Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

So if I understand you correctly, Black reps at the national level will become more effective when Black people at the local level control their communities and prosper through private business ownership, using old-school Black Wall Street capitalism. Pardon me, but are you sure the democrats support your goals?
You are correct! I am not sure about how Democrats may feel about what I stated though I am more of an Independent! If ALL of that can happen, then Black people WILL start seeing some results like I have seen in Atlanta and most of the mayors are affiliated with the Democratic party!
So if I understand you correctly, Black reps at the national level will become more effective when Black people at the local level control their communities and prosper through private business ownership, using old-school Black Wall Street capitalism. Pardon me, but are you sure the democrats support your goals?

if ******* was snow you would be a walking blizzard!

you type a full paragraph with nothing but a mind fart and want some one to take you serious?

stop trying to be a smart are just being an ass!

PS. thank you for NOT bring sex into the to be a first for you!
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Heroes for Blacks? *******, maybe back then, but NOT RIGHT NOW, shawty! You may want to argue over who is the BEST MASTER and *******, BUT I don't do that furthermore, *******, you from Canada! You talking like you from the United States! Since you love White Republican folks so much, why don't you move your Black ass over here to the United States since you love, adore, and want to KISS their WHITE ASS so much? Go ahead and do that *******! As my dawg, Dre, said "Create your own party, Black folks, BECAUSE nothing is happening RIGHT NOW voting for a Democrat or a Republican!", which is the TRUTH!
Sad that a Canadian knows something about American history that you don't bro. Did you ever read that part of Jesse Owens's wiki page to verify what I said? Or see alternative historical texts of your choosing? If you care to remain deluded it's entirely on you bro.
You are correct! I am not sure about how Democrats may feel about what I stated though I am more of an Independent! If ALL of that can happen, then Black people WILL start seeing some results like I have seen in Atlanta and most of the mayors are affiliated with the Democratic party!

the main thing with Blacks is ...getting them motivated to vote.....Obama did a good job of that....but he is/was the only real "role model"?...…….need someone to motivate...….I think after the nutcuttin and it gets down to one candidate you will see him out ALOT!...….right now no matter what he can not show favoritism or push for a certain candidate......once down to one...he will be out AGAINST trump....hope they listen
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Sad that a Canadian knows something about American history that you don't bro. Did you ever read that part of Jesse Owens's wiki page to verify what I said? Or see alternative historical texts of your choosing? If you care to remain deluded it's entirely on you bro.
Out of all that I posted and that is what you came up with? Smdh, so I am right about you after all! You still LOVE kissing that WHITE REDNECK ASS, don't you? Would never think a Black man would APPROVE of RACISM from a sitting President! Never ceases to amaze me and you LACK the knowledge of American history, furthermore, Black history for that matter apparently!
the main thinbg with Blacks is ...getting them motivated to vote.....Obama did a good job of that....but he is/was the only real "role model"?...…….need someone to motivate...….I think after the nutcuttin and it gets down to one candidate you will see him out ALOT!...….right how no matter what he can not show favoritism or push for a certain candidate......once down to one...he will be out AGAINST trump....hope they listen
That is true as well too, subhub! Getting them out to vote, which they should be more than happy to do regardless considering what Martin Luther King Jr. did, Lucy Craft Laney, and others!
Bloomberg flooding the TV with anti-trump adds on the ACA and people taking notice....since health care here is not real he will lose some support natation wide with his health care stance......and soon supposed to get a ruling from the courts on trump shooting down more of the ACA....that will hurt him some....and now he wants to make cuts to Medicaid and Medicare.....he can only ******* on so many people and still expect to win...…

he has to cut entitlement programs to pay for those tax cuts he gave to the wealthy

this from a guy who campaigned on no cuts...and the best health care ever....most know he is a lying fuck...but some of that ******* has to effect some trumptards!
Bloomberg flooding the TV with anti-trump adds on the ACA and people taking notice....since health care here is not real he will lose some support natation wide with his health care stance......and soon supposed to get a ruling from the courts on trump shooting down more of the ACA....that will hurt him some....and now he wants to make cuts to Medicaid and Medicare.....he can only ******* on so many people and still expect to win...…

he has to cut entitlement programs to pay for those tax cuts he gave to the wealthy

this from a guy who campaigned on no cuts...and the best health care ever....most know he is a lying fuck...but some of that ******* has to effect some trumptards!
Trump's poor base better wake up or they won't have any health care or maybe they DON'T care!
That is true as well too, subhub! Getting them out to vote, which they should be more than happy to do regardless considering what Martin Luther King Jr. did, Lucy Craft Laney, and others!

although that is a problem not just with blacks...….it applies to all democrats...…..that right always gets out and votes.....supporting a snake if it is a republican...….but dems.…...would rather sit home and complain!...….always been that way...….Dems far out number the right and should be no contest....but just doesn't happen.....look at last pres election....lowest turnout in years....although it appears to have some shady ******* going on with it so probably wouldn't have mattered
Out of all that I posted and that is what you came up with? Smdh, so I am right about you after all! You still LOVE kissing that WHITE REDNECK ASS, don't you? Would never think a Black man would APPROVE of RACISM from a sitting President! Never ceases to amaze me and you LACK the knowledge of American history, furthermore, Black history for that matter apparently!
I know more than you think, and I am not sucking up. It's all history if you care to read it. Not starting any wars with you as I was just sharing historical fact. In the future after a similar period of time I have no doubt there will be Black historians looking back say 80 or 100 years in the future and they will be confounded as to why Blacks did not unify around Trump like visionaries such as Kanye West, David Harris Jr, and the founder of BET ( Robert L Johnson ) as all are not only on his side but are among many of Trump's personal friends too. Much better than that Democrat FDR. Can you name any Blacks that supported him and personally knew him as a friend? If you can accomplish that ridiculous task I'd need evidence @BlkCumsHeavy.
don't think they will.....been completely mind fucked....a lot of what trump has done while in office is cuts to the needy......I KNOW ALOT OF THOSE TRUMPTARDS ARE NOT IN THE WEALTHY CLASS and yet they still worship him...CULT!
It is amazing to me how much bad ******* Trump has done, subhub, but his base does NOT MIND it whatsoever! Even going back to when Trump wasn't President, he has done so MUCH bad to see many people from the Central Park 5 incident, to the Taj Mahal fiasco where Trump ripped off ALOT of people and he didn't lose not ONE PENNY but the other folks did and some lost their ENTIRE retirement savings believing Trump's real estate lies, and so forth! As you can see though, Trump got away with everything unscathed!
got to wonder when it will all come tumbling down for always does......there will come a time when he doesn't have the power to stop people from talking...….I think it will be a real eye opener for a lot of people
Trump 2020 budget proposes reduced Medicare and Medicaid ...
Mar 12, 2019 · For Trump — who during his 2016 presidential bid promised not to cut the popular Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs — the proposal opens another vulnerability as he tries to …

Trump’s cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare ...
Mar 12, 2019 · Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3.

Trump budget proposes huge cuts to Medicaid and Medicare ...
Mar 11, 2019 · The Trump budget also proposes to slow spending on Medicare, the federal program that gives health insurance to older Americans, by $845 billion over the next 10 years, in part by limiting fraud and abuse and payments to hospitals.

Trump Medicare Cuts Set Stage for 2020 Election - Bloomberg
Mar 20, 2019 · But that doesn’t mean Trump’s plan for fiscal year 2020 should be ignored. Instead, it can be seen as a reflection of his 2020 campaign priorities. That is why it was startling to see more than $800 billion in proposed cuts to Medicare funding over the next 10 years.
I know more than you think, and I am not sucking up. It's all history if you care to read it. Not starting any wars with you as I was just sharing historical fact. In the future after a similar period of time I have no doubt there will be Black historians looking back say 80 or 100 years in the future and they will be confounded as to why Blacks did not unify around Trump like visionaries such as Kanye West, David Harris Jr, and the founder of BET ( Robert L Johnson ) as all are not only on his side but are among many of Trump's personal friends too. Much better than that Democrat FDR. Can you name any Blacks that supported him and personally knew him as a friend? If you can accomplish that ridiculous task I'd need evidence @BlkCumsHeavy.
Thanks for your laughter there on that post @BlkCumsHeavy . Seeing it was so laughable please name me any Black men or women from FDR's era that called him their friend. I was hoping you would address that and seeing you laughed at what I said certainly you can address that very simple answer and prove to me that a noteable Democrat from that era was not racist or shun Jesse Owens? Certainly it was an oversight, right?
I know more than you think, and I am not sucking up. It's all history if you care to read it. Not starting any wars with you as I was just sharing historical fact. In the future after a similar period of time I have no doubt there will be Black historians looking back say 80 or 100 years in the future and they will be confounded as to why Blacks did not unify around Trump like visionaries such as Kanye West, David Harris Jr, and the founder of BET ( Robert L Johnson ) as all are not only on his side but are among many of Trump's personal friends too. Much better than that Democrat FDR. Can you name any Blacks that supported him and personally knew him as a friend? If you can accomplish that ridiculous task I'd need evidence @BlkCumsHeavy.
And, you apparently do not know what kissing ass means! You are the true Definition of a Black Man worshipping RACISM from a sitting President, period! Lmao @ Robert Johnson, the sell-out, he doesn't count! He lost his "black card" YEARS AGO as well as Kanye West with his Bipolar ass! And, as far as naming some Blacks who support Trump, I wouldn't even dare to do that because I have too much PRIDE and do not support Black folks who ENJOY being used by their POLITICAL MASTER, which so many are BLINDED by, so I don't ENTERTAIN ridiculous NONSENSE!
And, you apparently do not know what kissing ass means! You are the true Definition of a Black Man worshipping RACISM from a sitting President, period! Lmao @ Robert Johnson, the sell-out, he doesn't count! He lost his "black card" YEARS AGO as well as Kanye West with his Bipolar ass! And, as far as naming some Blacks who support Trump, I wouldn't even dare to do that because I have too much PRIDE and do not support Black folks who ENJOY being used by their POLITICAL MASTER, which so many are BLINDED by, so I don't ENTERTAIN ridiculous NONSENSE!
I worship God not racism @BlkCumsHeavy . If impeachment removes Trump so be it, but if Trump remains as POTUS you will have to admit there would be a Divine power at play, unless you will say it was the Republican Senate majority that vindicated Trump? Or maybe MrPutin, or President Xi of China rigged the US Senate from afar somehow? :ROFLMAO: