Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Speaking of ignored subpoenas - how about the one that Hillary ignored for those 33,000 emails and then deleted them - bleach bit the hard drives and then had her henchmen beat the living shite outta her electronics with hammers - sounds like ignoring a subpoena - obstruction of justice - and being ABOVE the law !!!!!

Why did Robert Mueller not charge Donald Trump with ...
May 14, 2019 · Mueller had previously indicated that he was, grudgingly, operating under this guidance. Because of the OLC finding, Mueller could not recommend charges against Trump. He says in the report that it would be unfair to recommend charges against the President when there cannot be a trial to either confirm or refute those charges.

Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA ... · May 31, 2019
Speaking of ignored subpoenas - how about the one that Hillary ignored for those 33,000 emails and then deleted them - bleach bit the hard drives and then had her henchmen beat the living shite outta her electronics with hammers - sounds like ignoring a subpoena - obstruction of justice - and being ABOVE the law !!!!!

she didn't do anything that others had already done before her...….Bush deleted thousands of emails on the war.....Rice and Powell used private email servers....and several members in the trump cabinet are using a RNC server right now....but because it was Hillary

you bias is showing

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia
During the investigation into the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, it became known White House staff was using Republican National Committee (RNC) email accounts. The White House stated it might have lost five million emails.

Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts
Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts. The system ( is the same one the George W. Bush administration was accused of using to evade transparency rules after claiming to have “lost” 22 million emails.

George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million E-mails?
Oct 11, 2016 · The G.W. Bush administration "lost" 22 million official e-mails sent and received via private servers between the years 2003 and 2005. As opposed to being permanently "lost," an undetermined ...

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts ...
Feb 04, 2016 · Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails This article is more than 3 years old Hillary Clinton’s campaign has seized on findings that Rice and Powell were sent...

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal ...
The State Department's inspector general says messages were sent to Colin Powell's personal account and to the accounts of Condoleezza Rice aides. ... Got Classified Info on Personal Emails ...


The Republicans who did 'exactly what Hillary did' | MSNBC
The Republicans who did ‘exactly what Hillary did’. But much like with Mrs. Clinton, the decision over which emails should be considered official and which remain private was made by Mr. Bush. It is unclear how many emails Mr. Bush withheld because he deemed them unrelated to …
Why yes - yes you can
Done all the time
The courts decide that issue
There IS a thing called Executive Privilege but you guys only think it applies to your side
In short you are wrong.

And executive privilege doesn't trump congressional oversight. Because if that were the case there would not be congressional oversight.
Sitting Presidents should be exempt as he/she would be protected under the umbrella of the office of POTUS and can not be convicted while they are POTUS. Similarly in a parallel universe somewhere where Hillary defeated Trump and became POTUS, she should also ignore any subpoenas regarding to those 30,000 emails as the office shields her too.
Stay in your lane Canada. The president is not exempt from oversight.
In short you are wrong.

And executive privilege doesn't trump congressional oversight. Because if that were the case there would not be congressional oversight.

Hillary ignored a subpoena quite effectively - see above - but you lefties only see what ya wanna see.
O and Zwing - I believe Eric Holder ignored a subpoena over “Fast and Furious” too - in which a man died - but I guess none of those count cause they’re Dems.


Sometimes ya just look like a ding-a-ling :}
she didn't do anything that others had already done before her...….Bush deleted thousands of emails on the war.....Rice and Powell used private email servers....and several members in the trump cabinet are using a RNC server right now....but because it was Hillary

you bias is showing

Bush White House email controversy - Wikipedia
During the investigation into the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, it became known White House staff was using Republican National Committee (RNC) email accounts. The White House stated it might have lost five million emails.

Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts
Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts. The system ( is the same one the George W. Bush administration was accused of using to evade transparency rules after claiming to have “lost” 22 million emails.

George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million E-mails?
Oct 11, 2016 · The G.W. Bush administration "lost" 22 million official e-mails sent and received via private servers between the years 2003 and 2005. As opposed to being permanently "lost," an undetermined ...

Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts ...
Feb 04, 2016 · Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice used private accounts for classified emails This article is more than 3 years old Hillary Clinton’s campaign has seized on findings that Rice and Powell were sent...

Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal ...
The State Department's inspector general says messages were sent to Colin Powell's personal account and to the accounts of Condoleezza Rice aides. ... Got Classified Info on Personal Emails ...


The Republicans who did 'exactly what Hillary did' | MSNBC
The Republicans who did ‘exactly what Hillary did’. But much like with Mrs. Clinton, the decision over which emails should be considered official and which remain private was made by Mr. Bush. It is unclear how many emails Mr. Bush withheld because he deemed them unrelated to …

Nope tis your bias that be showing

Get with the program we’re talking bout ignoring subpoenas

You people can’t see your own faults but revel in those of your opponents.
You really shouldn't speak about things you have no understanding about. It is illegal to ignore a subpoena, period. Enforcement is another discussion.

Yeah well tell that to Hillary and Eric Holder and a host of others - I understand it quite well - your only concern regarding ignoring subpoenas is when the right does it.
Yeah well tell that to Hillary and Eric Holder and a host of others - I understand it quite well - your only concern regarding ignoring subpoenas is when the right does it.
You are really having a hard time with this. You said courts decide subpoena issues. I simply pointed out you are so very wrong. The only reason a court is involved with a subpoena is if the subpoena is ignored, which is illegal.
K - one more time - only s l ow l y this time - in the case of Congress issuing a subpoena to the Executive Branch - the court decides whether Executive Privilege applies - got it ?
HEY Sub - got a new poll for ya - you seem ta love them so much

New CNN poll out tonight - people for impeachment DOWN from 50% to 45%

And among Democrats those in favor of
impeachment DOWN from 90% to 77%

This from CNN - you lefties are sucking some major wind :}
HEY Sub - got a new poll for ya - you seem ta love them so much

New CNN poll out tonight - people for impeachment DOWN from 50% to 45%

And among Democrats those in favor of
impeachment DOWN from 90% to 77%

This from CNN - you lefties are sucking some major wind :}
true....impeachment nubers have gone down...…..but sill the majority of the country favors it and he knows it