Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

And you Heard Me, didn't you! HIGH HOPES, YOU GOT HIGH HOPES.

all I heard was the crazy rants from something in the cult people really need to learn to speak and understand English so you can see the facts when they are presented

To Understand Trump, You Must Understand His Cult - Truthdig
The Cult of Trump by Chris Hedges The Cult Education Institute lists the warning signs of a “potentially unsafe group/leader,” and almost all of them are uncanny descriptions of President Trump....


I don't have "High Hopes"...…..I am the god of "Hell Fire"....and I bring you fire!

Can the Trump cult be deprogrammed? Here’s what this mind ...
Oct 22, 2019 · Donald Trump is a stereotypical cult leader like Lyndon LaRouche, who’s a political cult leader, or Sun Myung-moon, my former cult leader. Donald Trump is also like Jim Jones or David Koresh.
10 Signs You've Joined The Trump Cult | The Daily Wire
    • Absolute Authoritarianism. Certainly the Trump campaign tends toward this standard. Today, …
    • No Tolerance For Questions. Asking tough questions about Trump merely demonstrates, according …
    • No Meaningful Financial Disclosures. Trump says he’s worth $10 or $11 or $100 billion. All of these …
    • Unreasonable Fear About The Outside World. This is Trump’s entire campaign platform. While …
    See all full list on The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert ...
"The Cult of Trump" is an effective, thorough discussion of how Trump uses cult-like mind-control techniques to manipulate and maintain his unwavering support base. If you have ever wondered how Trump, with his highly documented failures, lies, anti-social behavior, became the darling of right wing politics, Hassan breaks it down in this book.

Take It From a Former Moonie: Trump Is a Cult Leader
Oct 13, 2019 · Take It From a Former Moonie: Trump Is a Cult Leader On the afternoon of Nov. 18, 1978, Jim Jones called his followers to the central pavilion of Jonestown, a sprawling outpost in the jungles of...

To Understand Trump, You Must Understand His Cult - Truthdig
A CBS poll last year found that among Trump’s strongest supporters, 91% trust the president for all their information, compared to only 63% who trust their own friends and family.

Is Trump Just Another Toxic Cult Leader? | Dame Magazine
Feb 28, 2017 · Is Trump Just Another Toxic Cult Leader? ... and not even the very real possibility of collusion with our Russian foes ... “Like any good cult leader, Trump galvanized his followers who shared the narrative that this country was going to hell in a hand basket and …

"The Cult-of-Trump" or "How Stupid Can People Be?"
There has never been anything in modern times even close to the Cult-of-Trump in terms of being outright disturbing. People embrace and defend this cretin in ways that are reminiscent of actual cults.

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult? | Reza Aslan ...


Apr 15, 2018 · The controversial author and religious scholar Reza Aslan posits that President Donald Trump has much of his evangelical fan-base believing that he's somehow been anointed by
Trump Is Trying To Hide The Cost Of His Travel Until After ...
8 hours ago · If Trump’s travel expenses were normal for a president, his administration would not be trying to hard to hide the cost. It is estimated that Trump has …

Trump Is Trying To Hide The Cost Of His Travel Until After ...
Trump is trying to hide how much taxpayer money he is spending on travel and Secret Service protection at his private clubs until after the election. The Washington Post reported: The Trump administration is seeking to delay a Democratic effort to require the Secret Service to disclose how much it spends protecting President Trump and…

Trump's travel costs during his first year exceed 13 ...
Jan 20, 2018 · President Trump's travel costs now total over $13 million, right-leaning Judicial Watch reports. In total, the trip cost $44,783. Since June, Trump also visited Alabama, Arizona and Missouri for campaign trips and rallies. The trip to Arizona alone, where he met with Marines and hosted a rally, cost over $1.5 million.
Ever notice the better our President looks the more crazy the Dems get - hell now they’re even referring to a known killer and maimer of Americans as a martyr and revered military leader - only Dems could take the part of a rogue government and terrorist over their own president - what disgusting / pathetic people they have shown themselves to be :{
Trump Derangement Syndrome is rampant in Dems - I believe the cause is the LAME Street Media - they constantly accuse our president of lying when 24 / 7 their flow of lies is endless - so typical of the left - always accuse their opponent of that what they are doing - hypocrites extraordinaire
As well they should - couple in here could use that prolly too :|
Lots of others. I don't want to mention names but the US Secret Service has the resources to know them anyways. All they need to do is look through the history of the threads and then get their ip addresses. They don't need me at all.
If Dem horseshite propaganda could win an election - you guys would prolly win - trouble is - people know it’s horseshite - only rabid Dems believe it - taint many o them :}

guess you haven't looked at the stats lately....but then probably don't get the news inside the cult cave

Trump Has Told 6,420 Lies Since Becoming President

although I will admit...….right now he has a pretty good chance of making it.....the Dems right now are more than shooting themselves in the foot....and I think they have taken themselves out...….so that leaves trump...…..with his mouth and etc.....he could still push even more to be interesting....I think trump will shoot himself in the foot also....but the cult will not care
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