Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I find the whole impeachment process and the snide remarks, and arguing buffoonish, and beneath any adult conversations, The clownish and ignorant display put on by these people are beneath any dignity or respect from any Citizen. The Democratic Party lacks any intellectual thought, or ability to pass anything productive for the betterment of the Nation. They are a party of Racist, hateful, anti-American, Socialist, trying to end a Nation founded in God and Law. I am lastly concluding any person who is a Democrat is not worthy of my time in any conversation, of meaning, and any public schooling or most all College education is just not worth the money.

nothing like being bias......does this mean you will be leaving?
There also wasn’t much of a shift on what respondents said should happen to Trump after the impeachment process is over. In our most recent survey, just under half (49 percent) of Americans think he should be impeached by the House and removed by the Senate,

There you go numb nuts.

Do you ever get tired of being owned?

Do you ever get tired of being SO obtuse ???
Why do Republicans support Trump?
Republicans are still supporting Trump because he’s the last man standing and their only chance of holding on to their seats in the House of Representatives and the Senate, even if he is the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler - they will support him. They don’t want to lose the Congress to the democrats.
Why are the Republicans still supporting Trump when he's ...…

Why do Republicans keep defending Donald Trump?
As the president gets more unhinged, the party rallies to his defense. The most obvious answer is simple partisanship: President Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and as we approach midterm elections, even disgruntled Republicans have a reason to keep good relations with the White House.

Why do Republicans support Trump? | Letters |
Aug 14, 2019 · Most Republicans are moral people. They would find it abhorrent to put children in cages or separate them from their parents. Yet, polls show that over 70% of Republicans support Trump as...

Why Do Republicans No Longer Care About Democracy, The US ...
Those are honestly the only reasons I can see for why some Republicans still support Donald Trump. They don’t apparently care that Trump bashes our law enforcement and intelligence agencies (FBI ...

John Beisner: Why do Republicans support President Trump ...
Apr 10, 2019 · Why do Republicans support a president who misrepresents, lies, name calls, threatens and bullies on a daily basis? Why have Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Joni Ernst, Rep. Steve King and Gov. Kim Reynolds attached themselves to, arguably, the most corrupt administration in our nation’s history?I suggest it’s because, as Republicans, they have bought into the plan Republicans
The Ten Commandments of Donald Trump

When we think of the Ten Commandments, we think of principles to live by. These universal rules still apply today, with clear divisions of right versus wrong.
Donald Trump doesn’t live by these rules. He’s a man of his own making who doesn’t believe the standards of society apply to him. So I felt it only fair to assemble a Ten Commandments that are unique to the president.

You Democrats were right about one thing, When Donald Trump won in 2016 the Republicans in Congress were divided, because Trump was untested and many did not like him. That is not the case anymore!!!! The Republican Party in Congress today are more United and of one mind and purpose then they have been all the way back to the Nixon impeachment . Never has an Impeachment process been totally Partisan, this sham is completely a one sided. What I posted earlier, even if I didn't write it, is still 100% the truth and if hard core Democrats don't open up their minds, stop trusting leftist paraphernalia and following CNN, MSNBC along with all of the Socialistic media, you are going to be very disappointed !

The whole impeachment process on the Democratic side is just a bunch of snide remarks, and arguing buffoons, beneath any adult conversations, The clownish and ignorant display put on by these people are beneath any dignity or respect from any Citizen. The Democratic Party lacks any intellectual thought, or ability to pass anything productive for the betterment of the Nation. They are a party of Racist, hateful, anti-American, Socialist, trying to end a Nation founded in God and Law. So you can keep your silly polls, and childish labeling of those who's eyes are wide open, because your swamp is being drained.
Weak minded Dems gonna get their wish in the House - unfortunately for them and fortunately for the American people the Senate has the REAL say how it ends up.

The ramifications of this sham impeachment will be felt heavily in 2020 - people don’t like it when Congress thinks it knows better’n them.
Weak minded Dems gonna get their wish in the House - unfortunately for them and fortunately for the American people the Senate has the REAL say how it ends up.

The ramifications of this sham impeachment will be felt heavily in 2020 - people don’t like it when Congress thinks it knows better’n them.

Senate?...…..might be interesting and surprising….over 60 % of republicans want the facts to come for 20202could very well be another midterm...….Graham and McConnell both having trouble......could be some big changes...…… took a lot of Russian money and influence to keep McConnell in last time....set a record for money spent.....but Moscow Mitch has shown he has an unlimited supply

so go ahead and support your local commie and vote republican