Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Hell, I bet if the LiarNChief Trump said the full moon was a frik'n pizza, you people would be jumping up and down trying to get a slice.
Do all of you share only ONE BRAIN in your little group?
Do you still believe in Santa Claus & the Tooth Fairy?
Frik'n NUTS!

We’re a CULT - haven’t ya heard - and - there’s lots of us and the number is growing
I am NOT a Rand Paul lover...…...but he hit the nail on the head on this whole thing....even got Lindsay graham mumbling *******...…….there is/was nothing on a reason to ******* this guy...he is now a martyr and who knows who or what group will try to justify some vengeance and it could go for who knows how long or in what country

if you remember right they also sold us on Saddam Hussain had to we took him out....the country has been in chaos every since....and has been gradually been aligning them selves with iran….and wanting us out!....certainly not a good decision there either
It’s in Mac’s PROOF :} you was referring to the pallets of cash sent to Iran.....which is false and just like trumps Russia not interfering in the election......the whole world knows better and yet trump still says it

and yet nothing brought up of the actual money bush sent in on pallets that did disappear....forgetting things the right does.....and making up things that the left DID NOT do and trying to sell them as......
We’re a CULT - haven’t ya heard - and - there’s lots of us and the number is growing

Poll: Trump Approval Down, Slips With Base | WBUR News · Jun 24, 2019

.How many Americans actually support Trump? - CNNPolitics
Sep 26, 2018 · Midterms are a base election, but how big is Trump's base? We all know he brags about being the most popular president in the Republican Party (more popular than …

Stupidity isn't necessarily confined to any geographical location. I don't think the South has the market cornered on stupidity. They may have refined it into an art form, but it's alive everywhere in the republican party.
Yeah only the left has any brains just ask Ed Larson - tell me this then o holder of all the smarts - why’d ya lose in 2016 - never mind you’ll just say RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA WAH WAH WAH - you people THINK you have all the answers - TRUTH is if ya didn’t have the LAME Street Media you’d have nothing - all the bozos you have running are ridiculous - it’s really gonna suck when ya lose again in 2020 for us having to listen to ya piss and moan for another 4 years :{
they were not nearly as dangerous under the deal worked out with 7 other nations.....but trump in his effort to start a nuke war....has Iran creating more trouble for several sine trump stepped in

Iran tanker attacks show rising tensions since Trump quit ...
Jun 17, 2019 · Why are we headed for a blowup with Iran? It began when Trump scrapped the nuclear deal At minimum, Iran and America badly need a hotline to deconflict their military forces and avert a …

Trump stirs Mideast tensions despite talk of 'endless wars ...
4 days ago · Trump has been on a confrontational path with Iran since even before he took office, when he pledged to end the Iran nuclear deal signed by Obama. ... drawn up plans to retaliate should Iran attack.

Iran Increases Cyber Attacks on U.S. Gov’t, Infrastructure ...
Jun 24, 2019 · After President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the deal in May 2018, cyber experts said they have seen an increase in Iranian hacking efforts. “This is not a …

Trump Won't Like This: Iran's Clever Strategy of Pushback ...
Sep 21, 2019 · Trump Won't Like This: Iran's Clever Strategy of Pushback Is Working ... a far more stringent and comprehensive deal to curb Iran's nuclear and regional ambitions. ... diplomatic discussions with ...

We have seen the Incompetence of Trump's Immigration ...
Jun 24, 2019 · We made an agreement with Iran and whatever your opinion is of the deal ( even though most have no idea what is in the deal) it was ratified by the Congress and all our allies also passed it and signed agreement. The agreement was they would suspend their nuke weapons program and they did. Trump broke the deal which even his own Secretary of State Pompeo told the Congress that Iran
Yeah only the left has any brains just ask Ed Larson - tell me this then o holder of all the smarts - why’d ya lose in 2016 - never mind you’ll just say RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA WAH WAH WAH - you people THINK you have all the answers - TRUTH is if ya didn’t have the LAME Street Media you’d have nothing - all the bozos you have running are ridiculous - it’s really gonna suck when ya lose again in 2020 for us having to listen to ya piss and moan for another 4 years :{

I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

bother you that so many know so much more than you?...…get out of that cult cave and look around!

the only real pissing and moaning will be from Trump's cell stating "you can't do this do you know who I am?"

see my new avatar....better look quick before one of stiff's friends remove it......but that is the trump need to start looking at the facts and not what Genghis Conn is telling you....and get off the train
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Why Do Trump Voters Believe His Lies? It's Not Because ...
Mar 27, 2017 · And that gets us to another reason Trump supporters believe his lies. It’s because they are relying on facts and information... which are stored in OTHER people.

Why So Many Trump Supporters Are OK With the President's Lies
Mar 14, 2019 · Why So Many Trump Supporters Are OK With the President's Lies Authoritarianism has long been linked to support for Donald Trump. New research finds people with that mindset are less likely to care that a political leader is lying.

Why Trump’s supporters will believe any lie he tells.
Oct 19, 2018 · Why Trump’s Supporters Will Believe Any Lie He Tells From Kavanaugh to Khashoggi, they are immune to the truth.

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...
Aug 04, 2016 · Presidential candidate Donald Trump has made quite a few false statements during his rise to the top of the Republican field. The Post's Fact Checker took a look at Trump's

Why people believe Trump's lies, fake news, and conspiracy ...
Think about it: Say you believe all the lies Trump has told about trade, China and the global economy. It's a comforting notion, ultimately, because it means he also has the solutions.

Why Fact-Checking Doesn't Faze Trump Fans - The Atlantic
Jul 05, 2017 · Trump supporters can assess the evidence, and they haven’t thrown out truth. It’s just not the operative factor in their choice. The question is whether Trump is unusual in this regard.

Why smart people believe all the crazy things Trump says ...
Dec 08, 2015 · This might explain why so many people support Donald Trump. Search Input. Search. ... Why smart people believe all the crazy things Trump says ... refusing to back down when he's caught in a lie.

Stephen Fry Explains Why Some People Believe Everything ...
Some supporters of President Donald Trump believe just about everything he says, even when he’s wrong. And Trump himself seems to have absolute confidence in his own beliefs ― again, even when he is demonstrably wrong.
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We've all see your poor math skills, but Jesus H Christ you're off by a mile....or 133 miles actually. This is elementary school stuff. From the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, a US currency bill weighs a gram. There are 454 bills in a pound (regardless of denomination). $2 billion in $100 bills would only weigh about 22 tons.

Your stack height is also off by orders of magnitude. Given the typical thickness of 0.0043" per bill, 20 million $100 bills (that's $2 billion in case you don't have your calculator) would only be 1.357 miles high.

Also Mac, assuming they wouldn't use you to load the plane, the bills wouldn't be in a single stack over a mile high. US currency bills are 2.61 inches by 6.14 inches. An intelligent person would make 144 stacks of bills per 4'x4' pallet. Stacked 4' high, that comes to $160.7 million per pallet. You'd only need 13 pallets 4' high to hold over $2 billion.

A C-17 isn't even breaking a sweat with 13 pallets and 22 tons of cargo....hell it can carry almost 4 times that load.

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'Insulting and demeaning': Lawmakers rip Trump administration after Iran briefing

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle came away with vastly different interpretations of two classified briefings that top administration officials held on Wednesday about the airstrike last week that killed top Iranian General Qassem Soleimani.

Speaking alongside Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said, "I had hoped and expected to receive more information outlining the legal, factual and moral justification for the attack and left somewhat unsatisfied on that front." He added, "it was probably the worst briefing I've seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I've served in the United States Senate."

"I find this insulting and demeaning," he said, adding that he now plans to vote in favor of a new war powers resolution from Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia. "That briefing changed my mind," he said.

Paul concurred, saying, "Today, this is Sen. Lee and I saying, we are not abdicating our duty."

The officials leading the briefing included Defense Secretary Mark Esper, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, CIA Director Gina Haspel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

Democrats in the basement of the Capitol emerged from the briefing, which lasted about 90 minutes, expressing similar frustration with the Trump administration.

"We really don't have an idea of whether or not there was an imminent reason to do this," Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-N.J., said about the airstrike targeting Soleimani.

Democrats said that they didn’t hear anything during the closed-door briefing that suggested there was intelligence that showed Soleimani posed as an imminent threat to the U.S. They also said that they were not satisfied with the legal justification on which officials are basing the airstrike, which is the authorization for the use of military ******* (AUMF) passed by Congress in 2002 to invade Iraq.

"The administration firmly believes that based on good intelligence, the threat was immediate," said Rep. Anthony Brown, D-Md., “But it appears to me that the actions that were taken was much more of a response to the past conduct of General Soleimani, and I've not yet heard sort of like the facts underlying what the potential imminent future threat that was posed by General Soleimani. I didn't hear anything about alternatives to neutralize or address the threat."

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., told reporters that the briefing was "sophomoric and unconvincing" and said that it was "absurd" that the administration is basing the action on the 2002 AUMF.

"No case was made for imminence. No case was made for thinking this through, and I leave more troubled than when I went into it," he said.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., tweeted that he, "Just left the briefing. The bottom line is this: I did not hear evidence of a specific imminent threat that would allow an attack without congressional authorization. With consequences as serious as these, that is unacceptable. Congress needs to act."

Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., suggested that it was entirely predictable that Democrats wouldn’t get the answers they wanted, saying, "If you had an expectation that you'd get something out of that, you haven't been here very long and you had false expectations."
Coming out of a similar briefing held in the Senate, Cory Booker, D-N.J., said, "This was a wholly unsatisfying briefing ... where I was presented with no evidence about this threshold and imminence" and called it "very frustrating."

Most Republicans, however, left the briefing with a different interpretation of what was presented, defending the president and the strike.

"I thought the briefing was very helpful — to have the secretary of state, secretary defense and the other intelligence officials really walk through just how long of a history Soleimani had of inflicting terror and ******* not only to Americans, but to others, our allies in the region, and the fact that he was plotting further attacks to ******* Americans made it clear that it was time to take him out," said House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., a close Trump ally, said Haspel "gave the greatest breadth of information that was not only compelling but certainly exhaustive in terms of the number of attacks and planned attacks that have been contemplated and why the need for action was necessitated."

Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., told reporters after the Senate briefing that he was convinced Soleimani posed an urgent threat to the U.S. and that the U.S. was right to attack him.

"At a time when this was probably the most strategic response that could have been made, I think the other alternatives might have cost more lives,” said Blunt, who when asked how imminent the threat was, he responded, "Days."

Democrats reiterated their calls from earlier in the day for Congress to vote on a new war powers resolution to replace ones passed by Congress to invade Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2002.

Progressive Democrats have been pushing proposals floated by Reps. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., and Barbara Lee, D-Calif., and expressed openness to a measure by Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., which was announced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Sunday. Kaine has proposed similar legislation in the Senate.

Pelosi announced Wednesday that the House would vote Thursday on Slotkin's resolution, saying in a statement that the House will "honor our duty to keep the American people safe" and "will move forward with a War Powers Resolution to limit the President’s
military actions regarding Iran."

Khanna has introduced similar legislation with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., that would prohibit any funding for military ******* in or against Iran without prior congressional authorization. And Lee, who has long pushed for a new war powers resolution, is calling for a repeal of the 2002 war powers resolution which Congress passed in order to invade Iraq.

"We have to make sure that Congress reasserts its role in exercising responsibility to, if in fact, any president wants to use ******* or conduct military strikes," Lee said after the briefing, "He or she must come to Congress for authorization."

Both Lee and Paul said Wednesday they would support Kaine's resolution.

they had was all a publicity stunt by trump.....and just like the invasion of Iraq...…..he has put lives in danger all around the world!.....means nothing to him......the trump cult eats that ******* up
We've all see your poor math skills, but Jesus H Christ you're off by a mile....or 133 miles actually. This is elementary school stuff. From the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, a US currency bill weighs a gram. There are 454 bills in a pound (regardless of denomination). $2 billion in $100 bills would only weigh about 22 tons.

Your stack height is also off by orders of magnitude. Given the typical thickness of 0.0043" per bill, 20 million $100 bills (that's $2 billion in case you don't have your calculator) would only be 1.357 miles high.

Also Mac, assuming they wouldn't use you to load the plane, the bills wouldn't be in a single stack over a mile high. US currency bills are 2.61 inches by 6.14 inches. An intelligent person would make 144 stacks of bills per 4'x4' pallet. Stacked 4' high, that comes to $160.7 million per pallet. You'd only need 13 pallets 4' high to hold over $2 billion.

A C-17 isn't even breaking a sweat with 13 pallets and 22 tons of cargo....hell it can carry almost 4 times that load.

you are not accounting for "hot air' between each bill.....and sentence
All of this arguing, way to much testosterone on this thread. I democrat lies and three compete and try to present much bigger lies. Four Democrats sitting at a table spread lies, they are all exaggerating and competing to outdo each other with the lies getting bigger and bigger. The funny thing is they all know everything being communicated are lies but because of false egos and high levels of testosterone, even otherwise intelligent Democratic males can't help but sit there for hours trying to outdo each other. If the election was held today President Trump would be reelected with more support then he got in 2016. There is not one other candidate running that deserves to be voted for. Democrats favorite song is HIGH HOPES, WE GOT HIGH HOPES.
All of this arguing, way to much testosterone on this thread. I democrat lies and three compete and try to present much bigger lies. Four Democrats sitting at a table spread lies, they are all exaggerating and competing to outdo each other with the lies getting bigger and bigger. The funny thing is they all know everything being communicated are lies but because of false egos and high levels of testosterone, even otherwise intelligent Democratic males can't help but sit there for hours trying to outdo each other. If the election was held today President Trump would be reelected with more support then he got in 2016. There is not one other candidate running that deserves to be voted for. Democrats favorite song is HIGH HOPES, WE GOT HIGH HOPES.

more rants from the cult cave...……..zombies just awaiting the word from the cult leader