Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

trump got a new campaign song I one wanted their name tied to anything Russian...….the song...….

I'm a loser
I'm a loser

And I'm not what I appear to be

[Verse 1]
Of all the love I have won or have lost
There is one love I should never have crossed
She was a girl in a million, my friend
I should have known she would win in the end

I'm a loser
And I lost someone who's near to me
I'm a loser
And I'm not what I appear to be

[Verse 2]
Although I laugh and I act like a clown
Beneath this mask I am wearing a frown

My tears are falling like rain from the sky
Is it for her or myself that I cry


[Verse 3]
What have I done to deserve such a fate?
I realise I have left it too late
And so it's true, pride comes before a fall
I'm telling you so that you won't lose all
Well well, now they've dug up records of ole chunky Schumer in 98/99 saying he was not going to be an impartial juror. He even chastised Al D'amato who he was running against for a Senate seat because Al wouldn't pre judge his impeachment senate vote. My how things differ with just the change from a D to an R after the President's name.

Can't wait to see the tortured game of mental Twister the liberal dolts play to excuse chucky's obvious hypocrisy!

what's your point?

how many have they dug up on McConnell and Graham and a few others......didn't matter then......but now we have one on a democrat.....heaven fordid!

just more of that right wing double standard
Why subhub is even willing to respond to some of you morons is way beyond me. Personally, I wouldn't waste a wet fart on you fools.
Why don't we all just cool our jets for a couple weeks and SEE what happens in the Senate. Republicans, there, have some serious soul searching to do. If Mitch McConnell won't allow Democrats to call their witnesses, the chain of obstruction will be completed , and many more voters will be convinced of their corruption and obstruction along with Trump's.
Let's just chill out a bit!
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Maybe - just maybe - if you stopped flinging invectives around like a typical Dem it would be easier to chill - you guys see things your way and we see things our way - who knows who’s right - but one thing is for sure - you will NOT get your way in the Senate like you did in the House no matter how petulant you are or how many tantrums ya pull :}
Maybe - just maybe - if you stopped flinging invectives around like a typical Dem it would be easier to chill - you guys see things your way and we see things our way - who knows who’s right - but one thing is for sure - you will NOT get your way in the Senate like you did in the House no matter how petulant you are or how many tantrums ya pull :}

wait a sec.....I know i'm guys are as shady as who knows what to expect!

as for the Senate....who knows....Pelosi has already shown the graveyard of bills mcconnell is sitting on.....that's not good for the right...…...and as for Mcconnell saying he would work strictly with trumps lawyers......would seem there are some from the right not going along with I would say Pelosi has already pulled a few strings...…..more to follow!
tired of winning yet?......we were all supposed to get so tired of winning we wouldn't be able to stand it...…….tell that these 10 Christians that just lost their heads.....but we are winning the war on Isis that's why we can pull out and give the country to Russia and turkey

ISIS terrorists execute 11 blindfolded Christians in Nigeria
9 hours ago · ISIS-aligned jihadists have released a video claiming to show the execution of 11 blindfolded Christian men in Nigeria. ISIS-aligned jihadists have released a …

ISIS in Nigeria beheads 11 Christians on Christmas
6 hours ago · Members of the Islamic State executed 11 Christians in Nigeria, according to a video released by ISIS’ “news agency” Amaq. The 56-second video of the killings
Guess P.utin and Assad for got trump gave them a warning

Thousands flee north-west Syria amid fierce assault by ...
3 days ago · Thousands flee north-west Syria amid fierce assault by Assad Up to 30,000 leave area of Idlib province as government forces push to reopen road from Damascus to …

Tens of thousands flee Syria's Idlib as deadly bombings ...
6 days ago · Tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing Syria 's Idlib Province to the Turkish border on Friday, after an increase in bombings by Russia -backed government forces, creating a …

Syrian Offensive Sends Tens of Thousands FleeingSyrian Offensive Sends Tens of Thousands Fleeing
Trapped between a fierce assault and a closed Turkish border, desperate civilians are huddling in makeshift settlements, bewildered as they seek safety.

Guess P.utin and Assad for got trump gave them a warning

Thousands flee north-west Syria amid fierce assault by ...
3 days ago · Thousands flee north-west Syria amid fierce assault by Assad Up to 30,000 leave area of Idlib province as government forces push to reopen road from Damascus to …

Tens of thousands flee Syria's Idlib as deadly bombings ...
6 days ago · Tens of thousands of civilians are fleeing Syria 's Idlib Province to the Turkish border on Friday, after an increase in bombings by Russia -backed government forces, creating a …

Syrian Offensive Sends Tens of Thousands FleeingSyrian Offensive Sends Tens of Thousands Fleeing
Trapped between a fierce assault and a closed Turkish border, desperate civilians are huddling in makeshift settlements, bewildered as they seek safety.

Yet you could give a fuck less about the disabled veteran that fought to protect your ungrateful whiny ass!! Lets fix ******* at home first you dumb fuck! That's the problem with you libtards! Lets give money and aid to people that don't do ******* for us!
One way or another, we the people of the US need to help President Trump drain the swamp. What is going on with the Democrats is they are doing every underhanded thing possible to erase President Trump from the Whitehouse because they know that he has support of the people to rid the democrat party of their gravy train days. Truth be known many of them should be executed for treason. We the people are suppose to be their bosses, if we owned companies and they were as useless as they are today, they all would have been fired along time ago.
One way or another, we the people of the US need to help President Trump drain the swamp. What is going on with the Democrats is they are doing every underhanded thing possible to erase President Trump from the Whitehouse because they know that he has support of the people to rid the democrat party of their gravy train days. Truth be known many of them should be executed for treason. We the people are suppose to be their bosses, if we owned companies and they were as useless as they are today, they all would have been fired along time ago.

pretty hard to do when he keeps adding to it
Yet you could give a fuck less about the disabled veteran that fought to protect your ungrateful whiny ass!! Lets fix ******* at home first you dumb fuck! That's the problem with you libtards! Lets give money and aid to people that don't do ******* for us!

shows just how little you know.....and how much you just talk out your ass
what fucking army did you serve in?.....Russian army? is who you are supporting
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can't find your thread Blkdlaur…..but here is a good reason...…...

Mexico authorities arrest police chief on suspicion of link to cartel massacre that killed 9 Americans

Mexican small-town police chief has been arrested on the suspicion of being linked to the brazen massacre of nine women and children from a Mormon community by ******* cartel members last month, authorities said Friday.

Yup - me thread be gone - some miscreant took it down :|

Not surprised at all by that revelation - most of the Mexican authorities are corrupt.

the only way trump wins......and the dems could be handing it to him on a silver platter.....which he will also steal...…….but Sanders starting to look good.....him and or warren happen to win the nominations......trump got it in the bag......Sanders just like last time......has the youth on his side and learned from his screw ups last to blacks and others.....looking good in Iowa....same with Warren....both have a lot of adds in Iowa......they both have their own supporters and those supporters seem to be die hards… last election....Bernie didn't make they didn't vote....putting trump in

the independent voters and the moderate dems will not support either one.....the very people the party needs to take the white house

kind of sucks....most KNOW Biden is the best chance of taking it away from trump...…..and yet they like these other assholes because????….they fuck around and those assholes will have the nomination.....and trump the presidency again
Dems have 3 good choices......Biden ….Buttigieg…….Klobacher…..there are a couple others tolerable......but Sanders and Warren....just snakeoil salesman and we already have one of those.....that fucking Warren ….such a fucking fake!.....some one asked why she got into this.....she starts crying and it was her poor mom that got her into this.....what a phoney
the only way trump wins......and the dems could be handing it to him on a silver platter.....which he will also steal...…….but Sanders starting to look good.....him and or warren happen to win the nominations......trump got it in the bag......Sanders just like last time......has the youth on his side and learned from his screw ups last to blacks and others.....looking good in Iowa....same with Warren....both have a lot of adds in Iowa......they both have their own supporters and those supporters seem to be die hards… last election....Bernie didn't make they didn't vote....putting trump in

the independent voters and the moderate dems will not support either one.....the very people the party needs to take the white house

kind of sucks....most KNOW Biden is the best chance of taking it away from trump...…..and yet they like these other assholes because????….they fuck around and those assholes will have the nomination.....and trump the presidency again
Someone has to win and someone has to lose and the loser will not be Trump. That said, the Dems have to try even though they are in a zugzwang as they are in a losing position.

Dems have 3 good choices......Biden ….Buttigieg…….Klobacher…..there are a couple others tolerable......but Sanders and Warren....just snakeoil salesman and we already have one of those.....that fucking Warren ….such a fucking fake!.....some one asked why she got into this.....she starts crying and it was her poor mom that got her into this.....what a phoney
We live in a LGBTQ+ world now but is America ready for a gay President if Buttigieg wins? :unsure:
