Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

guess trump thinks it is his own personal news outlet.....can not handle the real has to cater to him...lies and all

Trump Lashes Out at Fox News for Giving Airtime to Democrats: ‘Pathetic!’

President Donald Trump is angry at Fox News again, teeing off once again while watching Fox News Sunday.
Wallace spoke with Congressman David Cicilline about impeachment this morning.
The president took to Twitter — after Cicilline’s interview played during the 2 pm Fox News re-airing of the Sunday show — and trashed Fox News for having “losers” and “Radical Left Haters” on, before adding, “The Dems wouldn’t let @FoxNews get near their bad ratings debates, yet Fox panders. Pathetic!”

Another charge they have been working on is about to surface

Emoluments: Trump's profits from private businesses to get hard look from federal appeals courts

WASHINGTON – An obscure provision of the Constitution that Donald Trump ridiculed as "this phony Emoluments Clause" will be debated in two federal appeals courts this week, representing yet another legal threat to the embattled president

Even as impeachment dominates the agenda in Congress and President Trump's personal lawyers ask the Supreme Court to shield his tax returns and financial records from investigators, courts in the District of Columbia and Richmond, Va., will hear arguments that the president routinely receives gifts from foreign and U.S. government officials.

Those two challenges and a third working its way through federal courts in New York focus on the Trump Organization's financial stake in hotels and restaurants, which cater to customers both foreign and domestic with interests before the government Trump heads.

The question: Does that violate the Constitution?

Democrats in Congress, the attorneys general of Maryland and the District of Columbia, and some of Trump's competitors in New York City say the answer is yes. When a foreign official stays at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., or U.S. officials stay at a Trump resort in Scotland, they say, the presidential profits are unconstitutional.

The Justice Department says the answer is no. Its lawyers are telling all three courts that a violation must involve Trump profiting directly from his employment as president, not from "the proceeds of ordinary commercial transactions between foreign governments and businesses."

On Monday, that debate will come before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The challengers won the first round in federal district court, forsing Trump's appeal.

On Thursday, the debate will shift to the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, based in Richmond, following earlier decisions that gave each side a victory and a defeat.

For Deepak Gupta, an appellate lawyer who represents challengers in two of the three disputes, increased public understanding of the issue constitutes a victory in itself.
( shows the country he is a fucking crook and profiteering off the American taxpayer)

I agree pretty much....I think if trump wins there will be hell to pay...….and I think if trump loses there will be hell to pay...I'm guessing there might even be some violence....trump has already promoted it in a couple speeches......….as for the rest...saw it on the net so I'm not the only one to think it....and with the right's unwilling to even read anything they don't want to hear......there is just so much that just don't want to see it

the only thing I strongly disagree on is blkdlaur giving you a like....when he was the one that sent me the cult link

Cult link - the hell you say - never sent anybody any link in here - EVER :|
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Thanks Sub for the 2 odd pages supporting my above statement :}

you seem to be confused.....but it is just that cult blinding from staying in the trump cave listening to old trump speeches....but I know I have brought it up a couple times....and I see Mac is still waiting for an answer...…..tell me one thing he has done to help middle America......and I really doubt you read much if any of whet I posted anyway....if trump didn't put it out it has to be fake
Anyone that calls the American people that like and watch The President of the United States a cult is completely reaching for words to excuse the total lack of reality they are suffering from. President Trump is responsible for attempting to run a government so contaminated with corruption and other President's failures, he is bound to upset someone.
Anyone that calls the American people that like and watch The President of the United States a cult is completely reaching for words to excuse the total lack of reality they are suffering from. President Trump is responsible for attempting to run a government so contaminated with corruption and other President's failures, he is bound to upset someone.

anyone who would support this Russian backed crook....using the office to benefit himself and his Russian friends is not really aware of what is going on around him and does not have the best interest of America at heart.....his goal is to enrich himself....give countries or help Russia anyway he can....and destroy as much of America as he can.....and he is achieving all of those right under the blind eyes of a cult like people who support that

it really fucking amazes me that with everything....there isn't at least a little doubt in your mind.....fucking cult worship....******* the kool aid!

the Ukraine deal is all about giving the country back to Russia...and with Trump... McConnell and Grahams help they are getting closer...….Ukraine was NEVER brought up in anyway about Hacking or anything else...UNTIL P.utin mentioned it in Helsinki 2 years ago.....every intelligence agency in the world said it was false......but p.utin wants the hacking blame put elsewhere....and why not put the dogs on a country he wants to take over......and trump being the loyal dog he is....does his bidding....with the help of a Russian backed gop and a blind bunch of CULT FOLLOWERS P.utin is achieving his goal

Russia now also owns the airstrip we built. - Democratic ...
Nov 16, 2019 · Today in Syria: Russia takes control of main U.S. military facility abandoned earlier this week by American forces on Trump’s orders. This area is south of Kobani and went to Russia under the Putin-Erdogan deal. Russia now also owns the airstrip we built.
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I don't trust Lindsey Graham !!!!

Is Russian Money Behind Graham's Growing Defense of Trump ...
Sep 11, 2018 · Blavatnik contributed $800,000 to the Security is Strength PAC, associated with Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., via Access Industries. Blavatnik and oligarch Viktor Vekselberg met attending university in Russia years ago, and together they now own a 20.5% stake in Rusal, oligarch Oleg Deripaska 's aluminum company.

Lindsey Graham, Russian Oil Money & A Campaign Finance Scandal
The Democratic Coalition’s ongoing investigation just uncovered the following evidence linking Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to Russian oil money and a campaign finance scandal. Len Blavatnik is a...

Lindsey Graham Received Campaign Donations From Firm Tied ...
May 19, 2019 · GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham received $800,000 from a Ukrainian-born oligarch with ties to Putin's inner circle. As President Donald Trump appears to sink deeper into legal trouble and special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation pushes forward, the relative silence of congressional Republicans becomes increasingly difficult to ignore.

don't think he might be another one willing to let Russia have Ukraine....a country trying to fight for it's freedom

Confirmed: Lindsey Graham took huge money from Kremlin ...
Jan 05, 2018 · Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who wasn’t even running in 2016, took $2.5 million. He then went on to work behind the scenes during the election to try to prevent President Obama from revealing that Russia was trying to hack the election. Someone else notable took that same Kremlin money: Lindsey Graham.
How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. He ran as the most pro-Russian candidate for president since Henry Wallace helmed the Soviet fellow-traveling Progressive Party ticket in 1948, extolling Vladimir Putin’s manly virtues at every opportunity while bringing Kremlin-style moral relativism to the campaign trail.

How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns
May 08, 2018 · Oleg Deripaska is said to be one of Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorite oligarchs, and he is founder and majority shareholder of Russia's Rusal, the second-largest aluminum company in the ...

McConnell's Biggest Donor Isn't Russian -
Claim: "It turns out that the biggest donor for Mitch McConnell (R: Moscow) is none other than the Russian oligarch that the GOP just lifted sanctions on."
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