Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Republicans' Russia Problems May Run Deeper Than Donald ...
May 18, 2017 · The GOP’s gaffe-fest of awkward cover-ups, resistance to a thorough investigation into the Russian tampering with the election, and Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey suggest that, unlike Watergate, the American government’s entanglement with Putin’s Russia may be far more profound.

The GOP has become the Soviet party - The Washington Post
Jan 21, 2019 · The GOP has become the Soviet party. ... red-baiting Republicans denounced Soviet Russia as an evil superpower intent on destroying the American way of life. ... Trump owns this shutdown debacle ...

Once upon a time, Ayn Rand-reading, red-baiting Republicans denounced Soviet Russia as an evil superpower intent on destroying the American way of life.

My, how things have changed.

The Grand Old Party has quietly become the pro-Russia party — and not only because the party’s standard-bearer seems peculiarly enamored of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Under Republican leadership, the United States is starting to look an awful lot like the failed Soviet system the party once stood unified against.

Supposedly middle-class workers — people who have government jobs that are supposed to be stable and secure — are waiting in bread lines. Thanks to government dysfunction and mismanagement, those employed in the private sector may also be going hungry, since 2,500 vendors nationwide are unable to participate in the food stamp program while the government is shuttered and unable to renew licenses for the Electronic Benefit Transfer debit card program.

Why? Because of the whims of a would-be autocrat who cares more about erecting an expensive monument to his own campaign rhetoric than about the pain and suffering of the little people he claims to champion.

And for now, at least, most of those little people are too frightened of the government’s wrath to fight back overtly. Instead, desperate to keep jobs that might someday offer them a paycheck again, the proletariat protest in more passive ways: by calling in sick in higher numbers.

The would-be autocrat surrounds himself with toadies who spend more time scheming against one another — sometimes to comic effect — than trying to offer their boss sound guidance or thoughtful policy solutions. In his presence, and perhaps especially when the cameras are on, they praise him relentlessly: his brains, his leadership, his perfect genes.”

Sometimes they appear afraid to stop clapping, echoing stories of ****** standing ovations for Joseph Stalin recounted in video footage and Alexander Solzhenitsyn’sGulag Archipelago.”

Apparent corruption among these kowtowing aides — including improper use of public funds or private favors for fancy travel and other pampering — remains rampant. Unlike in true socialist states, it seems, our leaders haven’t run out of other people’s money.

Meanwhile, federal law enforcement is publicly directed to pursue the would-be autocrat’s political enemies, as well as the family members of those enemies, such as former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s *******-in-law. Purges of law enforcement or other members of the “deep state” are also demanded, and sometimes acted upon. Such actions, when taken by thugs abroad, were once denounced by Republicans.

State-run media, or something closely approximating it, feeds the public a steady diet of pro-leader propaganda and shields viewers from news that might embarrass the head of state.

Independent sources of information or accountability, or those who deviate from the party line, are branded “enemies of the people.”

On the macroeconomic front, leadership may be touting “deregulation” but in many ways is moving toward a more centrally planned economy, which includes the shielding of pet industries from the whims of the market or technological change.
That means propping up coal plants, which fracking has made less competitive. And slapping tariffs across thousands of foreign products, to subsidize struggling domestic competitors or sometimes to protect “national security.” And granting more price supports for farmers.

Just as government has inserted itself into more markets, though, it has abruptly stopped functioning, holding up the processing of those farmer subsidies or tariff exemptions. It’s the old Soviet model in a nutshell: promising much, interfering a lot, failing to deliver.

Perhaps providing proof of concept to President Dwight Eisenhower’s domino theory, our government has simultaneously encouraged more central planning by other economies, too.

This includes greater government-directed management of bilateral trade balances by China, the European Union and other countries, regardless of what individual businesses within those countries need or where they’d prefer to source from. While the Trump administration claims it wants China to move in a more market-oriented direction, it also wants it to promise that theoretically private Chinese companies will buy soybeans from the United States, and not Brazil, regardless of quality or price.

Needless to say, “picking winners and losers” was once a thing Republicans abhorred, a practice embraced only by failed socialist states; today the Republican standard-bearer picks winners and losers even within the government itself.
The government may be officially shuttered, but President Trump decided to do an end run around the constitutionally mandated, democratic appropriations process. He is picking and choosing which government functions are allowed to function: yes to his offshore drilling plan and tax refunds; no to the Smithsonian museums.

All branches of government may be equal — but some, it seems, are more equal than others.
I could have gotten tickets for steel supplier but that's th e cheapest part of a game.

used to be big in baseball (cubs fan) football chiefs/bears...….and NASCAR....been to a lot of events....price and drinks expensive......and the view not that great!.....saved my money and watch it all on tv....done with attending anything....hell can see more on my damned phone!
I gave you Chiefs I admitted defeat . giving you an example of proper sportsmanship expected in 2020. Be humble

Humble left a long time ago when it comes to politics.....anything else fine I can take my lumps.....always have been hardcore in politics....well for 40 years anyway been dead set against the right and the corruption and catering to the well to do....haven't been the party of Lincoln since Ike left!....we need another Ike...…..just not one around
problem is as time goes on they just get more so.....don't get me wrong....not sold on the Dems either...….they always promise the world and give us California....but they are the lesser of 2 evils right now.....third party so fucked up they are a joke....and people who support them are usually liars and bullshitters just trying to promote some ideals of which they have none of.....….but I really think the right has met their waterloo this time....saw it in the midterms.....and I see a lot of independents switching back.....yes you have your diehard republicans like you...….and then the trump people who I really think haven't a clue....and the die hard Dems.....the die hards just about split the country...….the independents are always the ones that make or break things.....I know you don't want to hear this but while searching ...something.....this morning I saw that even 22% of the right are not happy with what the party is doing
Yeah - you’re as hardcore as it gets - agree about Independents deciding things - I’m an Independent and I’m just as pissed as I can be about how the Dems have tried to delegitimize the 2016 election and have nonstop dogged our President - there are a lot of us that feel that way.
Yeah - you’re as hardcore as it gets - agree about Independents deciding things - I’m an Independent and I’m just as pissed as I can be about how the Dems have tried to delegitimize the 2016 election and have nonstop dogged our President - there are a lot of us that feel that way.

being ashamed of who you support might give you some mental conflicts but
you are about as independent as I am are at least the third one on here to say you are an independent and yet defend everything trump does or says......and on top of that you condone *******...I lost any hope for you on that
I have been an Independent since I registered to vote - I have voted over the years for both Republicans and Democrats - however the Dems have gone off the rails - I’m sick of their whining and trying to undo the 2016 election. I support our President and the more Dems go left - I go right - and - I am not alone.
I have been an Independent since I registered to vote - I have voted over the years for both Republicans and Democrats - however the Dems have gone off the rails - I’m sick of their whining and trying to undo the 2016 election. I support our President and the more Dems go left - I go right - and - I am not alone.

can you get a new record.....that one is stuck.....and getting annoying....people tired of it
Not as tired as your cult shite :}
cult seems to apply....and I see there are several sites pertaining to and titled trump's where I figured out they were right,,,,,,hahah right in both ways...….also a good jab at the broken record
but I'm sure you won't admit it....that definition does fit and apply.....two separate lines of it
can you get a new record.....that one is stuck.....and getting annoying....people tired of it
blkdlaur just gave a accurate confession in his post of just who he is and what he sees right in front of his eyes using common sense and a realistic view. Donald Trump is being railroaded. Anyone that supports Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Maxine Waters, Mark Johnson, Lucy McBath, Ayanna Pressley, Rashid Tlab , Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez , Steve Cohen, Al Green, Joaquin Castro , Phamila Jayapal , Sheila Jackson-Lee, Hakeem Jeffries and Jerrold Nadler there is little hope for.
blkdlaur just gave a accurate confession in his post of just who he is and what he sees right in front of his eyes using common sense and a realistic view. Donald Trump is being railroaded. Anyone that supports Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Maxine Waters, Mark Johnson, Lucy McBath, Ayanna Pressley, Rashid Tlab , Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez , Steve Cohen, Al Green, Joaquin Castro , Phamila Jayapal , Sheila Jackson-Lee, Hakeem Jeffries and Jerrold Nadler there is little hope for.

again that is your republican bias......refuse to see the corruption going on right in front of you

that whole list is popular democrats...…..checked trumps popularity lately.....for a crooked pervert I'm surprised it is as high as it is......but there are plenty of people like you 2 that just never see the light...…...but then even as Nixon was boarding the chopper to leave office his approval was right at 30%.....just a portion of the country that will never see the light
Maybe your right never, never see the light, you seem to Sub.

said it several times......and you are not alone...….seems like the right just passes their news from one to another and the lie gets bigger each where near the facts...…..and when they do turn on the news....It is usually fox......which in other countries is nothing but an opinion station and won't let them on nor call them selves a news station...….but in the US everything is about they are here....also look at all the whacko radio personality people you have.....they just tell you what you want to where near the facts....their lies sell because people want to believe

if we had laws similar to what they have in France.....they wouldn't be on the air and most of the republican party would be in jail!
anything you say HAS to be factual....and you can't slander an can only praise yourself....but you can't say bad about someone else.....that's why last year they put major blocks on facebook…….to prevent Russia from spreading their ******* and putting in someone in office that might be more friendly to Russia.....we are starting to do a lot of it here...….pulling all political ads...…..that is what killed...well one thing anyway that killed many wrong and willful bad stories