Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Go Trump 2020

funny...… post some right wing bullshit....only to be shown wrong....have no defense so it's go trump

the right has NOT done anything for America in over 50 years!
except to make the income gap bigger and bigger......another thing you see nothing wrong with

hell your party would like nothing better than to see this country go back into slavery...…..with trump supporting the right wing nationalist and the KKK....maybe he is...….

definitely turning our country into another Mexico.....just the well to do while everyone else just survives

Mexico Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and ...
In Mexico, the rich are more likely to be educated. They are more likely to have attended the country's better private schools, and schools in the United States, whereas in the rural villages the state may not provide education beyond the sixth grade.

Wealthy Mexicans' Investment In The United States ... - Forbes
Jun 10, 2013 · Wealthy Mexicans' Investment In The United States Sharply Up in 2012. In 2012, Mexican investment in the U.S. went up by 11% and currently stands at $27.9 billion, the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City recently reported. Many of these investments come from companies controlled by Mexican billionaires such as Grupo Elektra,...


Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated)
Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated) ... Excludes people outside US for more than 10 years of adulthood; this is especially important for Hispanics, who are more likely foreign born. ... 6 Black and Hispanic families lag behind on major wealth-building measures, like
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You haven't shown me anything except your completely delusional And go Trump

like any cult member it is just not what you want to see and not what your leader wants you to post NOTHING that matches what is going on in the real world....only in trump's fantasy world

given any thought to educating you actually do know what is going on
funny...… post some right wing bullshit....only to be shown wrong....have no defense so it's go trump

the right has NOT done anything for America in over 50 years!
except to make the income gap bigger and bigger......another thing you see nothing wrong with

hell your party would like nothing better than to see this country go back into slavery...…..with trump supporting the right wing nationalist and the KKK....maybe he is...….

definitely turning our country into another Mexico.....just the well to do while everyone else just survives

Mexico Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and ...
In Mexico, the rich are more likely to be educated. They are more likely to have attended the country's better private schools, and schools in the United States, whereas in the rural villages the state may not provide education beyond the sixth grade.

Wealthy Mexicans' Investment In The United States ... - Forbes
Jun 10, 2013 · Wealthy Mexicans' Investment In The United States Sharply Up in 2012. In 2012, Mexican investment in the U.S. went up by 11% and currently stands at $27.9 billion, the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City recently reported. Many of these investments come from companies controlled by Mexican billionaires such as Grupo Elektra,...


Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated)
Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated) ... Excludes people outside US for more than 10 years of adulthood; this is especially important for Hispanics, who are more likely foreign born. ... 6 Black and Hispanic families lag behind on major wealth-building measures, like
Instead of posting all of these facts, you must have a solution to all of this that you consider "Problems", what is your answer ole wise one?
funny...… post some right wing bullshit....only to be shown wrong....have no defense so it's go trump

the right has NOT done anything for America in over 50 years!
except to make the income gap bigger and bigger......another thing you see nothing wrong with

hell your party would like nothing better than to see this country go back into slavery...…..with trump supporting the right wing nationalist and the KKK....maybe he is...….

definitely turning our country into another Mexico.....just the well to do while everyone else just survives

Mexico Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and ...
In Mexico, the rich are more likely to be educated. They are more likely to have attended the country's better private schools, and schools in the United States, whereas in the rural villages the state may not provide education beyond the sixth grade.

Wealthy Mexicans' Investment In The United States ... - Forbes
Jun 10, 2013 · Wealthy Mexicans' Investment In The United States Sharply Up in 2012. In 2012, Mexican investment in the U.S. went up by 11% and currently stands at $27.9 billion, the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City recently reported. Many of these investments come from companies controlled by Mexican billionaires such as Grupo Elektra,...


Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated)
Nine Charts about Wealth Inequality in America (Updated) ... Excludes people outside US for more than 10 years of adulthood; this is especially important for Hispanics, who are more likely foreign born. ... 6 Black and Hispanic families lag behind on major wealth-building measures, like
That article from 2012 who was president?
Instead of posting all of these facts, you must have a solution to all of this that you consider "Problems", what is your answer ole wise one?

I don't have one......I just push the lesser of two evils...….and that is not the republican side.....I agree the left makes all kind of solutions....but when the time comes they fall way short.....but the left does NOT make or pass laws that hurt the worker....they do try and look out for health care and a few things the country needs
That article from 2012 who was president?

Nice you could point that out......….Obama…...that was because he was trying to promote biz in America!
unlike the current resident!

Under Trump, American jobs sent overseas hits five-year ...
A new report shows that American jobs are going overseas at a higher volume than average, disproving Donald Trump's claim that he is bringing jobs back to the U.S. Good Jobs Nation analyzed data from the Department of Labor and found that since Trump was elected, 93,000 American jobs have been lost to foreign competition.
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Dem senate presidential candidate Amy Knobblecocker……... hit the nail on the head.....and I'm sure biz going crazy over her comment.....but she is right...…...we don't need more college educated *******...….we do need to help those that want it....but we need more unions and make it easier for Union...…in the next 10 years we will have a 75,000 shortage of electricians and plumbers......….a shortage of carpenters and garbage collectors....instead of looking down on those people and paying them nothing...…….soon this country will find out it NEEDS them
I can see why President Trump would have been really concerned about a perjury trap which I understand is extremely easy to spring for an experienced prosecutor
excuse #109: the old "don't do it, its a trap" excuse! Let's see, Rudy Giuliani, right? Who's ass is now in hot water as well. Rudy's problem is he THINKS he is a better lawyer than those who actually ARE lawyers. As a "legal counsel" I can see why Rudy would be a desirable representative to those who actually dwell in that swamp Trump often talks about. Rudy is a shyster, just like Trump. Thing is, once Trump tries to pass the blame on to Rudy, and Rudy sees that he is likely to go to jail ... he'll squeal like a pig that he is. Pretty much the same for all Trump's "hires" ... once they see Trump will not, or can not, cover for THEM, they will squeal like the pigs THEY ARE. Stay Tuned!
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excuse #109: the old "don't do it, its a trap" excuse! Let's see, Rudy Giuliani, right? Who's ass is now in hot water as well. Rudy's problem is he THINKS he is a better lawyer than those who actually ARE lawyers
Rudy IS a lawyer....he actually graduated with honors. So he is definitely a step above your average ambulance chaser. He didn't graduate summa cum laude as I did, but very few can be so perfect.

As for the perjury trap issue, you clearly demonstrated back in September 18 in the "take the poll...impeachment" thread that you don't have an F'ing clue what a perjury trap is.
Rudy IS a lawyer....he actually graduated with honors. So he is definitely a step above your average ambulance chaser. He didn't graduate summa cum laude as I did, but very few can be so perfect.
He's a washed up old fart who longs for attention and to fuck someone out of a buck, exactly like Trump. Which is why they get along so well, I guess. That's cool, 'cause he can share the extortion charge with Trump as well.
As for the perjury trap issue, you clearly demonstrated back in September 18 in the "take the poll...impeachment" thread that you don't have an F'ing clue what a perjury trap is.
.... and I'll say again, if he and his cronies didn't have ANYTHING to hide, all they had to do is go in, testify under OATH, tell the TRUTH, and there would be no problems. Hell, neither his lawyer or Trump will commit to answer review charges before Congress now. Both have declined to be present for their hearings tomorrow ... scum bags simply don't want to be put in the position to have to LIE under oath.
You obviously are too stubborn to admit that ... that's fine. Life for Trump will be changing soon!
Now .... FOA!
He's a washed up old fart who longs for attention and to fuck someone out of a buck, exactly like Trump. Which is why they get along so well, I guess. That's cool, 'cause he can share the extortion charge with Trump as well.

.... and I'll say again, if he and his cronies didn't have ANYTHING to hide, all they had to do is go in, testify under OATH, tell the TRUTH, and there would be no problems. Hell, neither his lawyer or Trump will commit to answer review charges before Congress now. Both have declined to be present for their hearings tomorrow ... scum bags simply don't want to be put in the position to have to LIE under oath.
You obviously are too stubborn to admit that ... that's fine. Life for Trump will be changing soon!
Now .... FOA!

The TROUBLE is - the scumbags doing the investigation get to decide WHAT the truth is - if you saw what they did to General Flynn - maybe you’d have a CLUE
The TROUBLE is - the scumbags doing the investigation get to decide WHAT the truth is - if you saw what they did to General Flynn - maybe you’d have a CLUE

General Flynn WAS/Is a fucking traitor and still may not get off....the judge who gave him the first verdict...after hearing all the evidence thought he got off to easy but went with the recommendation of the Feds.....although we later found out he still lied about some.....just like the rest of the commie party ...he was in for the money
Yeah - the agents interviewing Flynn even said they thought he didn’t lie. It was sooooooooo evident that the Feds were trying to pressure anyone in Trump’s sphere to rat him out - trouble was there was nothing to rat on him about. You radical Dems are deaf, DUMB and blind.

The Dems are the commie party in this country.
Yeah - the agents interviewing Flynn even said they thought he didn’t lie. It was sooooooooo evident that the Feds were trying to pressure anyone in Trump’s sphere to rat him out - trouble was there was nothing to rat on him about. You radical Dems are deaf, DUMB and blind.

The Dems are the commie party in this country.

Flynn did "rat him out" or weren't you paying attention to that either