Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

……..…………….. cult
World's oldest ^ cave art: Half-*******, half-human hybrids depicted on oldest discovered cave art
Trump wanting to "juice" the economy at a great risk to the economy just to make himself look good

Before his death, legendary Fed chief Paul Volcker issued one last warning to the US

he legendary Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker died on Tuesday at the age of 92, but he had a final warning for an American public wrestling with a declining trust in government and each other.

The Financial Times published the afterword in Volcker's upcoming autobiography which the newspaper said was written in September, three months before his death.

In it, Volcker condemned President Trump's efforts - without naming him - to pressure the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in an attempt to juice US economic growth, already undergoing its longest sustained expansion.

"Not since just after the second world war have we seen a president so openly seek to dictate policy to the Fed. That is a matter of great concern, given that the central bank is one of our key governmental institutions, carefully designed to be free of purely partisan attacks," the former Fed chairman wrote.

Volcker said he trusted the members of the Fed will fend off any attempts to interfere in its monetary policy decision making so it may act "free of partisan political purposes."

Trump has repeatedly assailed Jerome Powell, the current Fed chair, for not cutting rates. Back in August, Trump called Powell an "enemy" of the United States comparable to China, the Washington Post reported.

The former Fed chair painted a very bleak portrait of the nation's political environment, noting "forces" are rolling back environmental and other protections considered emblematic of American democracy.

"Increasingly, by design or not, there appears to be a movement to undermine Americans' faith in our government and its policies and institutions," Volcker wrote. "We've moved well beyond former president Ronald Reagan's credo that 'government is the problem,' with its aim of reversing decades of federal expansion."

He went on: "Today we see something very different and far more sinister. Nihilistic forces are dismantling policies to protect our air, water, and climate. And they seek to discredit the pillars of our democracy: voting rights and fair elections, the rule of law, the free press, the separation of powers, the belief in science, and the concept of truth itself."

Volcker was best-known for waging a campaign to subdue inflation in the late 1970s and early 1980s as Fed chairman. He later sought to keep regulations in place to oversee the financial industry and became an advocate for financial reform.

The former Fed leader later chaired Obama's Council of Economic Advisory Board after the banking system teetered on the edge of total collapse in 2008.

Just trying to destroy America from within

After bipartisan pushback, Trump ditches effort to ******* major federal agency

President Trump has abandoned his administration’s faltering effort to dissolve a key federal agency, a major setback in his three-year battle to keep his campaign promise to make government leaner and more efficient.

The Office of Personnel Management will remain the human resources manager of the civilian workforce of 2.1 million employees, and its functions will not — for the foreseeable future at least — be parceled out to the White House and the General Services Administration.

The White House hoped that shuttering the agency of 5,500 employees could serve as a blueprint for eliminating other federal offices as Trump tries to contain the size and scope of a bureaucracy he targeted as duplicative and inefficient — and rein in a workforce he views with skepticism.

But an 18-month effort by a top Office of Management and Budget official to eliminate the government personnel office left the plan on life support, despite a bipartisan consensus that the operation is deeply troubled.

Congressional Democrats and Republicans whose support was essential to disbanding the agency dismissed the plan as ill-conceived and unlikely to save money or shrink the federal workforce. A sweeping defense authorization bill that appeared to be headed for approval on Capitol Hill on Wednesday relegates the breakup to an independent study committee, a common face-saving solution for ideas that tend to be going nowhere.**-major-federal-agency/ar-AAK2131?ocid=ientp

The Economy Under Democratic vs. Republican Presidents ...
The Economy Under Democratic vs. Republican Presidents It has often been suggested that Republicans are better at overseeing the economy than Democrats. However, an analysis of economic performance since World War II under Democratic versus Republican presidents shows that claims that Republicans are better at managing the economy are simply ...
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better than in your entire life? can't be more than 2 years old's going downhill fast....he is living up to the MAGA (my American giant ass)….there is not much he hasn't fucked up since being there...….ask the you the same question we ask the others....and none have responded....what has he done for YOU or for america

hell the world thinks he is a fucking joke.....he barely has over a 30% approval rating....although it is 80% among republicans....but they don't speak for the whole country so it's back to the 30%.....which means 70% of the country thinks he sucks!

You're literally making numbers up. Not going to reply to a crazy person. Lol. Deranged.
You're literally making numbers up. Not going to reply to a crazy person. Lol. Deranged.

guess you only know how to use your computer to look at also has a search engine to check for facts.....but I doubt you really want to know the facts

Why do TrumpCult membersignore facts?- #resist ...
Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds
Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump ..
Welcome Cdnyc85 to the fray - like the way you see things - lotta delusion running wild in here - Mac and Sub think they’re speaking for the majority of the country - when really they’re just a coupla sore LOSERS over 2016 like the rest of the rabid Dems. Like your foaming at the mouth line very apropos :}
Welcome Cdnyc85 to the fray - like the way you see things - lotta delusion running wild in here - Mac and Sub think they’re speaking for the majority of the country - when really they’re just a coupla sore LOSERS over 2016 like the rest of the rabid Dems. Like your foaming at the mouth line very apropos :}

This guy has literally lost his mind making things up. I went to the best undergrad business school in the United States. You don't really get more educated than me. Top 5% in every standardized test I've ever taken. I didn't realize it was this bad. Most trump supporters uneducated. Haha. What a joke. I have spoken to few liberals who can have an intelligent conversation about guns or Healthcare. They don't don't anything about either issue or industry. They're purely emotional topics. Very few actually know the facts and how these industries work.
The democratic party polarized the country. Not trump. You're delusional. They have been on a scorched earth crusade since 2016.
pic_Hello-AnybodyHome.jpg You HAVE been living under a frik'n rock, haven't you? Why don't you lay down your crayons and do a bit of research, that is if you know to read. You CAN READ, can't you?
• The Great Republican Conspiracy ... George Voinovich, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell "Party of No Honeymoon" plan when Obama first took office.
• John Boehner's contacting all the house Republicans saying the new Pres Obama would be visiting the Capitol to talk to them about the economic-recovery plan he had and that they should refuse to see him. (Jan.27, 2009)
• The night Eric Cantor, Pete Sessions, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint, Bob Corker, etc met with Newt Gingrich in a Caucus Room to plan on how they were going to submarine Obama's administration. At the end of the meeting Gingrich laughs, saying "You'll remember this day, the day the seeds of 2012 were sown".
There's a lot more to this, however, the one thing that is important is that the Republicans involved do NOT deny they happened.
And thus began the Polarization of the Republican and Democratic parties.
Now go the fuck away you fool ... get yourself educated. I got no time to waste on your ignorance.
Welcome Cdnyc85 to the fray - like the way you see things - lotta delusion running wild in here - Mac and Sub think they’re speaking for the majority of the country - when really they’re just a coupla sore LOSERS over 2016 like the rest of the rabid Dems. Like your foaming at the mouth line very apropos :}

I'm sure you would he speaks your same language...….trump jibberish….hasn't a clue of what is going on around him
I have spoken to few liberals who can have an intelligent conversation about guns or Healthcare. They don't don't anything about either issue or industry

you just were unable to return and intelligent conversation and probably didn't like what they were telling you so of course they were the eyes of a trumptard
only in trump's mind....he surely didn't think he had done anything to deserve it.....although if it was up to Russia...turkey or the Saudi....he would have had a pretty good chance.....but to the rest of the world....he is a fucking joke and the nobel prize is serious stuff

Trump attacks Greta Thunberg for being Time's 'Person of the Year'

Trump’s tweet about Greta Thunberg is one of his ugliest ...
Sep 24, 2019 · Trump’s tweet about Greta Thunberg is one of his ugliest yet The president responded to the teen climate activist’s impassioned UN speech by mocking her. By Aaron Rupar @atrupar Updated Sep 24,...

Greta Thunberg: Trump mocks young climate activist ...
Sep 24, 2019 · President Donald Trump mocked Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg on Twitter late Monday night after the 16-year-old excoriated world leaders for …
That's how dictators work......and trump wants to heap more praise on P.utin

Russia expels 2 German diplomats over Berlin ******* probe
11 hours ago · Russia expelling German diplomats in response “sends the wrong signal and is unjustified,” the German Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday. German federal prosecutors took over the investigation after concluding that evidence suggested involvement either by the Russian government or Chechnya.
McConnell’s plan for sham trial reveals depths of Trump’s corruption

If Mitch McConnell goes through with his reported plan to hold a sham impeachment trial that acquits President Trump without calling witnesses, it will provide the perfect coda for the corrupt and farcical way Trump’s defenders have handled this saga all throughout.
In so doing, the Senate majority leader and other assorted Trump propagandists will be unabashedly enshrining their position as follows: We’ve already decided in advance that the full facts will not persuade us to turn on Trump, no matter how damning they are, so why should we listen to them at all?

This is how Trump’s defenders actually view the situation — and the awful implications of this should not be sugar-coated.
Yet the scheme may not prove as easy to get away with as they think. Handled properly, Democrats can use it to demonstrate that Republicans themselves know Trump’s substantive defenses are weak and his corruption is indefensible — and vividly show how Republicans are functioning as Trump’s full-blown accomplices.

The Post has the latest on McConnell’s scheming: Republican senators are “coalescing” behind a quick impeachment trial that would call no witnesses and result in a quick acquittal vote. Republicans are trying to resist Trump’s stated desire to turn this into a huge and messy spectacle by insisting on hearing from witnesses such as Hunter Biden.

In essence, Trump envisions a trial that would become a mere continuation of the corrupt scheme for which he’s being impeached in the first place. It would keep on trying to validate Trump’s invented narrative of Joe Biden’s corruption, but use the trial to do so, when previously he tried to extort Ukraine into helping him do it.
But there’s a problem with this, as The Post reports:

McConnell is not sure Republicans have enough votes to only call Trump’s preferred list, the person said. Any agreement to call a witness would require 51 votes, and if Democratic votes were needed to end an impasse among Republicans, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) would demand his own list of witnesses as part of any compromise.
Under McConnell’s thinking, this could possibly mean calling Vice President Pence and top White House aides, such as acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, to testify.
“Witnesses would be a double-edged sword,” Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) said.

Republicans might not have 51 GOP votes to realize this scheme — any such process decisions would require majority approval. This would mean if only a handful of the 53 GOP senators declined to approve it, Democrats would have leverage to demand witnesses of their own.

McConnell doesn’t want that. As The Post notes, McConnell cryptically hinted at this, suggesting recently he hopes 51 GOP senators just say “they’ve heard enough and believe they know what will happen.”
Translation: GOP senators don’t need to hear from witnesses called by Democrats, because they know that they’re going to acquit Trump no matter what emerges.
It’s important to note here that we still haven’t heard from numerous key players who almost certainly have direct knowledge of Trump’s most corrupt acts — because the White House has blocked that from happening.

It’s important to note here that we still haven’t heard from numerous key players who almost certainly have direct knowledge of Trump’s most corrupt acts — because the White House has blocked that from happening.
Among those witnesses are people who directly interacted with Trump over his freezing of hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine, such as acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton.

Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland admitted to using that money to leverage Ukraine into announcing the sham investigation of Biden that Trump wanted, at what he fully understood as Trump’s direction.
Obviously, if those witnesses confirmed in some way that Trump personally and explicitly discussed the military aid extortion plot with them, it would be even more devastating than what has already been established.
It’s true that we don’t know what those witnesses would say. But the rub is that Republicans don’t want to find out. And their reasoning has been laid bare for all to see: They are determined to acquit Trump no matter how incredibly damning such testimony might be, so they may as well spare themselves the political hardship that such testimony might inflict on them.

Last edited: listen to some of these's almost like these republicans believe all the ******* they are saying....some of what they are saying has already been proven wrong....and they still repeat them.....see it all the time on here

Here’s how lies and hypocrisy took over the Republican ...
Jul 14, 2019 · Here’s how lies and hypocrisy took over the Republican Party and hit an all-time high. Published. 3 months ago. on. July 14, 2019. By. ... That may be the biggest and most dangerous bad-faith ...

A party built on lies: Here’s why Donald Trump is the ...
The only thing Republicans have learned from Donald Trump is that they no longer have to lie strategically. They don’t need a rationale behind a lie. Trump has …
The Republican Party Has a Communicable Disease ...
Sep 11, 2018 · Trump has infected much of the Republican Party. The lie has become its First Principle -- and there is no second. The GOP is diseased, in the tertiary stage of moral cowardice.