Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

.... That simply is not true, Doorcpl, but, having read some of your "intelligent" past posts, I can understand why YOU would believe this. What you don't seem to realize is that there's a lot of difference between true journalism (who live by a code of ethics), and news peddling reporters who make their living promoting their own agenda (ie. first with a news story) and opinions.
..... Journalists have responsibilities toward providing truthful, accurate, impartial news stories. And, they are held accountable when they allow their own conflicts of interests and lack of diligent verifications of stories get in their way. A true journalist will avoid allowing themselves being placed in an ethical dilemma.
..... What has happened in recent years has allowed those, who often express inaccurate news stories, to skew the factual reporting by lumping ALL media into "unreliable and /or biased" media reporting. Trump often does just THAT in his campaign speeches, quick chats with the responsible news media, and with his constant and careless tweeting.
..... I am sure that doesn't support YOUR position on the media, since you require news stories be witnessed, which in many cases then becomes biased BS again IF the stories don't support your already established biased opinion.
View attachment 3052017
Impartial? What the fuck rug do you live under!?!?!? Someone pouring catnip on that rug for a cat scratcher? Your fuckin stoned!!
more of just someone saying any fucking thing they want.....calling it facts....and what doesn't agree with their bullshit is false...…..but since "it" is posting ******* you like...naturally you go along
Look in the mirror!! One sided!! Lucky you! You only need half a comb!
Doorcpl, no surprise to see you still giving simple, one-liner, two-syllable responses ... I'm sure it helps you rest your brain and avoid over-extending your thought processes.
Big words from small minds don't do *******. Educated idiots is all it makes you. Just because someone goes on to school, doesn't make them a better person by any means. Often it does more harm than good. You for example
Big words from small minds don't do *******. Educated idiots is all it makes you. Just because someone goes on to school, doesn't make them a better person by any means. Often it does more harm than good. You for example

well it is evident you left early to pursue your a skin diver for roto rooter....and I'm sure it is a job you enjoy.....don't even have to break for lunch....all you can eat!
well it is evident you left early to pursue your a skin diver for roto rooter....and I'm sure it is a job you enjoy.....don't even have to break for lunch....all you can eat!
Sorry dumb fuck. I went to work right after graduation from HS. Still there 30 plus years. Dealt with a lot of your kind. Educated brain dead morons. Can read it in a book, but can’t use it.
let us not skip over the market is not the economy - it's also a really poor recession indicator (it's actually a lag and hitting all time highs right before ******* tanks - just look at the last one)

i'm saying he has little effects - because the monolith of the economy is going to do what it does largely because of all the gazillion other complex factors. trump has nothing to do with an aging boomer population and its macroeconomic effects. nor advances in things like technology or AI. yet these are both major economic and market factors. if you look at some of the best performing stocks since trump was elected, you find stuff like nvidia - which has done really well. which benefit from crypto mining and gpu usage in running machine learning models. would that be different under hillary? obama 3? my cat as president?

trump's actual direct policies on the economy that affect things like trade are a lot more questionable. i still ask why the trade deficit is such a supposedly severe problem (it certainly doesn't seem like it should be considered one compared to the budget deficit, that's for sure) and it hasn't done anything great since trump. much of it got worse. it improved recently (to still plenty)


but that's because there was less trade overall, look how much less is going to china:


- If Obama or Hillary were president, the markets and economy would be the same as they are now under Trump.
i don't think the first statement is even contentious among conservative economists. it just is among politicians and party members.

- The great economy we're having now is because Obama's economic policies are just now kicking in.
no this is not what i'm saying. i'm saying obama inherited a mess. they tried various things. a good debate would be what worked and what didn't; what we might try next time. if it took 8 years to close the mess, if we did nothing would it have taken 7 or 9? could something have been done to make it take 6? this is largely a debate around stimulus packages and major policies around how we handled things, ie. debt forgiveness vs. cheaper, but still bad, loans, training programs, etc etc. policies trump is not really looking at because they have kind of run their course, that recession has been recovered from (mostly, depends what/how you measure really)

trump simply inherited a working economy. i have posted this graph many times before.


the red is theoretical output and the blue is actual. obama inherited the biggest gap since the great depression. trump inherited something already fixed. you can argue whether obama policies made it take longer or shorter or did nothing at all. what you can't argue is that trump inherited something that was humming along, and it was in that state regardless of any prior policy. a president on 100% cruise control would be enjoying an overall healthy economy right now.
.... That simply is not true, Doorcpl, but, having read some of your "intelligent" past posts, I can understand why YOU would believe this. What you don't seem to realize is that there's a lot of difference between true journalism (who live by a code of ethics), and news peddling reporters who make their living promoting their own agenda (ie. first with a news story) and opinions.
..... Journalists have responsibilities toward providing truthful, accurate, impartial news stories. And, they are held accountable when they allow their own conflicts of interests and lack of diligent verifications of stories get in their way. A true journalist will avoid allowing themselves being placed in an ethical dilemma.
..... What has happened in recent years has allowed those, who often express inaccurate news stories, to skew the factual reporting by lumping ALL media into "unreliable and /or biased" media reporting. Trump often does just THAT in his campaign speeches, quick chats with the responsible news media, and with his constant and careless tweeting.
..... I am sure that doesn't support YOUR position on the media, since you require news stories be witnessed, which in many cases then becomes biased BS again IF the stories don't support your already established biased opinion.
View attachment 3052017

Journalism today is dead - no one left to trust - mostly all biased tripe. Maybe a few true journalists left but VERY few.
I go along because it is true, instead of badmouthing everyone that don't agree prove them wrong!

why is it always us that has to do the leg work....and the right just shoot off at the mouth.....and we have to prove them realize how fucking stupid that is....not to mention very one sided on your part.....but then you always like those that just shoot off with a fact in the world.....just like trump...they say what you want to hear.....who cares if it is true!
Sorry dumb fuck. I went to work right after graduation from HS. Still there 30 plus years. Dealt with a lot of your kind. Educated brain dead morons. Can read it in a book, but can’t use it.

your holier than thou attitude may fool some of the bar trash you run with.....but not most in the real world.....a phoney is still a phoney no matter what face they try to put on it