Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

So what you just prove is that he is is following the word of the law and the court argrees
you trump supporters like to think that....but there will come a time when a Dem is in....and you people have set the standards...….as for what is going on....he is blocking people from testifying in front of congress.....pushing the "he is above the law" theory...…..and the judges HE has appointed are letting him get away with it

but then you know that and think it is funny......but there will come a time.....matter of fact there will come a time when his executive priveledge has run out and the public will see ALL of the corruption....of course the right will think nothing of it....but it may came to the republicans are done in politics

Trump orders major military withdrawal from Afghanistan as ...
Dec 21, 2018 · Trump orders major military withdrawal from Afghanistan as Mattis departs. President Trump has directed the Pentagon to withdraw nearly half of the more than 14,000 troops deployed to Afghanistan, U.S. officials said Thursday, a move that many of Trump’s senior advisers and military officials have warned will plunge the country further into chaos.

Afghans To Trump: Your Troop Withdrawal Plan Could Derail ...
Dec 22, 2018 · KABUL, Afghanistan — If President Donald Trump withdraws up to half of the 14,000 U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan, it would undermine a nascent …

How the War in Afghanistan Will End - The Atlantic
Trump might well wrap up the war in Afghanistan, but only by giving up on America’s original goals. President Donald Trump said in his State of the Union address that “great nations do not fight endless wars.” It was a clear signal that his administration has scaled back its objectives for Afghanistan and is headed for the exit.

US negotiators frustrated Trump keeps giving Taliban a ...
US negotiators trying to end the Afghanistan war are frustrated that Trump keeps giving the Taliban a stronger hand ... Trump's top Afghanistan ... The Afghanistan war enters its 19th year and the ...

Afghanistan: Trump ready to sign peace deal with Taliban ...
Feb 23, 2020 · Donald Trump said on Sunday he is ready to sign a peace deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan if a temporary truce holds in America’s longest …

Attacks in Afghanistan spike as US weighs troop drawdown ...
Jan 31, 2020 · As the Trump administration weighs significant US troop reductions in Afghanistan, the number of attacks carried out by the Taliban and other anti-government forces reached a …
Anyone that types out vulgarity to the degree you do is not the maturest human being in this world. You definitely have failed to reach an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. Plus what miracle do you expect Trump to do about the coronavirus then what is being done? You know it started in China which has the Chinese Communist Party making a bit more difficult for America to treat the virus in that country and around the world.

Hmmm, yet you think that Trump is a mature person as well too, huh? How can you call me mental, @Hottobe cucked when you are the one who keeps SUPPORTING a KNOWN Racist? Hmmmm, seems to me that you LACK the maturity level to REALIZE that and DEFINITELY have some MENTAL issues! Trump is the one who stated that the coronavirus will leave the U.S. "miraculously", his DUMB words! By the way, with the TYPE of money that I EARN, @Hottobe cucked, I can type HOWEVER I want too! I could care less what your OLD GRAY butt says! By the way, as much as Trump tries to make it seem the coronavirus isn't a big deal, his administration better get the RIGHT people to handle that since his CROONIES seem to NOT CARE instead doing some FUCKED UP rallies! Really, doing rallies instead of listening to the CDC? Yep, things are going to get much more WORSE like the experts have stated!
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Well said young lady. Be careful though, there is one on here who likes to pm people and tell them they are racists, borderline creepy. Let me know if that happens to you.
That gentleman could be telling the TRUTH! Puzzling to me is how most of the folks on this site CLAIM to like Black men, yet they WORSHIP a Racist would DEFINITELY seem very creepy to me! Thankfully, we have some REAL Black MEN who do not condone that (those that have PRIDE) and have an ADDICTION to Nubian Black WOMEN! Smh, Gucci Mane did a damn good job on that "Booty " video!
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I don't follow Twitter but his name calling isn't vulgar, Trump say a lot of things I wish he wouldn't I keep stating that I am not a republican and I beg to differ with you the democratic party has been the ones that don't care about America. They have never cared about our country, they give all these handouts to minorities , immigrants and other poor people to make them all to rely on the government. Control of the masses.
Hmmm, so let me guess this correct, so you're telling me, @Hottobe cucked, that putting this country into a Recession 46 times BY the Republican Party is caring about the country? And, you have the nerve to state that I am mental? Nah, lol, seems to me that you, @Allforthewifey, and @blkdlaur are the MENTAL ones expecting that doing the same thing voting for the same CORRUPT Party will change things! Well, since they are KNOWN for starting Recessions like President Bush did, wouldn't it behoove you to NOT vote Republican when a political Party has that NEGATIVE DOCUMENTATION?
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The law is the law. if he follows now and law changes in the future and he follows that law there still no crime.

you don't get it...….naturally....he is writing and changing the laws to suit him....and he has appointed the nothing going to happen…..but with your right wing don't understand what his getting off on the impeachment mean...…..we HAD a law about no outside interference in elections......trump just changed that law with the help of the republican party......will laugh my ass of when it gets down to just one repub and one dem.……...and China does not like trump.....they start pumping money into the dem campaign....doubt will happen....but could...….they have been running anti trump add in farm country for a while's all fun n games when it is going in your favor.....there could even come a time there could be some conspiracy charges with some of his henchmen....knowingly breaking the law to cover for surely know how that works in the military

China advertisement tries to sway Iowa support for Trump ...
Sep 24, 2018 · A Chinese government-run media company's four-page supplement in the Sunday Des Moines Register was intended to undermine farm-country support for President Donald Trump's escalating trade war, experts say. The China Daily insert touted the mutual benefits...

China trade war angers farm country, threatens Donald ...
Aug 28, 2019 · But there are increasing signs their patience is running out. A Farm Journal Pulse survey of 1,153 farmers last week showed that 71% approve of the job Mr. Trump is doing, down from 79% in July. In the poll, 43% strongly approved of the president,...

Branstad says China uses U.S. free press to bully farmers ...
Sep 30, 2018 · The China Daily, a Chinese government-run media company, purchased a four-page supplement that ran in the Sunday Des Moines Register on Sept. 23, 2018. The advertisement included articles
Hmmm, yet you think that Trump is a mature person as well too, huh? How can you call me mental, @Hottobe cucked when you are the one who keeps SUPPORTING a KNOWN Racist? Hmmmm, seems to me that you LACK the maturity level to REALIZE that and DEFINITELY have some MENTAL issues! Trump is the one who stated that the coronavirus will leave the U.S. "miraculously", his DUMB words! By the way, with the TYPE of money that I EARN, @Hottobe cucked, I can type HOWEVER I want too! I could care less what your OLD GRAY butt says! By the way, as much as Trump tries to make it seem the coronavirus isn't a big deal, his administration better get the RIGHT people to handle that since his CROONIES seem to NOT CARE instead doing some FUCKED UP rallies! Really, doing rallies instead of listening to the CDC? Yep, things are going to get much more WORSE like the experts have stated!
I didn't call you mental BlkCumsHeavy, I wouldn't do that, please read this portion again please. You definitely have failed to reach an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. I know you are an intelligent man. sorry
I didn't call you mental BlkCumsHeavy, I wouldn't do that, please read this portion again please. You definitely have failed to reach an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of an adult. I know you are an intelligent man. sorry
You know, @Hottobe cucked, you sure do talk a lot of BULLSHIT as if you KNOW me! People like YOU get HURT by making assumptions, kinda like what Trump does! The problem with you is that you FAIL to understand that you are an example of those who SUPPORT Racism, which is a KNOWN example of your mental or emotional development characteristic of being an OLD Racist WHITE MAN! You EXPECT me to IGNORE Trump's Racist ways, which I prefer NOT to do! When you CANNOT IDENTIFY that you are a Racist CONDONING Trump's Racism, that 100% makes you mental and that PERTAINS to you 100%!
you don't get it...….naturally....he is writing and changing the laws to suit him....and he has appointed the nothing going to happen…..but with your right wing don't understand what his getting off on the impeachment mean...…..we HAD a law about no outside interference in elections......trump just changed that law with the help of the republican party......will laugh my ass of when it gets down to just one repub and one dem.……...and China does not like trump.....they start pumping money into the dem campaign....doubt will happen....but could...….they have been running anti trump add in farm country for a while's all fun n games when it is going in your favor.....there could even come a time there could be some conspiracy charges with some of his henchmen....knowingly breaking the law to cover for surely know how that works in the military

China advertisement tries to sway Iowa support for Trump ...
Sep 24, 2018 · A Chinese government-run media company's four-page supplement in the Sunday Des Moines Register was intended to undermine farm-country support for President Donald Trump's escalating trade war, experts say. The China Daily insert touted the mutual benefits...

China trade war angers farm country, threatens Donald ...
Aug 28, 2019 · But there are increasing signs their patience is running out. A Farm Journal Pulse survey of 1,153 farmers last week showed that 71% approve of the job Mr. Trump is doing, down from 79% in July. In the poll, 43% strongly approved of the president,...

Branstad says China uses U.S. free press to bully farmers ...
Sep 30, 2018 · The China Daily, a Chinese government-run media company, purchased a four-page supplement that ran in the Sunday Des Moines Register on Sept. 23, 2018. The advertisement included articles
None of them SEEM to get it, @subhub174014! How can Republicans be that GULLIBLE and CONDONING of Racism? I would have NEVER thought Republicans would WORSHIP that type of thing!
None of them SEEM to get it, @subhub174014! How can Republicans be that GULLIBLE and CONDONING of Racism? I would have NEVER thought Republicans would WORSHIP that type of thing!

Greed for some...….they hope he will throw them a bone on taxes...……...ignorance...the right just passes that ******* on down in the family....if you pay attention to what some are saying...….not a fucking clue in the world...….. just that they have been taught the right has always had the answers......and party over country!
Well said young lady. Be careful though, there is one on here who likes to pm people and tell them they are racists, borderline creepy. Let me know if that happens to you.

Now hold on a minute here northsb…...that doesn't sound good.....I have a small reputation of being a hard core dem....well maybe one of the biggest?...…..and saying that ONE on me a complex...…..although I never PM anyone.....I have accused several of being racist.....borderline creepy?...…...must not be me......I am adored by millions
You know, @Hottobe cucked, you sure do talk a lot of BULLSHIT as if you KNOW me! People like YOU get HURT by making assumptions, kinda like what Trump does! The problem with you is that you FAIL to understand that you are an example of those who SUPPORT Racism, which is a KNOWN example of your mental or emotional development characteristic of being an OLD Racist WHITE MAN! You EXPECT me to IGNORE Trump's Racist ways, which I prefer NOT to do! When you CANNOT IDENTIFY that you are a Racist CONDONING Trump's Racism, that 100% makes you mental and that PERTAINS to you 100%!
What a load of trash, I like what Donald Trump is doing for America. No matter what you say I am not a racist, your the one that can get hurt, calling all 1,252,401 Americans that voted for Trump and still support him along with many more patriots today Racist . I don't see Donald J. Trump as a Racist, any human being on this earth could, you are one of the most Judgmental and prejudice men I even know of.

What a load of trash, I like what Donald Trump is doing for America. No matter what you say I am not a racist, your the one that can get hurt, calling all 1,252,401 Americans that voted for Trump and still support him along with many more patriots today Racist . I don't see Donald J. Trump as a Racist, any human being on this earth could, you are one of the most Judgmental and prejudice men I even know of.

C'mon, you're a white man that voted for Trump who is a known Racist though I understand that you CONDONE and WORSHIP Trump's Racist ways! What's wrong though? Did I hit a nerve, @Hottobe cucked? I can see that you are getting somewhat RILED UP because apparently I DID hit a nerve! I just don't understand why you are AFRAID of the TRUTH regarding Trump! Just admit what you are and state that you AGREE that Trump is Racist, which I already know THAT is NOT HAPPENING! Those so-called "patriots" that support Trump are Racists as well whether they want to ADMIT that or NOT! I just call a SPADE a SPADE and Trump is a DEFINITE Racist! Why is it that MOST Rednecks PREFER to NOT understand that? They really like WORHSHIPPING a known RACIST that much or is it that they like to DICK-RIDE on Trump NONSTOP? Sounds like some psychological issues to me when you cannot ADMIT absolute TRUTH about a Racist! I do agree with you on ONE thing, @Hottobe cucked, and that is that I am Judgmental, though I go by how Trump treats minorities NOW and even back when he was charged with a RACE discrimination LAWSUIT back in 1973 or the Central Park 5 incident! Do you remember each of those, @Hottobe cucked, or did you overlook them because it pertains to people of COLOR? @Allforthewifey has overlooked that as well though he probably DOESN'T care about that, which means he is being an ENABLER for Trump! By the way, how is accepting the FACT that Trump is a Racist being prejudice? I am NOT Racist towards any ETHNICITY AT ALL! Only thing that I ask for, which for some reason seems to be difficult IN THIS COUNTRY, is to be TREATED EQUALLY! Is that REALLY too much to ask? Main reason why there are so many CIVIL RIGHTS groups in this country for Black people! It's all about being TREATED fairly, and MOST Black people as well as Black Women KNOW THAT regarding Trump!
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I like what Donald Trump is doing for America one positive thing he has done for working America!

I am not a racist, your the one that can get hurt, calling all 1,252,401 Americans that voted for Trump and still support him along with many more patriots today Racist
you support a are a racist.....

The KKK officially endorses Trump 2020 - NPC Daily
Mar 12, 2019 · As we all know, the Klu Klux Klan is a terrorist organization founded by the Republicans long ago, and yet their influence still remains. In a not so shocking turn of events, several high ranking members of the KKK have spoken out against progressive Democrats and pledged their undying allegiance to President Trump.

Ku Klux Klan Newspaper Supports Donald Trump For President
Ku Klux Klan newspaper supports Donald Trump's presidential campaign, but the Trump campaign calls the paper "repulsive." Ku Klux Klan newspaper supports Donald Trump's presidential campaign, but ...

I don't see Donald J. Trump as a Racist,

A majority of American voters think President Trump is a ...
Aug 02, 2019 · A recent survey reveals that a majority of American voters believe President Donald Trump is a racist. Fewer thought Alabama segregationist George Wallace was racist when he ran for the White House...
C'mon, you're a white man that voted for Trump who is a known Racist though I understand that you CONDONE and WORSHIP Trump's Racist ways! What's wrong though? Did I hit a nerve, @Hottobe cucked? I can see that you are getting somewhat RILED UP because apparently I DID hit a nerve! I just don't understand why you are AFRAID of the TRUTH regarding Trump! Just admit what you are and state that you AGREE that Trump is Racist, which I already know THAT is NOT HAPPENING! Those so-called "patriots" that support Trump are Racists as well whether they want to ADMIT that or NOT! I just call a SPADE a SPADE and Trump is a DEFINITE Racist! Why is it that MOST Rednecks PREFER to NOT understand that? They really like WORHSHIPPING a known RACIST that much or is it that they like to DICK-RIDE on Trump NONSTOP? Sounds like some psychological issues to me when you cannot ADMIT absolute TRUTH about a Racist! I do agree with you on ONE thing, @Hottobe cucked, and that is that I am Judgmental, though I go by how Trump treats minorities NOW and even back when he was charged with a RACE discrimination LAWSUIT back in 1973 or the Central Park 5 incident! Do you remember each of those, @Hottobe cucked, or did you overlook them because it pertains to people of COLOR? @Allforthewifey has overlooked that as well though he probably DOESN'T care about that, which means he is being an ENABLER for Trump! By the way, how is accepting the FACT that Trump is a Racist being prejudice? I am NOT Racist towards any ETHNICITY AT ALL! Only thing that I ask for, which for some reason seems to be difficult IN THIS COUNTRY, is to be TREATED EQUALLY! Is that REALLY too much to ask? Main reason why there are so many CIVIL RIGHTS groups in this country for Black people! It's all about being TREATED fairly, and MOST Black people as well as Black Women KNOW THAT regarding Trump!
I was 15 in 1973 I didn't even know there was a Donald Trump. I agree that all men and women in this country deserve EQUAL TREATMENT that is not too much to ASK. You did not hit a nerve.