Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Are ye daft man - you are the party of raving bozos trying to subvert an election cause you’re a bunch o cry baby sore LOSERS!!!!

want some cheese with that wine>….I have posted it so may times I think my search engine can find it on it's own...but what do you call the treatment you gave Obama
how I feel after trying to converse with people who are batshit just trying to scare some back into the cultcave
I suspect you will feel like the alias as the joker alias you selected for yourself when Trump gets re-elected @subhub174014 . Breathe in and out. Take a break once in awhile. It's not worth raising your ******* pressure over, unless you desire Trump and friends to laugh over your grave? I suspect you are taking this a bit too seriously. :)

I suspect you will feel like the alias as the joker alias you selected for yourself when Trump gets re-elected @subhub174014 . Breathe in and out. Take a break once in awhile. It's not worth raising your ******* pressure over, unless you desire Trump and friends to laugh over your grave? I suspect you are taking this a bit too seriously. :)

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well being about 7 to 1 can get there sometimes...a little short tempered....some people on here really test your patience?.....wasn't so bad when mac got on here a little more.....was going to give this up once...and he talked me into doing more and now he trump getting re-elected...…..the only way he will make it is ….just what he is doing now and about to get impeached for....nothing honest!...….not when the country is divided on impeachment.....but not on re-election....almost 75% of the country does not want him to serve a second if he were to get re-elected I think there would be alot of questions
There's no question except why the polls are so wrong and why you fall so hard for them

and why do you fall so hard for a cult leader and so sure the rest of the country feels like you

did you see the news where there was a confrontation with a voter and Biden....a farmer.....said he would not vote for trump again...but was curious about Biden and his *******....after the confrontation......the farmer said he would still vote for biden…. always vote republican
and why do you fall so hard for a cult leader and so sure the rest of the country feels like you

did you see the news where there was a confrontation with a voter and Biden....a farmer.....said he would not vote for trump again...but was curious about Biden and his *******....after the confrontation......the farmer said he would still vote for biden…. always vote republican
U.S. economy adds 266,000 jobs in November, unemployment rate falls to 3.5%
AOL.COM 21 mins ago
well being about 7 to 1 can get there sometimes...a little short tempered....some people on here really test your patience?.....wasn't so bad when mac got on here a little more.....was going to give this up once...and he talked me into doing more and now he trump getting re-elected...…..the only way he will make it is ….just what he is doing now and about to get impeached for....nothing honest!...….not when the country is divided on impeachment.....but not on re-election....almost 75% of the country does not want him to serve a second if he were to get re-elected I think there would be alot of questions

Easily answered by you and your RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA routine :}
.....wasn't so bad when mac got on here a little more.....was going to give this up once...and he talked me into doing more and now he disappears.
Sorry, subhub, but you know my 4th quarters of the year are very busy negotiating contracts. It'll get better just before Christmas, then get busy again until late January, then my time will free up again Feb-Jun ... then start getting a bit busy again. I'm usually recruiting during the 1st half of the year with that and helping establish new customer contracts until September, then its 4th quarter again.
Besides, I keep getting reported by one of our conservative Trump drone friends, as they don't like what I post, right STIFF? So, tend to agree with you, they're getting a bit sensitive to the Trump situation now. Hard to back a loser when you know he's a loser, and they are now coming to terms with Trump that he definitely is a loser and dragging the Republican party down. I honestly do think Trump is probably a double agent for Russia now. Once Trump's out of the picture, Russians will probably reveal what they had on Trump ... I'm betting it was money laundering as well as some "under age" girls, which are both quite plentiful & popular in Russia.
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I saw it, the key to that video for me if Joe can get that upset over what one voter can say to him, how will he stand up to Trump in a debate?
Joe's always been a mellow guy, Hottobe ... with his age some liberals question his ability to stand up to Trump. Joe's just trying to change that perception they have of him. He's quite capable of holding his own because he's been in politics so long ... he's lived the political events that the younger Republicans and Trump drones try to skew and change. Joe's advantage will be that when Trump starts his BS in debates, Joe will be able to accurately call his BS on the spot ... and THAT is what Trump is worried about and why he doesn't want Biden running against him.
With an unemployment number so low just about everyone that really is looking has a job
Ahhhhhh, always with an ANSWER, right? So, when the economy starts down in early 2020, what's gonna be your EXCUSE then ... the Democrats caused it? LOL
Of course, you won't admit that Trump rode the wave of rising employment right into his first administration ... 74 consecutive months of job growth under Obama ... ohhhhh wait, but those were Burger King & Walmart jobs, right? LOL
Just so you haven't forgotten, when you RIDE A WAVE in, you know that wave is gonna crash at some point, just as it does for a surfer! That wave is just a few months away from crashing ashore ... enjoy the WAVE!
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I'm taking construction contracts into fall 2020 on iron work on multi million dollar homes. This level of client stops spending before slow down. But keep hoping for people to suffer it must be tough being so cynical. My glass is always half full