Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Articles in biased media are hardly facts although you continue to consider them so - others do NOT.

explained that once...perfectly......but considering a trumptard has a thing about facts and suffers from blind was easily missed...because it was in print on here.....sorry all out of pics
What facts have you stated? All I've read are rhetoric and opinions from you.
The fact that there is no obstruction of Congress. In order for there to be an obstruction of Congress the Supreme Court must rule on each and every single Executive Privilege the Democrats protest to and determine who is correct, the President or Congress. If Congress is determined to be correct then the subpeonas must be followed and then and only then if they are not followed that is obstruction.

The Democrats missed several steps in this process, namely the first step in asking the Supreme Court to rule on specific cases of Executive Privilege.

The Democrats have not proven obstruction of Congress because in order for there to be an actual obstruction of Congress the Supreme Court must make a ruling to that effect. That has not happened because the Democrats never sought the Supreme Court out.

Therefor no obstruction of Congress.

These are facts, not opinions.
no other words you just want to shoot off at the mouth and have someone else prove you wrong....look up the facts before you shoot off your mouth....what is the old saying...engage brain before running mouth....might want to apply it
I see a bunch of name calling and no explanation of why you disagree with the facts I presented.

First off why is there obstruction of Congress when the only way that can possible be factually true is if the Supreme Court says there is and the Supreme Court has not made that ruling regarding this impeachment. This is a fact not opinion.

I don't like or agree with everything Trump says and does, but my opinion is he has done nothing worth impeaching him over or removing him over. The facts support my opinion here.
I see a bunch of name calling and no explanation of why you disagree with the facts I presented.

First off why is there obstruction of Congress when the only way that can possible be factually true is if the Supreme Court says there is and the Supreme Court has not made that ruling regarding this impeachment. This is a fact not opinion.

I don't like or agree with everything Trump says and does, but my opinion is he has done nothing worth impeaching him over or removing him over. The facts support my opinion here.
Subhub does nothing except post propaganda and rant on like an idiot. Mac thinks he has all the answers, But I know for a fact he falls short.
The fact that there is no obstruction of Congress. In order for there to be an obstruction of Congress the Supreme Court must rule on each and every single Executive Privilege the Democrats protest to and determine who is correct, the President or Congress. If Congress is determined to be correct then the subpeonas must be followed and then and only then if they are not followed that is obstruction.

The Democrats missed several steps in this process, namely the first step in asking the Supreme Court to rule on specific cases of Executive Privilege.

The Democrats have not proven obstruction of Congress because in order for there to be an actual obstruction of Congress the Supreme Court must make a ruling to that effect. That has not happened because the Democrats never sought the Supreme Court out.

Therefor no obstruction of Congress.

These are facts, not opinions.
United States Constitution
Article 1, Section 2

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

The literal fact is nowhere does the Constitution provide ANY place for the Judiciary in the impeachment process other than the Chief Justice's role in the Senate hearing. Certainly, the Administration can apply to relief from the courts, up to the Supreme Court. The letter sent to the House by White House counsel Pat Cippolone on October 8, 2019 stated the White House objections to the House process, and stated they would not participate.

That IS obstruction, stated with intent. The reasons for withholding interviews and documents for varying reasons all come after the fact. BOTH side erred by not involving the courts earlier from their own side of the argument, the Senate can vote as they may, but the fact is, having sworn to preserve, defend, and protect the Constitution, it was NOT appropriate to "Just say no."
United States Constitution
Article 1, Section 2

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

The literal fact is nowhere does the Constitution provide ANY place for the Judiciary in the impeachment process other than the Chief Justice's role in the Senate hearing. Certainly, the Administration can apply to relief from the courts, up to the Supreme Court. The letter sent to the House by White House counsel Pat Cippolone on October 8, 2019 stated the White House objections to the House process, and stated they would not participate.

That IS obstruction, stated with intent. The reasons for withholding interviews and documents for varying reasons all come after the fact. BOTH side erred by not involving the courts earlier from their own side of the argument, the Senate can vote as they may, but the fact is, having sworn to preserve, defend, and protect the Constitution, it was NOT appropriate to "Just say no."
ex·ec·u·tive priv·i·lege

  1. the privilege, claimed by the president for the executive branch of the US government, of withholding information in the public interest.

The only way to get around Executive Privilege is through a Supreme Court ruling.
The Democrats have not brought this matter up with the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court has made no such ruling.
Therefor no obstruction of Congress.
Executive privilege is the right of the president of the United States and other members of the executive branch to maintain confidential communications under certain circumstances within the executive branch and to resist some subpoenas and other oversight by the legislative and judicial branches of government in pursuit of particular information or personnel relating to those confidential communications.

breaking the law is not confidential communications...…'s about serving the country...…..not the Liar N Thief

Here’s the exact law that may end Trump’s presidency – Raw ...

Specifically, Zelikow cites 18 U.S.C. § 201(b) , which states that any public official who “corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for… being influenced in the performance of any official act” is breaking the law. Zelikow goes on to break down all the ways that Trump’s actions in the Ukraine affair seem to fit the bill for breaking this law.

Trump administration violated the law by withholding ...
Jan 16, 2020 · The Trump administration violated the law by withholding military aid to Ukraine, the U.S. Government Accountability Office said in a decision released Thursday.

Trump tells House: No impeachment cooperation - News - The ...
Oct 08, 2019 · Trump attorneys sent a lengthy letter to House leaders bluntly stating White House refusal to participate in the inquiry that was given a boost by last week's release of a whistleblower's ...

Trump tells House: No impeachment cooperation - News ...
Oct 08, 2019 · The White House declared Tuesday it will not cooperate with what it termed the "illegitimate" impeachment probe by House Democrats, sharpening the constitutional clash between President Donald Trump and Congress.

As impeachment looms, Trump’s defiance of oversight ...
Oct 07, 2019 · For the first time since Democrats took control of the House last year, President Trump’s efforts to stonewall congressional efforts at oversight have begun to show some cracks.

Trump Administration Blocks Ambassador's Testimony, A Key ...
Oct 08, 2019 · Trump Administration Blocks Ambassador's Testimony, A Key Witness In Ukraine Scandal ... and he stands ready to answer the Committee's questions fully and truthfully," the statement notes ...

Gordon Sondland: Trump administration blocks testimony of ...
Oct 08, 2019 · “I would love to send Ambassador Sondland, a really good man and great American, to testify, but unfortunately he would be testifying before a totally compromised kangaroo court,” Trump ...

White House blocks former top Trump aides from testifying ...
Sep 17, 2019 · The Trump White House on Monday claimed that former Staff Secretary Rob Porter and former deputy chief of staff Rick Dearborn have "absolute immunity" from testifying. ... White House blocks ...

Trump Will Invoke Executive Privilege to Block Bolton ...
Jan 11, 2020 · President Donald Trump said the White House plans to invoke executive privilege to prevent former National Security Adviser John Bolton from testifying in …

White House blocks two former aides from testifying before ...
Sep 16, 2019 · White House blocks two former aides from testifying before House Judiciary Committee Rob Porter, left, then White House staff secretary, speaks to President Trump at Trump

Trump in impeachment inquiry: White House blocks envoy ...
Oct 09, 2019 · Trump in impeachment inquiry: White House blocks envoy from testifying in probe President Donald Trump with the US ambassador to the EU …

Trump’s real problem is that he obstructed justice, and ...
Aug 22, 2018 · Trump’s real problem is that he obstructed justice, and Mueller can prove it. Here’s how. The president was already in jeopardy before Michael Cohen’s guilty plea.

Mueller Report Found 10 Possible Cases of Trump ...
Apr 18, 2019 · Attorney General William Barr said Special Counsel Robert Mueller recounted 10 episodes of potential obstruction by President Donald Trump, though Barr said there was evidence that Trump

The 5 crimes Mueller suggests Trump could be charged with ...
    1. Trump’s conduct toward Paul Manafort’s cooperation. Obstructive act: “With respect to Manafort, …
    2. Efforts to have Donald McGahn deny that Trump tried to fire Mueller. Obstructive act: “Evidence …
    3. Efforts to curtail the Mueller probe. Obstructive act: “Taken together, the President’s directives …
    4. Efforts to fire Mueller. Obstructive act: “This evidence shows that the President was not just …
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Subhub does nothing except post propaganda and rant on like an idiot. Mac thinks he has all the answers, But I know for a fact he falls short.

you wouldn't know...nor understand a fact if you saw it!

you side with anyone that is arguing with me......even if you have no idea what the conversation is...… just lack the intellect to do it yourself
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Indiana Republican senator agrees Trump did it — he just ...
9 days ago · Republican Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana is the latest to admit that what President Donald Trump has done was wrong, but he still won’t vote to kick the president out of office.

Sen. Coons: GOP Senators Privately Admit Trump Obtructed ...
There's no reason at all to conclude the public won't follow the path laid out for impeachment if the Democrats actually lead them. Refusing to impeach Trump and making public comments like this actually undermines public faith in the Democrats and their ability to stand up for the rule of law. And that's a very dangerous game.

Lamar Alexander Stuns Chuck Todd, Admits Trump Is Guilty ...
Feb 01, 2020 · Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said Saturday that while he believes it was “crossing a line” for President Donald Trump to delay assistance to Ukraine to “encourage” an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden, his actions fell short of removal of the president by the Senate and that voters should instead decide his future in office.
Trump administration reveals it's blocking dozens of emails about Ukraine aid freeze, including President's role

The Department of Justice revealed in a court filing late Friday that it has two dozen emails related to the President Donald Trump's involvement in the withholding of millions in security assistance to Ukraine -- a disclosure that came just hours after the Senate voted against subpoenaing additional documents and witnesses in Trump's impeachment trial, paving the way for his acquittal.

The filing, released near midnight Friday, marks the first official acknowledgment from the Trump administration that emails about the President's thinking related to the aid exist, and that he was directly involved in asking about and deciding on the aid as early as June. The administration is still blocking those emails from the public and has successfully kept them from Congress.