Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

cult seems to apply....and I see there are several sites pertaining to and titled trump's where I figured out they were right,,,,,,hahah right in both ways...….also a good jab at the broken record
but I'm sure you won't admit it....that definition does fit and apply.....two separate lines of it

You seem to BELIEVE anything you read on the internet - YIKES 😬
So Tucker Carlson stated that P.u.t.i.n. hates America less than liberals. This is where cons get their news.

no one said these trump cult members were real smart.....look at who they look up to and listen to....Jim Jones Trump

Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans ...
A lot of it has to do with education. Trump's support is strongest with Republicans in the Midwest, conservatives across the country who do not have a college degree and (perhaps not surprisingly …

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump
Trump's accomplished a lot ... for TRUMP:
• Totally polarized the country against itself​
• Managed to discredit ALL outside news & media sources​
• Brought in foreign countries to help him win elections​
• Totally ignored and obstructed the constitutional processes & laws of the USA​
• Proven that the President & his Administration do not have to comply with requests & demands brought forth by Congress​
• Given himself & all rich cronies more tax cuts & tax waivers while ignoring the lower half of the USA​
• Continues to alienate the US from its allies​

The democratic party polarized the country. Not trump. You're delusional. They have been on a scorched earth crusade since 2016. When I say I like trump I see democrats foaming at the mouth. You tell me who's the ones that lost their mind. You're nuts. All of you.
Trump's accomplished a lot ... for TRUMP:
• Totally polarized the country against itself​
• Managed to discredit ALL outside news & media sources​
• Brought in foreign countries to help him win elections​
• Totally ignored and obstructed the constitutional processes & laws of the USA​
• Proven that the President & his Administration do not have to comply with requests & demands brought forth by Congress​
• Given himself & all rich cronies more tax cuts & tax waivers while ignoring the lower half of the USA​
• Continues to alienate the US from its allies​
Literally everything you say is made up and wrong. No wonder our country is so fucking messed up. Our country is in better shape than its been in my entire life. I'm really wondering what metrics you use. All of the United States is benefitting. You're a fool. It's so frustrating listening to stupid people like you.
I will just throw in this one as "gimme" since he has destroyed American foreign policy also

The damage Trump has done, documented - Washington Post
Jan 19, 2018 · The United States survived President Trump's first year in Washington. But the damage already done to democratic institutions at home and to our vital alliances abroad will surely linger long after the 45th president leaves the Oval Office. Trump has, in one year, laid waste to America's diplomatic legacy, set in motion the destruction...

Trump's National Security and Foreign Policy Failures ...
Jan 17, 2018 · It has been one year since President Donald Trump took office. As Americans reflect on Trump’s turbulent tenure, his record on national security and foreign policy has been alarming. Under Trump

Is Trump Ending the American Era? - The Atlantic
How Trump Is Ending the American Era. For all the visible damage the president has done to the nation’s global standing, things are much worse below the surface.

Foreign leaders have begun to reshape alliances, bypassing and diminishing the United States.

Is that same newspaper that called Al Baghdadli an austere religious scholar? Well done
Literally everything you say is made up and wrong. No wonder our country is so fucking messed up. Our country is in better shape than its been in my entire life. I'm really wondering what metrics you use. All of the United States is benefitting. You're a fool. It's so frustrating listening to stupid people like you.
better than in your entire life? can't be more than 2 years old's going downhill fast....he is living up to the MAGA (my American giant ass)….there is not much he hasn't fucked up since being there...….ask the you the same question we ask the others....and none have responded....what has he done for YOU or for america

hell the world thinks he is a fucking joke.....he barely has over a 30% approval rating....although it is 80% among republicans....but they don't speak for the whole country so it's back to the 30%.....which means 70% of the country thinks he sucks!
most would be in jail.....just another trump that does what he wants...laws mean nothing to them.....that's why a lot of endangered animals in the US have been removed from protection

Donald Trump Jr killed rare endangered sheep in Mongolia ...
10 hours ago · On a hunting trip to Mongolia earlier this summer the president’s ******* Donald Trump Jr killed a rare species of endangered sheep. A permit for the killing was retroactively issued after Trump met with the country’s president, according to new reporting from ProPublica. Trump was accompanied by security from both the US and Mongolia on the trip, the outlet reported.
Trump wants to put on a spectacle to try and intimidate witness's and show more lies....and etc.....McConnell smart he knows more people talking the more people will find out fueling possible impeachment......among americans AND now so nothing more can come out......after all they know trumps worst enemy is his big mouth

Senate Republicans look to hold short impeachment trial despite Trump’s desire for an aggressive defense

Senate Republicans are coalescing around a strategy of holding a short impeachment trial early next year that would include no witnesses, a plan that could clash with President Trump’s desire to stage a public defense of his actions toward Ukraine that would include testimony the White House believes would damage its political rivals.

Several GOP senators on Wednesday said it would be better to limit the trial and quickly vote to acquit Trump, rather than engage in what could become a political circus.

“I would say I don’t think the appetite is real high for turning this into a prolonged spectacle,” Senate Majority Whip John Thune (S.D.), the chamber’s second-ranking Republican, told The Washington Post on Wednesday when asked whether Trump will get the witnesses he wants in an impeachment trial. “Members want to deal with the arguments, hear the case and hopefully reach a conclusion.”
