Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

It’s nice to have a President that kills terrorists and puts countries that support terrorism on notice that killing Americans will no longer be tolerated than one that sent them 150 Billion plus 1.7 Billion on a pallet and kissed their arse.
Trump takes this guy out. Doesn't say a word of his intentions to your 'allies', so it took us completely by surprise. This isn't the way it has ever been done and it compromises the safety of our brothers, fathers and sons over there.
With friends like you guys, who needs enemies?
For context, the last time something like this happened was WWII. Operation Vengeance when we shot down Admiral Yamamoto. WWII led to new laws in war just fyi, so yeah.
zwing you are such a raving lefty ding-a-ling
I have hit on the truth why the lefties think the right is dumb, Lefties are so dumb they don't even realize that they are dumb. Zwing trying to tell me a simple man to prove God uses Science to show that he is the creator. Man's job is to be open to sharing God with others, It is not man's job to convert anyone because that job belongs to God. I don't take it personal because they aren't rejecting me, they are rejecting God. The one and only unforgivable Sin,
*******, you didn't have the life that I did, that's for damn sure! I own a business as well though mine isn't dictated by WHO the President is in order to keep it running worrying about the unemployment rate! I have learned to CREATE my own economy, which has done WONDERS for me! Hence why I DON'T trust the LYING government!
You have peaked my interest in cypto, maybe it's a mid life crisis.
It’s nice to have a President that kills terrorists and puts countries that support terrorism on notice that killing Americans will no longer be tolerated than one that sent them 150 Billion plus 1.7 Billion on a pallet and kissed their arse.

Kills terrorists? the ones living here that are American citizens?

countries that support terrorism?.....think that if we didn't stick our nose in their biz....there probably wouldn't be any

sent 150 billion on a pallet?....that has already been shown to be false....just right wing ******* drool......but what about the 60million that the right sent over that disappeared...… what a selective memory you have
I have hit on the truth why the lefties think the right is dumb, Lefties are so dumb they don't even realize that they are dumb. Zwing trying to tell me a simple man to prove God uses Science to show that he is the creator. Man's job is to be open to sharing God with others, It is not man's job to convert anyone because that job belongs to God. I don't take it personal because they aren't rejecting me, they are rejecting God. The one and only unforgivable Sin,

you would fit in all of these categories…..just to slow to see it

Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans ...
A lot of it has to do with education. Trump's support is strongest with Republicans in the Midwest, conservatives across the country who do not have a college degree and (perhaps not surprisingly …

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ..

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
Feb 24, 2016 · Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from well educated and poorly educated people, adding "I love the poorly educated." ... Trump didn't just win with less educated

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic
Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? ... Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump

Trump Supporters Appear To Be Misinformed, Not Uninformed
Jan 07, 2016 · Trump’s backers tend to be whiter, slightly older and less educated than the average Republican voter. But perhaps more importantly, his supporters have shown signs of being misinformed.

Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong ...
Jul 30, 2018 · Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong — But they may soon be too embarrassed to defend him ... “Why, if it’s wrong to …

Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US. ... The majority of Trump supporters want to believe that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. ... A Day After Promising …

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...
Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters
How will Trump supporters deal with Trump losing the 2020 ...
Jul 23, 2019 · And in the 2018 midterms, the Republicans had this confirmed in the Senate races where with the exception of Alabama and Montana, every candidate that said, “I support Trump” won, including West Virginia’s Democratic Senator. If Trump loses in 2020… this will likely trickle down into the

simple...he promotes violence and has pushed sine he started
Yup - ******* freaking terrorists - Al Bagdadi / Soleimani

So you advocate letting Iran develop nuclear weapons ?

Shown to be false - I LUV how you Dems think that by saying shown to be false makes everything just fine.

Truth is we had their 151.7 Billion - truth is Obama delivered it to them to get his ridiculous deal with them - truth is it funded their terrorism.

It seems that over 600 KIA soldiers and thousands wounded can be tied to both Iran and Soleimani - wouldn’t it have been better to allow all the families of those casualties to go after that money for wrongful death and medical expenses than give it to the perpetrators of said carnage to do more????
Yup - ******* freaking terrorists - Al Bagdadi / Soleimani

So you advocate letting Iran develop nuclear weapons ?

Shown to be false - I LUV how you Dems think that by saying shown to be false makes everything just fine.

Truth is we had their 151.7 Billion - truth is Obama delivered it to them to get his ridiculous deal with them - truth is it funded their terrorism.

It seems that over 600 KIA soldiers and thousands wounded can be tied to both Iran and Soleimani - wouldn’t it have been better to allow all the families of those casualties to go after that money for wrongful death and medical expenses than give it to the perpetrators of said carnage to do more????
Again you lie. Obama didn't do anything on his own. Several countries signed on to this. And that money wasn't even in American banks, you half wit.

150 billion is a bullshit figure. FYI.

But maybe it is you that wants Iran to have nuclear weapons.
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I have hit on the truth why the lefties think the right is dumb, Lefties are so dumb they don't even realize that they are dumb. Zwing trying to tell me a simple man to prove God uses Science to show that he is the creator. Man's job is to be open to sharing God with others, It is not man's job to convert anyone because that job belongs to God. I don't take it personal because they aren't rejecting me, they are rejecting God. The one and only unforgivable Sin,
You religious nuts crack me up.
You religious nuts crack me up.

Support for Trump could spell end of the evangelical ...
Mar 19, 2018 · Loss of moral authority. Persistent reports that Trump had sex with porn actress Stormy Daniels is “the last nail” for young people and the white conservative church. “Evangelicals have lost all moral authority,” De La Torre said. And it will also …

Trump Being Supported By Church Of Ex-Evangelical Pastor ...
The support offered by an evangelical megachurch to President Trump has been “incredibly damaging to the Gospel and to the church," former megachurch pastor and author Joshua Harris said. In his...

Donald Trump pervert - YouTube
Dec 14, 2017 · Donald Trump picks up and kisses a little black girl after pointing her out in the audience at a rally speech in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She obviously refuses to get kissed by a bag of *******.

Jeffrey Epstein. Pervert, Fraud, Friend of Trump - Page 13
Jul 26, 2019 · The same Donald Trump who hosted a “calendar girl” party at Mar-a-Lago in 1992, the guest list for which consisted of him, Epstein, and “28 girls.” Elsewhere in the Hill.TV interview, ole Rudes contended that anyone who spent a considerable amount of time with Epstein—like, say, Trump—more than likely knew that crimes were being ...

Inside the Black Church Vandalized in Support of Donald ...
Nov 11, 2016 · Six days before the U.S. election, Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, was burned and vandalized with “Vote Trump” graffiti. Still haven’t subscribed to The New Yorker on ...

How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments ...
Feb 18, 2017 · How Donald Trump has already broken all 10 Commandments Graven images, coveting his neighbor's possessions, adultery...The Donald pretty much violated all of them Feb 17, 2017, 4:41

Trump has broken every single one of the Ten Commandments ...
Mar 29, 2019 · Re: Trump has broken every single one of the Ten Commandments WILLINGLY AND KNOWINGLY We elected a president. He stands between us and the deep state satanic globalist scum that hate the flag, country, nationhood and humanity.

The Ten Commandments do not apply to Donald Trump! False Christians support him ! Why?

DJT May Be The Anti-Christ. He Has Broken Every Commandment


Nov 25, 2017 · DJT has broken each of the 10 commandments and he has corrupted both the American secular world and our political process ... He Has Broken Every Commandment GREG PORTER ... The Trump Presidency ...
  • Author: GREG PORTER
Trump morally lost & confused, he should go: Christianity ...
Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment. That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments. We …

Trump is the price Republicans have to pay to keep their ...
Oct 24, 2019 · Republican voters, mainly motivated by bigotry and a desire to stick it to liberals, adore Trump’s trollish behavior and generally worship him like a god. So the party’s leading political ...
Trump morally lost & confused, he should go: Christianity ...
Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office by the Senate or by popular vote next election—that is a matter of prudential judgment. That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments. We …
Come on Nigeria news
Come on Nigeria news

they just copied what was in the Christian news!....don't think they have Christians there?

will one of these do.....all same article since you want to be picky

Evangelical Christian magazine calls for Trump's removal ...
Dec 19, 2019 · Christianity Today, the evangelical Christian magazine founded by televangelist Billy Graham, called for Donald Trump’s removal from office following the …

Evangelical publication calls for Trump's removal from ...
Dec 19, 2019 · Evangelical publication calls for Trump's removal from office - CNNPolitics A leading Christian magazine founded by late evangelist Billy Graham -- …

Christianity Today calls for Trump removal as president ...
Dec 19, 2019 · The flagship magazine of evangelical Christianity in America called for President Trump ’s removal from office Thursday evening. Christianity Today, which …

Christian magazine calls for Trump removal | The Standard
Dec 21, 2019 · US President Donald Trump has blasted the magazine founded by the late Reverend Billy Graham after the influential publication for conservative evangelical Christians called for …

Christian magazine calls for Trump removal
Christian magazine calls for Trump removal US President Donald Trump has slammed the evangelical magazine started by Billy Graham after it called for his removal over his call to the Ukraine president.
For context, the last time something like this happened was WWII. Operation Vengeance when we shot down Admiral Yamamoto. WWII led to new laws in war just fyi, so yeah.
What does this mean? And what does 'so yeah' mean?
There were UK intelligence officials panicking the day after the attack, because ordinarily allies are informed when something like this is going to happen. They were claiming that, as longstanding and staunch allies, they were used to be kept in the loop because there are British boots on the ground there as well. There are channels for this kind of information that are (were) well-used. This president of yours doesn't deem it necessary. He's an arsehole. People are fucking angry over here AGAIN.
Try looking outside your country for once.