Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

The fact is that Donald John Trump won in 2016 and is our president today. Did Poroshenko and Russia form interference? If Russia did effect the election, How exactly ? For me the travesty of all of this impeachment process is that because the Democrats would not except Trump beating Hillary Clinton, he has been a marked man from the beginning. He has been under a microscope since day one. They have tried constantly to pin something (Anything) on this president to get him out of office. I am sure Trump has made mistakes, for one thing he is just a man and the other thing is he is not a politician. If the American people had the ability to see behind the curtain into all past Presidents and politicians time in our Government, chances are very good that it would horrify us.
Or maybe Trump is dirty and always has been.
That was a question for the courts - but your rabid Dems didn’t want to take the time for it - because it seems time is of the essence.
Not a question for the courts. You cannot ignore a subpoena. It was a tactic to draw out the process. Another quick question. Who told whom not to testify before congress?
Not a question for the courts. You cannot ignore a subpoena. It was a tactic to draw out the process. Another quick question. Who told whom not to testify before congress?
Sitting Presidents should be exempt as he/she would be protected under the umbrella of the office of POTUS and can not be convicted while they are POTUS. Similarly in a parallel universe somewhere where Hillary defeated Trump and became POTUS, she should also ignore any subpoenas regarding to those 30,000 emails as the office shields her too.
It’s amazing to me - that this phone call nonsense is all they have after 3 years - miraculous even
I don't know why you should find it amazing, after all, Trump has obstructed the investigation all the way. Withholding WhtHouse documents (ALL documents) refusing to allow members of his administration to respond to subpoenas and testify. Doesn't sound like an innocent man to me. Sounds like a man with something to hide to me. If he was actually innocent, I'm sure Trump would be wanting to prove the Democrats liars. But, he has another chance with the Senate, soon. Show up, testify himself UNDER OATH before a friendlier Senate ... or is he CHICKEN?
Not a question for the courts. You cannot ignore a subpoena. It was a tactic to draw out the process. Another quick question. Who told whom not to testify before congress?

Why yes - yes you can
Done all the time
The courts decide that issue
There IS a thing called Executive Privilege but you guys only think it applies to your side
I don't know why you should find it amazing, after all, Trump has obstructed the investigation all the way. Withholding WhtHouse documents (ALL documents) refusing to allow members of his administration to respond to subpoenas and testify. Doesn't sound like an innocent man to me. Sounds like a man with something to hide to me. If he was actually innocent, I'm sure Trump would be wanting to prove the Democrats liars. But, he has another chance with the Senate, soon. Show up, testify himself UNDER OATH before a friendlier Senate ... or is he CHICKEN?
In the same fashion the Democrats are CHICKEN not putting up all these issues for the election.
Sitting Presidents should be exempt as he/she would be protected under the umbrella of the office of POTUS and can not be convicted while they are POTUS. Similarly in a parallel universe somewhere where Hillary defeated Trump and became POTUS, she should also ignore any subpoenas regarding to those 30,000 emails as the office shields her too.

Yeah Dems believe they’re exempt from subpoenas only applies to the right :}
Sitting Presidents should be exempt as he/she would be protected under the umbrella of the office of POTUS and can not be convicted while they are POTUS. Similarly in a parallel universe somewhere where Hillary defeated Trump and became POTUS, she should also ignore any subpoenas regarding to those 30,000 emails as the office shields her too.
... and your opinion is unsubstantiated. Obviously you're listening to the Republican parrots ... NO ONE is above the law, NO ONE!
I don't know why you should find it amazing, after all, Trump has obstructed the investigation all the way. Withholding WhtHouse documents (ALL documents) refusing to allow members of his administration to respond to subpoenas and testify. Doesn't sound like an innocent man to me. Sounds like a man with something to hide to me. If he was actually innocent, I'm sure Trump would be wanting to prove the Democrats liars. But, he has another chance with the Senate, soon. Show up, testify himself UNDER OATH before a friendlier Senate ... or is he CHICKEN?

You people had him at the gallows over Mueller - get real - just cause ya want it SOOOOOOOO bad doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen :}
It’s amazing to me - that this phone call nonsense is all they have after 3 years - miraculous even - Dems managed to sweep all of Hillary’s peccadilloes under the carpet and then just went hog wild on trying to delegitimize President Trump - Independents like myself are SOOOOOOOOO done with the Democrat party - look at the polls in the battleground states why don’t ya :}
wrong....they have plenty more.....and knowing you trumptards are a little they want to keep it simple and just used the one he admitted to on te white house lawn
You people had him at the gallows over Mueller - get real - just cause ya want it SOOOOOOOO bad doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen :}

and just like with Mueller.....he WAS NOT innocent.....just that you can not indict a sitting president.....but congress can......and I'm sure before this is all over his treasonous activity will all be brought up