Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

He's a washed up old fart who longs for attention and to fuck someone out of a buck, exactly like Trump. Which is why they get along so well, I guess. That's cool, 'cause he can share the extortion charge with Trump as well.

.... and I'll say again, if he and his cronies didn't have ANYTHING to hide, all they had to do is go in, testify under OATH, tell the TRUTH, and there would be no problems. Hell, neither his lawyer or Trump will commit to answer review charges before Congress now. Both have declined to be present for their hearings tomorrow ... scum bags simply don't want to be put in the position to have to LIE under oath.
You obviously are too stubborn to admit that ... that's fine. Life for Trump will be changing soon!
Now .... FOA!
Good ole MacnLies. Can't admit you were wrong about Rudy being an attorney. And of course, as I still don't understand perjury traps.
Good ole MacnLies. Can't admit you were wrong about Rudy being an attorney. And of course, as I still don't understand perjury traps
yellowball-holdingFuckOffsign.jpg .... never said shyster Rudy wasn't a lawyer ... and as I said, if Trump & his shyster administration were truthful, they wouldn't commit perjury, thus they wouldn't have to worry about being trapped into telling their normal daily quantity of lies.
* perjury = intentional deceit under oath, with the key word being "intentional"

How's your job hunt? Still nothing, huh?
Did you ever get back with your wife?
View attachment 3006402 .... never said shyster Rudy wasn't a lawyer ... and as I said, if Trump & his shyster administration were truthful, they wouldn't commit perjury, thus they wouldn't have to worry about being trapped into telling their normal daily quantity of lies.
* perjury = intentional deceit under oath, with the key word being "intentional"

How's your job hunt? Still nothing, huh?
Did you ever get back with your wife?

Have you EVER heard of anyone under investigation for criminal acts.....dictate who the police can and can not talk to?

seems to be the code of ethics the right would want us to believe is the law
View attachment 3006402 .... never said shyster Rudy wasn't a lawyer ... and as I said, if Trump & his shyster administration were truthful, they wouldn't commit perjury, thus they wouldn't have to worry about being trapped into telling their normal daily quantity of lies.
* perjury = intentional deceit under oath, with the key word being "intentional"

How's your job hunt? Still nothing, huh?
Did you ever get back with your wife?

Except the prosecutor has a ton of leeway in determining what a lie is - it’s entirely his interpretation of what the truth is - so a perjury trap is an easy thing for the prosecutor to spring if he wants to.
The way to avoid lying according to Hillary is to say "I Don't Remember". If President Trump went before congress every time the Democratic party came up with 100% false, made up charges, he could not do his job. If they insist on playing their stupid games with NOTHING to back up their claims, THAT'S RIGHT NOTHING AT ALL, they look like a bunch of immature, spoiled, sore loser babies. They are an insult to America.
The way to avoid lying according to Hillary is to say "I Don't Remember". If President Trump went before congress every time the Democratic party came up with 100% false, made up charges, he could not do his job. If they insist on playing their stupid games with NOTHING to back up their claims, THAT'S RIGHT NOTHING AT ALL, they look like a bunch of immature, spoiled, sore loser babies. They are an insult to America.

your bias is showing again.....making you look terribly stupid
Your criteria for looking stupid is not agreeing with you - to some as me it appears like brilliance ;}

wrong!.….just typical right wing mindfucking…..see it here all the time in this redneck starts a lir tells another and each time it is told....strictly amoungst republicans it gets bigger and bigger....and they buy every bit of it.....I used to love when some here would start in on those right wings lies and bullshit...….and just like you....they don't like the actual facts...….they agreed not to talk politics I didn't....for a while there I would write down some of their lies....come home later look up the facts...print it out and take it the next week...….they hated that......was in the post office a while back and this guy going on about how trump was our savior...….I asked how can that be he is a fucking pervert.....******* hit the fan....he was a deacon in the church...….he accused me of being anti religious.....I cited just some of what trump did and asked where it was ok in the bible......he got mad and left.....several in the post office clapped

the right serves as their own newspaper......discarding any facts...just saying what they it spreads it just gets the time it gets back to the first one it is way out of whack and he says I didn't know all thing about the right.....they all make these rash statements....and believe those statements......and they are for the most part FALSE....2bi used to be real good at pissed when you show him he is wrong.....same with allfor….they all make these crazy inaccurate statements.....I was cutting hottobe some slack....because for the most part you can see he really has no idea what the facts are....and would not believe anything that was posted....he already has it in his mind...… the rest...all right wing mindfucked
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Your criteria for looking stupid is not agreeing with you - to some as me it appears like brilliance ;}
Just because I don't fry my brain on all the leftist propaganda don't mean I couldn't hammer these posts with facts, because I am smart enough not to waste my time trying to drill truth and common sense into those that refuse to open their eyes. As soon as President Trump was elected he had to battle against the sore losing democrats and republicans like Lindsey Graham, John McCain and other life long club members. Trump is bullet proof, no other man could handle all of the attempts to destroy a presidency.
Just because I don't fry my brain on all the leftist propaganda don't mean I couldn't hammer these posts with facts, because I am smart enough not to waste my time trying to drill truth and common sense into those that refuse to open their eyes. As soon as President Trump was elected he had to battle against the sore losing democrats and republicans like Lindsey Graham, John McCain and other life long club members. Trump is bullet proof, no other man could handle all of the attempts to destroy a presidency. us just a couple of your facts....rather than all your bullshit ignore the facts and just make rash statements....and talk about refusing to open your eyes...…..I have documented everything I have chose to ignore it and play the fool

trump is not bullet proof as time will show......a lot be out before the election...…..already half the country does not want him impeached....but 3/4 of the country does NOT want him back

Majority of People Do Not Want Trump to Run for Re ...
Majority of People Do Not Want Trump to Run for Re-Election in 2020, Poll Shows. A November survey conducted for the University of Delaware's Center for Political Communication by RABA Research found that 54 percent of respondents do not feel Trump should run again in 2020, with almost a quarter of Republicans (23 percent) believing their party should pick another presidential …

Donald Trump's 2020 Election Support is Even Lower Than ...
A strong majority of the country does not want President Donald Trump to serve a second term and support for Trump's re-election is even lower than his already poor approval ratings, according to ..
see I don't spout bullshit....I document with facts!
try it sometime you might learn something

and since you rattled my cage let me bring up something else you keep trying to point keep saying god this and god that....almost like you were religious...…..but yet if you are so religious what the fuck are you doing here...on a porn site?

so it would seem not only are you full of *******....but you are also a hypocrite…..and that shows a lot of faults with your religion......supporting a pervert...….and you yourself continue to bring up god and yet daily on a porn site

now you can either pout for a while or do whatever......or join the conversation


but just remember this...….it is the wonderfulness of myself that brings radiance and sunshine into your day
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The way to avoid lying according to Hillary is to say "I Don't Remember". If President Trump went before congress every time the Democratic party came up with 100% false, made up charges, he could not do his job. If they insist on playing their stupid games with NOTHING to back up their claims, THAT'S RIGHT NOTHING AT ALL, they look like a bunch of immature, spoiled, sore loser babies. They are an insult to America.

you seem to forget....she went in front of a "hostile" just wanting to hang her for something...….she not only appeared...she stayed there for 11 hours.....not only will Adolph Shitler not appear...he won't let any of the other criminals involved in the cover-up......nothing to hide....step up and clear things up
see I don't spout bullshit....I document with facts!
try it sometime you might learn something

and since you rattled my cage let me bring up something else you keep trying to point keep saying god this and god that....almost like you were religious...…..but yet if you are so religious what the fuck are you doing here...on a porn site?

so it would seem not only are you full of *******....but you are also a hypocrite…..and that shows a lot of faults with your religion......supporting a pervert...….and you yourself continue to bring up god and yet daily on a porn site

now you can either pout for a while or do whatever......or join the conversation


but just remember this...….it is the wonderfulness of myself that brings radiance and sunshine into your day
You know nothing about me so all your words are worthless, Maybe I am a hypocrite but compare to you I am an amateur. I will give a chance to display your CONGENIAL PERSONALITY by showing us all how I might have DIRECTED A NASTY COMMENT TOWARDS YOU PERSONALLY. With the language and vulgar name calling you constantly use, you have no right to call Nanci an "IT" or Trump supporters a cult or all the other names you use. If a should stop responding to you, it is because it is impossible to win an argument with a fool, and yes that is taught through God's word. Go Trump 2020
You know nothing about me so all your words are worthless, Maybe I am a hypocrite but compare to you I am an amateur. I will give a chance to display your CONGENIAL PERSONALITY by showing us all how I might have DIRECTED A NASTY COMMENT TOWARDS YOU PERSONALLY. With the language and vulgar name calling you constantly use, you have no right to call Nanci an "IT" or Trump supporters a cult or all the other names you use. If a should stop responding to you, it is because it is impossible to win an argument with a fool, and yes that is taught through God's word. Go Trump 2020

that is not the first time for your phoney me ONE post where I called you something vulgar…….think it is just more of that right wing trying to pass off bullshit as facts

well you did get one part of your statement right....and that is a first....YOU are not going to win an argument with me or anyone else that knows what is going might buy into some of the right wing *******...and they might buy yours.....but that by no means makes it factual

you said you was going to stop responding to me twice before already....more of you being a hypocrite…..
wrong!.….just typical right wing mindfucking…..see it here all the time in this redneck starts a lir tells another and each time it is told....strictly amoungst republicans it gets bigger and bigger....and they buy every bit of it.....I used to love when some here would start in on those right wings lies and bullshit...….and just like you....they don't like the actual facts...….they agreed not to talk politics I didn't....for a while there I would write down some of their lies....come home later look up the facts...print it out and take it the next week...….they hated that......was in the post office a while back and this guy going on about how trump was our savior...….I asked how can that be he is a fucking pervert.....******* hit the fan....he was a deacon in the church...….he accused me of being anti religious.....I cited just some of what trump did and asked where it was ok in the bible......he got mad and left.....several in the post office clapped

the right serves as their own newspaper......discarding any facts...just saying what they it spreads it just gets the time it gets back to the first one it is way out of whack and he says I didn't know all thing about the right.....they all make these rash statements....and believe those statements......and they are for the most part FALSE....2bi used to be real good at pissed when you show him he is wrong.....same with allfor….they all make these crazy inaccurate statements.....I was cutting hottobe some slack....because for the most part you can see he really has no idea what the facts are....and would not believe anything that was posted....he already has it in his mind...… the rest...all right wing mindfucked

It must be SO hard being you :|
never said shyster Rudy wasn't a lawyer
Yes you did
Rudy's problem is he THINKS he is a better lawyer than those who actually ARE lawyers.
and as I said, if Trump & his shyster administration were truthful, they wouldn't commit perjury, thus they wouldn't have to worry about being trapped into telling their normal daily quantity of lies.
* perjury = intentional deceit under oath, with the key word being "intentional"
No competent attorney would recommend their client testify in what is so obviously a perjury trap. This is true in a court of law where there are actual triers of fact deciding the veracity. Here there is no court of law and no triers of fact. Rather, this is an inherently political process conducted by triers of their political best interests.

Your problem is you THINK you know more about the law than people (like Rudy) who actually ARE lawyers.

I clearly explained the difference between perjury and perjury traps to you back in the impeachment thread. Not sure why it is so hard to you to comprehend. Just goes to show, some are educable...the rest....well, I suppose the world needs insurance salesmen too.
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The GOP’s circus cleanup: House Republican ‘report’ blurs impeachment reality

At its heart, the Ukraine scandal has been about leverage, shakedowns — and plentiful lies once the plot was exposed.

That continued Monday. House Intelligence Committee Republicans released a “prebuttal” of the committee’s full report, expected to be voted on Tuesday and referred to the Judiciary Committee for impeachment articles.

The GOP report bears little connection to reality: It says President Trump was right to look into “corruption” at Ukrainian company Burisma, where Joe Biden’s ******* Hunter was a board member.

It says the Bidens, mentioned multiple times on that infamous July 25 call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, came up only “in passing

Contrary to multiple witnesses’ sworn testimony, contrary to credible reporting, contrary to White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney’s own public admission, it denies U.S. military aid was ever held back.

The mountain of evidence before your eyes, dear Americans, is actually a molehill of disagreements over “policy initiatives and processes.” So they say.

On cue, Trump added to the spin game by claiming that a Zelensky weekend interview exonerates him.
Actually, Zelensky pointedly said, “We’re at war. If you’re our strategic partner, then you can’t go blocking anything for us. I think that’s just about fairness. It’s not about a quid pro quo. It just goes without saying.” Zelensky also made clear that Trump smeared Ukraine with his claim the new government wasn’t taking corruption seriously.

Focus, America. This isn’t that complicated.