Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Kindig is on now trying to get wire wheels to fit on a Karmann Ghia - kinda lame show but better’n watchin Schiff lie ;)

having a 20year anniv now....he has put out a lot of cars

have watched very little of the impeachment....McConnell already said how it was going to be so that is pretty much it....I watch the highlights on the morning news and get some more from bing search engine..……...I figure the trumpies have it in their head he did nothing wrong....the dems see him as a crook......the thing is what will the impeachment do to the independents.....already shows that 70% of the country include republicans want witness's...will it happen...who knows...right now McConnell in complete control on impeachment....but I really don't think he will be leader next time

trump..mcconnell...cruz...Rubio...graham.....and a couple others all draw a lot of Russian money...….they are not going to upset that be damned...….sad that it has come to that....the people really have no say...trump plays a big part in that also...but the division started with Gingrich and every year has got worse....the right really cried when Obama got in......not sure if it was the same as trump or not....with Obama think the people just fell with the chips because country falling apart and most of the hate was with the republican politicians....with trump...similar to how Bush got in....people not happy...….throw in Russia......people really pissed...throw in some of his policies that have benefitted the top 10% and did nothing for those in need...and on and on...

not sure who it was but someone on here said the country would go into a some ways I agree..... I think trump will put the country in the tank......and people will HAVE to work together to save it

reagon and bush did the tax cut thing and a few other things...and look what it did to the economy....trump has taken it a couple steps further...he keeps juggling federal number and interest....but that only works so long!
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That isn't going to happen Stiff.
Mane, what a day! Damn, that only getting 4 hours of rest ain't no joke, though my young self can handle it! Trump WON'T be removed simply because the Senate Republicans vote party ONLY, so could care less what Trump does! Republicans have ALWAYS been about PARTY, could care less about the country! By the way, why is the Republican party DOMINATED by OLD WHITE MEN? What's up with that *******? I do NOT see any DIVERSITY AT ALL! I definitely DON'T see any Black women though, IF there are any, sure ISN'T more than one! Only party that I see that from is in the Democratic Party, so much DIVERSITY especially in Congress!
Mane, what a day! Damn, that only getting 4 hours of rest ain't no joke, though my young self can handle it! Trump WON'T be removed simply because the Senate Republicans vote party ONLY, so could care less what Trump does! Republicans have ALWAYS been about PARTY, could care less about the country! By the way, why is the Republican party DOMINATED by OLD WHITE MEN? What's up with that *******? I do NOT see any DIVERSITY AT ALL! I definitely DON'T see any Black women though, IF there are any, sure ISN'T more than one! Only party that I see that from is in the Democratic Party, so much DIVERSITY especially in Congress!
Not much diversity in states like Wyoming and the Midwest bro. Plus for a new competitor to compete and defeat a seasoned veteran is not easy to do whether he/she is a Republican or a Democrat.
Not much diversity in states like Wyoming and the Midwest bro. Plus for a new competitor to compete and defeat a seasoned veteran is not easy to do whether he/she is a Republican or a Democrat.
Interesting because as much as the Republicans shout out that they LOVE the Black vote so damn much, you would think you would see PLENTY of Black folks in Congress that are affiliated with the Republican Party! Now, they will talk how much they care so much about Black folks, the Republican Party, which is a BUNCH of BULLSHIT! I see why the MAJORITY of Black folks stick with the Democrats! *******, at least they have some Black folks representing "US" in Congress unlike the Republicans!
Interesting because as much as the Republicans shout out that they LOVE the Black vote so damn much, you would think you would see PLENTY of Black folks in Congress that are affiliated with the Republican Party! Now, they will talk how much they care so much about Black folks, the Republican Party, which is a BUNCH of BULLSHIT! I see why the MAJORITY of Black folks stick with the Democrats! *******, at least they have some Black folks representing "US" in Congress unlike the Republicans!
I could name you 3 famous Black people from America off the top of my head that openly support Trump 🇺🇸 but you will say they are anomalies bro, that is if you dare me? And I'd just be warming up.
I could name you 3 famous Black people from America off the top of my head that openly support Trump 🇺🇸 but you will say they are anomalies bro, that is if you dare me? And I'd just be warming up.
I will say this because I have some business projects that I have to finish right quick, though my brotha, Killer Mike, said this and this is the absolute truth, "Black folks need to stop ARGUING or DEBATING who has the BEST MASTER, period, in POLITICS!" I don't do that ******* because I have PRIDE and I don't support a KNOWN RACIST whose ******* even attended KKK meetings! I could care less about those 3 Famous Black folks because they support that RACIST *******, which is very sad because apparently they SUPPORT Jim Crow laws of the past or THEIR people being lynched! You and those three may support that *******, but I do not care for that!
I will say this because I have some business projects that I have to finish right quick, though my brotha, Killer Mike, said this and this is the absolute truth, "Black folks need to stop ARGUING or DEBATING who has the BEST MASTER, period, in POLITICS!" I don't do that ******* because I have PRIDE and I don't support a KNOWN RACIST whose ******* even attended KKK meetings! I could care less about those 3 Famous Black folks because they support that RACIST *******, which is very sad because apparently they SUPPORT Jim Crow laws of the past or THEIR people being lynched! You and those three may support that *******, but I do not care for that!
It was true that Donald Trump's dad was a racist and his dad did attend Klan rallies, but that evil is not reflected in the ******* Donald Trump. It's like watching Star Wars and accuse Luke Skywalker of being evil because his dad was Darth Vader? And there is also something in putting all your bets on one party. And they will take advantage of you. Look at the legacy of all the gun shootings, the projects, and people living in poverty all during periods where Democrats were in power? All that was not fixed too. Plus if you want to argue history did you verify the information I sent to you about Jesse Owens? Who actually celebrated his victory? (It was Hitler) Who was it that could not even send him a telegram to celebrate his victory representing America against the then Nazi machine in the Berlin Olympics? (It was the then Democratic POTUS, FDR). If you want proof it's on Jesse Owens wikipedia bro, but if you care to refer to other historical artifacts feel free to do so. On top of all that look at the Republicans embracing him in their failed attempt to defeat FDR too where Jesse Owens was a Republican. If you are going to look in history it was the Republicans that were the heroes for Blacks.
It was true that Donald Trump's dad was a racist and his dad did attend Klan rallies, but that evil is not reflected in the ******* Donald Trump. It's like watching Star Wars and accuse Luke Skywalker of being evil because his dad was Darth Vader? And there is also something in putting all your bets on one party. And they will take advantage of you. Look at the legacy of all the gun shootings, the projects, and people living in poverty all during periods where Democrats were in power? All that was not fixed too. Plus if you want to argue history did you verify the information I sent to you about Jesse Owens? Who actually celebrated his victory? (It was Hitler) Who was it that could not even send him a telegram to celebrate his victory representing America against the then Nazi machine in the Berlin Olympics? (It was the then Democratic POTUS, FDR). If you want proof it's on Jesse Owens wikipedia bro, but if you care to refer to other historical artifacts feel free to do so. On top of all that look at the Republicans embracing him in their failed attempt to defeat FDR too where Jesse Owens was a Republican. If you are going to look in history it was the Republicans that were the heroes for Blacks.
Heroes for Blacks? *******, maybe back then, but NOT RIGHT NOW, shawty! You may want to argue over who is the BEST MASTER and *******, BUT I don't do that furthermore, *******, you from Canada! You talking like you from the United States! Since you love White Republican folks so much, why don't you move your Black ass over here to the United States since you love, adore, and want to KISS their WHITE ASS so much? Go ahead and do that *******! As my dawg, Dre, said "Create your own party, Black folks, BECAUSE nothing is happening RIGHT NOW voting for a Democrat or a Republican!", which is the TRUTH!
What policies would you like to see Black representatives make in support of Black people?
That's a good question, BUT unfortunately, that WON'T HAPPEN! Before ANYTHING can happen regarding Black folks, everything starts at the LOCAL level, so first "my people" have to get their LOCAL communities straightened out first, which can happen by going back to the "Black Wall Street" ways of doing business! I will say this though because I have seen this firsthand, nanci whiteboy, in Atlanta, Black folks own so much! I mean from the recording companies, so many Black owned businesses, even have Black police officers (that may be funny, but in my home city, the Garden City, very seldom would you see a Black police officer), and most importantly, Atlanta has had a Black mayor for 46 YEARS! So, when I saw that back then as a 10-year-old, DEFINITELY made me proud and they still have kept that going for years!
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That's a good question, BUT unfortunately, that WON'T HAPPEN! Before ANYTHING can happen regarding Black folks, everything starts at the LOCAL level, so first "my people" have to get their LOCAL communities straightened out first, which can happen by going back to the "Black Wall Street" ways of doing business! I will say this though because I have seen this firsthand, nanci whiteboy, in Atlanta, Black folks own so much! I mean from the recording companies, so many Black owned businesses, even have Black police officers (that may be funny, but in my home city, the Garden City, very seldom would you see a Black police officer), and most importantly, Atlanta has had a Black mayor for 46 YEARS! So, when I saw that back then as a 10-year-old, DEFINITELY made me proud and they still have kept that going for years!

So if I understand you correctly, Black reps at the national level will become more effective when Black people at the local level control their communities and prosper through private business ownership, using old-school Black Wall Street capitalism. Pardon me, but are you sure the democrats support your goals?

ps, I'm occasionally in Atlanta on business, mostly booking large Black family reunions. I like Atlanta.
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