Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Watching the judiciary committee hearing - what a total sham - 3 to 1 odds - is that the Dem idea of fair ? Wouldn’t 2 to 2 be a fair representation. You Dems have a strange sense of what is fair if ya think 3 to 1 odds are fair : |
Those odds are what it takes for them to impeach Trump. Fortunately the Senate will stop it and the campaigning can continue, the Democrats can eventually select their leader that will lose to Trump, Trump will be inaugurated in 2021, and the Dems can scream not their President immediately afterwards to continue the cycle? Then MrPutin and Russia intervening with the election might get old, so the Dems might spin that Trump is President Xi's puppet from China in Trump's new term? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :unsure:
They’ll definitely be howling and whining about something or other - they’re all looking like a bunch of sore LOSER bozos now - and have NOTHING to run on - hoping for an illegitimate impeachment to save their collective arses - good luck with that ;}
trump found out he was being laughed at.....guess he didn't like late to not be the world fool

In new NATO spat, Trump calls Canada’s Trudeau ‘two-faced’

WATFORD, England —
President Trump began his second day at the NATO summit by again taking a shot at another leader in the alliance, this time Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Trump reacted angrily Wednesday to a video that appeared to show Trudeau mocking him with other allies. “Well, he’s two-faced,” Trump complained to reporters. “He’s a nice guy. I find him to be a nice guy. But the truth is, I called him out on the fact that’s he’s not paying 2% and I guess he’s not very happy about it.”

Trump was referring to his demand that NATO members honor a goal to spend 2% of their gross domestic product on defense.
(his excuse)

Trump’s comments came after a group of NATO leaders appeared to have been caught in an unguarded exchange on camera apparently gossiping about the president’s behavior.
(the fact)

In images recorded during a reception in London at Buckingham Palace Tuesday evening, Trudeau was seen standing in a huddle with French President Emmanuel Macron — with whom Trump bickered on Tuesday — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Britain’s Princess Anne, ******* of Queen Elizabeth II.

After Johnson asked Macron, “is that why you were late?” Trudeau could be heard saying “he was late because he takes a 40-minute press conference off the top.” That appeared to be a reference to Trump’s long and unscheduled question-and-answer session with journalists earlier Tuesday. The president bantered with reporters for more than two hours, sitting casually in a salon of Winfield House, the manicured estate of the U.S. ambassador to Britain.

Trudeau also said: “You just watched his team’s jaws drop to the floor.”

Trump wasn’t mentioned by name during the exchange.
Way to Go Mr President Donald Trump!!!!!
The coverage of the judiciary impeachment hearing is sickening watching the glee with which the so OBVIOUSLY biased reporters are behaving :{

People can’t help but see the bias in the hearing or the reporting regarding it - just REALLY pisses me off - and - I am NOT alone
we have it others don't...similar to the rich paying more in taxes.....when a lot of the poor just doesn't have the money....the country still needs to run....and ******* from those who just don't have will not help the situation......and to go along with that....when it does come to war....who are the ones sent off to war...not the rich *******...….NATO was formed to have an alliance against evil.....Russia...china...whom at some time we might need help against
NATO is a waste
People can’t help but see the bias in the hearing or the reporting regarding it - just REALLY pisses me off - and - I am NOT alone
So FACTS piss you off, huh? Trump & his lawyers have been invited many times to show up and tell THEIR SIDE of the story ... to get their words on record. They've elected NOT to testify.
Democrats are going about the hearing in a very professional and methodical way ... now the professors from Harvard, Princeton, UNC, ect etc are being cross examined by the Republicans ... I've heard very few questions from THEM ... just more OPINIONS from Republicans. No witnesses, no President, no NOTHING ... which is why the world if FED UP with Trump. Once he doesn't get re-elected, he better have him a secret flight out of the country, 'cause that MF is justifiably going to JAIL.
Trump's an idiot, of course, but that said, instead of leaving NATO Trump could just decrease the US contributions to NATO to say 2% until the others up their game. Keep in mind most of these countries are miniscule in size to the US ... there's this saying that goes "to those who have much, much is expected" .... I'm sure Trump would disagree since he's been taking money out of his charity to pay for personal gifts. What a loser Trump is ... it pisses me off as well. Not because of the biasness, but because the MF has been allowed to stay in office as long as he has.
So FACTS piss you off, huh? Trump & his lawyers have been invited many times to show up and tell THEIR SIDE of the story ... to get their words on record. They've elected NOT to testify.
Democrats are going about the hearing in a very professional and methodical way ... now the professors from Harvard, Princeton, UNC, ect etc are being cross examined by the Republicans ... I've heard very few questions from THEM ... just more OPINIONS from Republicans. No witnesses, no President, no NOTHING ... which is why the world if FED UP with Trump. Once he doesn't get re-elected, he better have him a secret flight out of the country, 'cause that MF is justifiably going to JAIL.


Take your pick - you Dems are not only delusional but you’re equally pathetic and disgusting.

Whining sore LOSERS!!!!!!
Actually you do because A$AP Rocky is an American who was in distress in Sweden. Because he is an American Trump intervened quickly. I am unaware of that situation you raised with that family from England, but seeing that they are not American the situation takes a back seat.

No ...Like I said rocky was good for the press.....and had the English deal worked out I'm sure he would have played that card also...but it didn't
hoping for an illegitimate impeachment

similar to...…...

Jimmy Carter Says Trump is an Illegitimate President

Former President Jimmy Carter said he believes President Donald Trump’s election was illegitimate and “he didn’t actually win the election in 2016.” Carter was speaking at at a Carter Center conference on human rights in Virginia with author Jon Meacham when he made the remarks. (First reported by USA Today’s Susan Page.)

no big deal......illegitimate impeachment for an illegitament president......America wins

Take your pick - you Dems are not only delusional but you’re equally pathetic and disgusting.

Whining sore LOSERS!!!!!!

similar to...…

A Walk Down Memory Lane on Republican Obstruction ...
Nov 29, 2019 · …the Republican plot to obstruct President Obama before he even took office, including secret meetings led by House GOP whip Eric Cantor (in …

Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1 - The ...
Aug 10, 2012 · Republicans had it in for Obama before Day 1. Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.) Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves.

Mitch McConnell Brags About Obstructing Obama At Trump's ...
Mitch McConnell Brags About Obstructing Obama At Trump’s Republican Convention. ... Obama vetoed it. Donald Trump would sign it. ... I made another pledge that Obama would not fill his seat.

Republicans Conspiracy, Obstruction and Oath of Office ...
Jun 29, 2014 · The preemptive and unconditional pledge to Norquist by each signer is a knowing and willful repudiation of Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution and the Sixteenth Amendment. The pledge to Norquist makes signers’ oath of office to uphold the Constitution a fraud on the Congress and the American people.

was what it when it was done to Obama?...….my how soon we forget!
Don't mean to break your little bubble, sweetheart, but I rarely EVER read your scribblings. Only reason I responded this time was I have a little more time to post this week.
Suggestions you might consider in 2020 ... start your own threads, put ME on ignore, simply pass over my posts, look for a job in 2020, try to get back with your cheating wife, take that revolver from your desk drawer, put it to your temple and pull the trigger.

View attachment 3008534
You responded to my post in the impeachment thread, so you clearly read it....although your response there, just as those here merely demonstrated your ignorance of the law
The coverage of the judiciary impeachment hearing is sickening watching the glee with which the so OBVIOUSLY biased reporters are behaving :{

People can’t help but see the bias in the hearing or the reporting regarding it - just REALLY pisses me off - and - I am NOT alone

yeah hell there must be a hundred of you
I hate doing it but pulling out is necessary sometimes

sure you do...that's why you have been preaching pulling out for several posts now......your man has us close to war with China....Iran and who knows who else.....should that nice to have some allies......but your man has pissed off most of them and wants to break away from the others......with Russia pulling trumps strings and him doing their bidding Russia would like nothing more than to see NATO broken up...hell even with NATO he still walked in and took Crimea....our only recourse out side of war was to boot him from what was the g8....and with him following Russia's bidding agin against Ukraine...we turn our backs on them...Russia march right in.....Putins goal is to get the old USSR back...and with trumps help he might get it....

in case you forgot....Russia is the enemy...….and Russia NEEDs those states to grow and survive

Russia’s population could shrink to about 110 million in 2050. Although the UN projects a population fo about 132 million in 2050. By 2050, Poland and Ukraine with some NATO support would probably have the economic and military might to resist a conventional Russian attack.
Russia is weak and has a rapidly aging and shrinking ...…

Population Decline in Russia - ThoughtCo
Russia's Population Set to Decline From 143 Million Today to 111 Million in 2050. Today, Russia's population is approximately 143 million. The United States Census Bureau estimates that Russia's population will decline from the current 143 million to a mere 111 million by 2050, a loss of more than 30 million people and a decrease of more than 20%.

Why Russia is Shrinking Fast - YouTube
Apr 20, 2019 · The Insane Russian Plan to Conquer the World - Duration: 9:29. RealLifeLore 1,514,414 views

Seven Reasons Why Russia Wants to Keep Ukraine All to Itself
    1. Russia has designs on Ukraine’s natural gas pipelines. Gas has long been an explosive issue …
    2. Russia considers Ukraine a 'mini me' Back in the days of the Russian Empire, the term “Little …
    3. Without Ukraine, there is no Eurasian Union. Putin once described the collapse of the Soviet Union …
    4. Russia believes Russian and Ukrainian history is inextricably linked. From the Russian point of …

Why does Putin want Crimea anyway? - EUobserver
Mar 17, 2014 · If Putin is to be believed, his campaign in Crimea, and potentially other parts of Ukraine, is to protect ethnic Russians from far-right elements in the new government in Kiev. It sounds laudable, until you look at how he treats Russian people at home.

3 Reasons Why Putin Wants Crimea To Be Part Of Russia So Badly
  • Published: Mar 18, 2014
    1. Black Gold. During his address on Crimea, Putin says the region "in the people's heart of hearts" …
    2. Fear of Revolution. Before Putin got involved, Crimea was considered a hidden tourist location, …
    3. straight-up Power. This is a man who has at least two shirtless photos of himself on his "personal …