Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Mac is the one that is an ignorant know it all name caller. Christmas has nothing to do with it. I totally agree with syscom3.
I have locked horns with @MacNfries many times in the past and of course we differ with politics greatly, however from at least a couple of conversations I had with him in the past I learned he is a Christian. However, even if he was not we should try to set an example. Take a nap and save the fighting for at least after midnight wherever your time zone is. 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇
I have locked horns with @MacNfries many times in the past and of course we differ with politics greatly, however from at least a couple of conversations I had with him in the past I learned he is a Christian. However, even if he was not we should try to set an example. Take a nap and save the fighting for at least after midnight wherever your time zone is. 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇 😇
Whatever! I am not Brainwashed or Brain Dead and I have set an example of a baby of Christ. You will know them by their fruits, a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree doesn't produce bad fruit. It is one thing to know about Christ and another to come to know Christ. Good Works cannot save us,but good works are evidence that we are saved.
Whatever! I am not Brainwashed or Brain Dead and I have set an example of a baby of Christ. You will know them by their fruits, a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree doesn't produce bad fruit. It is one thing to know about Christ and another to come to know Christ. Good Works cannot save us,but good works are evidence that we are saved.
A lot of people go to church, just for show. Once out the door, they do what they always did. Empty souls
The ONLY major infractions of illegal voting have occurred by the Republican party in 2016've been educated on this previously...multiple times. Scientific peer reviewed research showed YOUR state's electoral vote was flipped in the 2008 presidential election by illegal voters.....but since the illegal votes flipped NC for the democrap Obummer, your brainwashed head refuses to accept this.

House isn't going to send their impeachment to the Senate...
Then Nancy is violating House rules and as Democrap star witness, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman said, Trump can legitimately claim he hasn't been impeached.
House wants Senate to question 4 witnesses relevant to the Trump phone call ... Senate says no, just as Republicans have refused responses to subpoenas & Wht Hse documents.
Bullshit The Senate hasn't said no. They've said they will handle with exactly the same rules as were used with Clinton. The trial will start. Each side will present their opening. The House prosecutors can make a motion to call witnesses and the defense can make counter arguments after which the court will rule. This is a fair trial process....but clueless liberal dolts will never understand that when their legal edumacation cums from've been educated on this previously...multiple times. Scientific peer reviewed research showed YOUR state's electoral vote was flipped in the 2008 presidential election by illegal voters.....but since the illegal votes flipped NC for the democrap Obummer, your brainwashed head refuses to accept this.

Then Nancy is violating House rules and as Democrap star witness, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman said, Trump can legitimately claim he hasn't been impeached.

Bullshit The Senate hasn't said no. They've said they will handle with exactly the same rules as were used with Clinton. The trial will start. Each side will present their opening. The House prosecutors can make a motion to call witnesses and the defense can make counter arguments after which the court will rule. This is a fair trial process....but clueless liberal dolts will never understand that when their legal edumacation cums from
Yes and The democrats still look down their noses at the whole black population and unverified immigrants, but they still have managed to deceive 90% of the black population and along with immigrants, even poor white Americans by handing out just enough free stuff to hold them under their control. The fact is that they are the party of control, first through slavery, then by denying civil rights followed by the prison system to lock away blacks and now by pushing abortion to limit the black population.
I am not Brainwashed or Brain Dead
Of course if one is brainwashed or brain dead, they wouldn't know that they are brain washed and brain dead, now would they, Einstein?
Pertinent members of the Senate have already made their declarations regarding the Trump Impeachment, with Mitch McConnell vowing a quick "acquittal" and boasting that he is NOT an impartial juror and pledging there will be no difference between the President's position and the Senate's position. And of course the outspoken, always shifting opinions of Lindsey Graham admitting that he's "not trying o pretend to be a fair juror here". I can assure you that HAD the House Democrats made such "open" declarations, we'd be hearing the yelling still to this day from House Republicans.
Imagine a private sector criminal defendant meeting with the judge to set the rules for his own trial against the prosecution, telling the prosecution attorney what witnesses he could call and evidence he could present. And the judge and jury promising the criminal a quick acquittal.
So, its no wonder Pelosi hasn't sent the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. A choreographed acquittal exonerates no one. Will the Senate be able to conduct the trial set by the rules of our Constitution ... and the special oath of "impartial justice" according to the Constitution & laws? Its not just Trump that's on trial here, the Senate, especially the Republicans, are on trial, as well as the entire US constitution. What happens in the Senate will carry over for decades to come. No one wants to be on the wrong side of history.
We'll see if the partial Republican Senate intends to allow Democrat witnesses and provide any appropriate documents. A sham trial HERE and we can't expect the courts across the country to do anything more than follow the Senate's example.
• Trump used his office, and leveraged congressionally appropriated foreign security assistance, for his personal political benefit to coerce Ukraine to announce an investigation into a political rival.
• Will the Senate permit the coercion of a foreign government to interfere in our domestic elections?​
• Will the Senate enable the unprecedented, wholesale disregard of lawful congressional subpoenas to cover up the truth?​
• Will our national election system ever be safe again from foreign country interventions?​
• And, will the Senate's expected, open biased actions make this the new NORM?​
The Republican party has been spiraling out of control ever since Obama took the presidency in 2008 ... and Trump's presence has only accelerated their spiral downward.
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What I see is the Republicans are honest about what they intend - while they House Dems couldn’t have been more dishonest - deceitful and phony - the House proceedings were a complete and total Kangaroo Court and finished with NOTHING but made up shite. The Republicans now get their chance and are honest enough to tell it like it IS.
You are a fool because you come off as a total know it all, What you are proving is that you are an educated idiot.
Oh this is cute ... you have no facts to point to, just keep regurgitating your denials and insults. So, now you attack my education ... sorry if I make you feel foolish and unable to respond with something other than your normal foolish conjectures. Jealous? I think so ... that's conjecture, similar to how you ALWAYS respond ... no facts, just opinion.
Not to late to go back to school.
This seems politically loaded, lol Im from Canada so my vote doesn’t count but from where I stand Trump shouldn’t tweet but is otherwise definitely your best option. You don’t want to live in the socialism the Democratic Party is offering. Take it from a Canadian socialism sucks. All for eroding your rights until you have none left, vote democrat!

you are more than just a little confusing on that statement
I hear President Trump’s approval rating is up 6 points since Pelosi’s impeachment debacle and is higher than Obama’s at this point in his presidency :}

With that said I wish you ALL


that's his/your ass talking nothing changed in months

and....have a nice holiday....been gone for Christmas so wasn't here
happy all of matter "witch" side you are on.....and hell that even goes for doorcple….probably the most twisted one on here

personal experience?
Why yes! My ******* in law sat in the front row every Sunday, but was a pile of crap outside the door. Wife beater, womanizer, self centered *******.

Merry Christmas to you too!'ve been educated on this previously...multiple times. Scientific peer reviewed research showed YOUR state's electoral vote was flipped in the 2008 presidential election by illegal voters.....but since the illegal votes flipped NC for the democrap Obummer, your brainwashed head refuses to accept this.

Then Nancy is violating House rules and as Democrap star witness, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman said, Trump can legitimately claim he hasn't been impeached.

Bullshit The Senate hasn't said no. They've said they will handle with exactly the same rules as were used with Clinton. The trial will start. Each side will present their opening. The House prosecutors can make a motion to call witnesses and the defense can make counter arguments after which the court will rule. This is a fair trial process....but clueless liberal dolts will never understand that when their legal edumacation cums from

you of all people know just how full of ******* that statement was Kobach that swore up and down illegals voting and etc....after over a year in your state found ONE voting in two states...…..big bucks and a major sweep wouldn't you say.....but the right like to push that theory as an excuse to kick more voters away from voting so trump brings him up to do a national inspection and after over a year what did he find...not *******!

and yet the right is the first ones to try and do away with the rights this country was founded on....."no taxation without representation".....and threw all the tea into the harbor...…..but the republicans are more than willing to do what England did and do away with what this country was founded on...….all to preserve the republican vote
What I see is the Republicans are honest about what they intend
.... that's because you are a dimwit. They might be OPEN in regards to what they intend to do, but its not HONEST and certainly does contradict their OATH to the Constitution that they put their hand on a bible to take!
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Like all the Dems in the House were impartial and honest about it - you Dems are just totally fulla shite - just about everyone in the country sees it now too - and - you call me a dimwit - least I see what’s going on - you are blind to it - or just a dim Dem :}
but its not HONEST
Actually it is blatantly honest. The Senators who aren't being honest are those that are trying to pretend they will be impartial in the trial despite things like....oh say, running for election as president against Trump, or having made statements to the effect of they can't see themselves voting to acquit Trump. Nope, no conflicts there....I think you might want to check a mirror....looks like you have some brown spots on your forehead just like ole zwing.
certainly does contradict their OATH to the Constitution that they put their hand on a bible to take!
Members of Congress don't put their hands on bibles or any other fairy tale books for their OATH. They're sworn in en masse as you can see in this bibles, Dr. Seuss, or Qurans involved. You sometimes see pictures of them swearing on a bible (or the Quran, or other texts), but those are typically either a one off event for a member who wasn't present for the actual swearing in of the new Congress or ceremonial reenactments. Any requirement to use a bible or other religious text would be clearly unconstitutional.

I'm planning to put my hand on a stack consisting of the Origin of Species and the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster while wearing a colander on my head when I'm sworn in as president.


1577427616511.png've been educated on this previously...multiple times. Scientific peer reviewed research showed YOUR state's electoral vote was flipped in the 2008 presidential election by illegal voters.....but since the illegal votes flipped NC for the democrap Obummer, your brainwashed head refuses to accept this.

Then Nancy is violating House rules and as Democrap star witness, Harvard law professor Noah Feldman said, Trump can legitimately claim he hasn't been impeached.

Bullshit The Senate hasn't said no. They've said they will handle with exactly the same rules as were used with Clinton. The trial will start. Each side will present their opening. The House prosecutors can make a motion to call witnesses and the defense can make counter arguments after which the court will rule. This is a fair trial process....but clueless liberal dolts will never understand that when their legal edumacation cums from's a fair trial...….that's why McConnell said he would do whatever Trump's lawyers wanted......and the veridict will be whatever Trump says it will be......rethuglicans are willing to set whole new examples of corruption and the lack for a need for law....all in the name of a good tax break.....that's why we are starting to see some cracks in the rethuglican wall