Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Allfor I believe there is a new disease illustrated vividly in here - Dem Delusional Dementia :}
Go back to sleep, blkdlaur ... you still haven't responded to my post #4,793 to you. You said you were sick & tired of all the liberal whining and Trump was "getting things done" ... you haven't responded. Wonder why? I know why; you are in a delusional state of denial with Trump. He hasn't accomplished hardly any of his campaign promises. If I"m wrong, point them out or STFU!
Here's what we've grown to expect from the Republican party the past 2 decades since Newt Gingrich polarized the two-party system.

A party that has lost confidence in holding fair elections votes almost unanimously against the voters rights bill today. They feel they must rig elections, find ways to suppress voting, and gerrymander districts to win. And even NOW ... they invite the assistance of foreign goverments to help them win elections. Maybe they should change their platform to more fairly represent the majority of the people. Right now I see a party totally corrupt of integrity.
NC, one of the worst states, STILL has not changed ALL of the 8-9 gerrymandered districts back as a federal judge has ordered them to, FOUR TIMES now. District Two, the worst, was corrected and the Republican in that district has decided to not run in 2020 because he knows he can't win, now. Still, five districts remain unchanged.
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Here's what we've grown to expect from the Republican party the past 2 decades since Newt Gingrich polarized the two-party system.

A party that has lost confidence in holding fair elections votes almost unanimously against the voters rights bill today. They feel they must rig elections, find ways to suppress voting, and gerrymander districts to win. And even NOW ... they invite the assistance of foreign goverments to help them win elections. Maybe they should change their platform to more fairly represent the majority of the people. Right now I see a party totally corrupt of integrity.
NC, one of the worst states, STILL has not changed ALL of the 8-9 gerrymandered districts back as a federal judge has ordered them to, FOUR TIMES now. District Two, the worst, was corrected and the Republican in that district has decided to not run in 2020 because he knows he can't win, now. Still, five districts remain unchanged.

I really think Gingrich is the one that started the hate and division in the country...….and still promotes it....I think as long as he is around we will always have it....until the country hits rock bottom and we are ****** to work together......and I think trump is the one to take us to rock bottom.....just my opinion...….and I'm sure there will be a few that don't see it that way.....but...….

2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of those surveyed supported a second term ...

  1. A Running List Of Republicans Criticizing Trump's Ukraine ...
    Oct 04, 2019 · Here’s a running list of Republicans who are speaking out about Trump’s apparent attempts to compel foreign governments to aid his reelection campaign. Sen. Mitt Romney Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah made the biggest splash Friday of any Republican so far when he slammed Trump’s “ brazen and unprecedented ” calls for foreign meddling in the ...
  2. ‘At Least 35’ Senate Republicans Secretly Want To Impeach ...
    Sep 27, 2019 · At least, that’s what one former Republican senator, Arizona’s Jeff Flake, said on Thursday, as quoted by Fox News. Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival, Flake said that “at least 35” Senate Republicans would vote to convict Trump in a …
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I really think Gingrich is the one that started the hate and division in the country...….and still promotes it....I think as long as he is around we will always have it....until the country hits rock bottom and we are ****** to work together......and I think trump is the one to take us to rock bottom.....just my opinion...….and I'm sure there will be a few that don't see it that way.....but...….

2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of those surveyed supported a second term ...

  1. A Running List Of Republicans Criticizing Trump's Ukraine ...
    Oct 04, 2019 · Here’s a running list of Republicans who are speaking out about Trump’s apparent attempts to compel foreign governments to aid his reelection campaign. Sen. Mitt Romney Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah made the biggest splash Friday of any Republican so far when he slammed Trump’s “ brazen and unprecedented ” calls for foreign meddling in the ...
  2. ‘At Least 35’ Senate Republicans Secretly Want To Impeach ...
    Sep 27, 2019 · At least, that’s what one former Republican senator, Arizona’s Jeff Flake, said on Thursday, as quoted by Fox News. Speaking at the 2019 Texas Tribune Festival, Flake said that “at least 35” Senate Republicans would vote to convict Trump in a …

even if trump doesn't take the country down....and he is on a course to do it...……..there are a lot of republicans want him gone and are just to afraid of his twitter storm prior to the election to do it......don't like his tweets all the time ..his personal attacks.....and his crooked deals he makes money from....his foreign policy....and there are several not happy about the Ukraine situation...….remember Biden was a senator for many years and most know him as someone who can and will work across the isle
Easy win in 2020 - Dems cut off their dick to spite their balls over impeachment horseshite - people pissed.

yep....the 29% is really hot...…….you do realize 29% is not a real big number......true a lot don't want him impeached...afraid it will just open the door everytime one party dislikes the other.....if you remember several times the right brought up impeaching Obama...… matter.…..most of the country does not want him back for a second term.....saw a thing this morning how the teamsters had a big push FOR trump last time...he was talking about things people wanted to hear and Hillary wasn't...…..this time they see trump did none of that and every Dem candidate is talking about what people want to hear...… care could be his big downfall...among others
Just my opinion, and I am still a follower of President Trump. I believe that simply the results of Trump winning in 2016 has polarized our country and whatever happens in 2020 is going to be more polarizing. I have never seen such hate toward each other on a personal level, myself I hate no one not even you Sub, I don't like being called a member of a cult, racist, stupid, a Nazi or a fascist. But names can't physically harm but emotionally they can some people.
Just my opinion, and I am still a follower of President Trump. I believe that simply the results of Trump winning in 2016 has polarized our country and whatever happens in 2020 is going to be more polarizing. I have never seen such hate toward each other on a personal level, myself I hate no one not even you Sub, I don't like being called a member of a cult, racist, stupid, a Nazi or a fascist. But names can't physically harm but emotionally they can some people.

I agree pretty much....I think if trump wins there will be hell to pay...….and I think if trump loses there will be hell to pay...I'm guessing there might even be some violence....trump has already promoted it in a couple speeches......….as for the rest...saw it on the net so I'm not the only one to think it....and with the right's unwilling to even read anything they don't want to hear......there is just so much that just don't want to see it

the only thing I strongly disagree on is blkdlaur giving you a like....when he was the one that sent me the cult link
are you always this stupid or is today a special occasion
in case you haven't got a clue.....which shows you don' are supporting the communist party.....and that seems to be what you are asking for if you are to blind to suffer from trump mindfucking

How the GOP Became the Party of Poroshenko - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Poroshenko. He ran as the most pro-Russian candidate for president since Henry Wallace helmed the Soviet fellow-traveling Progressive Party ticket in 1948, extolling Vladimir Poroshenko’s manly virtues at every opportunity while bringing Kremlin-style moral relativism to the campaign trail.

Moscow Mitch and his $200 Million Russian sugar daddy ...
Aug 16, 2019 · Moscow Mitch and his $200 Million Russian sugar daddy, Oleg Deripaska Frank Vyan Walton Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

Lindsey Graham's Campaign Finance Violations Just Came ...
Oct 24, 2018 · In the lead-up to the corrupt 2016 election, Senator Lindsey Graham railed against Donald Trump. He even tried to warn us about how dirty he is, but now it appears that Graham might have been following in Trump’s footsteps with dirty Russian money and campaign finance violations. The co-founder and lead investigator of TheDemCoalition, Scott […]

A closer look at Ted Cruz's interest in Russian 'appeasement'
A closer look at Ted Cruz’s interest in Russian ‘appeasement’ ... between reporters and congressional Republicans on the Trump-Russia scandal, but for my money, ... CRUZ: Russia is a ...

Here's a list of Republicans in office who are confirmed ...
Sep 01, 2017 · Money also went to Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich – but these were much smaller amounts and could be interpreted as covering bases rather than trying to buy any real influence. The broader concern is McConnell’s Super PAC and what he did with that money

Mitch McConnell Implicated In Widespread Poroshenko/Ukraine ...
May 27, 2017 · Over the last few months, Dworkin has revealed that several Republican senators — including John McCain, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio — have accepted money from Russian donors. He produced evidence of even more connections earlier this week that have been shared by Palmer Report.

Here's a list of Republicans in office who are confirmed ...
Sep 01, 2017 · So which Republicans top the list of having taken Russian money? During the 2016 election cycle, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell used his Super PAC to accept $2.5 million dollars from the pro-Kremlin oligarch in question, putting him front and center of the influence the oligarch was trying to buy.

Republicans In Congress Are Taking Money From Russia And ...
Republicans In Congress Are Taking Money From Russia And Richard Painter Wants An Investigation. The Russian infiltration of US politics doesn’t end with Donald Trump. Poroshenko has gotten himself into the Republican Party, and before Americans can get the Russians out of their elections, the Republicans will have to get the Russians out of the GOP.

Republicans Busted Using Russian Oligarch's Money To Fund ...
Nov 15, 2017 · The list of GOP members who have accepted money from Blavatnik includes prominent members of the Republican party, including Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, John McCain, and the current president, Donald Trump. In total, these GOP members accepted 7.35 million dollars worth of contributions from Blavatnik.

All of Donald Trump’s Ties to Russia and Poroshenko, in 7 ...
A visual guide to the many links between Donald Trump and Vladimir Poroshenko’s Russia. ... All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts. ... What is the real story of Donald Trump and Russia?

NRA, Russia and Trump: Money laundering poisoning US ...
Feb 15, 2018 · But when it comes to funding, the NRA may have finally gone too far: the FBI recently launched an investigation to determine whether a Russian central banker, and Poroshenko ally, illegally funneled...

did your parents have any children that lived ...or were they all born brain dead?
so now that we have figured out you are a fucking commie lover and supporter....anything else you would like to shoot off about
I see you haven,t read or listened to what any of the democrats has done or trying to do. Take away your constitional righrs? YOU ARE A 100% CONFIRMED MORON AND YOU HAVE PROVED IT. Just listen and look at Nancy Pelosi--Hillar and Bill Clinton,Obama and the democrat list goes on and on.
I see you haven,t read or listened to what any of the democrats has done or trying to do. Take away your constitional righrs? YOU ARE A 100% CONFIRMED MORON AND YOU HAVE PROVED IT. Just listen and look at Nancy Pelosi--Hillar and Bill Clinton,Obama and the democrat list goes on and on.

careful....your ignorance is showing...…..
typical of a cult member......stay in the dark and ignore the facts!

Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
Feb 24, 2016 · Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from well educated and poorly educated people, adding "I love the poorly educated." ... Trump didn't just win with less educated

Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The ...
American Idiots: Poll Proves Trump Supporters Are The Stupidest People In The US. ... The majority of Trump supporters want to believe that Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim. ... A Day After Promising …

Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters - The ...
Aug 04, 2016 · When critics challenge false assertions — say, Trump’s claim that thousands of Muslims cheered in New Jersey when the twin towers fell on Sept. 11, 2001 — their refutations can threaten people, rather than convince them. Graves noted that if people feel attacked, they resist the facts all the more.

Are Trump Supporters Really As Stupid As We Think ...
May 04, 2017 · There has been a long standing belief that those that support Trump are the percentage of the country that is ignorant, naïve of politics, gullible and flat out stupid. This opinion was not developed by sheer chance, but has been based on both the behavior and the comments made by his supporters.

Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong ...
Jul 30, 2018 · Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong — But they may soon be too embarrassed to defend him ... “Why, if it’s wrong to …

Why do TrumpCult members ignore facts?- #resist ...
Jan 02, 2019 · Make no mistake here, the cult of Trump ticks all these boxes are more. It is not a political movement, instead it is a political cult that instills fear to draw people in and utilises emotional manipulation via propaganda to keep people in line. Why does knowing this matter?
Guess it won't be hard to figure out whose side trump will be on......Freedom....or P.utin….luckily France still stands against dictators.....there is still hope that someday we can get back to standing for freedom and against dictators....we just need to lose Don the Con to get it done

Putin and Zelenskiy agree to Paris talks on Ukraine | News ...
Putin and Zelenskiy agree to Paris talks on Ukraine French President Emmanuel Macron's office on Friday announced the December meeting would take place after months of diplomatic efforts. The...

Ukraine's new president comes face to face with Putin in Paris
The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, faces a major test at a high-stakes summit with Vladimir Putin in Paris as he pursues a campaign promise to negotiate an end to the war in south-east Ukraine despite vocal opposition at home.

Zelensky was dragged into Trump impeachment scandal, holds ...
20 hours ago · Zelensky will meet Putin in Paris on Monday to resume peace talks aimed at ending Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatist militias in its eastern Donbas region. Zelensky was elected Ukraine’s...
Trump’s claim the Saudis will pay ‘100 percent of the cost ...
Claim: "Saudi Arabia is paying for 100 percent of the cost, including the cost of our soldiers."
Three Pinocchios
Fact checked by

Trump Says Saudi Arabia Is Great Because They “Pay In Cash ...
We’re just willing to overlook the bombings, the death they are causing in Yemen, murdering children on a school bus. We’re okay with all of that because as Donald Trump says, they pay cash. They buy our weapons, they give us oil.

Trump will accept Saudi crown prince denial on Khashoggi ...
Oct 21, 2018 · The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee said that he expects President Trump to ultimately accept Saudi Arabia's denials of the crown prince's involvement in the death of journalist ...

Trump Is Waiting for the Saudis to Tell Him What to Do
Sep 10, 2019 · You may recall that Robert Gates, who was SecDef under both Bush-II and Obama, once said that the Saudis are willing to fight Iran to the last American. But here is Trump, once again, playing butt-monkey to an autocratic/theocratic regime.

Trump, Khashoggi, and Saudi money: America deserves to ...
Oct 12, 2018 · But they are serious. Trump has commented before on his business ties to Saudi Arabia, bragging at a campaign rally in Alabama about how much business he did with Saudi interests.

Trump and Kushner Put Saudi Arabia's Money Ahead of ...
Oct 17, 2018 · If it doesn't, it may well be because the president – putting the lie to his dissembling about his family's financial ties to Saudi Arabia – will openly and stubbornly put money ahead of the ...

‘I like them very much:’ Trump has long-standing business ...
Oct 11, 2018 · ‘I like them very much:’ Trump has long-standing business ties with Saudis, who have boosted his hotels since he took office Donald Trump greets Robert Small, CEO of Fairmont Hotel Management ...

Trump has deep ties with Saudis, from selling yacht to ...
From selling a Saudi billionaire his 282-foot yacht to sword-dancing on his first international trip as president, Trump's ties with Saudi Arabia run deep

Trump and Saudi Arabia: Deep business ties spark new ...
Oct 15, 2018 · President Donald Trump's ties to Saudi Arabia run long and deep, and he's often boasted about his business ties with the kingdom.

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi Arabia ...
Sep 04, 2016 · Trump sold the 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for $4.5 million in June 2001, according to a city Finance Department spokeswoman.

Jared Kushner Faces Scrutiny For His Ties To The Saudi ...
Oct 16, 2018 · Jared Kushner Faces Scrutiny For His Ties To The Saudi Crown Prince Jared Kushner, President Trump's *******-in-law, has played a key role with the Saudis and in the Middle East, despite his ...

The Kingdom and the Kushners: Jared Went to Riyadh. So Did ...
Mar 21, 2019 · Jared Kushner, presidential adviser, and Josh Kushner, venture capitalist, both have ties to Saudi Arabia. Critics say that raises ethical questions.

Saudi Crown Prince Boasted That Jared Kushner Was “In His ...
Mar 21, 2018 · One of the people MBS told about the discussion with Kushner was UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, according to a source who talks frequently to confidants of the Saudi and Emirati rulers.