Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to the President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.
Ever hear of that c.hildren's story about the boy that cried wolf @subhub174014 ? For whatever reason that boy liked to create chaos for those in the village so he screamed "Wolf" and he was in glee seeing all of the men scramble with whatever weapons they could find seeking a wolf they could never find. The boy enjoyed that experience so he continued to cry wolf more and more only to find less people believe him. Sadly there was a point when he did see a wolf and he shouted "Wolf" but no one believed him with an obvious morbid outcome.

Similarly the Democrats were always talking about how awful President Trump is and how he should be prematurely removed from the office of POTUS. The Democrats cited Comey, then Stormy Daniels, then the Mueller's Report, and now ****** Impeachment as reasons to do so without not much success. According to @subhub174014's source(s) now it's the Trump administration revealing how it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze. All of these failed attempts make people sense that the Democrats are less and less credible.

If that latest charge against Trump's administration also fail to ******* Trump out of the office of POTUS or ******* him to resign just as Nixon did, the Democrats will ironically be helping to keep Trump in the White House. Whoever are left as candidates for the DNC nomination they all can decide it with a round-robin tournament of rock-paper-scissors. Whomever is the victor can't defeat Trump anyways. Too bad they have to spend something in the neighborhood of a half of a $1 Billion US to lose these days too?

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Ever hear of that c.hildren's story about the boy that cried wolf? For whatever reason that boy liked to create chaos for those in the village so he screamed "Wolf" and he was in glee seeing all of the men scramble with whatever weapons they could find seeking a wolf they could never find. The boy enjoyed that experience so he continued to cry wolf more and more only to find less people believe him. Sadly there was a point when he did see a wolf and he shouted "Wolf" but no one believed him with an obvious morbid outcome.

Similarly the Democrats were always talking about how awful President Trump is and how he should be prematurely removed from the office of POTUS. The Democrats cited Comey, then Stormy Daniels, then the Mueller's Report, and now ****** Impeachment as reasons to do so without not much success. According to @subhub174014's source(s) now it's the Trump administration revealing how it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze. All of these failed attempts make people sense that the Democrats are less and less credible.

If that latest charge against Trump's administration also fail to ******* Trump out of the office of POTUS or ******* him to resign just as Nixon did, the Democrats will ironically be helping to keep Trump in the White House. Whoever are left as candidates for the DNC nomination they all can decide it with a round-robin tournament of rock-paper-scissors. Whomever is the victor can't defeat Trump anyways. Too bad they have to spend something in the neighborhood of a half of a $1 Billion US to lose these days too?

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And The story he cited is from the liberal President Donald Trump haters at Certainly Not News!
My question have been - since President Donald Trump has been in office...don't these senators and congressional hacks have jobs to do? The president is still doing his job, and they are focused on impeaching him.
I don't know about y'all, but I have never had a job where they would keep me as an employee, if I spent my working hours trying to get the boss fired!???!
Ever hear of that c.hildren's story about the boy that cried wolf @subhub174014 ? For whatever reason that boy liked to create chaos for those in the village so he screamed "Wolf" and he was in glee seeing all of the men scramble with whatever weapons they could find seeking a wolf they could never find. The boy enjoyed that experience so he continued to cry wolf more and more only to find less people believe him. Sadly there was a point when he did see a wolf and he shouted "Wolf" but no one believed him with an obvious morbid outcome.

Similarly the Democrats were always talking about how awful President Trump is and how he should be prematurely removed from the office of POTUS. The Democrats cited Comey, then Stormy Daniels, then the Mueller's Report, and now ****** Impeachment as reasons to do so without not much success. According to @subhub174014's source(s) now it's the Trump administration revealing how it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze. All of these failed attempts make people sense that the Democrats are less and less credible.

If that latest charge against Trump's administration also fail to ******* Trump out of the office of POTUS or ******* him to resign just as Nixon did, the Democrats will ironically be helping to keep Trump in the White House. Whoever are left as candidates for the DNC nomination they all can decide it with a round-robin tournament of rock-paper-scissors. Whomever is the victor can't defeat Trump anyways. Too bad they have to spend something in the neighborhood of a half of a $1 Billion US to lose these days too?

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yes I know the story...….but a lot of trumpers on here you don't read...first off......very "shady" how he even got into office and you know it.....funny the majority of his staff all had Russian connections and all serving time...…..trump could not be charged because he is his campaign promises....none kept so far....especially the key ones......draining the swamp....just about every member of his staff has been charged or had to leave over questionable money scandals....his "laws" have all benefitted the well to do and nothing for the working or middle America....and if you took the time to read 100 ways in would see how he is destroying America for the benefit of big biz......and speaking of big going overseas at the highest rate ever! much more......and then this latest fiasco...…..trying to involve other governments in our election...and wanting to use them in some way against a political opponent for his benefit.....there is nothing good about this guy and the reason over 70% of the country does NOT want him to run in if he gets in it will be more shady circumstances....and I suspect he will

Sorry, Trump. Most Americans don’t like you. - The ...
Jan 02, 2020 · Another 10 percent to 15 percent may occasionally take his side on positions or policies, but a remarkably large percentage of Americans do not think he is fit and want him gone. AD

Americans Aren't Rallying to Trump - The Atlantic
Jan 08, 2020 · Americans do not want war with Iran, and they do not trust Trump to lead such a war if it erupts. Trump’s governance itself is legally in question right now. The president has been impeached.

Poll: Just 36% of Americans indicate they would ... - NBC News
Dec 20, 2017 · WASHINGTON — Only about a third of Americans say that they will definitely or probably vote for Donald Trump if he runs for reelection in 2020, ... percent of Americans want Congress to hold ...

Less Than 2-In-5 Americans Want Trump To Run For Re ...
Jan 02, 2020 · According to an Economist/YouGov poll that was published this week, only 38 percent of Americans say they want Trump to run for president again later this year. A majority, 51 percent, say they wish he wasn’t running, and 11 percent say they’re unsure of how they feel

A majority of Americans oppose impeachment. Most also say ...
Apr 26, 2019 · Slightly more than 1 in 3 Americans say the Mueller investigation makes them less likely to support Trump’s reelection in 2020, while 14 percent say they are more likely and a plurality of 46 ...

Impeachment isn't the issue in 2020, it's Trump crimes and ...
Jan 08, 2020 · The latest Fox News poll found that by 15 percentage points, more Americans say Trump has abused his power than not ... Make 2020 about Trump's crimes. To …

2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of …

57 percent of voters say they won’t support Trump in 2020 ...
Jan 17, 2019 · With the 2020 presidential election already underway, 57 percent of registered voters said they would definitely vote against President Donald Trump, according to the latest poll from the PBS ..

Trump 2020 poll: 6 in 10 say President does not deserve ...
Sep 10, 2019 · Six in 10 Americans say President Donald Trump does not deserve to be reelected, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS, and more now say he's doing a poor job than a good one of keeping ...
And The story he cited is from the liberal President Donald Trump haters at Certainly Not News!
My question have been - since President Donald Trump has been in office...don't these senators and congressional hacks have jobs to do? The president is still doing his job, and they are focused on impeaching him.
I don't know about y'all, but I have never had a job where they would keep me as an employee, if I spent my working hours trying to get the boss fired!???!

OK since you brought it up...….

How many Democrat bills is McConnell holding up? - Quora
The answer is that every bill passed by the House since 2018 is sitting on his desk waiting to die. Find out how many bills have passed and you will immediately know how many McConnell has blocked from possibly being voted into law by the Senate. I know of several gun control bills and bills to shore up the security of our elections.

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo | TheHill
Of the 518 bills or joint resolutions passed by the House since January 2015, only 122 have passed the Senate, according to Congress's Legislative Information System, which tracks the status of ...

House Democrats have passed hundreds of bills. Trump and ...
Nov 29, 2019 · Congress has passed just 70 bills into ... a moniker the Senate majority leader has proudly adopted. McConnell calls ... is sitting in the Senate. There have been a few things House Democrats and ...

Mitch McConnell Continues Blocking Conservative Bills ...
Dec 13, 2017 · Kick Mitch McConnell to the curb! Send your FaxBlast and ******* Congress to remove Mitch McConnell and start putting Conservative bills onto Pres. Trump's desk! With the exception of Neil Gorsuch's confirmation, McConnell has utterly failed at implementing the Conservative agenda that has been promised us for years. The bills are sitting on his ...

What is Congress doing besides impeachment? | PolitiFact
Sep 29, 2019 · The House has passed 10 of the 12 appropriations bills that Congress must pass each year to fund the government’s agencies, according to the nonpartisan Committee for a …

How many Democrat bills is McConnell holding up? - Quora
All of them. He doesn’t want anything that will show the good policies the Democrats want to bring in. McConnell wants the “socialist” word to stick as people are associating it with communist for some reason. Of course Social services are health ...

sure looks to me like the right has done the same thing they did under Obama for 8 years...….now 11 years...… be first...… matter what the Dems try to do to help the country......the right blocks....a good one being medical and prescription ******* costs...………..and yet trump promised the best health care you have ever seen...…...more like never will see

btw …….tell me just what has he done for you!
now you might ask yourself just what trump has done for the country...……..

Budget Deficits Keep Growing in the Trump Era | National ...
Yet Donald Trump is on track to be an even bigger spender than Obama. Federal spending has increased by 7.5 percent, or almost $300 billion, over President Trump’s first couple of years in office.

Trump Trillion-Dollar Budget Deficits Officially Begin ...
Apr 08, 2018 · For this report, the Congressional Budget Office doesn't presume that any of the reductions proposed in the Trump 2019 budget will be enacted. That will increase the deficit

Budget Deficits Are Only Getting Bigger Under Trump | Cato ...
Jul 25, 2018 · It turns out that if you cut taxes while also spending more money, budget deficits get bigger. ... the Trump administration has tried to pretend that it …

Trump Plan Delivers Massive Tax Cuts To The 1% ... - Forbes…

The Tax Policy Center estimates that in 2018 the richest 1% would get 53% of the Trump tax cut. By 2027, the 1% would claim 80% of the benefit.

A Year After the Middle Class Tax Cut, the Rich Are Winning
The wealthy also won a drop in the top tax rate, from 39.6 percent to 37 percent, which they can slash further if they’re business owners who qualify for the new 20 percent pass-through break.

The richest Americans get a $33,000 tax break under the ...
Mar 30, 2018 · The richest Americans get a $33,000 tax break under the GOP tax law. The poorest get $40. President Trump talks with House Speaker Paul D. …

Trump administration quietly “gutting” tax law to give big ...
Jan 01, 2020 · The Trump administration quietly used loopholes built into the 2017 tax cuts to give big corporations an even bigger tax savings. The tax cut bill passed by Republicans in 2017 overwhelmingly

Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he ...
Jan 06, 2020 · Trump handed big business a massive tax cut, and all he got in return was embarrassment ... companies weren’t happy enough with the tax cut they got. ... Under Trump’s tax law, corporations ..

President Trump’s tax law sees corporations paying half ...
Dec 16, 2019 · About 400 of America’s largest corporations paid an average federal tax rate of about 11 percent on their profits last year, roughly half the official rate established under President Trump’s ...

Under Trump, American jobs sent overseas hits five-year ...
A new report shows that American jobs are going overseas at a higher volume than average, disproving Donald Trump's claim that he is bringing jobs back to the U.S. Good Jobs Nation analyzed data from the Department of Labor and found that since Trump was elected, 93,000 American jobs have been lost to foreign competition. That is an increase ...

Number of jobs lost to foreign competition up since Trump ...
The number of U.S. jobs eliminated due to foreign competition since President Trump's election last year has largely kept pace with previous years, according to a new report.

Manufacturing Jobs 'Roaring Back'? -
Claim: “Look at the jobs numbers that were just released last week — manufacturing is roaring back.”
Spins The Facts
Fact checked by

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise
Aug 30, 2019 · While Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on China and its subsequent retaliation is not the only reason for the stress farmers are under, it is a self-inflicted wound.

Trump's tariffs, trade war causing layoffs, losses for US ...
President Donald Trump's tariffs are starting to take their toll on small businesses. Many firms are being ****** to lay off workers to save money because of the increased price of imported goods.

Trump’s Tariffs Are Pushing American Companies to Leave ...
Trump should eliminate the steel and aluminum tariffs before they hurt even more American businesses, workers, and families. This piece originally appeared in The Daily Signal More on This Issue

Here Are 202 Companies Hurt by Trump's Tariffs | Cato ...
    1. '47 Brand Hats: The Massachusetts company, which faces higher raw material costs thanks to …
    2. 5th Avenue Energy: This small California renewable energy firm found that lighting fixtures and …
    3. A-1 Signs: The Tennessee manufacturer depends on competitively priced steel to fabricate …
    4. ABB: The Missouri electrical manufacturer is considering raising prices for its transformers …
    See all full list on
Trump budget proposal has massive cuts to social programs ...
May 23, 2017 · President Trump's 2018 budget, released Tuesday, proposes balancing the budget by cutting $1.74 trillion from social safety net programs and Medicaid and overhauling the …

Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His ...
Trump Outlines a Significant Social Security Cut in His 2020 Budget Despite promising no cuts to Social Security, the president's budget proposal seeks to make one key change to the program.

Trump's Second-Term Plan For Social Security: Starve The Beast
Aug 23, 2019 · In using deficit fears to target entitlement programs, many Republicans are hoping to use Trump's second term to cut Medicare and Social Security. First, expand deficits through tax cuts, then

Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget ...
The program cuts would save $26.7 billion. President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

Trump 2020 budget proposes reduced Medicare and Medicaid ...
Mar 12, 2019 · President Trump's 2020 budget proposal calls for major reductions in spending on Medicare and Medicaid. Trump promised not to cut the programs as a candidate in 2016, and his potential 2020 rivals ...

The 62 agencies and programs Trump wants to eliminate
    • Department of Agriculture. Water and Wastewater loan and grant program ($498 million): "Rural …
    • Department of Commerce. Economic Development Administration ($221 million): Obama's 2017 …
    • Department of Education. Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants program ($2.4 billion): The …
    • Department of Energy. Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy ($382 million): This alternative …
Trump to end key ACA subsidies, a ... - The Washington Post
Oct 13, 2017 · Trump to end key ACA subsidies, a move that will threaten the law’s marketplaces ... Amy Goldstein Amy Goldstein is The Washington Post’s national health-care policy writer. During her 30 ...

Trump's Five Big Changes To Obamacare : Shots - Health ...
  • Published: Oct 14, 2019
    1. Individual mandate eliminated. The individual mandate is the requirement that all U.S. residents …
    2. States allowed to add "work requirements" to Medicaid. Medicaid expansion was a key part of the …
    3. Cost-sharing reduction subsidies to insurers have ended. Payments from the federal government …
    4. Access to short-term "skinny" plans has been expanded. The ACA initially established rules that …
Opinion | Susan Knopf: 300 House bills sit on Mitch ...
Republican Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell is sitting on more than 300 passed House Bills, which he refuses to bring to the Senate floor. Ostensibly, that’s because he has vowed to block all progressive legislation. Here’s the rub: 275 of the 300 bills passed the House with bi-partisan support, according to House Democrats.

Democratic Senators are Tweeting Photos of the Giant Pile ...
Democratic Senators are Tweeting Photos of the Giant Pile of 'Dead' House-Passed Bills on Mitch McConnell's Desk. ... Mitch McConnell's desk. ... *******. Though it cleared the House with just two ..

Pelosi lists 8 House-passed bills stalled in Senate amid ...
While Mitch McConnell claims the House is only focused on impeachment, there are scores of critical bills sitting on his desk sent to him by the House Democratic Majority. Among them are:• H.R. 1 – For The People Act – Sent to the Senate 239 days ago.• H.R. 8 – Bipartisan Background Checks Act – Sent to the Senate 248 days ago.

Pelosi’s *******-pricing bill passes House, but pharma stocks ...*******-pricing-bill-likely-to-pass-house-next...
Dec 12, 2019 · Pelosi’s *******-pricing bill passes House, but pharma stocks are up as it’s unlikely to become law ... repeated a talking point aimed at Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the …

So the question is...….just how is that trump led republican party working out for you?
The economy is kickin' ass where we are! I don't spend a bunch of time looking at articles and studies, I look at the facts. Obambi said we were all just going to have to get used to a dialed down economy, but Trump amped it up several notches!

more right leaning advertising from trump and supporters..

Washington Examiner - Media Bias/Fact Check
The Washington Examiner is funded through an advertising and subscription model. Analysis / Bias. In review, the format and content of the Washington Examiner has been compared to The Hill, albeit with a right leaning tilt. They generally report political news as well as local Washington DC news stories.

Trump Is Most Racist President Since Andrew Johnson, Says ...
The historian Jon Meacham described Donald Trump as the most racist president in American history alongside slavery-era Andrew Johnson. Meacham, who has written several presidential biographies ...

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to ...
Jul 15, 2019 · As a candidate and president, Trump has made many more racist comments. On top of all that history, Trump has repeatedly made racist — …

Telemundo: Trump Against Minorities | The Daily Wire
Because President Trump plans to revoke the Obama administration’s guidelines on affirmative action, he is “against minorities,” according to Spanish-speaking Telemundo. Under the headline “Trump Against Minorities,” Telemundo reports that Trump has it out for minorities, when, in fact, his new policy was applauded by Asian-Americans, who have been unfairly discriminated against due ...
The economy is kickin' ass where we are! I don't spend a bunch of time looking at articles and studies, I look at the facts. Obambi said we were all just going to have to get used to a dialed down economy, but Trump amped it up several notches!

he inherited that...he just hasn't fucked it up YET!

the question is..what has he done for YOU
How about getting out of your house? Remember, there is no such thing as an unbiased report, news or otherwise. Somebody is paying the bills and that's going to skew the report every time.

major tv networks have guide lines and the FCC watching and etc...…...not so with newspapers….or talk shows or opinion programs