Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You are really having a hard time with this. You said courts decide subpoena issues. I simply pointed out you are so very wrong. The only reason a court is involved with a subpoena is if the subpoena is ignored, which is illegal.

all of the fast and furious subpoenas' have been handled by now
you know he does.....he is a PAID talk show host to tell you what you want to hear......last time I cheched it wasn't even factual

nd he has been in a little troublr creating facts that are mot true

so what's your point...…...the country wanted NOTHING done......after all the right wanting to impeach him for a blow job......when at the same time several members of that committee were having affairs behind the wives backs.....Gingrich,,,Star and a couple others

for another.....unlike your man...…..he gave them everything they asked for.....hid NOTHING.....and kept up doing his job
K - one more time - only s l ow l y this time - in the case of Congress issuing a subpoena to the Executive Branch - the court decides whether Executive Privilege applies - got it ?
It is illegal to ignore a subpoena. What don't you understand about that? Claiming executive privilege is a tactic. If executive privilege can be claimed, that means there can be no congressional check on the executive branch, which runs contrary to the constitution.
There also wasn’t much of a shift on what respondents said should happen to Trump after the impeachment process is over. In our most recent survey, just under half (49 percent) of Americans think he should be impeached by the House and removed by the Senate,

There you go numb nuts.

Do you ever get tired of being owned?
I find the whole impeachment process and the snide remarks, and arguing buffoonish, and beneath any adult conversations, The clownish and ignorant display put on by these people are beneath any dignity or respect from any Citizen. The Democratic Party lacks any intellectual thought, or ability to pass anything productive for the betterment of the Nation. They are a party of Racist, hateful, anti-American, Socialist, trying to end a Nation founded in God and Law. I am lastly concluding any person who is a Democrat is not worthy of my time in any conversation, of meaning, and any public schooling or most all College education is just not worth the money.

I didn't write it, I just shared it, it makes perfect sense.
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