Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

U.S. economy adds 266,000 jobs in November, unemployment rate falls to 3.5%
AOL.COM 21 mins ago

he inherited a growing economy and just hasn't figured out how to fuck it up yet......but I'm confident he will.....his tariffs are a start.....I see a gesture of good will is going to pull the tariffs on some soybeans......I bet there are some farmers jumping for joy over that and may switch back to supporting trump....but he is a crook and fuck up so i'm sure he will pull some other kind of ******* before the 2020.....give Ukraine to Russia?....something.... it is getting to obvious to too many that he is kissing p.utins ass
I'm taking construction contracts into fall 2020 on iron work on multi million dollar homes. This level of client stops spending before slow down. But keep hoping for people to suffer it must be tough being so cynical. My glass is always half full
Housing Forecast 2018-2019: Declining New Demand
Sep 20, 2017 · Housing Forecast 2018-2019: Declining New Demand ... goes down, demand for housing is going up. ... I’m comfortable saying that we don’t need an increase in home construction
he inherited a growing economy and just hasn't figured out how to fuck it up yet......but I'm confident he will.....his tariffs are a start.....I see a gesture of good will is going to pull the tariffs on some soybeans......I bet there are some farmers jumping for joy over that and may switch back to supporting trump....but he is a crook and fuck up so i'm sure he will pull some other kind of ******* before the 2020.....give Ukraine to Russia?....something.... it is getting to obvious to too many that he is kissing p.utins ass
How long are you going to pursue this line of bullshit
Sometimes I think your stuck in carnival mirror room all those miserable people you see . farmers ,plumbers ,contractors , fast-food employees. I see all the same gainfully employed and happy for it
Sometimes I think your stuck in carnival mirror room all those miserable people you see . farmers ,plumbers ,contractors , fast-food employees. I see all the same gainfully employed and happy for it

I think you are in the cult cave way to much and listen to trump blow his own horn....mostly false...…..he still has NOT beat Obama in anything!....but like I said you republicans get together tell your lies each has to out do the other....and you all believe what the other says with out looking at any facts....sure economy doing good...he hasn't fucked it up yet....but he has done several things that could hurt the economy over time
Yeah your world doesn't match what I see

that's because you are in the cult cave and buy into what the right tells you....and like all of trumps minions....the truth does not matter

I'm just looking at his past track record...….he got something like 100million when his dad died...lost all that...borrowed money here and never paid it back and CAN NOT get an American loan now...….borrowed 30 mullion...from a German Bank...lost it...….got another big load from a Chinese bank and lost it is coming out (they got the german bank records through the court)...he has been money laundering Russian money...a steady flow of money until he got this job and making millions off the taxpayers....once out of money from us....Russia will have no further need of him....

his track record of money is not good...and his track record of corruption is up there....not an honest bone in his body!
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keep hoping for people to suffer it must be tough being so cynical. My glass is always half full
...... that's BS and you know it. We'll see what you think of your glass around this time NEXT year. And then, every time you post something negative I'll refer you to your post # 2693563. Every time.
I think you are in the cult cave way to much and listen to trump blow his own horn....mostly false...…..he still has NOT beat Obama in anything!....but like I said you republicans get together tell your lies each has to out do the other....and you all believe what the other says with out looking at any facts....sure economy doing good...he hasn't fucked it up yet....but he has done several things that could hurt the economy over time
This admin better then last every step of the way I know you have umptine links that say otherwise but I'm not seeing it your way
This admin better then last every step of the way I know you have umptine links that say otherwise but I'm not seeing it your way

of course not....there was a Dem in there and because of that the world turned flat.....but the numbers show....trump has NOT out performed Obama in anything...…..

BUT did you....well never mind I know you didn't......but big corps are the ones that lobby and spend all kinds of money to keep small biz down......I posted an article on it yesterday I think....and I think it was on this big biz and lobbying has to do with a lot of how small biz goes

Big Corporations and Big Government Go Hand in Hand

One policy issue that should unify individuals of all political persuasions is opposing corporate welfare. Progressives tend to oppose big corporations while conservatives and libertarians despise big government. The truth is that big corporations and big government go hand-in-hand. Washington Examiner writer Timothy Carney states that, “as the federal government has progressively become larger over the decades, every significant introduction of government regulation, taxation, and spending has been to the benefit of some big business.” We must stand together and call for an end to all forms of corporate welfare.

Why do big corporations lobby for more regulation? As Matt Ridley notes, “they are addicted to corporate welfare, they love regulations that erect barriers to entry to their small competitors.” Government regulation championed by major corporations is far more likely to significantly hurt their smaller rivals. Politically connected big corporations are fully aware that these harmful regulations will help to wipe out their competition. And that’s the plan.

so what trump did does favor you...….he wiped out a lot of those big regs……….but it also put trump on big biz ******* list
can't find the article i was looking for...but big biz not happy with trump

Trump and big business collide as NAFTA teeters - The ...
Trump and big business collide as NAFTA teeters On the eve of this week’s NAFTA talks, the fifth of seven scheduled rounds, the uncompromising U.S. stance now risks scuppering a 23-year-old ...

First Read: Trump Clashes with Big Business - NBC News
Jun 29, 2016 · First Read: Trump Clashes with Big Business. ... Maybe the most remarkable part of Donald Trump’s anti-trade speech yesterday was the reaction from Republican-leaning big-business
go ahead and live in your fantasy world...….the rest of the country knows better

The U.S. economy grew faster than the other original NATO members by a wider margin under President Obama than any other president in modern history. This is typically attributed to the U.S.'s decision to stimulate the economy in 2009 rather than implementing austerity measures as the other original NATO member countries did.
Economic Record: President Obama - Politics That Work

Ranking the Obama Economy
Trump says the last eight years have been disastrous. Nope, not when compared to other recent presidencies.

Ranking the Obama Economy - Bloomberg
Jan 19, 2017 · Obama took office during the worst recession since the Great Depression, when the economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month and already had lost a record 9 percent of GDP.

An Economic Upturn Begun Under Obama Is Now Trump’s to ...
Aug 10, 2018 · An Economic Upturn Begun Under Obama Is Now Trump’s to Tout By nearly every standard measure, the American economy is doing well — and better than it was a year and a half ago, before Donald J....

The ‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’ - The ...
Claim: “We’ve accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.”
Fact checked by
    • Jobs. Trump regularly (and incorrectly) brags he’s added 4 million jobs since taking office. Regular …
    • Unemployment rate. AD. The unemployment rate is the best it has been in a decade, holding …
    • Employment in population (ages 25-54) AD. Another indicator of economic growth is the percentage …
    • Stock market. During the 2016 campaign, Trump said the stock market was “in a big, fat bubble.” …
    See all full list on
go ahead and live in your fantasy world...….the rest of the country knows better

The U.S. economy grew faster than the other original NATO members by a wider margin under President Obama than any other president in modern history. This is typically attributed to the U.S.'s decision to stimulate the economy in 2009 rather than implementing austerity measures as the other original NATO member countries did.
Economic Record: President Obama - Politics That Work

Ranking the Obama Economy
Trump says the last eight years have been disastrous. Nope, not when compared to other recent presidencies.

Ranking the Obama Economy - Bloomberg
Jan 19, 2017 · Obama took office during the worst recession since the Great Depression, when the economy was losing 750,000 jobs a month and already had lost a record 9 percent of GDP.

An Economic Upturn Begun Under Obama Is Now Trump’s to ...
Aug 10, 2018 · An Economic Upturn Begun Under Obama Is Now Trump’s to Tout By nearly every standard measure, the American economy is doing well — and better than it was a year and a half ago, before Donald J....

The ‘Trump economy’ vs. the ‘Obama economy’ - The ...
Claim: “We’ve accomplished an economic turnaround of historic proportions.”
Fact checked by
    • Jobs. Trump regularly (and incorrectly) brags he’s added 4 million jobs since taking office. Regular …
    • Unemployment rate. AD. The unemployment rate is the best it has been in a decade, holding …
    • Employment in population (ages 25-54) AD. Another indicator of economic growth is the percentage …
    • Stock market. During the 2016 campaign, Trump said the stock market was “in a big, fat bubble.” …
  • See all full list on
Election will show your delusion Go Trump