Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

you are just listening to trump.....he doesn't want you to know what all is really going on...…..his famous saying...'don't believe what you see and hear....only what I tell you"...….and that seems to be the creed of the trump cult!

I believe what I see - people have a sense of what’s going on - your side is in real trouble and looking REALLY bad - even the media can’t help you anymore.
your holier than thou attitude may fool some of the bar trash you run with.....but not most in the real world.....a phoney is still a phoney no matter what face they try to put on it
Sorry dumb fuck. I don’t *******. I work. I don’t go on vacations just for fun. I go on working vacations. I started with nothing. Never got overpaid at my real job. I didn’t cry to a union for more money. I saw a need and built a side biz. It’s become very successful. I went to the school of hard knocks. Best education there is. If you fuck something up, it costs you money. Not a company you work for. I’m very real, and respected by many for what I have achieved. I don’t need your worthless approval. It means nothing to me.
let us not skip over the market is not the economy - it's also a really poor recession indicator (it's actually a lag and hitting all time highs right before ******* tanks - just look at the last one)

i'm saying he has little effects - because the monolith of the economy is going to do what it does largely because of all the gazillion other complex factors. trump has nothing to do with an aging boomer population and its macroeconomic effects. nor advances in things like technology or AI. yet these are both major economic and market factors. if you look at some of the best performing stocks since trump was elected, you find stuff like nvidia - which has done really well. which benefit from crypto mining and gpu usage in running machine learning models. would that be different under hillary? obama 3? my cat as president?

trump's actual direct policies on the economy that affect things like trade are a lot more questionable. i still ask why the trade deficit is such a supposedly severe problem (it certainly doesn't seem like it should be considered one compared to the budget deficit, that's for sure) and it hasn't done anything great since trump. much of it got worse. it improved recently (to still plenty)


but that's because there was less trade overall, look how much less is going to china:


i don't think the first statement is even contentious among conservative economists. it just is among politicians and party members.

no this is not what i'm saying. i'm saying obama inherited a mess. they tried various things. a good debate would be what worked and what didn't; what we might try next time. if it took 8 years to close the mess, if we did nothing would it have taken 7 or 9? could something have been done to make it take 6? this is largely a debate around stimulus packages and major policies around how we handled things, ie. debt forgiveness vs. cheaper, but still bad, loans, training programs, etc etc. policies trump is not really looking at because they have kind of run their course, that recession has been recovered from (mostly, depends what/how you measure really)

trump simply inherited a working economy. i have posted this graph many times before.


the red is theoretical output and the blue is actual. obama inherited the biggest gap since the great depression. trump inherited something already fixed. you can argue whether obama policies made it take longer or shorter or did nothing at all. what you can't argue is that trump inherited something that was humming along, and it was in that state regardless of any prior policy. a president on 100% cruise control would be enjoying an overall healthy economy right now.

What I saw. Was business picked because everyone was sure Obama was going and started spending
It will hit you some day.....and you will still blame Obama....even though all of this is being done right now under trump.....and he keeps people diverted with all his lies and bullshit while quietly fucking will feel it someday....maybe not even while trump is in takes awhile for the good fuckings to take effect

Proposed funding cuts for programs that help support and encourage small business development. President Trump’s budget cuts funding for several programs that help groups with historically low business ownership rates overcome barriers to becoming entrepreneurs, including the PRIME technical assistance grants for low-income micro-entrepreneurs; the Minority Business Development Agency, and the Economic Development Administration.

Assembled a team of wealthy financial industry elites to advise him on tax reform, which he promised would benefit the middle class. The tax code is the tool of choice when special favors are doled out to special interests. Despite his campaign promises to drain the swamp, President Trump has assembled a band of elites to construct his tax reform plan: three former Goldman Sachs executives, Steve Mnuchin, Gary Cohn, and Steve Bannon; two more former executives from the finance industry, Justin Muzinich and Craig Phillips; and a former tax lobbyist for Fidelity Investments, Shahira Knight.

Proposed budget cuts that would devastate rural America. President Trump’s budget would eliminate programs that support rural jobs, housing, infrastructure, health care, and economic development. If implemented, these budget cuts would eliminate affordable housing for tens of thousands of struggling rural families; eliminate community service jobs for 18,000 senior citizens living in rural areas; and eliminate critical support for airline connections serving 175 small and rural communities.

Undermined investor protection by making it harder for the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, to hold Wall Street accountable. An independent and vigorous Division of Enforcement at the SEC is vital to preserving free and fair financial markets for investors. After the Bernie Madoff scandal, Obama administration SEC Chair Mary Schapiro made it easier for Division of Enforcement staff to open investigations and issue subpoenas to protect investors and get to the bottom of suspected malfeasance. Chair Michael Piwowar inexplicably rolled back this change, hindering the SEC’s ability to protect the average investor from financial wrongdoing. He has also proposed rolling back key advances in corporate transparency, including regarding human rights risks in supply chains and the pay ratio between CEOs and the median worker.
That is all propaganda spin you eat up hook line and sinker

those are FACTS...….just part of what he has signed or changed in his first year in office......don't pay attention to much except what your total income is do you...….who you going to blame when it goes south next time

you can look any of them up yourself......that is just part of the fucking he gave the country already...….slow to hit....but it will hit......that and so much more!
you would really like to believe that......but I really think...along way before election...…..and there will be more trumpies jump ship

I DO believe it - I talk with people- people are tired of all the Dem horseshite and are getting pissed - election isn’t even a year away and all the Dem sore LOSERS can do is perpetually screw with our President - instead of work for the betterment of the country - it’s just at this point gone on WAY too long !!!!
This I fear is what is going to happen to mac. he is so emotionally invested in seeing Trump be removed from office, his irrationality over it is rewiring his brain.

A totaly rational person can hate trump but also admit he didn't do anything wrong.


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I DO believe it - I talk with people- people are tired of all the Dem horseshite and are getting pissed - election isn’t even a year away and all the Dem sore LOSERS can do is perpetually screw with our President - instead of work for the betterment of the country - it’s just at this point gone on WAY too long !!!!

you got all that from all 7 of your trump supporters?