Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

True, Dr. @edlarson is very much like Winchester from M.A.S.H. with the exception that his character was a Republican :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

If you saw the series I don't know about their religious beliefs that the doctors' had in God, despite there was priest there to give dying soldiers their last rites, but they believed in the devil as the camp at times was Hell.
Winchesters were religious.
It’s really too bad you suffer from such poor self-esteem ;}

You really are quite the pompous ass
Why is it always the knuckle-draggers/science deniers that always accuse me of being pompous? There's no was on christmas but there sure as hell is a war on intelligence.
You disappoint me Dr. @edlarson . Certainly an historian with your self-credentials can certainly arrive at a rational answer to that mere riddle? Explain away Jesus. All the miracles that was done. Not to mention all of the historic record of it occurring. Then you can prove it was all a lie. Go to the Vatican and rationally explain everything so they can shut it down and turn it into condos. And because Muslims believe in Jesus too, only as a prophet not as a Saviour, feel free to do the same in Mecca as well. I await to see your triumphant victories on the news should you dare take those challenges Dr. @edlarson . :unsure:
That is a futile battle. There are more of you than there are of us. But don't think we don't have a plan to abandon you all here on Earth. We will have our own arc that delivers us to Mars. Away from this soon to be dead planet. It's like World War Z down here.
In case you have

Where exactly did you think I was going? You now have me confused.
And you, numbnuts, are a chode-licker, likely spawned from seed that your ******* deposited in a condom that your mom scooped up out of a pizza box that was left on the porch of her slave quarters. Get back in your hole, the Black race can't afford you no more!

You are a smart man Dr. @edlarson . Re-read what I underlined what you said a few times and you should arrive at the conclusion where I am glad that was the path that you were not headed. Despite our religious and political differences you are a smart guy.
That is a futile battle. There are more of you than there are of us. But don't think we don't have a plan to abandon you all here on Earth. We will have our own arc that delivers us to Mars. Away from this soon to be dead planet. It's like World War Z down here.
Too bad an historian has no clue what happened over 2000 years ago. Maybe you should need to read more about history?
You are a smart man Dr. @edlarson . Re-read what I underlined what you said a few times and you should arrive at the conclusion where I am glad that was the path that you were not headed. Despite our religious and political differences you are a smart guy.
I thought we had settled this hours ago! I AM NOT WHITE!!!
Wow, how do you manage to not get yourself killed when you step outside your house in the morning.
That is a futile battle. There are more of you than there are of us. But don't think we don't have a plan to abandon you all here on Earth. We will have our own arc that delivers us to Mars. Away from this soon to be dead planet. It's like World War Z down here.
2000 years or so after if you colonize Mars some might declare you to be a myth as well too Dr. @edlarson . :unsure:
Too bad an historian has no clue what happened over 2000 years ago. Maybe you should need to read more about history?
I know what you're referring to. You clearly did not understand what I was implying when I said you people won.
I thought we had settled this hours ago! I AM NOT WHITE!!!
Wow, how do you manage to not get yourself killed when you step outside your house in the morning.
Ok. That is impossible to discover online, no offense Dr. @edlarson , but all I see of you thus far is an avatar of a fowl as I am trying to avoid saying a chicken, sorry I am not a farm kid. Unless you say it is impossible to deduce without any clues. :ROFLMAO:
Winchesters were religious.
Well they were not atheists from what I recall? Nor did Charles Winchester pick any fights with ******* Mulcahy about there is no God? Again what made them believe in the Bible was not so much God and Jesus, but they did get their fair share of Hell from all of the wounded they had to treat under the awful conditions there in Korea which would make them believe. There are no atheists in foxholes they say. You have yet to discover yours Dr. @edlarson .

Ok. That is impossible to discover online, no offense Dr. @edlarson , but all I see of you thus far is an avatar of a fowl as I am trying to avoid saying a chicken, sorry I am not a farm kid. Unless you say it is impossible to deduce without any clues. :ROFLMAO:
You are obtuse. You have so many clues to draw from. I all but told you I was not white when you queried the etymology of my pseudonym. If you really are a Canadian, don't you speak French? Nomme de plume? My avatar is a BIG BLACK COCK. You have dramatically diminished my admiration for Canadians.
US allies distance themselves from Trump decision to assassinate Suleimani

US allies have distanced themselves from Donald Trump’s decision to assassinate Qassem Suleimani, as millions of Iranians took to the streets to mourn and demand revenge for the assassination of the country’s top general.

Both Israel and Nato stressed they were not involved in the airstrike on Thursday. The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, has already expressed disappointment in the lukewarm reaction of Washington’s European allies.

wonder why....trump has ******* on every ally we have....and now....what would we expect?

But the response of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was particularly striking, as he has been one of Trump’s staunchest supporters on the world stage.
He told a meeting of his security cabinet on Monday: “The assassination of Suleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”

funny....trump has never had a plan on Iran...….just what netinfuckyou pushed him into that iran was a danger....and trump without a brain in his head acted on that

France’s foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, insisted there was still time for diplomacy but warned that without urgent action to defuse rising tensions there was a real risk of a new Middle East war.
The UN secretary general, António Guterres, who spoke to Pompeo on Monday, said that the region’s “cauldron of tensions is leading more and more countries to take unpredicted decisions with unpredictable consequences and a profound risk of miscalculation”.

You are obtuse. You have so many clues to draw from. I all but told you I was not white when you queried the etymology of my pseudonym. If you really are a Canadian, don't you speak French? Nomme de plume? My avatar is a BIG BLACK COCK. You have dramatically diminished my admiration for Canadians.
Tout le français que j'ai appris était au lycée. Je parle l'anglais plus à l'aise.
( All the French I learned was in high school. I am more comfortable speaking English. )

I know I was just playing Dr. @edlarson . :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Entertaining, scintillating debate see you around. 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
As a fellow trekkie/trekker and later if ever. 🖖
Well they were not atheists from what I recall? Nor did Charles Winchester pick any fights with ******* Mulcahy about there is no God? Again what made them believe in the Bible was not so much God and Jesus, but they did get their fair share of Hell from all of the wounded they had to treat under the awful conditions there in Korea which would make them believe. There are no atheists in foxholes they say. You have yet to discover yours Dr. @edlarson .

You really do need to stop talking. I assume you can read a little bit. My comment was, and I quote myself "Winchesters were religious" the implication being that Winchester is a poor analogy for my personality. As for atheists being in foxholes, you are talking to one. I served with the 82nd Airborne in the First Gulf War. Not being a student of history I'm sure you are not familiar with it.
Tout le français que j'ai appris était au lycée. Je parle l'anglais plus à l'aise.
( All the French I learned was in high school. I am more comfortable speaking English. )

I know I was just playing Dr. @edlarson . :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Entertaining, scintillating debate see you around. 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
As a fellow trekkie/trekker and later if ever. 🖖
You may feel more comfortable conversing in English but believe me it is grating on the rest of us.
You really do need to stop talking. I assume you can read a little bit. My comment was, and I quote myself "Winchesters were religious" the implication being that Winchester is a poor analogy for my personality. As for atheists being in foxholes, you are talking to one. I served with the 82nd Airborne in the First Gulf War. Not being a student of history I'm sure you are not familiar with it.
Thanks for your service. Undoubtedly you seen your share of real life M.A.S.H. action there that contributed to your medical credentials. 👏 Next time.
You don't need to thank me. I signed a contract and fulfilled my obligation despite the US government failing to honor its part. I learned a lot of valuable lessons during my tours. The main lesson was to never, ever trust my government.