Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Instead of putting her down, how about you come up with your own argument, and not all your ridiculous propaganda.
You don't you answer her intelligent input with the amazing wisdom you claim to possess.

well had you paid attention....which you have shown on numerous occasions to not would see I have posted several posts on it....and naturally from a cult member facts are just something to be ignored....before you just run off at the mouth look at some of the previous posts and statements I made with/for allfor
All ya have is your weak pathetic identity politics - CULT - I laugh in your face : }

well that's because there seems to be a lot of cult members that hang out here and spout *******...….if you notice a dem will get on say something and not be back for a month...….so that doesn't mean they aren't around....or all that bullshit you buy from a snakeoil salesman is true..…..facts bother you people because they are not what you want to hear

laughing would be at some of your crying posts
It's % based

and like I told you before.....the haves have to pay for the have nots......same as here with taxes...….why do you think a guy making a hundred grand a year pays more than someone barely surviving...…….there are some countries in NATO...small and barely getting by....look at Italy...real trouble...can't pay back what they borrowed from the EU

and NATO was never created about is about countries banding together to protect one another from an invader!

Today, the main purpose of NATO is to aid the world in the War on Terror, and destroy the weapons of mass destruction. It aims to curb violence and extremism by intervening in an appropriate manner, whether militarily or diplomatically.

NATO: Definition, Purpose, History, Members
Dec 12, 2018 · NATO's primary purpose was to defend member nations from threats by communist countries. The United States also wanted to maintain a presence in Europe. It sought to prevent a resurgence of aggressive nationalism and foster political union.
Dem don’t get humor - except their own weird version of it - saying cult a million times they think is funny !!!!

just facts....I always thought it to be true......and then I saw it on the net and knew there were others that think the same thing....even cult specialist compare it to others.....facts are facts
just facts....I always thought it to be true......and then I saw it on the net and knew there were others that think the same thing....even cult specialist compare it to others.....facts are facts

Once again Dem propaganda facts are facts only to rabid Dems - to those who can think independently of party identity politics it is merely easily discernible horseshite.
Instead of putting her down, how about you come up with your own argument, and not all your ridiculous propaganda.
You don't you answer her intelligent input with the amazing wisdom you claim to possess.

well just like another couple of them on is not what it appears to be...…..and I just don't have a lot of time for those types to begin with....but there are a lot of phonies on this board.....don't get around it much...but I can not believe all the ones who are nothing like what they say they are...or are who they claim to be for the answer....I have answered that same statement a couple of times from allfor…..just because you guys skip over anything factual that is not my fault
I come to the sad conclusion that Dems will NEVER tire of running their mouths - I’m sick of listening to them whine.

The reason Dems will lose in 2020 is because all they do is run their mouth - President Trump in spite of the anchor that is the Dems - tries to get shite done - people see this :}

sometimes I am amazed you can even type with all those crocodile tears you have all the time.....trump is not trying to get anything done other than get himself re-elected so he can please mom Russia and fatten his wallet.....there could come a time when he is charged with treason