Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Republicans admit they have no fact witnesses — and Trump ...
Nov 10, 2019 · House Republicans acknowledged that they have no witnesses and no documents to dispute the main facts concerning President Trump’s impeachable conduct: a demand from Ukraine for

Growing number of Republicans struggle to defend Trump on ...
Oct 18, 2019 · A growing number of congressional Republicans expressed exasperation Friday over what they view as President Trump’s indefensible behavior, a …

Poll: 40 percent of Republicans say Trump 'probably ...
Poll: 40 percent of Republicans say Trump 'probably' mentioned Biden on Ukraine call

  1. Between G-7 choice, Ukraine, and Syria, Republicans ...
    Between G-7 choice, Ukraine, and Syria, Republicans’ frustration with Trump is rising by Rachael Bade , Mike DeBonis and Seung Min Kim, The Washington Post , Updated: October 19, 2019 President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at American Airlines Arena in Dallas, Texas, Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019.
CNN breaking down just some of the 8,000 lies trump told this year...…….trump man of the year for Michigan? such title!......1,000's of illegals voting in Calif......

the man has told some whoppers...…..and there are those that suck up all those lies and buy right into it
They have already heard the evidence and think it’s laughable. And then they look at the Schiff and Nadler show and shake their heads in disgust. Then they have their own special confidential reports to look at and are astounded by the deep state corruption and are concerned.

Those senators don’t need to pretend to be unbiased. They know a Stalinist show trial when they see it.

It’s a shame that Mac has TDS so bad, his normal logic centers in his brain are not functioning.'s a fair trial...….that's why McConnell said he would do whatever Trump's lawyers wanted......and the veridict will be whatever Trump says it will be......rethuglicans are willing to set whole new examples of corruption and the lack for a need for law....all in the name of a good tax break.....that's why we are starting to see some cracks in the rethuglican wall

And - you’re sayin the House had impartial proceedings????? When they voted 7 times prior - to impeachment him on other falderal???! Funny how a Dem Kangaroo Court is just fine to you peeps - but when the tables get turned you’re outraged - people are see’n ya for what you are - bunch a holier than thou sore LOSER phonies.
CNN breaking down just some of the 8,000 lies trump told this year...…….trump man of the year for Michigan? such title!......1,000's of illegals voting in Calif......

the man has told some whoppers...…..and there are those that suck up all those lies and buy right into it

Not even close to the lies CNN tells about our President on a daily basis - 24/7 lies by totally biased talking heads - disgusting. Most of what they say are lies - are them lying about it.

CNN the MOST PHONY name in news !!!!
Oh this is cute ... you have no facts to point to, just keep regurgitating your denials and insults. So, now you attack my education ... sorry if I make you feel foolish and unable to respond with something other than your normal foolish conjectures. Jealous? I think so ... that's conjecture, similar to how you ALWAYS respond ... no facts, just opinion.
Not to late to go back to school.
Jealous of you? No, I do feel sorry for you and all those that can't see truth.
And - you’re sayin the House had impartial proceedings????? When they voted 7 times prior - to impeachment him on other falderal???! Funny how a Dem Kangaroo Court is just fine to you peeps - but when the tables get turned you’re outraged - people are see’n ya for what you are - bunch a holier than thou sore LOSER phonies.

the house did what it could with trump blocking everything they did...….that's why he got the obstruction charge....pretty hard to for the rest,,,,,they had other people pretty much support everything the whistle blower said.....and even if you had none of trumps own words on the white house lawn......funny how those on the right are confused about what he said there...….when most of the country heard and knows better...… nothing about a kangaroo court...trump was invited to attend or send a lawyer...chose not to.....can not defend what comes out of his own mouth...…...but what all you people fail to realize in your steadfast support for a are setting a new precedent……….not only is it ok to ask another country for aid in an election.....after all trump has gone out of his way to stop any retaliation from the 2016 election.....and it is ok that accept foreign help....and invite another country to sway our elections.....right now it is all working out in trumps/the rights favor....what about next time...…….what you all are saying......if Biden gets the nomination....and we already know China does not like trump.....China throws their support behind Biden....but the right has made that ok and a way of life in all this

so it is not just all the laws you people are more than willing to let him get away's the precident and changes to the laws you are willing to do all for trump...…...which could have last effects that do not favor you later on
They have already heard the evidence and think it’s laughable. And then they look at the Schiff and Nadler show and shake their heads in disgust. Then they have their own special confidential reports to look at and are astounded by the deep state corruption and are concerned.

Those senators don’t need to pretend to be unbiased. They know a Stalinist show trial when they see it.

It’s a shame that Mac has TDS so bad, his normal logic centers in his brain are not functioning.
The Republicans, Lying Democrats, President Trump himself and the people with common sense know that this whole thing is a complete and total sham, period. The truth is so simple, he has done nothing that qualifies close to being impeached, they all know it, but the Democrats have completely lost control of reality. For over Three Years, every moment of everyday they have plotted and schemed to get this outsider impeached. They can call President Trump a liar all they want, but the fact is compared to Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Gerry Nadler, Eric Swalwell, Maxine Waters, Steve Cohen, Al Green, Ted Lieu, Jamie Raskin, The squad, Joaquin Castro, Pramila Jayapal , and every Democrat that voted to impeach him, Trump is a rank amateur.
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the house did what it could with trump blocking everything they did...….that's why he got the obstruction charge....pretty hard to for the rest,,,,,they had other people pretty much support everything the whistle blower said.....and even if you had none of trumps own words on the white house lawn......funny how those on the right are confused about what he said there...….when most of the country heard and knows better...… nothing about a kangaroo court...trump was invited to attend or send a lawyer...chose not to.....can not defend what comes out of his own mouth...…...but what all you people fail to realize in your steadfast support for a are setting a new precedent……….not only is it ok to ask another country for aid in an election.....after all trump has gone out of his way to stop any retaliation from the 2016 election.....and it is ok that accept foreign help....and invite another country to sway our elections.....right now it is all working out in trumps/the rights favor....what about next time...…….what you all are saying......if Biden gets the nomination....and we already know China does not like trump.....China throws their support behind Biden....but the right has made that ok and a way of life in all this

so it is not just all the laws you people are more than willing to let him get away's the precident and changes to the laws you are willing to do all for trump...…...which could have last effects that do not favor you later on

All I can say to that is that Dems like you are simply delusional - the 2020 election will prove my point.
Not even close to the lies CNN tells about our President on a daily basis - 24/7 lies by totally biased talking heads - disgusting. Most of what they say are lies - are them lying about it.

CNN the MOST PHONY name in news !!!! do know about truth in advertising...….problem with trump and his people not liking the lies......they are just repeating what he says….and he can't handle the fact that his lies are pointed out.....good one.....saying he was man of the year in Mich...….never has been such a poll.....just one of his many self ego boosters
All I can say to that is that Dems like you are simply delusional - the 2020 election will prove my point.

may not prove anything...….just like last election....he lost the popular vote but with "outside" help still won......pretty sure that is not going to fly this time......and we already know Russia has a good start already.....they have already shown they have been able to get into 4 different county elections...(that is just what out gov is admitting to )….we can see they are doing other things to try and cheat/rig things as it is
Why subhub is even willing to respond to some of you morons is way beyond me. Personally, I wouldn't waste a wet fart on you fools.
Why don't we all just cool our jets for a couple weeks and SEE what happens in the Senate. Republicans, there, have some serious soul searching to do. If Mitch McConnell won't allow Democrats to call their witnesses, the chain of obstruction will be completed , and many more voters will be convinced of their corruption and obstruction along with Trump's.
Let's just chill out a bit!
Why subhub is even willing to respond to you morons is way beyond me. Personally, I wouldn't waste a wet fart on you fools.
Why don't we all just cool our jets for a couple weeks and SEE what happens in the Senate. Republicans, there, have some serious soul searching to do. If Mitch McConnell won't allow Democrats to call their witnesses, the chain of obstruction will be completed , and many more voters will be convinced of their corruption and obstruction along with Trump's.
Let's just chill out a bit!
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Agrees with you about chilling out a bit @MacNfries 👍
I wonder if trump will do his usual and get involved to reinstate these two also?

2 kicked out of National Guard over white supremacist ties ...
20 hours ago · ATLANTA -- Two men have been kicked out of the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered their membership in a religious group with white supremacist

2 Kicked Out Of National Guard Over White Supremacist Ties ...
18 hours ago · The military has struggled in recent years to root out members of white supremacist organizations or sympathizers with white power causes. ATLANTA (AP) — Two men have been kicked out of the Army National Guard after liberal activists uncovered their membership in a religious group with white ...
They have already heard the evidence and think it’s laughable. And then they look at the Schiff and Nadler show and shake their heads in disgust. Then they have their own special confidential reports to look at and are astounded by the deep state corruption and are concerned.

Those senators don’t need to pretend to be unbiased. They know a Stalinist show trial when they see it.

It’s a shame that Mac has TDS so bad, his normal logic centers in his brain are not functioning.

anything thing like Nuntz going to Ukraine to help Rudy G try and find something on Biden.....trump sure has enough people on it....should be able to invent something by now.....and Nuntz supposed to be neutral
Well well, now they've dug up records of ole chunky Schumer in 98/99 saying he was not going to be an impartial juror. He even chastised Al D'amato who he was running against for a Senate seat because Al wouldn't pre judge his impeachment senate vote. My how things differ with just the change from a D to an R after the President's name.

Can't wait to see the tortured game of mental Twister the liberal dolts play to excuse chucky's obvious hypocrisy!
