Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Someone has to win and someone has to lose and the loser will not be Trump. That said, the Dems have to try even though they are in a zugzwang as they are in a losing position.

nothing wrong with dreaming long as you realize it is just a dream!

ever hear of anyone get reelected with less than 40% in popularity?

"Russia if you are listening....things are not looking good for me!"
We live in a LGBTQ+ world now but is America ready for a gay President if Buttigieg wins? :unsure:

got to wonder...…...but he is a milatary vet....very sharp on matters that count...….not willing to give away the farm for a couple votes
I would gladly take him over warren or sanders...…...and pretty sure I am not alone...…...last month he was beating those 2 in the guess I'm not alone
the only way trump wins......and the dems could be handing it to him on a silver platter.....which he will also steal...…….but Sanders starting to look good.....him and or warren happen to win the nominations......trump got it in the bag......Sanders just like last time......has the youth on his side and learned from his screw ups last to blacks and others.....looking good in Iowa....same with Warren....both have a lot of adds in Iowa......they both have their own supporters and those supporters seem to be die hards… last election....Bernie didn't make they didn't vote....putting trump in

the independent voters and the moderate dems will not support either one.....the very people the party needs to take the white house

kind of sucks....most KNOW Biden is the best chance of taking it away from trump...…..and yet they like these other assholes because????….they fuck around and those assholes will have the nomination.....and trump the presidency again

Warren and Sanders doing well in your party cause your party is going socialist - as evidenced by AOC.
Warren and Sanders doing well in your party cause your party is going socialist - as evidenced by AOC.

I don't think that...…..but the economy not all as great as what the right likes to tell you.....just like with Obama......things well....but not seeing it in the pocketbook...…...curious to see how Christmas spending it is DOWN!...…..I went into a couple stores in Christmas eve......expected to fight a crowd...….instead hardly anyone in the store.....lets see how trump hides that fact.....consumer spending down!

the key word to that post dreams...……..

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper, I love you
Birds singin' in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me
Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me
Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longin' to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me
I don't think that...…..but the economy not all as great as what the right likes to tell you.....just like with Obama......things well....but not seeing it in the pocketbook...…...curious to see how Christmas spending it is DOWN!...…..I went into a couple stores in Christmas eve......expected to fight a crowd...….instead hardly anyone in the store.....lets see how trump hides that fact.....consumer spending down!

I hear Christmas spending broke all records :}
I hear Christmas spending broke all records :}
Yep, strong growth reported in retail sales. Also reports showing the bottom 25% of wage earners have seen significantly higher wage increase rates than the average and high end wage earners. The economy is running quite well if one cares to pay attention to real data rather than parroting Rachel Madcow.

Yep, strong growth reported in retail sales. Also reports showing the bottom 25% of wage earners have seen significantly higher wage increase rates than the average and high end wage earners. The economy is running quite well if one cares to pay attention to real data rather than parroting Rachel Madcow.

what you always seem to refer to as real data always seems to be....."lacking"
In other words...…….trump still sucking hinney to what Obama done!

15 charts that compare the Trump vs Obama economy

Washington | Is a recession coming in 2020 or 2021? Experts continue to debate the conflicting signals, but an equally telling question might be: How does the "Trump economy" compare with Barack Obama's?
US President Donald Trump constantly refers to the economy as "strong", "terrific" and the "greatest in the history of our country", but a closer look at the data shows a mixed picture in terms of whether the economy is any better than it was in Obama's final years. The economy is growing at about the same pace as it did in Obama's last years, and unemployment, while lower under Trump, has continued a trend that began in 2011.

The best case Trump can make for improvement since he took office is higher wages. The typical American worker's pay is finally growing more than 3 per cent a year, a level not seen since before the Great Recession. Similarly, consumer and business confidence surged after Trump's election and has remained high, and manufacturing output (and jobs) also saw a noticeable jump in 2018 after Trump's tax cut, although manufacturing is now struggling. There's also been a drop in the number of Americans on food stamps.
But in other areas Trump's record does not look as rosy. Government debt and the trade deficit are climbing (while most economists don't worry about the rising trade deficit, Trump made it a central part of his 2016 election campaign), and business investment is faltering as corporate leaders say they are wary of Trump's trade war. The number of Americans lacking health insurance is also ticking up slightly.

As for two of Trump's favourite metrics - shares and jobs - there is a case to be made that those looked better under Obama, although most economists expected job gains to slow now that the economic recovery is a decade old.

Presidents have only so much control over the economy, but how voters perceive economic conditions and their personal finances can play a key role in how they vote. Lately, Republicans and many wealthy voters rate this economy as the best since the 1990s boom, while Democrats and many lower-income voters are less enthusiastic.

Here's a look at the Trump economy vs. the Obama economy in 15 charts.

Quote this! Quote that! None of you were there! You are all going be he said she said bullshit. Believing everything you hear or read is as fucking dumb as saying if it’s on the internet it has to be true! Written word is someone’s opinion. That’s a fact. The writer can twist ******* whatever way they want, just like a politician can lie out of both sides of its mouth at the same time.
So you can read! Good for you! If only you could think, you would know better
Quote this! Quote that! None of you were there! You are all going be he said she said bullshit. Believing everything you hear or read is as fucking dumb as saying if it’s on the internet it has to be true! Written word is someone’s opinion. That’s a fact. The writer can twist ******* whatever way they want, just like a politician can lie out of both sides of its mouth at the same time.
So you can read! Good for you! If only you could think, you would know better
Not in the words I would choose but on the intent and results, I AGREE.
None of you were there! You are all going be he said she said bullshit. Believing everything you hear or read is as fucking dumb as saying if it’s on the internet it has to be true! Written word is someone’s opinion. That’s a fact. The writer can twist ******* whatever way they want, just like a politician can lie out of both sides of its mouth at the same time.
.... That simply is not true, Doorcpl, but, having read some of your "intelligent" past posts, I can understand why YOU would believe this. What you don't seem to realize is that there's a lot of difference between true journalism (who live by a code of ethics), and news peddling reporters who make their living promoting their own agenda (ie. first with a news story) and opinions.
..... Journalists have responsibilities toward providing truthful, accurate, impartial news stories. And, they are held accountable when they allow their own conflicts of interests and lack of diligent verifications of stories get in their way. A true journalist will avoid allowing themselves being placed in an ethical dilemma.
..... What has happened in recent years has allowed those, who often express inaccurate news stories, to skew the factual reporting by lumping ALL media into "unreliable and /or biased" media reporting. Trump often does just THAT in his campaign speeches, quick chats with the responsible news media, and with his constant and careless tweeting.
..... I am sure that doesn't support YOUR position on the media, since you require news stories be witnessed, which in many cases then becomes biased BS again IF the stories don't support your already established biased opinion.
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