Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Wait for exit polls

worthless anymore......trump sold a certain amount of people a line of ******* matter what he says or does...….they will support him.....and there are that certain amount of people that really hate trump and the guy can do nothing right!.....that leaves about 20-30% of the country to make or break things...….and I don't think the polls are getting to talk to many of those people
Impeachment horseshite is bad for the country - weakens America.

I think Soleimani had it coming and the operation to end him was righteous - informing allies would have been a good move.

I can see how opponents would see the timing as suspicious - but I believe there were plenty of good reasons to take the shot.
Our Soldiers are less safe, our allies think we're idiots, Iran's proxies are now threating revenge on Iran's behalf, Hezbollah reportedly has sleeper cells here, Iraqi's may now decide to turn on us which could be very bad. Oil is in jeopardy all over the Middle East, American tourists throughout the world are at risk, Iran is supported by Russia, if we are ****** to leave Iraq Poroshenko will move in, Isis could return, there is a potential that this could unify Arab nations in solidarity against America...
I could go on but I think you get the picture.
Ahh being a newbie on the thread you hit the reserve forbidden word coders are frightened to allow to be used in vain. I guess you must have meant MrPutin Dr. @edlarson unless you are thinking of his political adversary putin?
Our Soldiers are less safe, our allies think we're idiots, Iran's proxies are now threating revenge on Iran's behalf, Hezbollah reportedly has sleeper cells here, Iraqi's may now decide to turn on us which could be very bad. Oil is in jeopardy all over the Middle East, American tourists throughout the world are at risk, Iran is supported by Russia, if we are ****** to leave Iraq Poroshenko will move in, Isis could return, there is a potential that this could unify Arab nations in solidarity against America...
I could go on but I think you get the picture.

Isis just loving that Iraq kicking us out...….they can take over now without firing a shot
Impeachment horseshite is bad for the country - weakens America.

I think Soleimani had it coming and the operation to end him was righteous - informing allies would have been a good move.

I can see how opponents would see the timing as suspicious - but I believe there were plenty of good reasons to take the shot.

WRONG......have I said that before?....he broke the fucking law......actually he has broken several of them......hell the right wanted Bill impeached over a fucking blow job...….this guy tries to twist and election in his favor......weaken the security of a country fighting what most consider one of our eneimies….and so much more......yes impeachment weakens our country....they right needs to do the right thing...get him out...let pence run things for the last year....and better luck in 2020....after all looks like the dems are just handing it over to the right
WRONG......have I said that before?....he broke the fucking law......actually he has broken several of them......hell the right wanted Bill impeached over a fucking blow job...….this guy tries to twist and election in his favor......weaken the security of a country fighting what most consider one of our eneimies….and so much more......yes impeachment weakens our country....they right needs to do the right thing...get him out...let pence run things for the last year....and better luck in 2020....after all looks like the dems are just handing it over to the right
Profound admission by you @subhub174014 but don't worry I know you still hate Trump.
WRONG......have I said that before?....he broke the fucking law......actually he has broken several of them......hell the right wanted Bill impeached over a fucking blow job...….this guy tries to twist and election in his favor......weaken the security of a country fighting what most consider one of our eneimies….and so much more......yes impeachment weakens our country....they right needs to do the right thing...get him out...let pence run things for the last year....and better luck in 2020....after all looks like the dems are just handing it over to the right

You say - WRONG - never heard that before ;}

Impeachment is horseshite - you guys will pay for it in 2020 - completely politically based - people see it now
Iran is the bigger threat to Iraq.
Soleimani being there kinda makes that clear.

that is why it was so important to keep Saddam Hussain there....but another war mongering republican fucked that up.....the majority of the Iraqi's have the same religion and beliefs as Iran....and iran has been quietly moving into Iraq...….some in Iraq see it and don't like it...they are the minority and the ones that Saddam supported...he and that minority ruled Iraq and kept Iran OUT!

besides your man Soleimani was in more than just Iraq...several countries stirring the *******
That's okay Dr. @edlarson there are several others whom I know who happen to also be medical doctors, and guess what they believe in God too. Or at least not so closed-minded to negate a belief in Him. Imagine that?
Belief in fairy tales is not the hallmark of an open mind, it's moronic. There plenty of incompetent doctors that I would not allow to diagnose me. Most of them happen to be hypochristians. There are stupid people in every profession. Look at our president.
You say - WRONG - never heard that before ;}

Impeachment is horseshite - you guys will pay for it in 2020 - completely politically based - people see it now

wrong..…...those people you say see it now...are the ones on here? I said there are those that love trump and those that hate him......that number has not changed
that is why it was so important to keep Saddam Hussain there....but another war mongering republican fucked that up.....the majority of the Iraqi's have the same religion and beliefs as Iran....and iran has been quietly moving into Iraq...….some in Iraq see it and don't like it...they are the minority and the ones that Saddam supported...he and that minority ruled Iraq and kept Iran OUT!

besides your man Soleimani was in more than just Iraq...several countries stirring the *******

HEY when you’re right you’re right.

WRONG - Soleimani was NO my man !!!!!
wrong..…...those people you say see it now...are the ones on here? I said there are those that love trump and those that hate him......that number has not changed

I believe the left overplayed it’s hand and it is changing - people are impeachment weary - especially when it’s obviously predicated on horseshite.
Iran is the bigger threat to Iraq.
Soleimani being there kinda makes that clear.
Um, numbnut's, get outta here with that nonesense! He was working with the Iraqi government to quell Isis. He controlled the Shia's majority militia's in the country who share the same religious delusion as the Iranians. I'm not explaining this to you! Go read a book before you dip your toe in grown folks conversations. Mental midget. If I had a nickel for every time I had tried to explain geopolitics to morons! GOD, rid me of your IDIOTS!!!
If you care to bet your soul on it feel free to do so as well @Zwing. :unsure:
Here is the thing, Stiff. You may be trying to avoid the wrong hell.

Many theologians and faithful adherents have produced conflicting and mutually exclusive revelations. A person not aware of the revelation must either accept it or reject it based solely upon the authority of its proponent, and there is no way for a mere mortal to resolve these conflicting claims by investigation.

Most arguments for the existence of God are not specific to any one religion and could be applied to many religions with near equal validity.
You believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the divine ******* of God; Jews and Muslims do not. Similarly, Muslims believe that the Qur'an was divinely authored, while Jews and Christians do not. There are numerous examples of such contrasting views. There are opposing fundamental beliefs existent within each major religion. There are many denominations of Christianity which differ greatly on issues of doctrine.

Additionally, faith-confirming events such as visions and miracles are reported within all faiths with regularity. A single deity associated with a single exclusive existing faith or sect would either have to have caused adherents to other faiths to have visionary or miraculous experiences which lead them to continue to reject the true faith, or at least allowed some other agency to cause these same effects.

So, I hope you guessed correctly.

Here is the thing, Stiff. You may be trying to avoid the wrong hell.

Many theologians and faithful adherents have produced conflicting and mutually exclusive revelations. A person not aware of the revelation must either accept it or reject it based solely upon the authority of its proponent, and there is no way for a mere mortal to resolve these conflicting claims by investigation.

Most arguments for the existence of God are not specific to any one religion and could be applied to many religions with near equal validity.
You believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the divine ******* of God; Jews and Muslims do not. Similarly, Muslims believe that the Qur'an was divinely authored, while Jews and Christians do not. There are numerous examples of such contrasting views. There are opposing fundamental beliefs existent within each major religion. There are many denominations of Christianity which differ greatly on issues of doctrine.

Additionally, faith-confirming events such as visions and miracles are reported within all faiths with regularity. A single deity associated with a single exclusive existing faith or sect would either have to have caused adherents to other faiths to have visionary or miraculous experiences which lead them to continue to reject the true faith, or at least allowed some other agency to cause these same effects.

So, I hope you guessed correctly.

The bibles as historical text are a joke. They do not include gospels that conflict with the world view of the cults they were cobbled together to serve.
It's always amazed me that Black people would prostrate themselves to the religion of their conquerors knowing full well that this book of lies was used as justification for enslaving them.
Um, numbnut's, get outta here with that nonesense! He was working with the Iraqi government to quell Isis. He controlled the Shia's majority militia's in the country who share the same religious delusion as the Iranians. I'm not explaining this to you! Go read a book before you dip your toe in grown folks conversations. Mental midget. If I had a nickel for every time I had tried to explain geopolitics to morons! GOD, rid me of your IDIOTS!!!

You sir are an insufferable bore so full of yourself and self-important /self-righteous
that you could ONLY reside in California where the shite flows in the streets due the inability of the Dems to govern - very apropos as you are completely full of it !!!
Impeachment horseshite is bad for the country - weakens America.

I think Soleimani had it coming and the operation to end him was righteous - informing allies would have been a good move.

I can see how opponents would see the timing as suspicious - but I believe there were plenty of good reasons to take the shot.
First of all, Soleimani was a soldier fighting an enemy. What he deserved should not enter the calculus, especially since he is known for making an effort to go after acceptable targets. Using your logic, our generals deserve to be killed as well. That said, the General was also an acceptable target. He just wasn't a smart least not in the way we took him out. Had he been assassinated in a way that could have allowed us plausible deniability this conversation would not be necessary. Unfortunately, Drumph is stupid.