Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You don't need to thank me. I signed a contract and fulfilled my obligation despite the US government failing to honor its part. I learned a lot of valuable lessons during my tours. The main lesson was to never, ever trust my government.

learned that many years ago myself....saw one thing.....saw the press release nothing like what happened
think it was called stars and stripes...military news......been a while......had a paper and a radio station....pure lies and gov propaganda
Yep that's it. They censored the hell out of the news. When the King riots happened it was censored from our news in Italy. It nearly got me killed because I went to Germany that weekend and the Skinheads were celebrating in the streets.
Yep that's it. They censored the hell out of the news. When the King riots happened it was censored from our news in Italy. It nearly got me killed because I went to Germany that weekend and the Skinheads were celebrating in the streets.

yes they did ….put out what they wanted....where did you go in Germany?.....I was sent to Grafhinvere? to start......middle of nowhere...just to play war games...….did spend some time in Heidelberg…….loved that

I will say that my 7 years in the Army....I did get to see a lot of the world
Impeachment horseshite is bad for the country - weakens America.
Then Trump should try working within the rule of government. He's cut corners every time he makes decisions. You're blaming the wrong people for Trump's woes. He deserves everything he's gonna eventually get, that's for sure.
I think Soleimani had it coming and the operation to end him was righteous - informing allies would have been a good move.
You STILL don't get it, do you? I haven't heard one person say Solemani didn't deserve what he got ... not one. Its the way Trump went about doing it. All he's managed to do is worsen the situation in the middle east. Of course he probably knows that, but it takes a bit of the news heat off his impeachment. He's made things a lot worse for a lot more innocent people.
Then Trump should try working within the rule of government. He's cut corners every time he makes decisions. You're blaming the wrong people for Trump's woes. He deserves everything he's gonna eventually get, that's for sure.

You STILL don't get it, do you? I haven't heard one person say Solemani didn't deserve what he got ... not one. Its the way Trump went about doing it. All he's managed to do is worsen the situation in the middle east. Of course he probably knows that, but it takes a bit of the news heat off his impeachment. He's made things a lot worse for a lot more innocent people.
You can't convince cultist of much of anything. I just hope Drumph and his followers pull a Jim Jones to thin the herd a bit.
most of you know I live in a RED state!

health care a big issue here right now....fucked me last month...….guess I had no health care as they were taking bids on a new provider or some such *******...…..

anyway about every hour you see a Bloomberg add on health care...…..using trumps own words about how bad aca needs to go......drawing a lot of attention and talk!

the right just NEVER runs adds here...….it is a given people will vote for the right...…...nice to see Bloomberg stirring the pot...on a good subject!
Then Trump should try working within the rule of government. He's cut corners every time he makes decisions. You're blaming the wrong people for Trump's woes. He deserves everything he's gonna eventually get, that's for sure.

You STILL don't get it, do you? I haven't heard one person say Solemani didn't deserve what he got ... not one. Its the way Trump went about doing it. All he's managed to do is worsen the situation in the middle east. Of course he probably knows that, but it takes a bit of the news heat off his impeachment. He's made things a lot worse for a lot more innocent people.

Anything our President does is wrong in your eyes - wag the dog theory doubtful.
Don't hear much about impeachment moved on to Iran , wonder what's next in the long line of bullshit

that is because YOUR president is willing to see innocent people killed or put in harms way to try and take the heat off impeachment.....working some....but the more he draws it out....the more comes out showing what a corrupt and guilty asshole he really is.....for a guy going to get us out of the middle east....he has what doubled the amount over there now?
has most of the middle east and our allies against us.....all part of P.utins plan?

Obama used his head and thought things out before doing something that might be stupid...….your man the pervert in power just thinks with his little head apparently....and stupidity is a way of life for him.....that and molesting women
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Actually, subhub does state some very good points! What is so crazy is how MOST Americans approve of Trump's ways whereas if that was Obama, the Republicans and REDNECKS would have a fit! By the way, the hate crimes have increased or doubled since Trump has gotten into office, which I am not surprised! Plenty think that is okay, but when you have experienced RACISM like I have or been called the "N-word", that ******* is NOT cool! As my cousin said, "*******, it's the life of being a Black man, shawty!" Back to the Iran fiasco that Trump, again, has created, if he would have stayed in the Nuclear agreement, I don't think the country would be in this predicament! But, when it it's Obama-related, Trump HAS to FUCK IT UP, as if he has some type of infatuation with him or something! I hope Trump has a plan though on how to get the United States out of this mess that HE started without even letting Congress know at the start! Hmmm, Trump having a plan, YEA RIGHT, he NEVER does! Look at how the North Korea thing is progressing! Kim Jong Un even said, at one time, that the American President is crazy and laughed afterwards! I am an Independent and when I see how other countries feel about Trump, I just "shake my head" in disappointment! Folks state this was done to create a distraction! I wouldn't doubt that, but the MAIN THING we ALL should be worried about is that HIGH ass debt that this country is in! And, the media VERY RARELY even talks about it! *******, I know one thing though, if the U.S. ever gets another RECESSION, and WE WILL, oh *******, it's going to be 10 TIMES worse than the Recession back in 2008!