can they do that?...…..don't they know how strong this economy is....people with so much money unsure where to spend it

Bed Bath & Beyond Announces More Job Cuts Amid Business ...
Feb 27, 2020 · Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. announced another round of cuts in the home furnishing company’s bid to simplify its business and reverse years of …

Bed Bath & Beyond is latest retailer to cut jobs as it ...
12 hours ago · Bed Bath & Beyond is cutting roughly 500 jobs as it attempts to slash costs in the wake of sliding sales. The New Jersey-based home furnishings company said Thursday that it …

Bed Bath & Beyond Announces More Job Cuts Amid Business ...
11 hours ago · Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. announced another round of cuts in the home-furnishing company’s bid to simplify its business and reverse years of flagging sales. The company said it’s cutting about 500 jobs, a move it characterized as part of a “reorganization and simplification” of …
Hell if you can't support your allies....who can you support?......that's not a real problem under this administration since he has ******* on all of our allies...……………….and just who would we support in all this...…..trump has biz dealings in both countries.....damn the choices

Turkish airstrikes in Syria reportedly target journalist ...
Fresh airstrikes from Turkey reportedly targeted civilians and a group of foreign reporters in the Syrian border town of Ras al-Ayn, according to monitoring groups and Syrian Kurdish officials ...

Airstrike Hits Turkish Forces in Syria, Raising Fears of Escalation
The Turkish Army suffered mass casualties in the strike, officials said, an attack that could set off a direct conflict between Turkey and Russia.
You don't have an answer, so you answer my question WITH a question? Typical Trumptards, only respond with similar responses as Trump gives.
I refuse to go through all Trump's PROMISES ... if he's had some successful trade deals, lets hear 'em?
Trump only negotiates from a POWER position ... never equally, one on one. He's a vulture capitalist if ever there was one.
If he's made a bunch of successful trade deals, let's hear 'em, then we'll list all the negotiations he's FAILED in successfully negotiating.
Canada Mexico China India
Canada Mexico China India

None of those are the great trade deals he talked about.....actually they are a joke...…...but with re-election coming up he can't have high tariffs hanging over his head fucking with the economy

New Trump trade deal leaves NAFTA largely intact
Oct 01, 2018 · The Trump administration's new trade deal with Canada and Mexico leaves much of the old North American Free Trade Agreement intact. There are …

The Real Winner of Trump’s New Trade Deal - Bonner & Partners
Oct 03, 2018 · The Real Winner of Trump’s New Trade Deal. By Bill Bonner October 3, ... Now, American dairymen will have access to 0.24% (about one quarter of one percent) more of the Canadian market. Swamp Deal “It’s an amazing deal for a lot of people,” Trump said. But the big winner was the Swamp. The feds could have simply said that trade with ...

Canada Might Nix Trump's NAFTA Deal Unless He Stops Steel ...
Trump's Trade Deal Scorecard. The self-alleged best deal maker in history does not have a single ratified deal in two years. Instead, he has infuriated Canada, Germany, and the EU in general. When Trump backed out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) he put US farmers at a serious disadvantage in selling agricultural goods to Japan.

Trump's Agriculture Department Just Called Bull on a Key Part of His China Trade Deal
Instead of $12.5 billion in new agriculture purchases exports to China this year, the USDA expects less than $4 billion.

India readies to fete Trump but big trade deal not on the ...
7 days ago · International relations India readies to fete Trump but big trade deal not on the table. Multibillion dollar arms pact expected to sweeten president's Feb 24-25 visit

‘Saving big trade deal with India for later’: Donald Trump ...
The US and India could sign a “trade package” during the visit, according to media reports.(PTI) US President Donald Trump has said he is “saving the big deal” with India for later and he …

Trump's 'Big' China Trade Deal Has Some Really Big ...
4 days ago · Trump's 'Big' China Trade Deal Has Some Really Big Problems . The remaining issues, such as cyber theft, cyber security, and standardization, are untouched by the …

Trump's NAFTA "deal" with Mexico is a win for Canada — Quartz
Aug 27, 2018 · NAFTA, Trump said again today (Aug 27), was a “ripoff,” and Canada would have to scramble to to negotiate to join the new deal—which he dubbed the US Mexico Trade Agreement—or face tariffs ...

No, Trump's new trade deal with Mexico and Canada is not really a 'landmark'

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is hailing a revised North American trade deal as if nothing existed before it.

The pact with Mexico and Canada stands as a "model agreement that changes the trade landscape forever," he said at a signing ceremony with the other leaders Friday in Buenos Aires, Argentina. But fundamental change happened under the deal's predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement.

The new one brings largely incremental change, with a few significant advances for the auto industry, and it has a new name, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was truer to the nature of the deal in his remarks at the signing, saying it "maintains stability," ''lifts the risk of serious economic uncertainty," and secures the duty-free access to markets achieved under NAFTA.
Likewise, Mexican President Pena Nieto said NAFTA "transformed" Mexico a quarter century ago so that 70% of its economy comes from trade. "Revamping the new trade agreement was aimed to preserve the view of an integrated North America," he said.

Said Trump: "The USMCA is the largest, most significant, modern and balanced trade agreement in history. All of our countries will benefit greatly. It is probably the largest trade deal ever made, also. "

The facts: It's not the largest trade deal ever made. It covers the same three countries as before.

In contrast, the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations concluded in 1994 created the World Trade Organization and was signed by 123 countries. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston found the following year that the WTO's initial membership accounted for more than 90% of global economic output.

Actually, the pact preserves the structure and substance of NAFTA, which was unquestionably a landmark, whether for better or worse.

there again trump just blows ass gas to those not smart enough to turn their head
there again trump just blows ass gas to those not smart enough to turn their head
Thank you for saving me the "time" ... I swear these Trumptards hang on to every word Trump says ... if Trump says its GREAT, its great. I simply don't understand their willingness to take this man's word for ANYTHING he says ... 11,000+ lies and counting since taking office.
Thank you for saving me the "time" ... I swear these Trumptards hang on to every word Trump says ... if Trump says its GREAT, its great. I simply don't understand their willingness to take this man's word for ANYTHING he says ... 11,000+ lies and counting since taking office.

some just following through on their Russian bot training...…...really don't have a fucking clue which way is up!
Canada Mexico China India
Allfor, what parts of those trade deals convinces you that they were, are, or will be successful? Of course Trump will brag about how successful they were because HE did it ... his words, however, mean NOTHING to the people HERE affected by his deals. So, what evidence did you draw your conclusion from? I'm really just trying to understand the logic Trump voters use to get to their decisions of his so-called "greatness".
Maybe we you should look for responses by Canada, Mexico, China, and India as to how THEY feel about Trump's trade deals & offers. The ones who suffer or ultimately "pay" are the consumers and producers HERE; no more than a "standoff" with each side seeing who can hold out the longest and ill will created between the countries involved. That said, Trump doesn't use HIS MONEY, he uses yours and mine and could give a crap if the deals work or not, as he really has no skin in the game at all. He uses OUR money to be a capitalistic bully, is all. Which are the usual operating methods of Donald Trump.
Secondly, Trump made a ton of promises to get elected ... even if some of his trade deals do materialize, that's not even 10% of what he promised you. What about the GREAT TRUMPCARE, for example? How about the Middleclass Tax Cuts, as another.
What he's doing is simply reversing anything and everything to do with Obama's presidency ... I'm really concerned about his relaxing the regulations to keep investment companies honest, and EPA regulations to keep our citizens safe. Look at who he's filling admin positions with ... people loyal to HIM, not people who will do the RIGHT THING for the USA. You folks gotta start looking and admitting that he's not concerned about the PEOPLE of this country ... look at his lack of response on the new "C"virus. Do you feel he's taking a critical enough view of this? Do you take HIS word over that of the health care industry?
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I posted new and previous so you could see differences I text on phone so look for your self. Middle class tax cut is scheduled soon I posted that to . the corona virus blew down one of my greenhouse last night . I have to start fixing after work . I'll try to dig up links again but no promises is an election year he has to promise something....but then he never fulfilled any of last elections campaign why should anyone think this would be any different

All the Campaign Promises Donald Trump Has Broken in the ...
Nov 23, 2016 · Obamacare, too, might not be so bad, Trump has said, as long as he can keep just the popular parts. Then again, it may be just as likely that Trump keeps his promises, depending on who has his ear and whatever he is feeling on any given subject at any given time.

Here are 76 of Donald Trump’s many campaign promises - The ...
    1. Build a wall along the southern border that's taller than the arenas where Trump holds his rallies, …
    2. Make Mexico pay for the wall. If Mexico refuses, then the United States will impound all remittance …
    3. "If I become president, we're all going to be saying 'Merry Christmas' again."
    4. Get rid of Common Core because it's "a disaster" and a "very bad thing." Trump says he wants to …

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact
    • Take no salary. "If I'm elected president, I'm accepting no salary." Update: Trump donates 2019 …
    • Declare China a currency manipulator. "Instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency …
    • Reverse Barack Obama's Cuba policy. “The president’s one-sided deal for Cuba and with Cuba …
    • Make no cuts to Medicare. “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m

Donald Trump Campaign Promises: Which 2016 Pledges Were ...
    • Immigration. "I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I'll have Mexico pay for that …
    • Health Care. "We get rid of Obamacare and we have a great life all together," Trump said during a …
    • Tax Cuts. "It's going to cost me a fortune, which is actually true," Trump told reporters in September …
    • Supreme Court and Federal Judiciary. "I am looking for judges and have actually picked 20 of …
no matter which way this worm is not going to be good...for him and maybe the US

Turkey and Russia headed for a confrontation......trump has investments in both countries...….trump gave all of the US ground and facilities in Syria to Russia......trump allowed Turkey to move into Syria to ******* as many of (the Kurds) our allies AS THEY COULD...………..Turkey is a NATO ally we have sworn to protect...….is that over now? not going to like that...…….trump and "company" still drawing money and "help" from that over?.....doubt that

interesting...…...and if any of you have watched trump with p.utin…….you know trump has to show great restraint from dropping to his knees..... little or no back bone......drools when looking at P.utins pants!........… I guess we know how this will work out