Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I forgot you had a Russian brain fart going on - Russian plant - do you even realize how delusional you sound - lot more’n 40% and growing - rabid Dems - such as yourself bout 20% of population 😝

that's a lot of numbers can you crunch them right? still come up with you are less than 40%

the only president in history that started low....and fluctuated even lower

lower than whale *******!
He tackles problems head on where others avoided

sure he does...just some of his accomplishments
like surrendering global leadership to china

like making America less safe with North Korea

like Emboldening P.utins Russia

like increasing chances of war in the middle east

Like weakening America's hand with Iran

like Politicizing the Military while failing LGBT members

Like making a mockery of America's values

like supporting dictators

Like gutting and undercutting American diplomacy

Like failing to address the nuclear threat and even increasing it

Like enriching himself at America's expense

Like weakening the US at home and around the world


I'm sure you really love it...the slow death of the you can really fuck your employees with no standards at all.....something every biz owner just loves to hear....and the down fall of America and the dominance of china in doing so
sure he does...just some of his accomplishments
like surrendering global leadership to china

like making America less safe with North Korea

like Emboldening P.utins Russia

like increasing chances of war in the middle east

Like weakening America's hand with Iran

like Politicizing the Military while failing LGBT members

Like making a mockery of America's values

like supporting dictators

Like gutting and undercutting American diplomacy

Like failing to address the nuclear threat and even increasing it

Like enriching himself at America's expense

Like weakening the US at home and around the world

Professor Propaganda strikes again

Dem HORSESHITE getting VERY deep in here :|
you sure spend a lot of time watching it....more than I do...….nasty outside and I spent most of the day watching the motor trend channel!

Motortrend is one of my favorite channels - I ******* myself to watch CNN so I can better understand you ;}

No wonder you are mesmerized - watchin them is hard to do - do it in 10 minute shifts so I do not become indoctrinated to biased Dem horseshite - need to understand the opposition - plus Erin Burnett is a Fox :}
Adam Schiff in amongst the pack o lies he spielled out today proclaims the election can’t be left to the people but should be decided by a bunch of leftwing hacks like him - UNBELIEVABLE

The only time I believe he actually told the truth today : |
Motortrend is one of my favorite channels - I ******* myself to watch CNN so I can better understand you ;}

No wonder you are mesmerized - watchin them is hard to do - do it in 10 minute shifts so I do not become indoctrinated to biased Dem horseshite - need to understand the opposition - plus Erin Burnett is a Fox :}

Iron resurrection on most of day......until these two guys that dig up old car stories....don't care for that so switched to cnn until it got over and back to Iron resurrection…….but phantom on now and really don't like that guy either

and I don't know what is going on there......wonder if it is going to be like Fox with all these sex scandals....but damn everytime I watch a new gal and a good looking at that even

and normally erin keeps those puppies pretty well hid...but the other day..a first in a V-neck sweater.....showing some skin
Poor Adam Schiff, it looks like his Broadway performance is a dud, his talent is lying, not acting. I tried to watch the trial but between Schiff and Nadler it is a close race to be the most boring, lethargic, dull and obtuse human beings in this farce to ******* everyone.:sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick::sick: