Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

tell me again why we pulled out of Syria...…..and let our Kurdish allies be slaughtered...…….looks more and more like he was just giving Syria to Russia....and allowing his friends the turks to slaughter our allies....because it sure wasn't to bring troops home like he said!

US military exploring plan to deploy 120,000 troops to ...
The US military briefed President Donald Trump's national-security aides on a revamped plan that could result in the deployment of up to 120,000 troops to the Middle East, according to...

and for those of you who seem to think we don't need any allies we can go it alone!....this guy and his big mouth will have us in war soon....and to top it off our allies are for the most part supporting Iran

US orders new troops to Middle East to counter Iran 'threat'
May 25, 2019 · US President Donald Trump says the deployment of 1,500 additional troops to the Middle East is a "protective" move Washington (AFP) - The United States said it was deploying 1,500 additional troops...

The US warns allies to halt business with Iran - DEBKAfile
US Treasury
official for terrorism and financial intelligence Sigal Mandelker issued a warning Tuesday to governments and private firms to avoid doing business with Iran in breach of the sanctions the US re-imposed after quitting the nuclear deal.

EU fights back to neutralize US sanctions against Iran
May 18, 2018 · The European Union is planning new measures to protect European companies that continue to do business with Iran from US sanctions. ... For the latest business ... EU will not give up without
he was partially right when he said the world was laughing at us...……...what he forgot to mention that they are laughing mostly at him!

Tensions, disputes roil NATO alliance meetings in London; Trump cancels news conference

LONDON – President Donald Trump abruptly canceled a news conference at a NATO leaders' meeting in London on Wednesday after calling Canada's leader Justin Trudeau "two-faced," underscoring some of the political tensions that have come to the fore this year for the military alliance as it turns 70.

Trump said he was calling off the news conference "because we did so many over the past two days," a reference to three lengthy Q&A sessions he held with reporters here. But the timing was unusual and came after Trudeau was shown in a video with other NATO leaders appearing to mock the U.S. president. That followed sharp, public exchanges between Trump and France's President Emmanuel Macron a day earlier.

White House gears up for aggressive effort to defend Trump in Senate as House moves toward impeachment vote

White House signaled Wednesday that it will aggressively defend President Trump in a near-certain Senate impeachment trial in the coming weeks, as legal experts called by House Democrats testified in a contentious hearing that Trump’s Ukraine dealings constitute an impeachable offense.

Barr’s handpicked prosecutor tells inspector general he can’t back right-wing theory that Russia case was U.S. intelligence setup

The prosecutor handpicked by Attorney General William P. Barr to scrutinize how U.S. agencies investigated President Trump’s 2016 campaign said he could not offer evidence to the Justice Department’s inspector general to support the suspicions of some conservatives that the case was a setup by American intelligence, people familiar with the matter said.

they don't have to know anything.....just be loyal to trump no matter what!

Trump nominee who is anti-IVF and surrogacy was deemed unqualified. She was just confirmed.

The latest of President Trump’s confirmed federal judges has been assailed by fellow lawyers for her lack of trial experience and has been lambasted by reproductive rights advocates for her vigorous opposition to abortion, surrogacy and in vitro fertilization.

sure you do...that's why you have been preaching pulling out for several posts now......your man has us close to war with China....Iran and who knows who else.....should that nice to have some allies......but your man has pissed off most of them and wants to break away from the others......with Russia pulling trumps strings and him doing their bidding Russia would like nothing more than to see NATO broken up...hell even with NATO he still walked in and took Crimea....our only recourse out side of war was to boot him from what was the g8....and with him following Russia's bidding agin against Ukraine...we turn our backs on them...Russia march right in.....Putins goal is to get the old USSR back...and with trumps help he might get it....

in case you forgot....Russia is the enemy...….and Russia NEEDs those states to grow and survive

Russia’s population could shrink to about 110 million in 2050. Although the UN projects a population fo about 132 million in 2050. By 2050, Poland and Ukraine with some NATO support would probably have the economic and military might to resist a conventional Russian attack.
Russia is weak and has a rapidly aging and shrinking ...…

Population Decline in Russia - ThoughtCo
Russia's Population Set to Decline From 143 Million Today to 111 Million in 2050. Today, Russia's population is approximately 143 million. The United States Census Bureau estimates that Russia's population will decline from the current 143 million to a mere 111 million by 2050, a loss of more than 30 million people and a decrease of more than 20%.

Why Russia is Shrinking Fast - YouTube
Apr 20, 2019 · The Insane Russian Plan to Conquer the World - Duration: 9:29. RealLifeLore 1,514,414 views

Seven Reasons Why Russia Wants to Keep Ukraine All to Itself
    1. Russia has designs on Ukraine’s natural gas pipelines. Gas has long been an explosive issue …
    2. Russia considers Ukraine a 'mini me' Back in the days of the Russian Empire, the term “Little …
    3. Without Ukraine, there is no Eurasian Union. Poroshenko once described the collapse of the Soviet Union …
    4. Russia believes Russian and Ukrainian history is inextricably linked. From the Russian point of …

Why does Poroshenko want Crimea anyway? - EUobserver
Mar 17, 2014 · If Poroshenko is to be believed, his campaign in Crimea, and potentially other parts of Ukraine, is to protect ethnic Russians from far-right elements in the new government in Kiev. It sounds laudable, until you look at how he treats Russian people at home.

3 Reasons Why Poroshenko Wants Crimea To Be Part Of Russia So Badly
  • Published: Mar 18, 2014

    1. Black Gold. During his address on Crimea, Poroshenko says the region "in the people's heart of hearts" …
    2. Fear of Revolution. Before Poroshenko got involved, Crimea was considered a hidden tourist location, …
    3. straight-up Power. This is a man who has at least two shirtless photos of himself on his "personal …
I was making a joke about pulling out in general but we need to let the world be there own babys9
I was making a joke about pulling out in general but we need to let the world be there own babys9

proven more than once we have stuck our nose in where we shouldn't have....(Iraq being a good example) and it has nothing to do with NATO.....not sure why we feel we have to be the worlds babysitter......but NATO is important because of Russia....and now more than ever with them trying to spread their influence all over the world....Ukraine is one of our better moves...if trump doesn't fuck it up trying to give it to Russia......all we have to do is give them troops at all

that being said.....just like china and their manmade Island trying to take over that part of the ocean...…..we are letting Russia do all kinds of building in the northern artic....more than close enough for missiles……..they are just moving in and setting up shop and we are doing nothing…….might come back to haunt us one day
was making a joke about pulling out in general but we need to let the world be there own babys9
There's a lot of responsibility that comes with being a Super Power. Its like a parent with several children; one of parent's responsibility to discourage fighting among all the *******. If you don't manage the 2 ******* fighting, eventually the fighting involves the other ******* as they choose sides. Unfortunately, we have a president with a 5-8 year old mentality running the country like a single mom.
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There's a lot of responsibility that comes with being a Super Power. Its like a parent with several children; one of parent's responsibility to discourage fighting among all the *******. If you don't manage the 2 ******* fighting, eventually the fighting involves the other ******* as they choose sides. Unfortunately, we have a president with a 5-8 year old mentality running the country like a single mom.
I parent my ******* try parenting mine and it won't be ******* fighting. Nato is a waste of money.

If these figures are correct, it means the US spends 75% of all NATO military expenditures.
US is basically NATO. That's unbalanced and unsustainable.

If the NATO countries don't want to spend more, then US should spend less on its military.

Imagine if we reduced military expenditures to 2% of GDP. We would save $303 billion per year. That is really money we could use in various wonderful, currently pie in the sky social programs.

European countries are very capable of defending themselves. Russia doesn't have the economy or the manpower or the technology to truly threaten Europe if Europeans were determined to fight.
South Korea and Japan vastly outclass North Korea whether in numbers, technology, military expenditure or even natural resources.
Saudi Arabia and Sunni allies outnumber Iran and Shiite allies and have a total economy that is many times bigger.
If the US spent less on its military and pulled out of all these areas, they still won't go to hell.
If these figures are correct, it means the US spends 75% of all NATO military expenditures.
US is basically NATO. That's unbalanced and unsustainable.

If the NATO countries don't want to spend more, then US should spend less on its military.

Imagine if we reduced military expenditures to 2% of GDP. We would save $303 billion per year. That is really money we could use in various wonderful, currently pie in the sky social programs.

European countries are very capable of defending themselves. Russia doesn't have the economy or the manpower or the technology to truly threaten Europe if Europeans were determined to fight.
South Korea and Japan vastly outclass North Korea whether in numbers, technology, military expenditure or even natural resources.
Saudi Arabia and Sunni allies outnumber Iran and Shiite allies and have a total economy that is many times bigger.
If the US spent less on its military and pulled out of all these areas, they still won't go to hell.

you really don't have a clue do you?

for a school teacher that has been around a while I would think you knew more than that
I come to the sad conclusion that Dems will NEVER tire of running their mouths - I’m sick of listening to them whine.

The reason Dems will lose in 2020 is because all they do is run their mouth - President Trump in spite of the anchor that is the Dems - tries to get shite done - people see this :}