Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Similarly the Democrats were always talking about how awful President Trump is and how he should be prematurely removed from the office of POTUS.
Interesting that you use that analogy. What about Trump screaming for 8 years that Obama was not a natural citizen of the US? You faithful Trump supporters believe anything that spills out of the mouth of the Great LiarNChief, even though his lies & exaggerations have now reached OVER 10,000 since being President and none with an ounce of "fact". Just so happens that its Joe Biden now because he's afraid he will have to run against Biden. So I guess its "Burisma, Burisma" for the next 7-8 months? It was Hillary before that ... e-mails, e-mails, e-mails ... Benghazi ... Benghazi ... Benghazi. Nothing ever materialized. It didn't matter, however. Trump seems to realize that he can get away with smearing the name of his challengers; no one really expects his words to be challenged seriously. All that's happening to Trump is that his tactics of nastiness are starting to be matched by Democrats with a bit of their own fire & brimstone. Trump can dish it out ... but can't take it. He'll reach out to anyone who will LIE for him. Or refuse to respond to subpoenas for him.
What about Ivanka Trump; are we to believe she got those China trademarks on her own? How about Jared Kushner; do you think he's qualified to draw up a Middle East peace plan simply because he's read a few books on the subject? A bit of Trump family nepotism if ever I heard of it.
words_WakeTheFuckUP-2.jpg .... or stay ignorant, I really don't care, but Trump & Republicans are in for a hard road for the next 9 months. I can't wait to see the Trump & Biden debates on TV ... I doubt there'll be more than one or two, however. Hard Facts just aren't Trump's cup of tea, is it?
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I love how President Donald Trump has stimulated the economy

got a link?
he inherited a good economy

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'…
Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. Early in his presidency, Trump boasted about job gains starting from his election onward, crediting Obama's final months as his own. Let our news meet your inbox.

see I can back up what I say....and you have yet to do so
got a link?
he inherited a good economy

Fact check: Did Trump pull off an 'economic turnaround?'…
Trump inherited a booming economy with low unemployment and steady job growth — an easy win on day one — and he quickly claimed credit. Early in his presidency, Trump boasted about job gains starting from his election onward, crediting Obama's final months as his own. Let our news meet your inbox.

see I can back up what I say....and you have yet to do so
A little while ago you wanted me to look out my door... You can't back up what you say, you've been hiding behind your computer keyboard and biased reports for years. How about some pictures out your back door??
Out looking around...View South
Mountains always a great way to relax, especially if there'a nice brook or stream nearby, loaded with browns & rainbows. I'm from the mountains myself ... Blue Ridge Mountains ... air smells totally different there, especially after a 30-40 minute rain. You can still hear the tree frogs, too. Mac
Mountains always a great way to relax, especially if there'a nice brook or stream nearby, loaded with browns & rainbows. I'm from the mountains myself ... Blue Ridge Mountains ... air smells totally different there, especially after a 30-40 minute rain. You can still hear the tree frogs, too. Mac
People make a big deal about spas, but what you described is my kind of "spa day"! I mean, I got my hot tub and all, but nothing at all compares to walking through the forest after the rain!
A little while ago you wanted me to look out my door... You can't back up what you say, you've been hiding behind your computer keyboard and biased reports for years. How about some pictures out your back door??

again....nothing but right wing statements and fantasies.....apparently you do not have any facts to back up your dream of how things are in your little corner of the house....stay tuned to Fox and keep up with trump on his home page for more info on what to say and how to handle tough what has he done for you!
You guys bring out the best in me
I think some civil dialogue is a good way to work through things. In the end, we all have more in common than we have in conflict. I have a lot of liberal friends and I came from there. I was very liberal in the early 90s, but it was different then. It didn't mean what it does now. My black BF actually opened my eyes to things that I really wasn't aware of, because they don't happen where I live. Prejudicial things have always been weird to me. If your opinion of somebody is based on their race, that doesn't make any sense to me. My BF showed me how the media manipulates (He was in the Middle East, boot on the ground) and tells the story that will promote their political agenda. And how they have used black folks as political pawns in every election since I was alive. Crazy. And don't even get me started on the career politicians soapbox!
People make a big deal about spas, but what you described is my kind of "spa day"! I mean, I got my hot tub and all, but nothing at all compares to walking through the forest after the rain!

that explains it.....while looking for the trump cult cave......a tree limb fell on your head rendering you unable to think and see things clearly..… you are ****** to rely on Fox
again....nothing but right wing statements and fantasies.....apparently you do not have any facts to back up your dream of how things are in your little corner of the house....stay tuned to Fox and keep up with trump on his home page for more info on what to say and how to handle tough what has he done for you!
I sent you pictures, but you're not trying to see any point but your own. You got your own little mess going on in your mind.