Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I read every word of your posts @subhub174014 and doesn't it go back to what Dershowitz once said years ago that everything could be true about Trump and all his affairs with Russia and it's not a crime? For the benefit of newbies to the thread Alan Dershowitz is an Harvard Law Professor and ironically he is a lifelong Democrat who voted for Hillary in 2016. Yet he defended President Trump 🇺🇸?

The incident with President Volodymyr Zelensky to announce investigations of the Bidens was supposed to sink Trump with the gravity of Bolton's testimony which never really happened? Seeing that there was no smoking gun Trump will in all likelihood not just be acquitted and permitted to run again for four more years, and that will be easily attained given the disgust that the collective American electorate will feel for this colossal waste of time, but Trump will win with ease.

Afterwards, what would be up for debate without a specific endpoint as the topic of Trump's presidency will undoubtedly be discussed and debated in America's future forever centuries into the future long after I'm dead, long after @subhub174014 is dead, and long after everyone else reading this post is dead. Perhaps in the future there might be new evidence that will either vindicate or damn Trump's legacy, but presently he is still the 45th President of The United States of America and in my humble opinion as of February 1st, 2020 Trump will be the 46th President of The United States of America in November 2020, this year after the election. 🇺🇸

I personally never formed an opinion concerning Mr. Dershowitz but I paid attention enough to realize that he did not appear in the Senate portion of this impeachment trial because he supports President Trump and he wasn't really representing him. Professor of Law and a scholar of United States constitutional law Alan Dershowitz was there to defend the constitution from being falsely interpreted as the Democrats were incorrectly attempting base their case on. He could have very well not become involved in this sham, but instead Prof. Dershowitz saw the urgent need to defend our constitution because he knew it was being abused. It is clear that at his advanced age he understood the repercussions being created by the manipulation of our constitution that The House Democrats were distorting to destroy an innocent man's Presidency. He knows if our government falsely allows this to happen, that it would change the legal rights of any future Commander and Chief and open up the source of Impeachment to farther abuse. A president has to make decisions for what he perceives to be for both the good of America and his own political position, within the law as it applies to his position. Prof. Dershowitz stated and proved that President Donald J. Trump did not break the law and if any of liberals wish to argue this truth, than your argument is not with the loyal followers of our president, your argument is with the Constitution and our forefathers who designed it.
and that is what yours is..... and a very biased...and wrong need to go back to the cult cave because you have no idea what is going on
Please explain, in detail, what I am wrong about.
Because just claiming I am wrong does not make it true.
Repeating a line over and over again does not make it true. What makes it true are facts supporting it. What facts are you bringing to the discussion?

Which facts have I gotten wrong?

Because I am not "going back to the kitchen".
Please explain, in detail, what I am wrong about.
Because just claiming I am wrong does not make it true.
Repeating a line over and over again does not make it true. What makes it true are facts supporting it. What facts are you bringing to the discussion?

Which facts have I gotten wrong?

Because I am not "going back to the kitchen".

I am not going to look up your posts for post crazy *******...put a link....I have answered every part of your post several times in the past month look on here...I have it several times.....facts is something you trumptards just seem to shy away from

you jump on here throw out a bunch of *******....why don't you look at some of the past conversations and see it has already been discussed...but with you trump people if it doesn't say what you want you just skip over it anyway
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Maybe so, but such fiction should be preserved in Trump's presidential library, along with Mueller's Report, Comey's notes, anything else I missed, any future news reports, and future books designed to derail Trump in his second term in office. That way future generations can reflect how President Trump 🇺🇸 faced all kinds of senseless opposition in our era.

library burned down both books he hadn't even finished coloring in yet
Dems think sayin the same thing over and over ad infinitum makes it true.

well we have to post repeatedly because trump people are not known for being real smart...nor wanting anything to do with zombies from the cult cave....just blind obedience....what is really funny when things start falling apart....some of you will be hurt the most
I personally never formed an opinion concerning Mr. Dershowitz but I paid attention enough to realize that he did not appear in the Senate portion of this impeachment trial because he supports President Trump and he wasn't really representing him. Professor of Law and a scholar of United States constitutional law Alan Dershowitz was there to defend the constitution from being falsely interpreted as the Democrats were incorrectly attempting base their case on. He could have very well not become involved in this sham, but instead Prof. Dershowitz saw the urgent need to defend our constitution because he knew it was being abused. It is clear that at his advanced age he understood the repercussions being created by the manipulation of our constitution that The House Democrats were distorting to destroy an innocent man's Presidency. He knows if our government falsely allows this to happen, that it would change the legal rights of any future Commander and Chief and open up the source of Impeachment to farther abuse. A president has to make decisions for what he perceives to be for both the good of America and his own political position, within the law as it applies to his position. Prof. Dershowitz stated and proved that President Donald J. Trump did not break the law and if any of liberals wish to argue this truth, than your argument is not with the loyal followers of our president, your argument is with the Constitution and our forefathers who designed it.

Dershowitz just like AG Barr he wrote something trump liked and trump gave him fame for it...…..why is that the scholars on for the congress never saw it that way?...….why is it that one of the other profs that work along side him did not understand his statement at all....why is it just a couple of years ago he made a statement completely opposite...…...he just wanted his 10 minutes of fame and he got it...…….if you stop and think about what he said you know he is fucking nuts....well most people would think anyway......said it was ok for trump to break those laws and "blackmail" Ukraine......because in trumps eyes he is doing what is best for America....if that is the case......once we elect someone....there is no need for any other elections and the pres can block them because he thinks he is doing what is right for america
Dems think sayin the same thing over and over ad infinitum makes it true.

right thinks that if they cry enough things will be ok!

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I am not going to look up your posts for post crazy assed *******...put a link....I have answered every part of your post several times in the past month look on here...I have it several times.....facts is something you trumptards just seem to shy away from

you jump on here throw out a bunch of *******....why don't you look at some of the past conversations and see it has already been discussed...but with you trump people if it doesn't say what you want you just skip over it anyway
In other words you have no facts and can't refute my statements of fact. Got it.