Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Is that the best you can come up with?
Ignorance is bliss eh? We're tired of your bullshit over here. When trump came in we weren't worried because we thought he wouldn't last. I mean, what kind of a stupid electorate votes for a clown like him?
An American electorate, that's what kind.
You'll end up friendless in the world. It's already happening.
What kind of imbeciles swallow trump's line that Iran is backing down the day after they've dropped a load of bombs on one of your bases? What kind of halfwit believes that trump is outsmarting north Korea?
I rarely come on here anymore, because I'm speechless at some of the bollocks I read on here.
The biggest threat to global security is the USA. And that is the fault of poor education.
What does this mean? And what does 'so yeah' mean?
There were UK intelligence officials panicking the day after the attack, because ordinarily allies are informed when something like this is going to happen. They were claiming that, as longstanding and staunch allies, they were used to be kept in the loop because there are British boots on the ground there as well. There are channels for this kind of information that are (were) well-used. This president of yours doesn't deem it necessary. He's an arsehole. People are fucking angry over here AGAIN.
Try looking outside your country for once.
Uh no. No one in the UK was panicking over this mission.
Ignorance is bliss eh? We're tired of your bullshit over here. When trump came in we weren't worried because we thought he wouldn't last. I mean, what kind of a stupid electorate votes for a clown like him?
An American electorate, that's what kind.
You'll end up friendless in the world. It's already happening.
What kind of imbeciles swallow trump's line that Iran is backing down the day after they've dropped a load of bombs on one of your bases? What kind of halfwit believes that trump is outsmarting north Korea?
I rarely come on here anymore, because I'm speechless at some of the bollocks I read on here.
The biggest threat to global security is the USA. And that is the fault of poor education.
I hope you are frothing at the mouth over it. So many Americans want out of Europe. So do us a favor and kick us out.
Yup - ******* freaking terrorists - Al Bagdadi / Soleimani

So you advocate letting Iran develop nuclear weapons ?

Shown to be false - I LUV how you Dems think that by saying shown to be false makes everything just fine.

Truth is we had their 151.7 Billion - truth is Obama delivered it to them to get his ridiculous deal with them - truth is it funded their terrorism.

It seems that over 600 KIA soldiers and thousands wounded can be tied to both Iran and Soleimani - wouldn’t it have been better to allow all the families of those casualties to go after that money for wrongful death and medical expenses than give it to the perpetrators of said carnage to do more????

for one thing......once again facts seems to elude you...even when posted on here.....and you are confusing several different points in your confusion to try and make what appears to be a very false statement into something you WANT it to be
Again you lie. Obama didn't do anything on his own. Several countries signed on to this. And that money wasn't even in American banks, you half wit.

150 billion is a bullshit figure. FYI.

But maybe it is you that wants Iran to have nuclear weapons.

To call you a MORON would be insulting morons - you waste of humanity
Ignorance is bliss eh? We're tired of your bullshit over here. When trump came in we weren't worried because we thought he wouldn't last. I mean, what kind of a stupid electorate votes for a clown like him?
An American electorate, that's what kind.
You'll end up friendless in the world. It's already happening.
What kind of imbeciles swallow trump's line that Iran is backing down the day after they've dropped a load of bombs on one of your bases? What kind of halfwit believes that trump is outsmarting north Korea?
I rarely come on here anymore, because I'm speechless at some of the bollocks I read on here.
The biggest threat to global security is the USA. And that is the fault of poor education.

FU and good riddance Brit gobshite
It’s nice to have a President that kills terrorists and puts countries that support terrorism on notice that killing Americans will no longer be tolerated than one that sent them 150 Billion plus 1.7 Billion on a pallet and kissed their arse.
gif_Yellowball-LIAR.gif ..... Of course getting you to show the FACTS of your claim will be ignored as usual. So, I'll do it for you, Trumptard!
I dare you to read the report. Unfortunately, there are no pictures or photographs for you to view, so you can't create your own story. Its just Politifacts vs the LiarNChief Trump.
I know which I'll believe ...

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Of course getting you to show the FACTS of your claim will be ignored as usual. So, I'll do it for you, Trumptard!
I dare you to read the report. Unfortunately, there are no pictures or photographs for you to view, so you can't create your own story. Its just Politifacts vs the LiarNChief Trump.
I know which I'll believe ...
He sent pallets of cash to Iran.
What does this mean? And what does 'so yeah' mean?
There were UK intelligence officials panicking the day after the attack, because ordinarily allies are informed when something like this is going to happen. They were claiming that, as longstanding and staunch allies, they were used to be kept in the loop because there are British boots on the ground there as well. There are channels for this kind of information that are (were) well-used. This president of yours doesn't deem it necessary. He's an arsehole. People are fucking angry over here AGAIN.
Try looking outside your country for once.
I think you mistook my statement. My point is, WII was an extreme time war and a different time. And new laws AGAINST such actions, were put into place. So tRump, the person in the White House, the person with a title, but by no stretch of the imagination some ”president of mine” is in violation of international law. We are in agreement my friend. Careful not everything is an argument.
$150 billion in cash on pallets, really!? PROOF? Or do you follow BlkdLIAR example?

About 2 Bilion in cash. The 150 billion claim is based more on estimates from the release of frozen assets.

Anything else you need to know?
GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif ................................................................................................................. gif_Yellowball-jerkingOFF3.gif
Hell, I bet if the LiarNChief Trump said the full moon was a frik'n pizza, you people would be jumping up and down trying to get a slice.
Do all of you share only ONE BRAIN in your little group?
Do you still believe in Santa Claus & the Tooth Fairy?
Frik'n NUTS!