Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Is the Economy Getting Better?

Even though these data points suggest that the economy is getting stronger, many people feel discouraged and frustrated. The economic recovery from the 2008 financial crisis has been slow and unsteady. This is unlike previous recoveries, where U.S. GDP growth was 4% a year or more.11 Here are five reasons why it seems to many people like things are getting worse.

Wage growth was slow to take effect. For years after the recession, even as stocks recovered, people weren't feeling any better off because their incomes hadn't improved since the recession. In 2012, the real median household income was $55,900.12 That's about the same as it was in 1988, once you've adjusted for inflation. In August 2018, wage growth rose above 3% for the first time since 2009.13

While the unemployment rate is only around 3.5%, the real unemployment rate is much higher. The official rate only counts people who are actively looking for work, and many unsatisfied or would-be members of the labor ******* aren't included in the figure. Former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen pointed this out in January 2017, saying, "A broader measure of unemployment isn't quite back to its pre-recession level. It includes people who would like to have a job but are too discouraged to look for one and people who are working part-time but would rather work full-time."14

Government spending is increasing, especially when it comes to "entitlement" programs like Medicare. Medicare accounted for 16.8% of the total federal budget for the fiscal year 2019.15 Altogether, federal spending was roughly $6.9 trillion, compared to $6.6 trillion in 2018, and $6.4 trillion in 2017.

As spending increases, the U.S. debt is becoming increasingly unsustainable, meaning it's more than America's total economic output.16 When the debt-to-GDP ratio is so high, lenders could begin to worry about repayment. The situation is made worse by stagnant tax revenue. While spending has increased every year, both 2017 and 2018 saw roughly the same amount of tax revenue.1718 Predictions for 2019 anticipate a roughly $100 billion year-over-year boost in revenue.19

The United States is letting its infrastructure rust. This includes roads, dams, and bridges.20 Many of these were built as part of the New Deal in the 1930s. While many highways, water utilities, and railroads are aging, federal spending on these crucial pieces of infrastructure remains below pre-recession levels.21
Congressional Budget Office. "Public Spending on Transportation and Water Infrastructure, 1956 to 2017." Accessed Jan. 8, 2020.
Got any links for that?!! LOL Couldn't resist!
No, No, No...our area was a mess before President Donald Trump took office.
As I said, get out of your house.

can't answer the question?...….nothing to back up that rash statement? you said...get out of your house! more money in your pocket now?....wages for most not keeping up with inflation...….turn off fox news and look around!
Is the Economy Getting Better?

Even though these data points suggest that the economy is getting stronger, many people feel discouraged and frustrated. The economic recovery from the 2008 financial crisis has been slow and unsteady. This is unlike previous recoveries, where U.S. GDP growth was 4% a year or more.11 Here are five reasons why it seems to many people like things are getting worse.

Wage growth was slow to take effect. For years after the recession, even as stocks recovered, people weren't feeling any better off because their incomes hadn't improved since the recession. In 2012, the real median household income was $55,900.12 That's about the same as it was in 1988, once you've adjusted for inflation. In August 2018, wage growth rose above 3% for the first time since 2009.13

While the unemployment rate is only around 3.5%, the real unemployment rate is much higher. The official rate only counts people who are actively looking for work, and many unsatisfied or would-be members of the labor ******* aren't included in the figure. Former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen pointed this out in January 2017, saying, "A broader measure of unemployment isn't quite back to its pre-recession level. It includes people who would like to have a job but are too discouraged to look for one and people who are working part-time but would rather work full-time."14

Government spending is increasing, especially when it comes to "entitlement" programs like Medicare. Medicare accounted for 16.8% of the total federal budget for the fiscal year 2019.15 Altogether, federal spending was roughly $6.9 trillion, compared to $6.6 trillion in 2018, and $6.4 trillion in 2017.

As spending increases, the U.S. debt is becoming increasingly unsustainable, meaning it's more than America's total economic output.16 When the debt-to-GDP ratio is so high, lenders could begin to worry about repayment. The situation is made worse by stagnant tax revenue. While spending has increased every year, both 2017 and 2018 saw roughly the same amount of tax revenue.1718 Predictions for 2019 anticipate a roughly $100 billion year-over-year boost in revenue.19

The United States is letting its infrastructure rust. This includes roads, dams, and bridges.20 Many of these were built as part of the New Deal in the 1930s. While many highways, water utilities, and railroads are aging, federal spending on these crucial pieces of infrastructure remains below pre-recession levels.21
Congressional Budget Office. "Public Spending on Transportation and Water Infrastructure, 1956 to 2017." Accessed Jan. 8, 2020.

These are mostly old studies and just prove my point.
As you have so clearly shown, Trump inherited a mess from Obambi. And look what he has done with it!!!
can't answer the question?...….nothing to back up that rash statement? you said...get out of your house! more money in your pocket now?....wages for most not keeping up with inflation...….turn off fox news and look around!
You're making a lot of assumptions there, and why do you always, always froth out and fall back on calling people names?
Got a lot more money in our pocket. Look at the minimum wage all over, it's gone up steadily. Can you tell me what it was 10 years ago?
These are mostly old studies and just prove my point.
As you have so clearly shown, Trump inherited a mess from Obambi. And look what he has done with it!!!

STILL NO LINKS...….and you haven't answered the question.....just more right wing propaganda you get from Fox news....get out of your house and look around!
major tv networks have guide lines and the FCC watching and etc...…...not so with newspapers….or talk shows or opinion programs
Certainly Not News lies constantly, using that excuse...
Who cares who is watching, they aren't doing anything about correcting the lies.
Like the one they kept telling this week about there being no witnesses called at the hearings?
You're making a lot of assumptions there, and why do you always, always froth out and fall back on calling people names?
Got a lot more money in our pocket. Look at the minimum wage all over, it's gone up steadily. Can you tell me what it was 10 years ago?
not cant post a link to anything nor anything he has done for you....just opinions from you that's it

and I have not called you any names.....just more of the right frustrated with the inability to answer a simple question
STILL NO LINKS...….and you haven't answered the question.....just more right wing propaganda you get from Fox news....get out of your house and look around!
If you weren't just an idiot, spewing everything that Certainly Not News tells you to say and believe, it might be worth pursuing.
You look it up, linkman. Not everything is on the internet.
You know I'm right, but you just want to look at the things that support your argument and think if you post a hundred links that will prove your point. It doesn't and you certainly aren't changing anyone's mind.
I don't have television, for the record.