Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Dems impeachment


If whining won elections you guys would be unstoppable!!!!!!!!

The people are sick of your pissing and moaning and impotent attempts at removing the MAN - trouble is you’re too stupid to see any of it so you’re doomed to once again get your arse kicked in 2020 :}

Bunch of freaking sore LOSERS !!!!!!
Tossing @subhub174014 a bone that would make him happy after the failure of Impeachment to remove Trump 🇺🇸 from the office of POTUS and it sadly presents a challenge to Trump's Middle East peace deal...

a trial has witness's....this was just a discussion
The Democrats made their case with all the witnesses they called in the House.

Schiff claims he has proven his case so thoroughly that the Senate has no choice but to remove Trump. If Schiff/the Democrats proved their case so thoroughly that the Senate has no choice but to remove Trump why then do the Democrats/Schiff need additional brand new witnesses that the House never bothered to call during the impeachment inquiry in the House?

hard to do when the president flat stated he would not co-operate nor let any of his administration.....just making him that much more guilty of obstruction...……….but if things go like they are heading...…..the right is saying the president no longer has to answer to the house or the senate...he has the freedom to do whatever he wants without being questioned...….may come back to haunt them someday...…..but all this has been partisan to begin with...look at McConnell's...Graham's …..Pompeo's statements on the Clinton impeachment and now doing the exact is not a question of guilt or not......trump admitted that out on the white house lawn...….the question is are you willing to change the constitution and set a new precedent….

Executive Privilege is what the President has to block unnecessary subpoenas to his staff. The only legitimate way to get around an Executive Privilege is through a Supreme Court ruling. The act of issuing an Executive Privilege to block a subpoena is only obstruction if the Supreme Court rules it is. The House does not have that authority, the Senate does not have that authority. Only the Supreme Court does. Obstruction of Congress in this instance is something only the Supreme Court can rule on and the Democrats in the House never went to the Supreme Court to get that ruling because Schiff said it would take too much time. Too much time to get the facts right and follow the correct procedure?

There is no obstruction, right now it is just 2 equal branches of government having a dispute that only the 3rd branch of government, the Supreme Court, can rule on. The Democrats have failed to go to the Supreme Court and instead just repeat their same talking points. In reality the Democrats aren't right because they repeat the same thing over and over and over, they are flat out wrong because they refused to follow procedure to get the ruling that would make their statements correct if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of their side. The Supreme Court never had that chance.

Obstruction is clearly defined and the Democrats have in no way proven it because they refused to ask the Supreme Court to make that decision.

This entire impeachment is a scham by the Democrats who have no facts and no case. Only an anti Trump opinion, and you can't impeach and remove someone based on opinions, they have to have actually done something worth impeaching and removing. The Democrats have in no way, shape, or form, proven Trumps motivations for his actions, and that is where their entire case falls apart. They assume Trumps motivations but have no facts, no evidence, no witnesses, that can testify to Trumps actual motivations, his actual statements, his actual direct actions.

No case, just opinions.
The Democrats made their case with all the witnesses they called in the House.

Schiff claims he has proven his case so thoroughly that the Senate has no choice but to remove Trump. If Schiff/the Democrats proved their case so thoroughly that the Senate has no choice but to remove Trump why then do the Democrats/Schiff need additional brand new witnesses that the House never bothered to call during the impeachment inquiry in the House?

Executive Privilege is what the President has to block unnecessary subpoenas to his staff. The only legitimate way to get around an Executive Privilege is through a Supreme Court ruling. The act of issuing an Executive Privilege to block a subpoena is only obstruction if the Supreme Court rules it is. The House does not have that authority, the Senate does not have that authority. Only the Supreme Court does. Obstruction of Congress in this instance is something only the Supreme Court can rule on and the Democrats in the House never went to the Supreme Court to get that ruling because Schiff said it would take too much time. Too much time to get the facts right and follow the correct procedure?

There is no obstruction, right now it is just 2 equal branches of government having a dispute that only the 3rd branch of government, the Supreme Court, can rule on. The Democrats have failed to go to the Supreme Court and instead just repeat their same talking points. In reality the Democrats aren't right because they repeat the same thing over and over and over, they are flat out wrong because they refused to follow procedure to get the ruling that would make their statements correct if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of their side. The Supreme Court never had that chance.

Obstruction is clearly defined and the Democrats have in no way proven it because they refused to ask the Supreme Court to make that decision.

This entire impeachment is a scham by the Democrats who have no facts and no case. Only an anti Trump opinion, and you can't impeach and remove someone based on opinions, they have to have actually done something worth impeaching and removing. The Democrats have in no way, shape, or form, proven Trumps motivations for his actions, and that is where their entire case falls apart. They assume Trumps motivations but have no facts, no evidence, no witnesses, that can testify to Trumps actual motivations, his actual statements, his actual direct actions.

No case, just opinions.

and that is what yours is..... and a very biased...and wrong need to go back to the cult cave because you have no idea what is going on
On CNN Chuck Schumer goes WAH WAH WAH

Pretty sure McConnell’s response be HAH HAH HAH

Dems need to learn to LOSE with GRACE

Be a very good way as they say in China to maintain face ;}

don't think that is quite accurate...….McConnell and company starting to look a little foolish now that PARTS of Bolton's book is out
Bolton’s book don’t mean nuttin - just the Dems next shiny object - and now you’re just plumb outta them thar shiny thingamabobs :}

why is trump trying to block the release?.....why did he threaten Bolton's testimony saying he knew to much classified info...…...the only classified info trump is worried about is what he will tell the press....any other classified info he will gladly give to Russia when they ask
hard to believe there is that many losers...….but then his approval just broke 40% so must be more than I thought...but then part of that 40% is just right wing bozo's that would support a snake if it was on the ticket

Dems always accusing ya of that which they’re doin!!!! LOSERS are U 😝
you guys enjoy your selves....but with trump it is always short lived as more comes out everyday and people getting tired of it....eventually it will ALL come out!

Sorry, Trump. Most Americans don’t like you. - The ...
Jan 02, 2020 · Another 10 percent to 15 percent may occasionally take his side on positions or policies, but a remarkably large percentage of Americans do not think he is fit and want him gone. AD

Fox News Poll: 54 Percent of Americans Say Trump Should Be ...
Led by a new high of independents who support impeachment, a Sunday Fox News poll found 54 percent of Americans want to see President Donald Trump impeached. Wed, Jan 29, 2020

2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of …

Majority of Americans Don't Want Trump to Run for Re ...
U.S. Donald Trump Americans Trump Republicans A majority of Americans don't want President Donald Trump to run for re-election in 2020, a new poll from YouGov found this week.

60 percent of Americans say Trump does not deserve ...
The survey, which was released Tuesday, found that 60 percent of Americans said they do not think Trump deserves to be reelected. Meanwhile, just 36 percent of respondents said the president does ...

Less Than 2-In-5 Americans Want Trump To Run For Re ...
Jan 02, 2020 · According to an Economist/YouGov poll that was published this week, only 38 percent of Americans say they want Trump to run for president again later this year. A majority, 51 percent, say they wish he wasn’t running, and 11 percent say they’re unsure of how they feel.

57 percent of voters say they won’t support Trump in 2020 ...
Jan 17, 2019 · With the 2020 presidential election already underway, 57 percent of registered voters said they would definitely vote against President Donald Trump, according to the latest poll from the PBS ...

Let Them Speak: Most Americans Want Witnesses in Trump ...
9 days ago · Let Them Speak: Most Americans Want Witnesses in Trump Impeachment Trial - Reuters/Ipsos Poll U.S. President Donald Trump holds a news conference at the 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos ...
Enjoying the shite right outta this !!!!

I feel your pain - but you Dems just gonna keep going and LOSING - time long past to cover your losses and walk away. Taking on President Trump is like driving into a big ole tree and thinkin you’re gonna win.
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So book is fiction
Maybe so, but such fiction should be preserved in Trump's presidential library, along with Mueller's Report, Comey's notes, anything else I missed, any future news reports, and future books designed to derail Trump in his second term in office. That way future generations can reflect how President Trump 🇺🇸 faced all kinds of senseless opposition in our era.