Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Trump finally got word of your insults @subhub174014 and as well as countless insults from others and he seems to be itching for a fight as he defends his title as POTUS....
That's funny, or must be another Donald Trump, 'cause the Trump I know won't take anyone on "one on one" in a fair fight. He's like the Emperor in "Gladiator" ... sticks an 8 inch blade in you before he fights you, and THAT IS if he even shows up at all.
I'm confident we've got another for great years coming. I'm curious to see who next Republican that wins after that is.

republican control of anything about to hit a wall....naturally the right thinks things are fine with all the corruption...inflating the deficit ….the tax breaks for the "haves"....but the Dems don't see it that way......and more and more independents don't see it that way...…..independents are the ones that carry and election...….and they are not happy...….look at the midterms......look at the special elections all going dem...look at Virgina congress senate and gov all dem now...….people see the corruption of the right and especially in the white house.....that is the only thing trickle down works on...right wing corruption

Donald Trump's 2020 Election Support is Even Lower Than ...

A strong majority of the country does not want President Donald Trump to serve a second term and support for Trump's re-election is even lower than his already poor approval ratings, according to a new poll released Wednesday and conducted just days after Republicans were served sweeping midterm election losses.

Donald Trump's 2020 Election Support is Even Lower Than ...
A strong majority of the country does not want President Donald Trump to serve a second term and support for Trump's re-election is even lower than his already poor approval ratings, according to …

Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill
Despite the desire to elect Trump's replacement in 2020, a majority of voters, 56 percent, say Trump should not be impeached and compelled to leave office, while 39 percent support impeachment and ...

2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of those surveyed supported a second term

Poll: Majority of Utahns don't want second term for Trump ...
Technically plurality, not majority (biggest chunk, not more than half,) but she certainly won the popular vote. Just like every president besides Trump, Bush Jr, Harrision, Hayes, and John Q Adams. Interestingly, 4 of those 5 cases were the electoral college giving the presidency to a Republican instead of a popular vote winning Democrat.

New Poll: Majority of Florida Voters Don’t Want Trump ...
A newly published survey of Florida voters shows that a majority of them no longer support Donald Trump, meaning his reelection in 2020 is in serious doubt. Florida is the largest swing state ...

CNN Poll: 6 in 10 say Trump does not deserve a second term
CNN Poll: 6 in 10 say Trump does not deserve a second term Overall, the poll paints a picture of a President who has done little to improve negative impressions of him or his work during his time in office.

Five reasons Trump may be a one-termer - The Washington Post
Jan 20, 2019 · In the latest NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll, 43 percent of Republicans want a primary challenger, while only 46 percent do not. The second inauguration

Marx explains why the ruling class does not want a ...
Marx explains why the ruling class does not want a President Trump. By Brian Becker. Oct 03, 2016. ... The bourgeoisie does not trust that Trump will or can manage their ‘common affairs’ ... Ronald Reagan slept through much of his second term and George W. Bush’s biggest accomplishment in life was that he stopped drinking. Political ...

Trump Losing Support Among Part Of His Base
Jan 18, 2019 · Trump Losing Support Among Part Of His Base New polling seems to indicate that President Trump is losing support among an important part of his base.

New poll reveals Donald Trump is losing support from a key ...
Aug 02, 2017 · New poll reveals Donald Trump is losing support from a key part of his base President Donald Trump's poll numbers continue to fall, particularly among his …

Trump is starting to lose his evangelical base when he ...
Jan 19, 2019 · Trump is starting to lose his evangelical base when he needs them most A new poll shows Trump is starting to lose support among conservative white evangelicals, jeopardizing his re-election chances.

Trump Loses Support From His Own Base, Poll Shows | Fortune
Jan 18, 2019 · More than half of registered voters in the U.S. said they disapproved of the job Trump is doing as president. A PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll finds his approval rating down.

President Trump’s own pollster just confirmed his base is ...
Aug 22, 2017 · And now the comparison. Fabrizio suggests that, while his own numbers show Trump's support among the base declining slightly, the GOP Congress is losing support even faster.
President Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in over a hundred years. No man over those hundred years could have withstood all the hate directed at this man over the last 3 years and continued to awake every morning, face all the constant false negatives poured out upon him, and continue to fight on for his supporters and the rest of the people of America. Hatred for him only because he defeated the worst candidate of all time Hillary Clinton. Anyone that truly cares about America, take an hour to view this video no matter what conclusion you come up with.

wouldn't be surprised.....some die hard dems say they are ****** to do it because he broke the law....and now even the right agrees.....but they say not bad enough to impeach....well that is why that law is in there just for that reason....but a lot worry this will drag out into election time and effect the election....and who knows if it will work out for dems or repubs.….and no one wants it to go into the election.....election should just be about is he cutting it or not....I think Pelosi is against the impeachment...but getting pressure to go with it....I would rather just see the inquey keep going exposing all the ******* he is doing and let it go at that....almost 75% of the country does NOT want him back in

Betcha 75% does want him back - more and more the longer the Dems piss people off over impeachment horseshite :}
Every one is sick of the endless bullshit Congress has accomplished what since 2016
Since 2016? You kidding me ... goes back a lot longer than THAT, Allfor. Congress members have been particularly obstructive to their rival party members since Obama took office in 2009. Both parties guilty, but, it was the Republicans who openly announced & laid plans to "make Obama a one-term president" and then did NOTHING for 8 solid years but obstruct Obama & Democrat initiatives. Go back and read recent history ... we all lived it. We all saw it. We all felt it. Eight solid years of obstructing Obama and Democrats ... starting with Newt. You can blame the start of polarization in Washington on the Republicans. Or NOT!
Betcha 75% does want him back - more and more the longer the Dems piss people off over impeachment horseshite :}
All Trump had to do is allow the investigations, starting with Russian-Mueller, to run their course and if Trump was innocent, all this would have been long ago OVER. If Trump had simply allowed the subpoenas to run their course, and he was innocent, all this would have been long ago OVER. Have you given it a miniscule of thought that the reason Trump won't testify, or allow ANY of his people to testify, is because they don't want to commit perjury to begin with by lying under oath? Please don't lie in his defense, blkdlaur. A man who's cheated on 3 wives, a man who's been in over 10,000 lawsuits, a man who's been documented telling lies 7-10 times every day, who's lied on practically all his campaign promises he ran on to get elected. He's not FIT to be a leader of anything, much less one of the highest positions in the world.
But you go on believing his lies and obstructiveness ... I, for one, am going to do MY PART in voting the asshole out of office.
All Trump had to do is allow the investigations, starting with Russian-Mueller, to run their course and if Trump was innocent, all this would have been long ago OVER. If Trump had simply allowed the subpoenas to run their course, and he was innocent, all this would have been long ago OVER. Have you given it a miniscule of thought that the reason Trump won't testify, or allow ANY of his people to testify, is because they don't want to commit perjury to begin with by lying under oath? Please don't lie in his defense, blkdlaur. A man who's cheated on 3 wives, a man who's been in over 10,000 lawsuits, a man who's been documented telling lies 7-10 times every day, who's lied on practically all his campaign promises he ran on to get elected. He's not FIT to be a leader of anything, much less one of the highest positions in the world.
But you go on believing his lies and obstructiveness ... I, for one, am going to do MY PART in voting the asshole out of office.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion but the way General Flynn was handled and several others - only found quilty on process charges such as lying to a Federal agent and in Flynn’s case the investigating agents testified they didn’t even believe he lied - I can see why President Trump would have been really concerned about a perjury trap which I understand is extremely easy to spring for an experienced prosecutor.
Trumps track record speaks for itself ... if he'd lie to all 3 of his wives and to congress, he'd certainly have no reservations of lying to you. Not an ounce of honesty or integrity in his body. That Wall that Mexico was going to pay for ... not only are the American tax payers paying for a wall, but its only been repairs and upgrades ... no NEW wall as he keeps telling the voters on TV. If he were holding a blue ball in his hand, and told you it was red, you suckers would believe every word.
Trumps track record speaks for itself ... if he'd lie to all 3 of his wives and to congress, he'd certainly have no reservations of lying to you. Not an ounce of honesty or integrity in his body. That Wall that Mexico was going to pay for ... not only are the American tax payers paying for a wall, but its only been repairs and upgrades ... no NEW wall as he keeps telling the voters on TV. If he were holding a blue ball in his hand, and told you it was red, you suckers would believe every word.
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You are deluding yourself - but - you should try to get used to President Trump and his lil peccadillos cause he isn’t going anywhere :]
That's funny, or must be another Donald Trump, 'cause the Trump I know won't take anyone on "one on one" in a fair fight. He's like the Emperor in "Gladiator" ... sticks an 8 inch blade in you before he fights you, and THAT IS if he even shows up at all.
I haven't heard from you in awhile @MacNfries . I guess in exchange for that first hand information that you seem to know so well about your belovèd President Donald Trump ?? you must have spent some time healing from your wounds (maybe somewhere on your torso?) inflicted by him on a one-on-one conflict with you where he called off his presidential security to work off some stress with you? If so, I am glad you are recuperating well and hopefully you learned not to cross your POTUS again.

Here are some retroactive get well soon flowers for you by the way....
? ????????

GO TRUMP 2020!
And here is one where a surprise third candidate makes his presence known for 2020 where he proves his credentials by besting both Trump and Hillary. Enjoy....

Every one is sick of the endless bullshit Congress has accomplished what since 2016

yes they are....the right does nothing but cater to the Russian plant and Russia....that is who is paying them
Now you sound like Bldlaur…..careful your right wing insensitivity is people didn't get the name party of NO for nothing

569 House-passed bills await action in the Senate | TheHill
The House has sent 768 bills to the Senate this Congress, and 569 of them have yet to pass the upper chamber.

Mitch McConnell has blocked over 100 bills in just 4 months
Since January, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has prevented over 100 bills that have passed in the House from even coming up for a vote. His actions obstruct and ignore legislation that millions of Americans backed by electing a Democratic House majority in 2018. "We have multiple, House-passed bills awaiting action.

In Senator Mitch McConnell’s Legislative Graveyard, Senate ...
Nov 05, 2019 · LEADER MCCONNELL HAS BURIED COMMONSENSE, BIPARTISAN PROPOSALS PASSED BY THE HOUSE IN HIS LEGISLATIVE GRAVEYARD. More than 250 bills passed by the House are awaiting legislative action in the Senate, including: H.R.986, Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act, which passed the House with bipartisan support.