Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Sergeant Friday has returned - where ya been in the boonies hunting ???

I wish....hunting season over now...…...was going to give up on posting here....stiff pissed me off with his holier than thou ******* and deleting so much.....I though fuck it...let him have it...….but then...what the hell throw a few more jabs on the way out
I wish....hunting season over now...…...was going to give up on posting here....stiff pissed me off with his holier than thou ******* and deleting so much.....I though fuck it...let him have it...….but then...what the hell throw a few more jabs on the way out

Nah this shite is in your ******* - you’d explode if you couldn’t vent in here ;}
Yeah, keep your "hope" about a realm of light, peace, and bullshit fairies. I think I'll just live my life being a considerably less flawed individual than any hypochristian I've ever met, certain and quite comfortable that in the end there is NOTHING to look forward to other than my final thought as I blink out of existence.
Other medical colleagues of yours disagree Dr. @edlarson like Louisiana-based Dr. Jeffrey Long or Dr. Sam Parnia, an associate professor of medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center . I cannot put God in a test tube for you to examine. If I could God would not be God. However there are several accounts of Near Death Experiences that are intriguing for those with an open mind. Two doctors TRUMPS one. Pun intended! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

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Stiffy is low hanging fruit. Getting under his skin is more akin to a cat batting a mouse around before devouring it than a formidable joust.
Nah this shite is in your ******* - you’d explode if you couldn’t vent in here ;}

funny....I post on several other sites....been on one for ...10 years? now....anyway mentioned to him about I was thinking about starting a political thread......he told me I was nucking futs! much hate and discontent why would I want to stir all that up....well anyway I dropped it....but he is right!
You are nothing - if not a master of stirring things up - I did that on Wanda’s site and they ended up taking the political threads down :{
Other medical colleagues of yours disagree Dr. @edlarson like Louisiana-based Dr. Jeffrey Long or Dr. Sam Parnia, an associate professor of medicine at New York University Langone Medical Center . I cannot put God in a test tube for you to examine. If I could God would not be God. However there are several accounts of Near Death Experiences that are intriguing for those with an open mind.

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Because of your limited understanding of science, I will not begin to try and explain what occurs in the brain when death is imminent. Suffice it to say a good dose of ketamine will produce a similar effect. So, if you want to see your Odin or whatever you call it, you can have that experience without crossing over.
Tell me why it was wrong for our hero to blow Soleimani to hell - I NEED to know

Mixed emotions on that...…..true the guy has been more than responsible for the killing of a bunch of americans and English and germans….and more than deserved it......should have been done a long time ago......But.....trump did it for one stir up his supporters and promote himself during impeachment...…..thing is....what happened now.....made the guy a martar….who knows how many will ******* justifying his death...…..the US...and the Brits have all said they could have got him before......but didn't for that very reason..making him a martar…… trump has once again ******* on our allies at time when we need them more than ever....he consulted no one.....none of our allies....and all of them are subject to retaliation also.....
so I guess....the bottom line....was a bad move and a publicity stunt for himself!
Because of your limited understanding of science, I will not begin to try and explain what occurs in the brain when death is imminent. Suffice it to say a good dose of ketamine will produce a similar effect. So, if you want to see your Odin or whatever you call it, you can have that experience without crossing over.
That's okay Dr. @edlarson there are several others whom I know who happen to also be medical doctors, and guess what they believe in God too. Or at least not so closed minded to negate a belief in Him. Imagine that?
Mixed emotions on that...…..true the guy has been more than responsible for the killing of a bunch of americans and English and germans….and more than deserved it......should have been done a long time ago......But.....trump did it for one stir up his supporters and promote himself during impeachment...…..thing is....what happened now.....made the guy a martar….who knows how many will ******* justifying his death...…..the US...and the Brits have all said they could have got him before......but didn't for that very reason..making him a martar…… trump has once again ******* on our allies at time when we need them more than ever....he consulted no one.....none of our allies....and all of them are subject to retaliation also.....
so I guess....the bottom line....was a bad move and a publicity stunt for himself!

Agree with just about everything but your last line - and - being honest - I suppose that possibly could be true as well.
Tell me why it was wrong for our hero to blow Soleimani to hell - I NEED to know
Our Soldiers are less safe, our allies think we're idiots, Iran's proxies are now threating revenge on Iran's behalf, Hezbollah reportedly has sleeper cells here, Iraqi's may now decide to turn on us which could be very bad. Oil is in jeopardy all over the Middle East, American tourists throughout the world are at risk, Iran is supported by Russia, if we are ****** to leave Iraq Putin will move in, Isis could return, there is a potential that this could unify Arab nations in solidarity against America...
I could go on but I think you get the picture.
Agree with just about everything but your last line - and - being honest - I suppose that possibly could be true as well.

staring at your girlfriend right now....Erin...…..and thinking of all the exciting things we could do together...….and WHY does she hide that nice RACK....pretty obvious she has a nice set....