Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Those that gain the most should pay the most .nato will never protect us without our money they can't function the need equal support from everyone

that would be your typical American greed talking.....what's your complaint anyway......trump just cut 700,000 off food stamps to pay for your tax break.....the same mentality would apply
We could take it from nato

you really don't care it is coming from the needy.....anything that stops you from having to pay or prevents you from getting more in your pocket

that is what is killing America today....greed....and back in the 60"s Khrushchev said it would enable them to take over this country

how about we take it from all the money we give Wal-Mart mcdonalds and wall street and others
you really don't care it is coming from the needy.....anything that stops you from having to pay or prevents you from getting more in your pocket

that is what is killing America today....greed....and back in the 60"s Khrushchev said it would enable them to take over this country

how about we take it from all the money we give Wal-Mart mcdonalds and wall street and others
We don't give companies money we make them pay less. You can't see the difference
Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies ...
The report estimates that Walmart and the Walton family—which co-founded the company and still owns a majority share—collectively profit from nearly $7.8 billion per year in federal subsidies ...

and that doesn't even go into the tax breaks we give them every time they build a new store

Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years ...
Nov 07, 2016 · Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later ... continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government data. ... At least the money being paid to the banks is ...

Government invests $260 million in McDonald's and other ...
Jul 06, 2016 · Government invests $260 million in McDonald's and other fast-food. The Government has invested more than $262 million into fast-food chains and soft-******* companies. The New Zealand Superannuation Fund and ACC have put money into businesses such …
US companies hoarding $2.5 trillion in cash overseas ...
US companies are 'hoarding' a record $2.5 trillion in cash overseas. "In addition, a disproportionate share of the total is still accounted for by firms in the technology and pharmaceutical sectors. Pharmaceutical firms now hold around 27% of the total, while the share accounted for by IT firms has risen to almost 40%, up from just 12% back in 2002.".

American Companies Keep Sending Thousands of Jobs Overseas
Jan 12, 2018 · The lost jobs at Carrier are just a fraction of the more than 5,000 positions parent company United Technologies has sent overseas in the past couple of decades, according to a report from Public Citizen, even though the company was awarded roughly $6.5 billion in government contracts in 2016.

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
Apr 21, 2018 · The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump. In fact, according to employment data charted by Good Jobs Nation and Public Citizen, federal contractors alone outsourced 10,269 jobs while taking over $19 billion in government money. Never before in U.S. history have federal contractors sent so many jobs overseas.
Walmart benefits from billions in government subsidies ...
The report estimates that Walmart and the Walton family—which co-founded the company and still owns a majority share—collectively profit from nearly $7.8 billion per year in federal subsidies ...

and that doesn't even go into the tax breaks we give them every time they build a new store

Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years ...
Nov 07, 2016 · Taxpayers are still bailing out Wall Street, eight years later ... continue to receive billions in bailout money, according to government data. ... At least the money being paid to the banks is ...

Government invests $260 million in McDonald's and other ...
Jul 06, 2016 · Government invests $260 million in McDonald's and other fast-food. The Government has invested more than $262 million into fast-food chains and soft-******* companies. The New Zealand Superannuation Fund and ACC have put money into businesses such …
That bottom article is New Zealand
they used to be facts to everyone until trump came along and told you what to believ

They used to be facts in the time of Walter Chronkite and even Tim Russett now it’s just all Dem talking points and propaganda - media has lost all their credibility.
I come to the sad conclusion that Dems will NEVER tire of running their mouths - I’m sick of listening to them whine.
The reason Dems will lose in 2020 is because all they do is run their mouth - President Trump in spite of the anchor that is the Dems - tries to get shite done - people see this :}
Well, AGAIN I'll ask YOU for the specifics of Trump's "getting things done" ... like what, specifically? Start with his campaign promises ... those should be the easy ones. He ran on these promises ... its why people voted for him. Could you give the forum a status update?
• Wall that MEXICO would pay for:​
• Middle class tax cuts:​
• Healthcare Insurance much better & less expensive than PPACA:​
• ******* PPACA ?​
• Buying health insurance across state lines​
• End birthright citizenship​
• Elimination of Nat'l Debt?​
• No cuts to Medicare​
• Defund Planned Parenthood​
• Revitalize US Steel Industry​
• Grow US economy by 4% per year​
• Create 10 million new jobs first term​
• Term Limits on congress members​
• Create economic boom greater than Obama's​
..... on and on his failed promises pile UP and UP​
While the Nat'l debt and deficit spending continue to get greater and the US continues losing International Respect.​
blkdlaur .......YOUR TURN!
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sometimes I am amazed you can even type with all those crocodile tears you have all the time.....trump is not trying to get anything done other than get himself re-elected so he can please mom Russia and fatten his wallet.....there could come a time when he is charged with treason

O how you DO perseverate : |
Charging less tax is not investing
EXCUSE MEEEEEEEEE?????? Then what is Supply Side Economics ... ak Trickle Down ... ak VooDoo Economics??????
'Cause THAT is the way the Republicans have been explaining it for over forty years ... invest in the Rich & Corporations with tax cuts and they'll create new US jobs and provide higher "pay" for their workers. Its an investment! Its the noun word for the verb, "invest".
So, are you NOW telling me that was all a LIE?
(((( gasp!!!))))
They used to be facts in the time of Walter Chronkite and even Tim Russett now it’s just all Dem talking points and propaganda - media has lost all their credibility.
only in theyes of the trumptards…..there is a reason there are about 10 or 11 different sites on the search engine that shows you people ignore facts
That bottom article is New Zealand

will this do....there are so many...

doesn't change the fact that we give American companies more that we pay NATO...maybe not more...but close

How the US Government Helps McDonald’s Sell Junk Food ...
Jun 23, 2014 · How the US Government Helps McDonald’s Sell Junk Food The feds also helped bring you the Taco Bell Cantina Double Steak Quesadilla and several other fast-food gems.

McDonald's spends £10m of taxpayer's cash from ... - mirror
Feb 26, 2012 · McDonald's spends £10m of taxpayer's cash from employment scheme without creating a single job. Firms wasting government money earmarked to get people back into work

How the US government helped McDonald’s climb out of its ...
Oct 29, 2015 · Thank the US government. ... How the US government helped McDonald’s climb out of its sales rut ... “Customers appreciated the change and we

How the US Government Helps McDonald’s Sell Junk Food ...
Jun 23, 2014 · How the US Government Helps McDonald’s Sell Junk Food ... mom Jones was founded as a nonprofit in 1976 because we knew corporations and the wealthy wouldn't fund the type ... Give MoJo at our ...

The Food Industry and The Government | Holistic Health Library
The food industry (like other large corporations) makes large contributions to political candidates, and in turn, these politicians favor them when it comes to legislation. Also, the food industry spends a tremendous amount of money on lobbyists in Washington. In 2004, $51 million was spent on specific food and agriculture lobbying.

The 9 Foods the U.S. Government is Paying You to Eat
The Government is Subsidizing a Fast-Food, Illness-Causing Diet. As you can see in the list above, the U.S. food subsidies are grossly skewed, creating a diet excessively high in grains, sugars, and factory-farmed meats. Notice the omission of vegetables or healthy fats from nuts and seeds.

The public costs of low wages paid by the fast-food industry
Oct 24, 2014 · The public costs of low wages paid by the fast-food industry. More than half the costs, $3.9 billion a year, were due to participation in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). SNAP benefits came to $1.04 billion a year and the EITC support cost $1.91 billion.

Billions in Tax Dollars Subsidize Junk Food Industry | The ...
Jul 25, 2012 · They are the mainstays of the junk food industry. Of the $277 billion spent on farm subsidy programs since 1995, about $81.7 billion went to …

Trump's Grants Giveaway - Trump To Give Out Billions

AdReceive Free Money, Grants & Benefits. Free Money To Stimulate The Economy.
Free Grants Community: Win your part of the billions of dollars awarded in grants, ...