Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

FACTS, FACTS , FACTS that really matter.

sure they do....when you get them from a source related to the RNC

It's all in the eye of the beholder.....but sure are a lot of articles stating trump has not helped most

100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans ...

  • Economy
  • Environment and Energy
  • Democracy and Government Reform
  • Immigration
  • Faith
  • Gun Violence Prevention
  • Health Care
  • Higher Education
  • K-12 Education
  • Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • National Security

  • 1. Raised housing payments for new homebuyers by about $500 in 2017. On its first day, the Trump administration reversed an Obama administration action to lower Federal Housing Administration, or FHA, mortgage insurance premiums for new homebuyers by 25 basis points, which could have lowered mortgage payments for 1 million households purchasing or refinancing their home this year alone. 1. Attacked the Department of Labor’s fiduciary rule, which would ha…
See more on

Here are 23 terrifying things that President Trump has ...
  • Published: Jan 26, 2017

    1. On the day of his inauguration, President Trump signed an executive order instructing …
    2. On Saturday, Trump stood in front of the CIA’s Memorial Wall – a memorial which honours …
    3. Early reports that the CIA had cheered this speech were swiftly followed by others, in which …
    4. At his first press briefing, Trump’s spokesman Sean Spicer laid into the media for …

15 Ways President Trump Has Hurt the American Worker
Sep 04, 2018 · In an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, the AFL-CIO president said of Trump’s record, “Unfortunately, to date, the things that he has done to hurt workers outpace what he’s done to ...

The 10 worst things Trump did in 2018 - The Washington Post

    1. His pullout of all U.S. troops in Syria will take America’s boot off of the terrorists’ necks. …
    2. His planned withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan is a gift to the Taliban and al …
    3. His policy to separate migrant children from their families at the southern border was an …
    4. His news conference with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki was an embarrassment. His meeting …
  • See all full list on
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And you don't post tons of questionable information from Bias websites? Fair is fair, right?

I'm sure I do...don't know that for sure....but unlike Trump and his followers....I consider the times and the hill and a few others valid news sources....If I see a few other sites supporting what they say I throw them in......most of which I have no idea if they are right or left...the reason I post case you don't like it from another
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my above post didn't go into this......and it will create a lot more anti trump people

15 ways the Trump administration has impacted the environment
15 ways the Trump administration has changed environmental policies For the past three years, National Geographic has been tracking how this administration's decisions …

85 Environmental Rules Being Rolled Back Under Trump - The ...
Sep 12, 2019 · President Trump has made eliminating federal regulations a priority. His administration, with help from Republicans in Congress, has often targeted environmental rules it sees as burdensome to the ...

Trump′s lasting damage to the environment | Environment ...
A new report concludes that the damage already done by the Trump administration to the environment, and the US agency that regulates it, will result in …
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and laws Obama put in to protect us from greedy wall street putting us in another recession?

Dodd-Frank under siege: Trump begins dismantling Obama ...
Feb 03, 2017 · Trump signs plan to roll back financial regulations ... Dodd-Frank reform of Wall Street. Trump signed an executive order on Friday that sets ... the amount of capital they hold to protect against ...

Trump begins dismantling Obama financial regulations of ...
WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the stroke of a pen, President Trump has begun the push to dismantle the sweeping Dodd-Frank reform of Wall Street. Trump signed an executive order on Friday that sets ...

'Spectacular Betrayal' as Trump Rolls Back Wall Street ...
President Donald Trump is set to hand the U.S. economy “back over to Wall Street” on Friday, with a regulatory rollback that critics say could put consumers and the financial system at risk .
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protections for americans…..GONE
Here are the 66 programs eliminated in Trump's budget ...
President Trump's fiscal 2018 budget proposal would completely eliminate 66 federal programs, for a savings of $26.7 billion.

nothing for the family farmer
Trump’s $16 billion farm bailout will make rich farmers ...
Jul 31, 2019 · According to a report released Tuesday by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG), most of the $8.4 billion given out so far in last year’s farm bailout went to wealthy farmers ..

nothing for "working" america
Trump's Tax Cuts Benefit Rich Americans, Not Middle-Class ...
"Most voters believe that the GOP wants to cut back on these programs in order to provide tax breaks for corporations and the wealthy," the poll found. ... Trump's Tax Cuts Benefit Rich

Trump’s Tax Cuts Did One Thing: Give Rich People More Money
Sep 20, 2018 · The Trump Tax Cuts Did One Thing: Give Rich People More Money. ... What has been very evident so far is the first-order effect. Just as critics of the tax cuts predicted, reducing the amount of ...

and all of his talk about helping Veterans
Trump's accomplishments on veterans issues fall short of ...
Aug 23, 2017 · Trump's accomplishments on veterans issues fall short of administration boasts. ... There has never been so much done so quickly, and we have just started. ... The biggest change Trump has brought ...

Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running ...
Aug 08, 2018 · Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running the V.A. ... shots at the Department of Veterans Affairs since Trump was inaugurated. What the men lack in any government or U.S ...

Not going to take a dime while being Pres...…………….
Donald Trump Reports He’s Getting Richer as President ...
Jun 16, 2017 · Donald Trump Reports He’s Getting Rich as President. Trump claimed more than $37 million in income from Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach County resort in Florida he described as his “Winter White House,” as well as $20 million in income from the nearby golf club he owns in Jupiter, Florida. His claimed Mar-a-Lago income rose rapidly since his last two...

How Trump Is Making Money in the White House, and Why ...
Making money in office. Trump’s businesses are benefiting from his family being in power — including his resorts like Mar-a-Lago and his D.C. hotel. Trump is using his position as president to promote his own business interests, which is the key issue here, and the problem that the framers intended to avoid.

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President
    1. Trump’s hotels. Trump hotel income jumped from $33.8 million in 2016 to $60.5 million in …
    2. Trump campaign events at Trump properties. Various Trump properties banked at least …
    3. Golf club memberships. After Trump was elected, Mar-a-Lago doubled member fees to …
    4. Trump’s own golf trips. Secret Service golf-cart rentals alone cost taxpayers $137,000 in …
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Get The Facts On Trump’s Broken Promises To Seniors
Donald Trump has pushed numerous lies and myths about his record on senior citizen issues. While he has claimed he won’t cut programs for seniors and that he will help retirees

Trump Poverty Line Proposal Would Hurt Seniors, People ...
Jun 12, 2019 · The Trump Administration is considering whether to use a lower inflation measure to calculate annual adjustments to the federal poverty line. This approach would ultimately hurt millions of seniors and people with disabilities who would lose their eligibility for, or receive less help from, programs to help them make ends meet.

Trump's tax plan has a hidden surprise for Social Security ...
If so, the program will have crossed the Rubicon. Trump’s solution means that the program is no longer self sufficient, and supporters would be unable to assert that the program does not ...

10 Ways the Trump Presidency Will Affect Seniors
Jan 19, 2017 · Trump has vowed that he will not cut Social Security, which one in three seniors says is their primary source of income. The government could, however, raise the age of retirement that makes seniors eligible to collect, or alter the cost-of-living index.

What Trump's Budget Would Mean For Seniors - Forbes
Feb 14, 2018 · Trump has proposed eliminating cost-sharing for seniors with very high prescription ******* costs, but at the same time he’d increase out-of-pocket expenses for many others, especially those who ...

Trump Budget Would Hurt Older Americans | Center on Budget ...
    • Medicaid cuts would threaten health care for older Americans — especially their ability to …
    • Deep SNAP (food stamp) cuts would cause more elderly people to struggle to put food on …
    • Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) cuts would hit many older Americans. Workers …
    • Rental and heating assistance cuts would hurt thousands of seniors. The budget’s deep cuts
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tell me again how trump has helped the country...…...he has fucked about everyone except the well to do

The Trump Plan to Hurt the Poor by Pretending to Help Them
Jan 11, 2018 · The Trump Plan to Hurt the Poor by Pretending to Help ThemThe Trump Plan to Hurt the Poor by Pretending to Help Them. There’s no evidence that this is true, and the data from Michigan and Ohio shows that it contradicts the truth. There is good reason to worry that fewer people will have a job in states that adopt this cruel policy.

Trump Hates the Poor - US News & World Report
Feb 15, 2018 · Trump Hates the Poor. Apparently, Trump's America is a place where the poor – even children – can go hungry and homeless while the rich get richer, and billions of tax dollars freely flow to Pentagon contractors. Trump's plans for ending or cutting government programs have something to hurt almost everyone – from cuts to rural business services,...

15 Ways President Trump Has Hurt the American Worker
Sep 04, 2018 · In an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, the AFL-CIO president said of Trump’s record, “Unfortunately, to date, the things that he has done to hurt workers outpace what he’s done to ...

Here’s Everything Donald Trump Has Done To Screw The ...
Here’s Everything Donald Trump Has Done To Screw The Middle Class. Their hatred of these groups were, in part, fueled by their hatred of Catholicism. Know-Nothings believed that Catholics were inherently an enemy of democracy, and that the Pope was secretly plotting the overthrow of the United States government.

Trump Policies Benefit Rich, Ding Poor And Middle Class
According to Team Trump, Trump’s import tax would ******* Americans to pay 10 to 15 percent more for food, clothing, electronics, and other basic necessities.
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I will just throw in this one as "gimme" since he has destroyed American foreign policy also

The damage Trump has done, documented - Washington Post
Jan 19, 2018 · The United States survived President Trump's first year in Washington. But the damage already done to democratic institutions at home and to our vital alliances abroad will surely linger long after the 45th president leaves the Oval Office. Trump has, in one year, laid waste to America's diplomatic legacy, set in motion the destruction...

Trump's National Security and Foreign Policy Failures ...
Jan 17, 2018 · It has been one year since President Donald Trump took office. As Americans reflect on Trump’s turbulent tenure, his record on national security and foreign policy has been alarming. Under Trump

Is Trump Ending the American Era? - The Atlantic
How Trump Is Ending the American Era. For all the visible damage the president has done to the nation’s global standing, things are much worse below the surface.

Foreign leaders have begun to reshape alliances, bypassing and diminishing the United States.
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on.

Feel Free to ask if you need more of trump's accomplishments!

but most of you right wingers won't read nor understand any of the above posts......they are in English and not Russian
Trump's accomplished a lot ... for TRUMP:
• Totally polarized the country against itself​
• Managed to discredit ALL outside news & media sources​
• Brought in foreign countries to help him win elections​
• Totally ignored and obstructed the constitutional processes & laws of the USA​
• Proven that the President & his Administration do not have to comply with requests & demands brought forth by Congress​
• Given himself & all rich cronies more tax cuts & tax waivers while ignoring the lower half of the USA​
• Continues to alienate the US from its allies​

tell me again how trump has helped the country...…...he has fucked about everyone except the well to do

The Trump Plan to Hurt the Poor by Pretending to Help Them
Jan 11, 2018 · The Trump Plan to Hurt the Poor by Pretending to Help ThemThe Trump Plan to Hurt the Poor by Pretending to Help Them. There’s no evidence that this is true, and the data from Michigan and Ohio shows that it contradicts the truth. There is good reason to worry that fewer people will have a job in states that adopt this cruel policy.

Trump Hates the Poor - US News & World Report
Feb 15, 2018 · Trump Hates the Poor. Apparently, Trump's America is a place where the poor – even children – can go hungry and homeless while the rich get richer, and billions of tax dollars freely flow to Pentagon contractors. Trump's plans for ending or cutting government programs have something to hurt almost everyone – from cuts to rural business services,...

15 Ways President Trump Has Hurt the American Worker
Sep 04, 2018 · In an interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, the AFL-CIO president said of Trump’s record, “Unfortunately, to date, the things that he has done to hurt workers outpace what he’s done to ...

Here’s Everything Donald Trump Has Done To Screw The ...
Here’s Everything Donald Trump Has Done To Screw The Middle Class. Their hatred of these groups were, in part, fueled by their hatred of Catholicism. Know-Nothings believed that Catholics were inherently an enemy of democracy, and that the Pope was secretly plotting the overthrow of the United States government.

Trump Policies Benefit Rich, Ding Poor And Middle Class
According to Team Trump, Trump’s import tax would ******* Americans to pay 10 to 15 percent more for food, clothing, electronics, and other basic necessities.
Imported goods should cost more then domestic
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed those of former President Ronald Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President Trump a solid platform to run for re-election on.

Feel Free to ask if you need more of trump's accomplishments!

but most of you right wingers won't read nor understand any of the above posts......they are in English and not Russian
Are you having FUN🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐
Are you having FUN🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐

Oh yeah...…..anytime I can not only show you guys how wrong you are and rub your nose in it.....good time....just pointing out you guys are worshipping a false god
Go Trump landslide victory 2020. Was visiting Nh this weekend Trump bumper sticker everywhere

yeah....but like trump....those cars were on their way to the crusher for scrap....only difference is those cars are reusable….trump isn't