Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

First of all, Soleimani was a soldier fighting an enemy. What he deserved should not enter the calculus, especially since he is known for making an effort to go after acceptable targets. Using your logic, our generals deserve to be killed as well. That said, the General was also an acceptable target. He just wasn't a smart least not in the way we took him out. Had he been assassinated in a way that could have allowed us plausible deniability this conversation would not be necessary. Unfortunately, Drumph is stupid.

Stupid is in the eye of the beholder - someone such as yourself that believes they are omniscient appear quite stupid to me.
You sir are an insufferable bore so full of yourself and self-important /self-righteous
that you could ONLY reside in California where the shite flows in the streets due the inability of the Dems to govern - very apropos as you are completely full of it !!!
And you, numbnuts, are a chode-licker, likely spawned from seed that your ******* deposited in a condom that your mom scooped up out of a pizza box that was left on the porch of her slave quarters. Get back in your hole, the Black race can't afford you no more!
Belief in fairy tales is not the hallmark of an open mind, it's moronic. There plenty of incompetent doctors that I would not allow to diagnose me. Most of them happen to be hypochristians. There are stupid people in every profession. Look at our president.
If the thought of God and Jesus is a fairy tale Dr. @edlarson we are now celebrating the year 2020. By the way it was 2020 years since what exactly? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
I believe the left overplayed it’s hand and it is changing - people are impeachment weary - especially when it’s obviously predicated on horseshite.

I don't think that....most know he is corrupt AND broke the law....but with it being this close to the election......let it be decided at the polls.....problem is a lot of people don't trust trump...the Russians and etc to not try and rig the election...he has rudyG back over there now still trying to pull *******.....I think I saw that almost 75% of the country does not want him impeached...but don't want him back in 2020
And you, numbnuts, are a chode-licker, likely spawned from seed that your ******* deposited in a condom that your mom scooped up out of a pizza box that was left on the porch of her slave quarters. Get back in your hole, the Black race can't afford you no more!
Tell that to Michelle Obama within earshot of Barack Obama, or to Meghan Markle within earshot of Prince Harry Dr. @edlarson I infinitely dare you! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
And you, numbnuts, are a chode-licker, likely spawned from seed that your ******* deposited in a condom that your mom scooped up out of a pizza box that was left on the porch of her slave quarters. Get back in your hole, the Black race can't afford you no more!

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - as Zwing would say “so easily triggered” :}
I don't think that....most know he is corrupt AND broke the law....but with it being this close to the election......let it be decided at the polls.....problem is a lot of people don't trust trump...the Russians and etc to not try and rig the election...he has rudyG back over there now still trying to pull *******.....I think I saw that almost 75% of the country does not want him impeached...but don't want him back in 2020

Yup let the people decide - agreed.
Here is the thing, Stiff. You may be trying to avoid the wrong hell.

Many theologians and faithful adherents have produced conflicting and mutually exclusive revelations. A person not aware of the revelation must either accept it or reject it based solely upon the authority of its proponent, and there is no way for a mere mortal to resolve these conflicting claims by investigation.

Most arguments for the existence of God are not specific to any one religion and could be applied to many religions with near equal validity.
You believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the divine ******* of God; Jews and Muslims do not. Similarly, Muslims believe that the Qur'an was divinely authored, while Jews and Christians do not. There are numerous examples of such contrasting views. There are opposing fundamental beliefs existent within each major religion. There are many denominations of Christianity which differ greatly on issues of doctrine.

Additionally, faith-confirming events such as visions and miracles are reported within all faiths with regularity. A single deity associated with a single exclusive existing faith or sect would either have to have caused adherents to other faiths to have visionary or miraculous experiences which lead them to continue to reject the true faith, or at least allowed some other agency to cause these same effects.

So, I hope you guessed correctly.

I'm banking on John 14:6 @Zwing:

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the *******, but by me.

Tell that to Michelle Obama within earshot of Barack Obama, or to Meghan Markle within earshot of Prince Harry Dr. @edlarson I infinitely dare you! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Why would I tell any of them that? My barb was directed at numbnuts. From what I know about Michelle Obama, she seems like a very intelligent and capable woman. Her husband, I can't quite bring myself to say too anything nice about except, he isn't Drumph.
Thank you for elevating me to god-like status. As my first order of business, I've just transmogrified your head into a penis and ensconced it in your ass where it belongs.

Twas totally unnecessary for me to elevate you to god-like status as it clearly appears you have done that yourself and long ago.
And you, numbnuts, are a chode-licker, likely spawned from seed that your ******* deposited in a condom that your mom scooped up out of a pizza box that was left on the porch of her slave quarters. Get back in your hole, the Black race can't afford you no more!
Why would I tell any of them that? My barb was directed at numbnuts. From what I know about Michelle Obama, she seems like a very intelligent and capable woman. Her husband, I can't quite bring myself to say too anything nice about except, he isn't Drumph.
I thought you were going somewhere not too pleasant Dr. @edlarson I am glad I was incorrect. Speech not befitting someone of your alleged position? :unsure:
If the thought of God and Jesus is a fairy tale Dr. @edlarson we are now celebrating the year 2020. By the way it was 2020 years since what exactly? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:
I didn't say hypochristians had not won the day, I said you were all idiots. Stop proving my points.
You disappoint me Dr. @edlarson . Certainly an historian with your self-credentials can certainly arrive at a rational answer to that mere riddle? Explain away Jesus. All the miracles that was done. Not to mention all of the historic record of it occurring. Then you can prove it was all a lie. Go to the Vatican and rationally explain everything so they can shut it down and turn it into condos. And because Muslims believe in Jesus too, only as a prophet not as a Saviour, feel free to do the same in Mecca as well. I await to see your triumphant victories on the news should you dare take those challenges Dr. @edlarson . :unsure:
It’s really too bad you suffer from such poor self-esteem ;}

You really are quite the pompous ass
True, Dr. @edlarson is very much like Winchester from M.A.S.H. with the exception that his character was a Republican :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

If you saw the series I don't know about their religious beliefs that the doctors' had in God, despite there was priest there to give dying soldiers their last rites, but they believed in the devil as the camp at times was Hell.
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