Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

What in the normal world is the point of these DEMOCRATIC idiots that are qualified for every word listed:
variation · lacking excitement · lacking interest · unvaried · unimaginative · uneventful · characterless · featureless · colorless · lifeless · soulless · passionless · spiritless · unspirited · insipid · uninteresting · unexciting · uninspiring · unstimulating · unoriginal · derivative · jejune · nondescript · sterile · flat · bland · (plain) vanilla · arid · dry · dry as dust · stale · wishy-washy · gray · anemic · tired · banal · lame · plodding · ponderous · pedestrian · lackluster · stodgy · dreary · mechanical · stiff · leaden · wooden · mind-numbing · soul-destroying · wearisome · tiring · tiresome · irksome · trying · frustrating · humdrum · prosaic · mundane · commonplace · workaday · quotidian · unremarkable · routine · run-of-the-mill · normal · usual · ordinary · conventional · suburban · garden variety · deadly · bog-standard · nothing to write home about · a dime a dozen · no great shakes · not up to much · samey · common or garden · dullsville · ornery What is their goal ? To shut down all the TV networks? I already saw that NERD Adam Schiff and all his stooges voice all their talking points during the House Impeachment Farce. How about something, anything related to evidence against the President you Hate.
You are such a negative person left runs media I'm lucky to get what I get

you are the one that puts all your faith in someone that has filed how many bankruptcies...and is following in the footsteps of 2 other losers
I am not negative......I look at what happened in the past and see what is going on now...….there is a old saying...….something about "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"....or...“Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.”.

and in trumps case there is another that applies "Only the dead have seen the end of war
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Reagan’s Recession | Pew Research Center
Dec 14, 2010 · In the depths of the 1981-1982 recession, Americans were far more displeased with their president and his policies than were their predecessors during the Great Depression, more so even than in today's high-unemployment economy. ... Reagan’s Recession. by Richard C. Auxier, Researcher/Editorial Assistant, Pew Research Center.

"The Bush Recession" -- Let's Call it What It Is | HuffPost
The answer is, we must name our pain. We must begin to refer to the current recession as the "Bush Recession." We must talk about the difficult, complex, long-term efforts we'll need to all engage in order to reverse the toxic economic environment created by the "Bush Recession." The Bush Recession didn't happen overnight -- it took 8 years of ...

Trump’s Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan’s
May 01, 2017 · Trump’s Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan’s. ... (famously branded “voodoo economics” by George H. W. Bush) with his proposal for $5.5 trillion of tax

What we learned from Reagan’s tax cuts

The tax bill speeding through Congress is being sold – by its advocates – as so good for the economy, that it will boost growth and offset any losses from the cuts. Those of you who were around in the 1980s might be feeling a sense of deja vu, especially when you recall what Ronald Reagan had to say back in 1981.

We presented a complete program of reduction in tax rates. Again, our purpose was to provide incentive for the individual, incentives for business to encourage production and hiring of the unemployed, and to free up money for investment.”

I revisited the 1980s in a recent conversation with NPR’s Morning Edition. You can listen here. Here’s the gist of what I had to say.

The Impact of the Reagan and Bush Tax Cuts: Not a Boost to Employment, nor to Growth, nor to the Fiscal Accounts

The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what ... - Vox
Nov 22, 2017 · The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what gave us the failed Bush economy An influx of foreign hot money isn’t what we need. By Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias Nov …

Who would pay for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?

he House and Senate have passed different versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Both bills would reduce federal revenues by more than $1.4 trillion over the next decade, and would introduce large corporate tax cuts; large tax cuts for pass-through businesses and estates; and smaller tax cuts for most individual wage and salary earners.

A key question is how the plans would change the distribution of taxes paid. Most analysts focus only on the direct provisions of the TCJA. But government budget constraints imply that tax cuts are not free. Tax cuts eventually will have to be paid for with higher taxes or lower spending.

In a new paper, Surachai Khitatrakun, Aaron Krupkin, and I address the distributional effects of these plans, including alternative ways of paying for the costs of tax cuts. Our central finding: If you consider plausible ways of financing either the House or the Senate bill, most low-and middle-income households would eventually end up worse off than if the bill did not become law. In other words, they would lose more from inevitable future spending cuts or tax hikes necessary to eventually offset the costs of the tax bill than they would gain from the tax cuts themselves.

Trump’s Budget Cuts Trillions From Programs For The Needy ...
Donald Trump’s 2019 budget is officially out, and the cuts could not be worse.In order to pay for his massive tax cuts and his proposed infrastructure plan, the President wants to cut programs like food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, student loan debt forgiveness, and a host of other vital programs.
Reagan’s Recession | Pew Research Center
Dec 14, 2010 · In the depths of the 1981-1982 recession, Americans were far more displeased with their president and his policies than were their predecessors during the Great Depression, more so even than in today's high-unemployment economy. ... Reagan’s Recession. by Richard C. Auxier, Researcher/Editorial Assistant, Pew Research Center.

"The Bush Recession" -- Let's Call it What It Is | HuffPost
The answer is, we must name our pain. We must begin to refer to the current recession as the "Bush Recession." We must talk about the difficult, complex, long-term efforts we'll need to all engage in order to reverse the toxic economic environment created by the "Bush Recession." The Bush Recession didn't happen overnight -- it took 8 years of ...

Trump’s Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan’s
May 01, 2017 · Trump’s Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan’s. ... (famously branded “voodoo economics” by George H. W. Bush) with his proposal for $5.5 trillion of tax

What we learned from Reagan’s tax cuts

The tax bill speeding through Congress is being sold – by its advocates – as so good for the economy, that it will boost growth and offset any losses from the cuts. Those of you who were around in the 1980s might be feeling a sense of deja vu, especially when you recall what Ronald Reagan had to say back in 1981.

We presented a complete program of reduction in tax rates. Again, our purpose was to provide incentive for the individual, incentives for business to encourage production and hiring of the unemployed, and to free up money for investment.”

I revisited the 1980s in a recent conversation with NPR’s Morning Edition. You can listen here. Here’s the gist of what I had to say.

The Impact of the Reagan and Bush Tax Cuts: Not a Boost to Employment, nor to Growth, nor to the Fiscal Accounts

The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what ... - Vox
Nov 22, 2017 · The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what gave us the failed Bush economy An influx of foreign hot money isn’t what we need. By Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias Nov …

Who would pay for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?

he House and Senate have passed different versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Both bills would reduce federal revenues by more than $1.4 trillion over the next decade, and would introduce large corporate tax cuts; large tax cuts for pass-through businesses and estates; and smaller tax cuts for most individual wage and salary earners.

A key question is how the plans would change the distribution of taxes paid. Most analysts focus only on the direct provisions of the TCJA. But government budget constraints imply that tax cuts are not free. Tax cuts eventually will have to be paid for with higher taxes or lower spending.

In a new paper, Surachai Khitatrakun, Aaron Krupkin, and I address the distributional effects of these plans, including alternative ways of paying for the costs of tax cuts. Our central finding: If you consider plausible ways of financing either the House or the Senate bill, most low-and middle-income households would eventually end up worse off than if the bill did not become law. In other words, they would lose more from inevitable future spending cuts or tax hikes necessary to eventually offset the costs of the tax bill than they would gain from the tax cuts themselves.

Trump’s Budget Cuts Trillions From Programs For The Needy ...
Donald Trump’s 2019 budget is officially out, and the cuts could not be worse.In order to pay for his massive tax cuts and his proposed infrastructure plan, the President wants to cut programs like food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, student loan debt forgiveness, and a host of other vital programs.

Like I said negative bitch anouano
Reagan’s Recession | Pew Research Center
Dec 14, 2010 · In the depths of the 1981-1982 recession, Americans were far more displeased with their president and his policies than were their predecessors during the Great Depression, more so even than in today's high-unemployment economy. ... Reagan’s Recession. by Richard C. Auxier, Researcher/Editorial Assistant, Pew Research Center.

"The Bush Recession" -- Let's Call it What It Is | HuffPost
The answer is, we must name our pain. We must begin to refer to the current recession as the "Bush Recession." We must talk about the difficult, complex, long-term efforts we'll need to all engage in order to reverse the toxic economic environment created by the "Bush Recession." The Bush Recession didn't happen overnight -- it took 8 years of ...

Trump’s Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan’s
May 01, 2017 · Trump’s Tax Cuts May Be More Damaging Than Reagan’s. ... (famously branded “voodoo economics” by George H. W. Bush) with his proposal for $5.5 trillion of tax

What we learned from Reagan’s tax cuts

The tax bill speeding through Congress is being sold – by its advocates – as so good for the economy, that it will boost growth and offset any losses from the cuts. Those of you who were around in the 1980s might be feeling a sense of deja vu, especially when you recall what Ronald Reagan had to say back in 1981.

We presented a complete program of reduction in tax rates. Again, our purpose was to provide incentive for the individual, incentives for business to encourage production and hiring of the unemployed, and to free up money for investment.”

I revisited the 1980s in a recent conversation with NPR’s Morning Edition. You can listen here. Here’s the gist of what I had to say.

The Impact of the Reagan and Bush Tax Cuts: Not a Boost to Employment, nor to Growth, nor to the Fiscal Accounts

The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what ... - Vox
Nov 22, 2017 · The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what gave us the failed Bush economy An influx of foreign hot money isn’t what we need. By Matthew Yglesias @mattyglesias Nov …

Who would pay for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?

he House and Senate have passed different versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Both bills would reduce federal revenues by more than $1.4 trillion over the next decade, and would introduce large corporate tax cuts; large tax cuts for pass-through businesses and estates; and smaller tax cuts for most individual wage and salary earners.

A key question is how the plans would change the distribution of taxes paid. Most analysts focus only on the direct provisions of the TCJA. But government budget constraints imply that tax cuts are not free. Tax cuts eventually will have to be paid for with higher taxes or lower spending.

In a new paper, Surachai Khitatrakun, Aaron Krupkin, and I address the distributional effects of these plans, including alternative ways of paying for the costs of tax cuts. Our central finding: If you consider plausible ways of financing either the House or the Senate bill, most low-and middle-income households would eventually end up worse off than if the bill did not become law. In other words, they would lose more from inevitable future spending cuts or tax hikes necessary to eventually offset the costs of the tax bill than they would gain from the tax cuts themselves.

Trump’s Budget Cuts Trillions From Programs For The Needy ...
Donald Trump’s 2019 budget is officially out, and the cuts could not be worse.In order to pay for his massive tax cuts and his proposed infrastructure plan, the President wants to cut programs like food stamps, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, student loan debt forgiveness, and a host of other vital programs.
That's all last year's cut
What in the normal world is the point of these DEMOCRATIC idiots that are qualified for every word listed:
variation · lacking excitement · lacking interest · unvaried · unimaginative · uneventful · characterless · featureless · colorless · lifeless · soulless · passionless · spiritless · unspirited · insipid · uninteresting · unexciting · uninspiring · unstimulating · unoriginal · derivative · jejune · nondescript · sterile · flat · bland · (plain) vanilla · arid · dry · dry as dust · stale · wishy-washy · gray · anemic · tired · banal · lame · plodding · ponderous · pedestrian · lackluster · stodgy · dreary · mechanical · stiff · leaden · wooden · mind-numbing · soul-destroying · wearisome · tiring · tiresome · irksome · trying · frustrating · humdrum · prosaic · mundane · commonplace · workaday · quotidian · unremarkable · routine · run-of-the-mill · normal · usual · ordinary · conventional · suburban · garden variety · deadly · bog-standard · nothing to write home about · a dime a dozen · no great shakes · not up to much · samey · common or garden · dullsville · ornery What is their goal ? To shut down all the TV networks? I already saw that NERD Adam Schiff and all his stooges voice all their talking points during the House Impeachment Farce. How about something, anything related to evidence against the President you Hate.

Off your medication again?....or got away from the nurse when she wasn't looking?

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable... like a coma.

two of the most corrupt crooks in history

The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre - HISTORY
  • Plot
  • Overview
  • Aftermath
  • Four men dressed as police officers enter gangster Bugs Morans headquarters on North Clark Street in Chicago, line seven of Morans henchmen against a wall, and shoot them to death. The St. Valentines Day Massacre, as it is now called, was the culmination of a gang war between arch rivals Al Capone and Bugs Moran.
See more on

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity ... - Forbes*******...
Jun 06, 2017 · How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business . Dan Alexander Forbes Staff Money & Politics ... "We get to use our assets 100% free of charge," Trump
two of the most corrupt crooks in history

The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre - HISTORY
  • Plot
  • Overview
  • Aftermath

  • Four men dressed as police officers enter gangster Bugs Morans headquarters on North Clark Street in Chicago, line seven of Morans henchmen against a wall, and shoot them to death. The St. Valentines Day Massacre, as it is now called, was the culmination of a gang war between arch rivals Al Capone and Bugs Moran.
See more on

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity ... - Forbes*******...
Jun 06, 2017 · How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business . Dan Alexander Forbes Staff Money & Politics ... "We get to use our assets 100% free of charge," Trump
two of the most corrupt crooks in history

The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre - HISTORY
  • Plot
  • Overview
  • Aftermath

  • Four men dressed as police officers enter gangster Bugs Morans headquarters on North Clark Street in Chicago, line seven of Morans henchmen against a wall, and shoot them to death. The St. Valentines Day Massacre, as it is now called, was the culmination of a gang war between arch rivals Al Capone and Bugs Moran.
See more on

How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity ... - Forbes*******...
Jun 06, 2017 · How Donald Trump Shifted *******-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business . Dan Alexander Forbes Staff Money & Politics ... "We get to use our assets 100% free of charge," Trump
Did you read article it's about Eric Trump

Dad was involved also....matter of facts trump ticked them into using mar a lago for some big event...and said he would donate...…..not only did he not donate...he charged them big bucks for the use of the room!

but the charity was trumps..all his ******* tapped money out of it......but trump last year was fined 2 million over it
Just sick o sore LOSER whining - you guys been whining since 2016 finally getting on me nerves :|

awww want some cheese with that wine? probably don't remember any of the cock blocking the right did to Obama....where do you think they got the name..."party of No"....and this is only year 3...… got Obama for 8 years...although don't see trump going that far
A new picture has been found of when Obama met up with the Saudi royal family. Here it is.

View attachment 3105637

fake pic…...Obama didn't trust nor like the Saudi's......unlike trump who taps them for millions of dollars in return for nuke secrets and etc...not counting sending American troops to protect their they can charge the ******* out of us in oil prices...